Paranoid Android - Thunderbolt Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I love the way it looks on other devices.... is there anyway we could possibly get it ported or otherwise get it to run on the Thunderbolt?
I wouldn't even care if it had data... just the camera and display... I have an extra Bolt and would love to use it as a iDroid.

je2854 said:
I love the way it looks on other devices.... is there anyway we could possibly get it ported or otherwise get it to run on the Thunderbolt?
I wouldn't even care if it had data... just the camera and display... I have an extra Bolt and would love to use it as a iDroid.
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Patience is a virtue. . @disconnecktie

jonah1234 said:
Patience is a virtue. . @disconnecktie
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I'll take that as it is on it's way... Thank You

je2854 said:
I'll take that as it is on it's way... Thank You
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I've been helping jblack with a pretty big project recently but once that is posted I'll be back on paranoid android.
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2

disconnecktie said:
I've been helping jblack with a pretty big project recently but once that is posted I'll be back on paranoid android.
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2
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@disconnecktie I am seeing you everywhere AND on a lot of projects..... Thanks for being such a great dev.
I know you are working on CM9 BUT I would take PA over any ROM any day. If you could push PA up in the queue there just might be some
Pepsi/Caffiene/alcohol/your choice of poison in abundance headed you way :b
P.S. Pepsi is my choice of drug is the only reason why I said that lol

Lol well I have a semi working port already but calling doesn't work properly atm. It makes the call but the mic or speaker don't work in call yet. I'm going to rebase it off of the cm9 that jblack and I have been working on once it is more stable.
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2

disconnecktie said:
Lol well I have a semi working port already but calling doesn't work properly atm. It makes the call but the mic or speaker don't work in call yet. I'm going to rebase it off of the cm9 that jblack and I have been working on once it is more stable.
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2
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could I possibly get a copy of that? I want it for my iDroid I use for work... We aren't allowed phones but CAN have music.
I don't want the rebase just the one that semi-works :b

Check you PMs
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2

Does Netflix work on any of these builds you guys are working on? I am running the multi-source aosp from twistedumbrella and that's one of few things that don't work on it.

bedward1229 said:
Does Netflix work on any of these builds you guys are working on? I am running the multi-source aosp from twistedumbrella and that's one of few things that don't work on it.
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Not a high priority atm. Getting the kernel and data squared away are a little higher on the list but we're going to address it once we have time. I think its either a drm issue or a dhcp issue. At any rate, in my testing I was able to get it to play audio but video still wouldn't play so it may be a codec issue. I guess if you like to listen to movies you're all set
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2

disconnecktie said:
Not a high priority atm. Getting the kernel and data squared away are a little higher on the list but we're going to address it once we have time. I think its either a drm issue or a dhcp issue. At any rate, in my testing I was able to get it to play audio but video still wouldn't play so it may be a codec issue. I guess if you like to listen to movies you're all set
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Haha that's a good start though. I don't think it's a big deal really, even if it never works its definitely not a deal breaker I was just curious. It's cool that you guys are still working on it, thanks for what you do.

I should be taking care of what we talked about yesterday... I have the Sasba ROM with 4EXT on it now...

disconnecktie said:
Not a high priority atm. Getting the kernel and data squared away are a little higher on the list but we're going to address it once we have time. I think its either a drm issue or a dhcp issue. At any rate, in my testing I was able to get it to play audio but video still wouldn't play so it may be a codec issue. I guess if you like to listen to movies you're all set
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So you're telling me you don't just listen to movies all day on Netflix?

jonah1234 said:
So you're telling me you don't just listen to movies all day on Netflix?
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Well of course I do... That's why it's on the back burner duh.
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2


[ROM][Sense3.5]SlideZero Beta0 [10.25.11]

