Open Source archive Jelly Bean from developer world - Sony Xperia P, U, Sola, Go
Lets hope this will help porting and CM development.

Link is not opening.. Saying wrong page
Sent from my LT26i using xda premium

Just remove the "www". It will work.

Its bz2 format
For linux
I need to learn new things
Bt first I need fast internet and ubuntu

WhatTF!!! Is Sony doing

At last after 6 months :banghead:
Sent from my Xperia U using xda app-developers app

They removed link,something was is that should not be.
Someone who downloaded please upload I need to check what was that thing.

XperianPro said:
They removed link,something was is that should not be.
Someone who downloaded please upload I need to check what was that thing.
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It's still there
Sent from my ST25i using xda app-developers app

XperianPro said:
They removed link,something was is that should not be.
Someone who downloaded please upload I need to check what was that thing.
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Link is still working
Sent from my Xperia U using xda app-developers app

XperianPro said:
They removed link,something was is that should not be.
Someone who downloaded please upload I need to check what was that thing.
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Its there dear friend, please someone download as fast as you can.

crazy.vikas23 said:
Link is still working
Sent from my Xperia U using xda app-developers app
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"Page not found"
I really need this Who download it??

Yeah page is removed. But download is still there.

crazy.vikas23 said:
Yeah page is removed. But download is still there.
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Ok it's working I think i can boot it in 2 hours on XU

DevSwift1 said:
Ok it's working I think i can boot it in 2 hours on XU
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DevSwift1 said:
Ok it's working I think i can boot it in 2 hours on XU
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Great !! :good:

DevSwift1 said:
Ok it's working I think i can boot it in 2 hours on XU
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Really waiting for those 2 hours to pass.

Jb kernel ported Now system

DevSwift1 said:
Ok it's working I think i can boot it in 2 hours on XU
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OK, it's night here, so it's almost time to sleep. Two hours is not really a big deal.
Good luck devswift1 and brace yourself, lots of thanks are coming.
Sent from my ST25i using Tapatalk 2

DevSwift1 said:
Jb kernel ported Now system
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Good luck devswift1 :good:


Mod please delete this thread!

delete pls
delete pls
So this is the surprise..
Sent from my ST15i using xda premium
I thought you already had an aosp rom, what's the difference between the two?
Sent from my ST15i using XDA
Nice! but i don't understood what really changes compared with another roms like that T_T
ani55 said:
I thought you already had an aosp rom, what's the difference between the two?
Sent from my ST15i using XDA
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i second this. can we know what the difference with the original minicmsandwich?
the only reason i dont use that is because dual stereo doesnt work with lww, and i hope this does.
edited: sorry, just notice dual speaker is in the working list. thanks for the hard work, will be waiting for the download link to appear
i think you need to fix four corner for radio...
hmm...this it...good job...
really surprised...................
looks to me like an aosp-looking rom with sony's working features. best of both worlds, in my opinion.
levered said:
i think you need to fix four corner for radio...
hmm...this it...good job...
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You can post here a hotfix to that, when it's uploaded. Because my phone is broken
MiniCMSandwich AOSP Lite Sony Port GENERIC ICS 4.1.A.0.562 MiniCMSandwich what is the best?!
kamarush said:
You can post here a hotfix to that, when it's uploaded. Because my phone is broken
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ops wat happen?
shprakash said:
ops wat happen?
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I forgot my phone outside in the garden, /and today was really hot and sunny day/ so my display is dead now
Download link added Happy testing
kamarush said:
Download link added Happy testing
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kernel we go out?
Someguyfromhell said:
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Same Here....!!!
a very good surprise!! always look forward to lite versions
which kernel?
kamarush said:
I forgot my phone outside in the garden, /and today was really hot and sunny day/ so my display is dead now
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hmmmm sad to hear. hope it will get fine...... but i started downloading.. which kernel i can use? same boot_official_port_smultron kernel?
gandhar said:
a very good surprise!! always look forward to lite versions
which kernel?
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shprakash said:
hmmmm sad to hear. hope it will get fine...... but i started downloading.. which kernel i can use? same boot_official_port_smultron kernel?
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Yeah...He already asked to use the official port kernel...of his other thread...

