[ROGERS] Help get me back to stock - AT&T HTC One (M7)

Hey guys I need a hand with this, I am currently running Android Revolution HD 7.0 by mike1986 which is amazing and if you havent given it a run you really should super slick but my diliema here is that I have some dead pixels in the screen and its only a week old or so which will be replaced for a new device. I saw this thread in development Device Essential Material *** RUU,s / Recovery / Radio / Root / S-Off / Guides ***but I am a little confused which I should download, if someone could point me in the right direction I would appreciate it. I know ATT and Rogers work hand in hand so it cant be that difficult. I have def learned my lesson though should have backed up nandroid stock before I flashed
Android version: 4.1.2
HTC Sence 5.0
Build number 1.29.401.13 CL177101

Did you end up getting your Rogers HTC one back to stock? I also need to send my phone back for dead pixels but never made a nandroid backup. So frustrated, any advice?

I am in the same situation... can anyone please help....

ysr84 said:
I am in the same situation... can anyone please help....
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Read the guides
skyjor2012 said:
Did you end up getting your Rogers HTC one back to stock? I also need to send my phone back for dead pixels but never made a nandroid backup. So frustrated, any advice?
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Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4

I just ended up sending it back the way it was, I stressed out long enough, my hair turned grey..I'll wait and see about warranty

skyjor2012 said:
I just ended up sending it back the way it was, I stressed out long enough, my hair turned grey..I'll wait and see about warranty
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Why would you stress out? This is simple stuff and people were kind enough to create guides for you. Why would you not read and follow them?
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4

xcrazydx said:
Why would you stress out? This is simple stuff and people were kind enough to create guides for you. Why would you not read and follow them?
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4
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Can't you just help someone out and show them what guide?
I am in the same situation! If I saw someone posting a thread, I'd link them to the guide and section, rather than typing a few sentences of nonsense that doesn't contribute to the solution. :/

Be Helpful
rowebil said:
Can't you just help someone out and show them what guide?
I am in the same situation! If I saw someone posting a thread, I'd link them to the guide and section, rather than typing a few sentences of nonsense that doesn't contribute to the solution. :/
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Yeah no kidding! Help them out instead of talking nonsense. Contribute or don't say anything at all!

People would be more inclined to help if you read about what you're doing before posting. So yeah follow your own advice and contribute to the solution by reading so that you can find the solution.
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4

Yes reading is the key to xda forums! I wasn't able to bring my HTC One back to stock, but since having my new replacement I've learned a ton of info from xda! To all the people who contribute to an awesome forum I thank you all, appreciation goes along way!

rowebil said:
Can't you just help someone out and show them what guide?
I am in the same situation! If I saw someone posting a thread, I'd link them to the guide and section, rather than typing a few sentences of nonsense that doesn't contribute to the solution. :/
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gdtmike said:
Yeah no kidding! Help them out instead of talking nonsense. Contribute or don't say anything at all!
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I'm not gonna spoon feed you. The guides were made for people like you. Just read them and quit being lazy.
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4

http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=43458497 omg found in less than 3 seconds
Sent from my HTC One using XDA Premium 4 mobile app