Hey guys,
Thought I should share something with you all.
Here's my attempt of porting Sense 3.5 from Pico. I used Pico Hero rom from HeroGSM as a reference for porting... This is a basic port, as I really don't have time due to numerous exams and a uncooperative slide (the trackpad now refuses to work at all :|).
Without further ado, here's a list of what (doesn't) work:
What DOESN'T WORK (plenty):
USB storage
very laggy.
If there's anything else, tell me.
Honestly, I didn't want to release this half-working rom, but many of you want to see a booting version of Sense 3.5 and stuff... some of you even PM'd me and/or called me selfish for hogging a bootable version. Really? Selfish? I just didn't want to release a non-daily driver... that was slightly... disappointing.
Anyways. Tell me how this goes, and if anyone has suggestions on how to improve this rom, PM/post on this thread. This rom needs ALOT of work.
Credits to
arnoslag for the port to hero
Whoareyou for pioneering
Ogo2 for some pointers.
everyone in the slide community for not ditching this phone.
Download Link
That being said, I'm going back to being a hermit. I actually have a bunch of midterm coming up this week, so I shouldn't even be on here. so BYE!
Reserved for any possible need
Thanks for the release, hopefully someone will manage to get it to be more operational!
I'd really love to see a Sense 3.5 on the Slide
Im gonna use your kernel with team Freedom Sense okay, i got a relese keys version of the Pico rom, ill port it with your boot.img ;-)
Whoareyou said:
Im gonna use your kernel with team Freedom Sense okay, i got a relese keys version of the Pico rom, ill port it with your boot.img ;-)
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Winning. Think today?
mabey, i PM'd you a link Wagedroid!!
Whoareyou said:
mabey, i PM'd you a link Wagedroid!!
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Sorry, checking now
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daniel60104 said:
Hey guys,
Thought I should share something with you all.
Here's my attempt of porting Sense 3.5 from Pico. I used Pico Hero rom from HeroGSM as a reference for porting... This is a basic port, as I really don't have time due to numerous exams and a uncooperative slide (the trackpad now refuses to work at all :|).
Without further ado, here's a list of what (doesn't) work:
What DOESN'T WORK (plenty):
USB storage
very laggy.
If there's anything else, tell me.
Honestly, I didn't want to release this half-working rom, but many of you want to see a booting version of Sense 3.5 and stuff... some of you even PM'd me and/or called me selfish for hogging a bootable version. Really? Selfish? I just didn't want to release a non-daily driver... that was slightly... disappointing.
Anyways. Tell me how this goes, and if anyone has suggestions on how to improve this rom, PM/post on this thread. This rom needs ALOT of work.
Credits to
arnoslag for the port to hero
Whoareyou for pioneering
Ogo2 for some pointers.
everyone in the slide community for not ditching this phone.
Download Link
That being said, I'm going back to being a hermit. I actually have a bunch of midterm coming up this week, so I shouldn't even be on here. so BYE!
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Thank you... I'm going to see if I can fix at least wifi... don't count on it tho
Edit: it doesn't make it rosie... Will post logcat later
Sent from my SGH-T839 using Tapatalk
izzy001 said:
Thank you... I'm going to see if I can fix at least wifi... don't count on it tho
Edit: it doesn't make it rosie... Will post logcat later
Sent from my SGH-T839 using Tapatalk
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hah thanks for helping out. I won't be touching this for a few days because I really need to get some studying done. Sorry :|
Thanks buddy... been waiting for this, at least it boot now... YAAAAAAAAAAYYY!!
found out why it didnt boot... my cache space was filling up way to fast... so i lowered my system space to 175 and increased cache to 120
How kind you are! Although ,this ROM isn't the perfect one ,but it's a milestone of our MT3GS.
Thank you
izzy001 said:
found out why it didnt boot... my cache space was filling up way to fast... so i lowered my system space to 175 and increased cache to 120
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So now what?
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Wagedroid said:
So now what?
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well it boots... i really dont know what to do from here... i can try porting some of the fixes from salsaslide but dont know if it'll work
izzy001 said:
well it boots... i really dont know what to do from here... i can try porting some of the fixes from salsaslide but dont know if it'll work
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Try it out. I overclocked daniels release and it ran pretty smooth. Apart from the major bug of no audio during calls I would have kept it as my daily.
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Wagedroid said:
Try it out. I overclocked daniels release and it ran pretty smooth. Apart from the major bug of no audio during calls I would have kept it as my daily.
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Yea but i get a fc on rosie
Sent from my SGH-T839 using Tapatalk
Is there any progress on this rom?
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide using xda premium
frank_nitty2281 said:
Is there any progress on this rom?
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide using xda premium
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No... I haven't got wifi to work
Sent from my SGH-T839 using Tapatalk
izzy001 said:
No... I haven't got wifi to work
Sent from my SGH-T839 using Tapatalk
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What about calls?
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Wagedroid said:
What about calls?
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that either... we need a real dev for this

Thinking of putting android on touchpad..