[Q] CM9 final link

Guyz i want cm9 final link i cannot find it
can any 1 pls gv me the link
Sent from my LG-P500 using xda premium
Sent from my LG-P500
CAn u also provide me cm10 link build by hephappy ??
rachitshah said:
CAn u also provide me cm10 link build by hephappy ??
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here it is -
soham93 said:
here it is -
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THanks for providing the download link can u give me the link where he has posted ... i want to see what are the bugs,screenies and etc..
rachitshah said:
can u give me the link where he has posted ... i want to see what are the bugs,screenies and etc..
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Why don't you just search for it?
CosmicDance said:
Why don't you just search for it?
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i m not getting so i hv asked
Sent from my LG-P500 using xda premium
rachitshah said:
THanks for providing the download link can u give me the link where he has posted ... i want to see what are the bugs,screenies and etc..
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edit -
I tried a CM9 can't remember which that said bluetooth was working, it did pair with my headset but no sound came out. Does Hep fully work?
kibaruk said:
I tried a CM9 can't remember which that said bluetooth was working, it did pair with my headset but no sound came out. Does Hep fully work?
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Everything works except hd videos
bluetooth obv work
hephappy is best :thumbup:
Sent from my LG-P500 using xda premium
Tried CM10 from HepHappy, bluetooth worked, home button didnt, settings from the trackbar didnt either, and after a couple minutes it rebooted O_O went back to AOKP

Great iDea !! just Need Help With it

This seems to be interesting Click Here !! But , need help with that , Btw since i saw this in Galaxy Nexus 4.2 Jellybean , i searched all Google and XDA , just to see if it's possible to add it to our lovely jellybean !!
So btw i tried to do it , in framework-res , but i get an error in compiling the apk :l
We don't have android 4.2 yet. Thus it won't work anyway.
Sent from my LT30p using xda premium
LegibleEel said:
We don't have android 4.2 yet. Thus it won't work anyway.
Sent from my LT30p using xda premium
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Did you read the Whole thread ??!!
EzzyLupe said:
Did you read the Whole thread ??!!
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I have now
I read in the comments that it's only really for 4.2 as its changed too much since 4.1. Can be possible but you will need to mod it a bit.
Unless I'm reading over something
Sent from my LT30p using xda premium
LegibleEel said:
I have now
I read in the comments that it's only really for 4.2 as its changed too much since 4.1. Can be possible but you will need to mod it a bit.
Unless I'm reading over something
Sent from my LT30p using xda premium
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Lol , Well i think there is hope to add it , to ICS or JB , but like you said need modding plus it gonna take time , thats why i made this thread , cuz i need some help lol !!
It needed decompile n mod
Whats the error?
Superman said:
It needed decompile n mod
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Thats why i needed some help from people who know how to mod !! cuz apktool doesn't fully work in my laptop :l
NuriJ said:
Whats the error?
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What error
EzzyLupe said:
What error
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@ op
You said that you get an error in recompiling
Sent from my LT25i using xda premium
NuriJ said:
@ op
You said that you get an error in recompiling
Sent from my LT25i using xda premium
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Dunno actually remember it , but i will tell you or will post a pic when i get it again , but now i need to head back to Home Sweet Home , in the library right Studying -__-
So is there who tried to mod it . exams are close to end
Sent from my Xperia X10 using xda app-developers app

[APP][SHARE] Android 4.2 Swype Keyboard

sorry guys, it seems i made a mistake, this keyboard is for armv7 devices, it just happenned to work with mine JUST once and it FC's everytime, im so sorry
thanks for share~
Alright !! gonna try this , thanks buddy
dont install on minicm10 rom! said:
dont install on minicm10 rom!
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Why what's wrong?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Titan9119 said:
Why what's wrong?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
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come in force close said:
come in force close
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do not post problems about it here, why?
1.) I am not the one who leaked it, that's why I linked this to the thread I got it from. (DUH see 1st post)
2.) It is working for me, if it's not why bother installing it? Just use your keyboard!
I guess that this keyboard is meant for amrv7 as I also got the FC's..
it would be better if you could tell us which apk did you use from the op as there are 3-4 links in the op..
thanks.. said:
come in force close
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Well , not good in MiniCM10
Sent from my E15i using xda premium