Help - Noob installed ROM and no voice on S2

Accepted that I am really a fool. I installed a new ICS ROM on my AT&T Galaxy S2 and now when I make or receive calls, I get no voice!!!!.
I must have bricked this phone...
Can some good soul help this noob to fix it back!!!. If you need me to reinstall Stock ROM, then I do not have that....
I would greatly appreciate a step by step and links to fix this.
Thank You
phoneman108 said:
Accepted that I am really a fool. I installed a new ICS ROM on my AT&T Galaxy S2 and now when I make or receive calls, I get no voice!!!!.
I must have bricked this phone...
Can some good soul help this noob to fix it back!!!. If you need me to reinstall Stock ROM, then I do not have that....
I would greatly appreciate a step by step and links to fix this.
Thank You
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1st question. why wouldnt you follow the rules and make a nandroid backup? because if you did, you wouldnt be having this issue.
2nd question. why wouldnt you give the necessary information as to what you flashed and from where?
its almost impossible to help you out when you give no information. you also havent bricked your phone if you can turn it on still.
This is what happens when you put the cart before the horse.
More info on what you did so we can:
figure out your problem for you
showed you where you went wrong
make fun of you
try and help you fix it
here man this is all q and a you need
hey man i am sorry to hear that you are having trouble. You are having enough trouble and you come in here for help then you get two replys above me. Thats just sad. You can imagine just if you was starving and you asked them to give you $.
i thing this link will help you. try it i did same thing long time ago and this solved my in call sound. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1335377
basically all you have to do is download and flash it with cwm.
most likely u didnt flash a I777 modem
Terminator12 said:
hey man i am sorry to hear that you are having trouble. You are having enough trouble and you come in here for help then you get two replys above me. Thats just sad. You can imagine just if you was starving and you asked them to give you $.
i thing this link will help you. try it i did same thing long time ago and this solved my in call sound. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1335377
basically all you have to do is download and flash it with cwm.
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No, that won't work.
The rules of XDA are clear - Search before posting, never post before reading the FAQ.
Not flashing anything until you have done research is just plain common sense.
How to flash I9100 firmwares, and WHICH ones can be flashed, is covered in the FAQ topic. The original poster CLEARLY did not read the FAQ.
Assuming that you're still on the ICS ROM......it depends on what exactly you flashed but this could be the solution. Flash the correct modified kernel based on what base ICS ROM you flashed(if you don't know then look at settings->about phone). You will then need to flash a correct i777 modem as well(depends if it is Samsung or AOSP based). Without knowing more about what you flashed I can't really help you further.
Possible kernels:
Terminator12 said:
hey man i am sorry to hear that you are having trouble reading. You are having enough trouble reading and you come in here for help then you get two awesome replys above me. Thats just sad that you can not read. You can imagine just if you was starving and there are signs warning you not to eat poison but yet you do not read the sign and still eat it.
i thing this link will help you. try it i did same thing long time ago and this solved my problems of not reading. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1511838
basically all you have to do is READ.
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10 characters
Entropy512 said:
No, that won't work.
The rules of XDA are clear - Search before posting, never post before reading the FAQ.
Not flashing anything until you have done research is just plain common sense.
How to flash I9100 firmwares, and WHICH ones can be flashed, is covered in the FAQ topic. The original poster CLEARLY did not read the FAQ.
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He is admiting he made mistake ok. I do aprreciate you and all you done for us entropy but he is learning hard way. Hopefully he will learn from mistake. If someone is asking for help in my eyes we should help him not like most of us on here use that to argue or tell then few good words. Just help its not hard.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Terminator12 said:
He is admiting he made mistake ok. I do aprreciate you and all you done for us entropy but he is learning hard way. Hopefully he will learn from mistake. If someone is asking for help in my eyes we should help him not like most of us on here use that to argue or tell then few good words. Just help its not hard.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
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Its not hard to read either, but apparently its easier to spoonfeed than to read THE STICKY THREAD THAT HAS ALL THE INFORMATION AND LINKS THAT HE NEEDED.
I dont know why its so hard for some people...
Red5 said:
Its not hard to read either, but apparently its easier to spoonfeed than to read THE STICKY THREAD THAT HAS ALL THE INFORMATION AND LINKS THAT HE NEEDED.
I dont know why its so hard for some people...
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Red5 you use this site in really wrong way. You banned my friend for no reason no warning. Is that how mods should be around here most of them are like robots you make mistake you ban. Trust me no one comes in here to cause trouble its just that we are different each and everyone of us.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
Terminator12 said:
Red5 you use this site in really wrong way. You banned my friend for no reason no warning. Is that how mods should be around here most of them are like robots you make mistake you ban. Trust me no one comes in here to cause trouble its just that we are different each and everyone of us.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
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Dont know what you're talking about, I cant ban people. If a person gets enough infractions then the higher ups ban people because they cant follow the rules. All infractions are looked at then double looked at, so if your friend got banned, then he deserved it.
Terminator12 said:
Red5 you use this site in really wrong way. You banned my friend for no reason no warning. Is that how mods should be around here most of them are like robots you make mistake you ban. Trust me no one comes in here to cause trouble its just that we are different each and everyone of us.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
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I think you have the wrong attitude here. Yes, it's good to help people that KNOW how to help themselves. But when they blatantly ignore all the help already available they become more of a nuisance than any real development of this forum. I'm sorry If that seems a bit harsh. But this place was not started to spoon feed people that don't know what they are doing. It's been stated time and time again. This is NOT a help desk forum. Respect the rules, respect the mods and above all READ THE STICKIES!!!
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium
mfreywald said:
I think you have the wrong attitude here. Yes, it's good to help people that KNOW how to help themselves. But when they blatantly ignore all the help already available they become more of a nuisance than any real development of this forum. I'm sorry If that seems a bit harsh. But this place was not started to spoon feed people that don't know what they are doing. It's been stated time and time again. This is NOT a help desk forum. Respect the rules, respect the mods and above all READ THE STICKIES!!!
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium
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Terminator12 said:
Red5 you use this site in really wrong way. You banned my friend for no reason no warning.
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Your "friend" = You
wonner said:
Your "friend" = You
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Yep, more than likely the case.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk
Some of this junk in here should not have cells or comps they looking hard how to be XDA bi..h.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
Terminator12 said:
Some of this junk in here should not have cells or comps they looking hard how to be XDA bi..h.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
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Did that make any sense to anyone?
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium
mfreywald said:
Did that make any sense to anyone?
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium
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Yea... he censored the last word.
No, I got that part, I kind of meant the whole thing. Is he calling US junk? And are WE trying to be XDA b'tches? Red please close this thread its no longer productive nor necessary.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using xda premium

