Back to stock - HTC One X+

Get phone back to stock after root + installing android revolution.
Now is this actually possible for the one x+ ?
If so, how do i do it ?
I have the norwegian version of the HTC one x+, so i need to download the original rom from somewhere..
CID is HTC_Y13
Radio- 3.1204.168.32
Hboot 1.35.0000
Would be much appreciated with some help
EDIT2: - Which developer should i use ? And what version ? can`t seem to find mine in there

ENRC2B should have the one you are looking for.


[Q] downgrade software version

hi guys,:laugh:
i have a simple question..
Is there a way to downgrade from software version 1.17.707.1 to lesser version
so that i can use released ruus for my htc one x+
please help me on this one...:fingers-crossed:
and please give a, sure will do suggestion
you need S-OFF
you cant...
only one option for you...install ruu
need ruu 1.17.707.1 asia just clik

[Q] Help: İ need ruu gcc location

Hey all:
i have an unlocked HTC one x plus with ANdroid Revolution HD 4.2.2 Rom Sense 5.0 running.i have not nandroid back up.i need ruu
Now i want to go back to HTC Stock Rom.I could not find for two months
My Info:
CİD No:Htc__j15
HBOOT: 1.72.0000
Please help!
There is no RUU for you. Your bootloader version is too high.
Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk
what must do i ?