[SCRIPT]Sn4pshot !t[Windows]Take Screenshots of recovery On PC as well as your DEVICE

Hello Folks,
Ghostfreak here and I'm back here with a Tool that could help out a couple of us and especially the Developers dealing in AROMA or someone who needs to explain about STEPS of recovery to Newbies or glitches of RECOVERY
Wondering What the heck am i talking about??
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What i'm talking about is about my TOOL called "Sn4pshot !t "
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Use/Functionality of the Tool ​
-You can take screenshot of anything
-Yes,It includes taking the screenshot in recovery
-Saves screenshots taken into the PC under a folder name "SCREENSHOTS"
-Saves Screenshots into your Device as well by creating a foldername "Screenshots" in your SD card
-Fast and easy to use
-Saves the image using a Timestamp so as to inform you which is your latest pic taken.
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Requirements ​
1. An android phone obviously with root.
2.Phone connected with USB debugging on
3.Willingness to press the ENTER key.
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Q. This function doesn't work. What now?
A. Just report here and i'll fix it.
What are the features not working?
I've tested everything working but still if you find something report here.
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Download Section:
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--This makes use of files from this open source project by Kyan He
I just made the bat script
[email protected] for the basic script-Thanks
I've edited it in my own little way
[email protected] and @abcdjdj for the help and assistance in making this TOOL-Thanks guys :good:
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A Couple of screenshots using the TOOL are attached..If someone can upload some screenies of AROMA or TWRP,i'll update it
DEV HOST - SERVER ISSUES and therefore MIRROR ATTACHED until it's sorted out..
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As usual awesome work ghostfreak! Will try it out and report here
Sent from my Xperia Arc S using Tapatalk 2
koradiavatsal said:
As usual awesome work ghostfreak! Will try it out and report here
Sent from my Xperia Arc S using Tapatalk 2
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Do try out some Aroma pics if possible..
Sent from my Neo v using xda premium
Brilliant work. I'll test it shortly.
Good Work Mate!! Keep up the good work
Abhinav2 said:
Good Work Mate!! Keep up the good work
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Cheers to you man...:beer:
Sent from my Neo v using xda premium
Nice work bro, and nice to see you're seriously doing great... keep it up :good:
I guess A RC is developing soon..:thumbup:
Sent from my HTC Explorer A310e using xda app-developers app
I heard you want a screenshot of twrp, Here it is
It is working perfectly
Edit: On lockscreen, the picture is red and distorted
TakuyaZ said:
I heard you want a screenshot of twrp, Here it is
It is working perfectly
Edit: On lockscreen, the picture is red and distorted
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Weird.. :what:
I've never faced the red coloured image in any screenshot I've taken ..
Sent from my Neo v using xda premium
Ghostfreak NB said:
Weird.. :what:
I've never faced the red coloured image in any screenshot I've taken ..
Sent from my Neo v using xda premium
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It is weird
Sent from me lying in Kirino's thigh
TakuyaZ said:
It is weird
Sent from me lying in Kirino's thigh
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Does it happen always?? and also in all ROMs?
Nice work bro, useful tool thanks keep it up :good: :good:
Ghostfreak NB said:
Does it happen always?? and also in all ROMs?
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On stock Sony rom it's works perfectly,
Snndev said:
On stock Sony rom it's works perfectly,
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Thanks.. Bro..for both complement n the testing :beer:
Good to see ya around
Sent from my Neo v using xda premium
Ghostfreak NB said:
Does it happen always?? and also in all ROMs?
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Yes, all rom. and everytime i screenshot on lockscreen, other place is fine
TakuyaZ said:
Yes, all rom. and everytime i screenshot on lockscreen, other place is fine
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Do u use a modded lockscreen??
alokbina is now Abhinav2
Abhinav2 said:
Do u use a modded lockscreen??
alokbina is now Abhinav2
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On cm10. No
EDIT: On stock sony ics rom, it worked, even with xperia s lockscreen mod
I think it's Rom specific in that case ....
Well,thanks for clarification..
Sent from my Neo v using xda premium