(Tutorial) How to use the search feature on XDA

Have been seeing a recent trend lately so I thought this may help.
If you are a noob or if you just have a plane old question and you are feeling a little too lazy to read through the forms then this is what you do before you start a new thread about your problem. (99% of the time your problem has already been talked about)
For the xda app go to the °more° tab and click on the little eye glass and simply type in your question or some key words of the problem you are having.
Now for the web page for xda this may be a little more difficult but stick with me alright. There is a bar that says search, type in your question or key words of your question and see if you can find what you are looking for. Now for the advance users look around for a topic that you have a question about in the respected form area (I.E. development or q and a) and search key word of your problem and search that form for your answer or you can read the form in its entirety (Recommended method).
Hope this helps and it’s not meant to be rude but I think it’s a noticeable problem lately.
Sent from my S-OFF CleanRom DE 1.2 Rezound
Hit thanks if I helped:beer:
I love you dude. Can't believe we need this lol. Haha.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda premium
Yea this one may have to get stickied they way its been looking around here the last few days
Sent from my S-OFF CleanRom DE 1.2 Rezound
Nopi45 said:
Yea this one may have to get stickied they way its been looking around here the last few days
Sent from my S-OFF CleanRom DE 1.2 Rezound
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Agreed. Should be stickied, but can we fix the grammar and spelling errors, please? Grammar saves lives.
Sent from the Rez Beast
the problem is that the noobs dont read the stickies
GordoGuapo said:
Agreed. Should be stickied, but can we fix the grammar and spelling errors, please? Grammar saves lives.
Sent from the Rez Beast
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Alabama education plus I typed it on my phone. I will hop on my computer and fix it up in the AM
Sent from my S-OFF CleanRom DE 1.2 Rezound
Hey, um, so does Xda have a search button? :banghead: I tried searching for a tutorial but couldn't find it.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW
Nice to see a community member for AL? What part?
Huntsville but stationed in Oklahoma right now.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA
THANK YOU for this thread. I was tempted to bang my head against a wall if I saw another S-Off thread. We don't need 5,000 S-Off threads... one will suffice.
BreatheALittle said:
THANK YOU for this thread. I was tempted to bang my head against a wall if I saw another S-Off thread. We don't need 5,000 S-Off threads... one will suffice.
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There still going around like wildfire though.
Sent from my S-OFF CleanRom DE 1.2 Rezound
Whats this search button you speak of? Lol
fix-this! said:
Whats this search button you speak of? Lol
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I know I may just have to make a YouTube Video on were it is and some of the amazing features it gives us on XDA!
BreatheALittle said:
THANK YOU for this thread. I was tempted to bang my head against a wall if I saw another S-Off thread. We don't need 5,000 S-Off threads... one will suffice.
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The problem with one thread is it will have 10k posts about how s off failed and I need help and you won't be able to Wade through it.
For reference go check out the kindle fire forums.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
A tip for noobs who can't search the website or the app.... Go to Google, type your search as follows: " xda (your device here) (your issue here)" I mean....everyone knows how to use Google right?
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda premium
Thanks so much for this thread.
I'm sorry if this has been asked ... and I have searched and searched but have come up empty ... is there a thread that might offer some type of tutorial on how to use the search feature here on XDA? Please respond. Thanks.
jdmba said:
I'm sorry if this has been asked ... and I have searched and searched but have come up empty ... is there a thread that might offer some type of tutorial on how to use the search feature here on XDA? Please respond. Thanks.
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It should be in the works I think some of the devolopers are working on it.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using XDA