I got fraustarted by this !!! help me out if you can..ASAP

Hello XDA Community,
I just recieved this Phone HOX+.
I am little bit confused whether it's international or ATT bcoz when I got this phone it was already S-off, Unlocked and Rooted.
I had this specs ago :
It has stock ROM comes with the phone and yes the recovery is of Teamwin
My Mobile's Specs Before flashing ROM ( Came with my Phone) :
Android version : 4.2.2
HTC sense : 5.0
software number : Elegancia_6.2.0
HTC SDK API level : 5.41
Baseband version : 1.09.55_17_18.20.95.55L
Build number: 2.15.502 CL280456 release-keys
unfortuntely I flashed the Elegancia_5.7 so I Downgraded to android 4.1.1 and sense 4+ which is very ugly..
My Mobile's Specs After flashing ROM ( Came with my Phone) :
Now there below this are not working.
Android version : 4.1.1
HTC sense : 4+
software number : Elegancia_5.7.0
HTC SDK API level : 4.63
Baseband version : 1.09.55_17_18.20.95.55L
Build number: 1.19.502.1 CL161932 release-keys
3.)SDcard is Unavailable
My Problems :
1.) How can I know whether my Phone is ATT or Internation after the above specs?
2.) How can I fix the problems I stated?
3.) How can I go to the previous state before flashing I mentioned above?
[email protected] said:
Hello XDA Community,
I just recieved this Phone HOX+.
I am little bit confused whether it's international or ATT bcoz when I got this phone it was already S-off, Unlocked and Rooted.
I had this specs ago :
It has stock ROM comes with the phone and yes the recovery is of Teamwin
My Mobile's Specs Before flashing ROM ( Came with my Phone) :
Android version : 4.2.2
HTC sense : 5.0
software number : Elegancia_6.2.0
HTC SDK API level : 5.41
Baseband version : 1.09.55_17_18.20.95.55L
Build number: 2.15.502 CL280456 release-keys
unfortuntely I flashed the Elegancia_5.7 so I Downgraded to android 4.1.1 and sense 4+ which is very ugly..
My Mobile's Specs After flashing ROM ( Came with my Phone) :
Now there below this are not working.
Android version : 4.1.1
HTC sense : 4+
software number : Elegancia_5.7.0
HTC SDK API level : 4.63
Baseband version : 1.09.55_17_18.20.95.55L
Build number: 1.19.502.1 CL161932 release-keys
3.)SDcard is Unavailable
My Problems :
1.) How can I know whether my Phone is ATT or Internation after the above specs?
2.) How can I fix the problems I stated?
3.) How can I go to the previous state before flashing I mentioned above?
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An ATT hox + has the att symbol at the top. I have never flashed englacia but since most of the hox + are not s-off, the developer probably didn't put for the boot img to flash at recovery OR its because you went back to an old sense version. After you do an ruu, most things like radio and sd card doesn't work if u flashed an outdated Rom that uses and older radio (experience from another HTC phone) . If your still confused on your phone, go to boot loader and if it says evitareul it's att. To fix the problem, just find out what model youu have (att or international) and flash the correct version of englacia .
Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk
Thanks for ur quick reply..
I just checked in the bootloader
And I got the following info..
Check it what it says...
CID 11111111
HBOOT- 1.32.0000
Radio-SSD -
And yeah at the top of my phone its just HTC not anything else..
Plz check the details I got from Boatloader to be sure...correct hardware..
[email protected] said:
Thanks for ur quick reply..
I just checked in the bootloader
And I got the following info..
Check it what it says...
CID 11111111
HBOOT- 1.32.0000
Radio-SSD -
And yeah at the top of my phone its just HTC not anything else..
Plz check the details I got from Boatloader to be sure...correct hardware..
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You've got an AT&T version. International version's name is ENRC2B (instead of EVITARE_UL)
Thank you to all guys..
Finally I Downloaded the Enargacia 6.3 for ATT and flashed it
Then I downloaded that native hotspot patch. .
My phone is working 100%.
Another thing I want to know is ... Can't we update ATT device to 4.4 ?
Since I haven't found any ROM regards
Sent from my HTC One X+ using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
[email protected] said:
Thanks for ur quick reply..
I just checked in the bootloader
And I got the following info..
Check it what it says...
CID 11111111
HBOOT- 1.32.0000
Radio-SSD -
And yeah at the top of my phone its just HTC not anything else..
Plz check the details I got from Boatloader to be sure...correct hardware..
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You have the TELUS model of the HOX+ (since you have the HTC logo on front). It's almost exactly similar to the AT&T one, and thus, all AT&T ROMS can be flashed onto it.
[email protected] said:
Thank you to all guys..
Another thing I want to know is ... Can't we update ATT device to 4.4 ?
Since I haven't found any ROM regards
Sent from my HTC One X+ using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Nope; we can't. The devs pretty much gave up on the AT&T version because it was very difficult to get things working.
As a result the highest we can go is 4.2.2. Also, no fully functional CM versions either unfortunately.
reaper90 said:
You've got an AT&T version. International version's name is ENRC2B (instead of EVITARE_UL)
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i had same specs but the phone said htc one xl+. no one knows about it. but when i used att ruu. it changed to htc one x+. please help me to change it back
thaks in advance!
---------- Post added at 10:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:20 AM ----------
CID 11111111
HBOOT- 1.32.0000
Radio-SSD -
But my phone said HTC One XL+
when i used att ruu it turned HTC One X+
but it is now full of att apps
please help me to turn it back!
Thanks in Advance!
---------- Post added at 10:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:27 AM ----------
[email protected] said:
Thanks for ur quick reply..
I just checked in the bootloader
And I got the following info..
Check it what it says...
CID 11111111
HBOOT- 1.32.0000
Radio-SSD -
And yeah at the top of my phone its just HTC not anything else..
Plz check the details I got from Boatloader to be sure...correct hardware..
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Click to collapse
I have the same details. But my about phone says HTC One XL+.

Looking for RUU compatible with my htc one m7

XDA_ I want to find a compatible RUU for my Htc One M7 International. Pls help me to find it. I tried jellybean ruu. After installed it. my camera* doesn't work and can't update my Htc One. I'm truly believe you guys. Pls help me to find a correct RUU. Send me downlodble link. This is M7_UL version,
Model ID - PN0710000
CID Num - 11111111

Need HTC One Max International firmware 4.14.707.11

Anyone can help me finding this firmware for my HTC One Max International ver i messed up with my device right now and need to revert bak everything to stock, currently my HBoot is Unlocked (Tampered) and S-On :crying:
Whenever i relock my oem i experienced Security problem displayed on HBoot :crying:
Found what im looking for