Hey guys. I'm looking to put android on my pad. Is there an ics based one with everything working and stable that someone can recommend? Thanks in advance!
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk
corz123 said:
Hey guys. I'm looking to put android on my pad. Is there an ics based one with everything working and stable that someone can recommend? Thanks in advance!
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Nope. But you can Google and read about them yourself.
Unless you need the camera, I can recommend just getting the latest CM9 installed.
We've had alpha 2 on our TP since it came out and it is pretty much perfect other than the camera is not working.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
ianm said:
Unless you need the camera, I can recommend just getting the latest CM9 installed.
We've had alpha 2 on our TP since it came out and it is pretty much perfect other than the camera is not working.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
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And the microphone.
Put cm9 on it. Ull never boot into webos again unless u need Skype, and when they fix camera/Mic ull never use webos again
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA
Hi guys thanks for responding. What about the audio, netflix, and wifi? For example I see some threads where it seems that wifi is unfixable. But from what's being posted it that seems to not be the case. Can someone clarify?
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corz123 said:
Hi guys thanks for responding. What about the audio, netflix, and wifi? For example I see some threads where it seems that wifi is unfixable. But from what's being posted it that seems to not be the case. Can someone clarify?
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Audio and wifi works fine for me in CM9. Can't comment on Netflix since I don't use it.
Anyway, just go ahead and take the plunge. Every TouchPad owner should just install CM9. You have absolutely nothing to lose (except perhaps your warranty, but who cares about that?) and everything to gain.
Netflix youtube and flash have been fixed up nicely, im on 9.0.0 RC0 touchpad-alpha2 , earlierversions had some issues with netflix n such. As well, i've never had a problem with wifi on any rom ive ever tried.
Okay I think I'll take a look. Any idea when the next major release or milestone is? I'm going on vacation in a few so would be nice to have a nice newer version waiting for me...
And can anyone recommend a guide? I know there are some on sites like prenation but can someone recommend one that is actually updated and that they have personal experience with?
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk
corz123 said:
Okay I think I'll take a look. Any idea when the next major release or milestone is? I'm going on vacation in a few so would be nice to have a nice newer version waiting for me...
And can anyone recommend a guide? I know there are some on sites like prenation but can someone recommend one that is actually updated and that they have personal experience with?
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I do believe it's taboo to ask for release ETAs when it comes to CM...
Re: Guide
Just follow the steps here:
Then flash CM9 and Gapps via CWM recovery. Wipe data, cache, and dalvik. Reboot. Enjoy.
corz123 said:
Okay I think I'll take a look. Any idea when the next major release or milestone is? I'm going on vacation in a few so would be nice to have a nice newer version waiting for me...
And can anyone recommend a guide? I know there are some on sites like prenation but can someone recommend one that is actually updated and that they have personal experience with?
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Google Reverend Kyle for the best tutorials.
The wifi can buggy but when mine craps out I use tot explore and delete data/misc/wifi three reboot and all is good for awhile
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk
corz123 said:
Okay I think I'll take a look. Any idea when the next major release or milestone is? I'm going on vacation in a few so would be nice to have a nice newer version waiting for me...
And can anyone recommend a guide? I know there are some on sites like prenation but can someone recommend one that is actually updated and that they have personal experience with?
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I've personally found the official threads to be the best guide, but I suppose YMMV.
As for the question in the OP, I'm currently running eyeballer's unofficial nightly from the 18th, and it's held up quite well against everything I've thrown at it thus far.
Obviously, the camera and microphone don't work, but that's expected. I've had no issues with WiFi connectivity, although I have had one random reboot.
I'm running with a modest overclock to 1.7 as well.
Don't think. Just do it like all of us here. Its not a wrong move if all of us done that
Sent from my AT&T Galaxy Note - please forgive if typos
Did they ever get the camera working on CM7? I don't think so. Either way, I'm using CM9 every day. It's awesome. You'll never go back webOS. Hopefully Windows 8 can get flashed over to this bad boy too.
re: android install
do it, do it now or you will go to hell in the afterlife
I did it. Thanks all.
Sent from my cm_tenderloin using Tapatalk