Please Help HTC Amaze Failed Flash

I gave my phone to a friend who rooted my HTC Amaze 4G and installed a Blue Rom, I believe which is called Team Win Recover Project v2.0.0
It worked for a couple of days I tried charging the phone and it seems to not want to hold a charge. I used a HTC Sensation 4g battery and the device came on but it will not boot. When I put the HTC Amaze 4g battery in the HTC Sensation 4g phone it shows up as charging.
I lost the original sd card so I believe I lost part of the rom.
I just want to get back to a stock rom how the phone was before the root.
I have no idea what to do but I am technologically inclined so if anyone can help me I would greatly appreciate it, I however am going to search the forums on what to do.
thank you,
hkladyb said:
I gave my phone to a friend who rooted my HTC Amaze 4G and installed a Blue Rom, I believe which is called Team Win Recover Project v2.0.0
It worked for a couple of days I tried charging the phone and it seems to not want to hold a charge. I used a HTC Sensation 4g battery and the device came on but it will not boot. When I put the HTC Amaze 4g battery in the HTC Sensation 4g phone it shows up as charging.
I lost the original sd card so I believe I lost part of the rom.
I just want to get back to a stock rom how the phone was before the root.
I have no idea what to do but I am technologically inclined so if anyone can help me I would greatly appreciate it, I however am going to search the forums on what to do.
thank you,
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I normally don't quote an OP, esp as a 1st comment... But I had to capture this for my own amusement in case u sober up and edit it.
Download stock ruu... And READ how to install it... Your problem came from not reading to begin with, so I advise reading in the future. No hand holding for this when your answer is littered all over this forum.
Questions go in Q&A btw... Although, I'm sure by now, you're probably already gave up reading my post
I however am going to search the forums on what to do.
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Actually... You're supposed to search first, THEN post if u can't find your answer... I'm sure its the first rule in the "forum rules" but you probably didn't read that either.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using Tapatalk 2
glacierguy said:
I normally don't quote an OP, esp as a 1st comment... But I had to capture this for my own amusement in case u sober up and edit it.
Download stock ruu... And READ how to install it... Your problem came from not reading to begin with, so I advise reading in the future. No hand holding for this when your answer is littered all over this forum.
Questions go in Q&A btw... Although, I'm sure by now, you're probably already gave up reading my post
Actually... You're supposed to search first, THEN post if u can't find your answer... I'm sure its the first rule in the "forum rules" but you probably didn't read that either.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using Tapatalk 2
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I love you GlacierGuy. Hit the nail on the head.
To the OP, here is about all the help you need: (and you still need to find your own answers)
You're using the wrong recovery, or at least not the one I think most people here use: are you sure you have an amaze? If so, some guy named glacier something posted a very good thread about a really great recovery(there's a big hint!)
Finding the original RUU might be a little harder, but the guy who posts them is named Football. If you read his signature is has a link to all his leaks - find the one called ruby(our phone) and if you want gingerbread then download and install one of the ones NOT uploaded recently - and do what glacier said, and search for HOW to install it(hint, if you try to just flash it without reading it either won't work, or you'll end up with a messed up phone).
So there, now you have an idea on WHAT to look for - but you still gotta go do the legwork yourself(just like every single person here who has an awesome phone with awesome-sauce2.0+ running on it!)
If you seemed like you did SOME research before posting I would give you credit, it isn't EASY to find the answers - but that is mainly because so many people ask questions rather than doing the research themselves FIRST.
Silentbtdeadly said:
I love you GlacierGuy. Hit the nail on the head.
To the OP, here is about all the help you need: (and you still need to find your own answers)
You're using the wrong recovery, or at least not the one I think most people here use: are you sure you have an amaze? If so, some guy named glacier something posted a very good thread about a really great recovery(there's a big hint!)
Finding the original RUU might be a little harder, but the guy who posts them is named Football. If you read his signature is has a link to all his leaks - find the one called ruby(our phone) and if you want gingerbread then download and install one of the ones NOT uploaded recently - and do what glacier said, and search for HOW to install it(hint, if you try to just flash it without reading it either won't work, or you'll end up with a messed up phone).
So there, now you have an idea on WHAT to look for - but you still gotta go do the legwork yourself(just like every single person here who has an awesome phone with awesome-sauce2.0+ running on it!)
If you seemed like you did SOME research before posting I would give you credit, it isn't EASY to find the answers - but that is mainly because so many people ask questions rather than doing the research themselves FIRST.
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Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using Tapatalk 2
Silentbtdeadly said:
Finding the original RUU might be a little harder, but the guy who posts them is named Football.
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finding the ruu is simple...right in the dev section...
(i think were doing too much work here )
mrmako777 said:
finding the ruu is simple...right in the dev section...
(i think were doing too much work here )
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I don't know, I was a noob once, long long ago.. maybe someone helped me when I didn't deserve it, but it got me where-ever the hell I am now! Maybe it is pity or something.. idk. Lol.
I'm MUCH more inclined to help someone if they have already accomplished SOMETHING that says they can follow basic instructions(installed the leak, got s-off, something) or they did SOME sort of research.. but most of the time if I give any kind of answer it is JUST to keep there from being another thread that asks a question with no answer. Those are what makes searching a pain in the ass for me at least!
Silentbtdeadly said:
I don't know, I was a noob once, long long ago.. maybe someone helped me when I didn't deserve it, but it got me where-ever the hell I am now! Maybe it is pity or something.. idk. Lol.
I'm MUCH more inclined to help someone if they have already accomplished SOMETHING that says they can follow basic instructions(installed the leak, got s-off, something) or they did SOME sort of research.. but most of the time if I give any kind of answer it is JUST to keep there from being another thread that asks a question with no answer. Those are what makes searching a pain in the ass for me at least!
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agreed. if someone has shown that theyve put forth some effort to accomplish an end, i would be willing to help
This belongs in Q&A. Please keep.all question/help related threads in the Q&A section. Thank You.
Thread Moved.
XDA Rules: http://forum.xda-developers.com/announcement.php?a=81
10 Post Rule: http://www.xda-developers.com/announcements/xdas-10-post-rule/
XDA Marketplace Rules: http://www.xda-developers.com/announcements/market-place-rules-updated/
Sent from my Galaxy Note i717, using XDA Premium.
OP did you successfully find your answers yet? If you haven't, PM me and I will gladly help you through it step by step.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using XDA
heelandtoe said:
OP did you successfully find your answers yet? If you haven't, PM me and I will gladly help you through it step by step.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using XDA
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Careful... I posted something like that once... And the noobs FLOODED inbox. I hope u know what u are getting into...
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using Tapatalk 2

I want to revert back to the stock ROM of the Amaze. How do I do that?

The link associated with this FAQ is not working for me. Is it just me?
Amaze bible thread.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
Dark Nightmare said:
Amaze bible thread.
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Thanks for the link.
I guess I made a bad attempt at trying to help. I just wanted to bring attention to the link attached in that thread. I could not access it.
I'll have never completely understood why it is that people on this forum have to act as though they are being put out by others posting questions. Yeah..yeah..yeah.. Search the forum... Read the post you idiot.. Don't post without reading...etc. etc.. etc...
Regardless of how stupid you may believe I am... It does not change that fact that the link (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1335703) attached to the thread:"FAQ for the HTC Amaze 4G. Read Frequently Asked Questions before you post a question! / Q - I want to revert back to the stock ROM of the Amaze. How do I do that?" does not work.
Instead of jacking with me because you think I am not capable of finding info... why not use that energy to fully read my post and help fix the problem. I was just trying to help others that search the forum. Sorry that bothers you.
I post in other forums and help/try-to-help others. I never talk down to them. I direct them to the answers they seek. If I do not have anything worthwhile to add to their post...I just leave it alone. Everyone is new at some point... And everyone needs a hand up at some point... Help...or don't help. Anything else is wasting time. It's just that simple.
Why not use the energy u spent in writing that short story into using google?
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
Do you want to go completely stock, or flash a stock Rom and keep root? I can't post link from my phone, but in dev section there is a list of rooted and deodexed completely stock roms. Hope this helps. Just flash like a custom Rom from recovery.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
You need to calm down and chill, the links in that thread may be broken, but there's also a reason why we have the bible thread with EVERYTHING possible included. Therefore, simply search there and you'd not have the need to worry about broken links. I'll talk to Hasoon about fixing the links, my point being, your rant wasn't needed since it's pretty obvious now for someone that's been around the block to not know the basics of finding things around here.
Dark Nightmare said:
You need to calm down and chill, the links in that thread may be broken, but there's also a reason why we have the bible thread with EVERYTHING possible included. Therefore, simply search there and you'd not have the need to worry about broken links. I'll talk to Hasoon about fixing the links, my point being, your rant wasn't needed since it's pretty obvious now for someone that's been around the block to not know the basics of finding things around here.
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I agree...my rant was not needed. Your words also walk hand-in-hand with my point. For someone to post...":banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: :banghead::banghead:"was also not needed and only disrupted the topic at hand.
Like I said...I was really just trying to help. I will not make that mistake again. I am still a noob to this particular forum and dread everytime I have to come here to seek answers. Again...thank you Dark Nightmare for your help and response.
@glacierguy: I'm done dude..have at it.
badgerdave said:
I agree...my rant was not needed. Your words also walk hand-in-hand with my point. For someone to post...":banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: :banghead::banghead:"was also not needed and only disrupted the topic at hand.
Like I said...I was really just trying to help. I will not make that mistake again. I am still a noob to this particular forum and dread everytime I have to come here to seek answers. Again...thank you Dark Nightmare for your help and response.
@glacierguy: I'm done dude..have at it.
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Lol I'm your first thanks of many to come I'm sure
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
badgerdave said:
I agree...my rant was not needed. Your words also walk hand-in-hand with my point. For someone to post...":banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: :banghead::banghead:"was also not needed and only disrupted the topic at hand.
Like I said...I was really just trying to help. I will not make that mistake again. I am still a noob to this particular forum and dread everytime I have to come here to seek answers. Again...thank you Dark Nightmare for your help and response.
@glacierguy: I'm done dude..have at it.
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You're not a n00b, can we let this go please? Some people get frustrated seeing the same thing being posted again and again, that's why most users will post a rude response, though I wouldn't say GG was rude, it didn't even seem to be directed at anyone in specific, anyways, my point is, the bible thread was created to lessen questions being asked and also simplify the doing of everything that's currently possible on this device, so you can't really be mad at anyone responding in a blank manner either. But on the other hand, just let it go, try to read around, if you find a broken link or so, post it in the relevant thread and if you think the OP is a nice enough individual to accept a PM, then shoot them a PM and sort it out that way, no need to get hostile, okay? Great, so take relax and have fun, this place is a pretty quiet easy going group, join in the fun and just don't take things personal.
glacierguy said:
Lol I'm your first thanks of many to come I'm sure
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
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Lol seriously dude, chill, how is that s3 running? Think the display is worth swapping my nexus for?
Dark Nightmare said:
Lol seriously dude, chill, how is that s3 running? Think the display is worth swapping my nexus for?
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Ill buy your nexus and I saw someone post on the nexus forum that they switched to the s3 and want there nexus back, I wouldn't switch yet lol
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda app-developers app
fuego77 said:
Ill buy your nexus and I saw someone post on the nexus forum that they switched to the s3 and want there nexus back, I wouldn't switch yet lol
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda app-developers app
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I've seen mixed feelings about the switch, in my group, some prefer their nexus, some sold theirs, some kept both, which half of them used the nexus more, so it's bit of an iffy situation, to be honest, I love my nexus, this one is better than the first one I got, so I just may stick to it, though if given the opportunity to swap, I will try out the s3 knowing I could always swap it back since someone will want one.
Dark Nightmare said:
Lol seriously dude, chill, how is that s3 running? Think the display is worth swapping my nexus for?
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Lol fair enough.
Phone is the real deal. Display is amazing... BUT so is the nexus and every other sammy display. My buddy has the nexus amd loves it...
And the S3 for tmo has Cyanogen himself posting REAL CM9 AND CM10 for us which is as good as it gets
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium

Hiw to install jellybean 4.1.1 on is9300 ?

Hi. I have Samsung Galaxy S3 S III GT-I9300 32GB Marble White
I want to install jellybean. How can i do this ?
How about "search"
There is a whole ****ing thread only about installing 4.1.1 and you decide you just pop in and ask instead?!:banghead:
Try reading a little before posting... plenty of threads explaining what you want to do .
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
For some reason i think this is spam.. too much of info..
you could of bought it from a corner store.. it don't matter
Where's the "report" function gone on xda app?? Wasn't this present at one stage?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
So if you have a time for answer like this you can really help and post with link to " how to instal step by step" on my device.
bitpie said:
So if you have a time for answer like this you can really help and post with link to " how to instal step by step" on my device.
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u need a linux machine with 64GB of RAM and some redundant storage.
To comment here. It's hard to follow, please..
bitpie said:
So if you have a time for answer like this you can really help and post with link to " how to instal step by step" on my device.
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Like the majority of us, we were excited when we got out SIII's however all the information you need is contained with the SIII walls on this particular corner of XDA. What people are suggesting is you take a look for yourself first and have a read of all things before asking such a question as the answer is but a quick look around.
So, instead of spoon feeding, go for a wander and have a look. You will be amazed at all the info there.
Find the latest leak firmware and use odin to flash it on ur phone
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
This is my first droid and first smartphone. Im looking for jellybean and try understand how to root and install, etc - few days. Im tired searching, reading, and be careful to not destroy phone. At this time i say many ways to root for many devices and one think can destroy phone. I thought xda forum which i see first time can help choosing correct way, files to install jellybean on my phone bcs its not att, tmobile or other provider.
Well. thx for no help.
As Mr Tuff said......we at XDA are here to serve you and all your smartphone needs. please put your phone into download mode open Odin and click repartition and add any random .Tar file ( jellybean will be in there somewhere, have faith ) then click start.
now once you do this you will need to send your phone off to a repair shop where they will activate your newely installed JB build on your phone.
then just wait.........
Hope this helps......................................Probably will not though, lol
bitpie said:
This is my first droid and first smartphone. Im looking for jellybean and try understand how to root and install, etc - few days. Im tired searching, reading, and be careful to not destroy phone. At this time i say many ways to root for many devices and one think can destroy phone. I thought xda forum which i see first time can help choosing correct way, files to install jellybean on my phone bcs its not att, tmobile or other provider.
Well. thx for no help.
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Honestly, and I'm not saying this to be rude to you in any way. But more a concern when reading your posts.
You honestly don't sound like someone who should start messing with flashing and rooting........
thyttel said:
Honestly, and I'm not saying this to be rude to you in any way. But more a concern when reading your posts.
You honestly don't sound like someone who should start messing with flashing and rooting........
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What he said.
If you can't follow those excellent HOWTOs & FAQs you surely DON'T want to flash your phone. If you have a specific question, ask in the thread about flashing and installing. This here won't help you a bit.
thyttel said:
Honestly, and I'm not saying this to be rude to you in any way. But more a concern when reading your posts.
You honestly don't sound like someone who should start messing with flashing and rooting........
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Ya, I agree with this.
Op, just enjoy your phone for now the way it is, the JB leaks are not for people with little experience in these matters.
Hang around xda for a while and learn how things work here, learn why making these threads is frowned upon, read through the JB threads, learn from them.
Then, when you feel comfortable enough to flash it on your own, you are ready to give it a go.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
FFS here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1671969
Bye bye!
Goodnight and good luck =-O
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
Thread closed, we are not here to spoonfeed you, search and read.
On another note, let's NOT start personally attacking people, report, ignore DO NOT RESPOND.
I understand your frustration, do you know what poor sod has to close all these threads?
But thats not an excuse to flout the rules, and bash people, be calm, be cool, IGNORE and report!
Now carry on and have a happy XDA experience (tm)