kushdeck, JB EVOLTE test release...
if anybody wants to play with it, here u go gapps: enjoy!
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fldash said:
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Pssst... these have been available in IRC on a nearly nightly basis.
This is def a daily driver
fldash said:
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But will it run Crysis?
Dl'ing now. This will be fun...
And that build is old now. Srsly get in IRC
Sorry, I can't spend my time idling in IRC. I have a job, a wife, 2 kids, and other responsibilities...
fldash said:
Sorry, I can't spend my time idling in IRC. I have a job, a wife, 2 kids, and other responsibilities...
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You literally log in, click the link at the top, and flash. I'm not asking you to spend all day in there
Takes just as much time as it would to login here
I've been looking all over I must be overlooking something... what channel is the IRC on?
chococrazy said:
I've been looking all over I must be overlooking something... what channel is the IRC on?
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Look at the sticky in here. eyeballer IRC thread. I had never even been in IRC before in my life, but after a couple clicks, username + captcha.....SUCCESS.
Is anyone running this ? will give a run of it when I get home..bur someonw
e said its a dd already?
firmbiz94 said:
Is anyone running this ? will give a run of it when I get home..bur someonw
e said its a dd already?
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Check out the CM9 thread in original dev.
So they r talking about cm10 in cm9 thread lol..thanks ill check it out..didn't even know there was a cm9 thread ..only aokp
Because its not officially released yet. Google now works amazingly, video cam doesn't work and there are wake lock issues but once battery life is fixed its my daily
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
Man it sounds like they r close..gonna be sick .. can't wait to multitask again
firmbiz94 said:
Man it sounds like they r close..gonna be sick .. can't wait to multitask again
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+1 for multitask comment. I'll take AOSP roms over Sense any day.
Rxpert said:
Pssst... these have been available in IRC on a nearly nightly basis.
This is def a daily driver
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Its probably about there for daily driver. Data still funky..didnt recognize sdcard2, gallery and camera were iffy. SMS worked but never tried mms. It ran good besides that. No fc except gallery after a long wait and camera should since it froze. The base rom is solid though.
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
The ROM is ALMOST daily driver material. The battery life is atrocious compared to other ROMs, but that's something that will be worked out. After that is fixed, I would call it a DD.
SD card already works, camera is somewhat stable, Google Now works well, and I'm not seeing many force closes.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
Will be a daily once they fix the screen going off when making calls issue too...
If I need to "hit 1 for English," I'm SOL. If I need to use speaker, I'm SOL. Etc.
This ROM is amazing, and SO close to being a daily driver. I cannot wait!
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
Does svdo work?
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
greengoldmello said:
Does svdo work?
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
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What's svdo?
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motcher41 said:
What's svdo?
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Simultaneous voice and data
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app

[Q] Car bluetooth media streaming

Anyone using the EVOLTE to stream music to their cars head unit and getting track information/cover art to the head unit? If so, what ROM are you using?
I have tried stock, OMJ, CM10, and CM10.1 ROMs. CM10 is giving me track information but no album art. All of the others only play the media with no track info and no cover art. Also, CM 10 only works with Apollo as the media player and not with any other players. Apparently the ROM needs to support AVRCP 1.3. The EVO 4G LTE only supports AVRCP 1.0 according to With the phone having Bluetooth 4.0 the hardware will support AVRCP 1.3 or 1.4.
I have a 2013 Ford Escape with MyFord Touch.
Would love to know this as well, I have never got any info on my JVC head unit. Used to run Mean Rom and now MeanBean.
Anyone know how to upgrade the needed files. I would give money for that to be fixed.
lawnguy said:
Anyone know how to upgrade the needed files. I would give money for that to be fixed.
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I do have some patches from CAF for this, however not sure if it works. Also these patches would only work on aosp since you would be changing source files not precompiled files.
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
So what do you suggest? And, no way to fix it in sense? Or is that just heavy coding?
lawnguy said:
So what do you suggest? And, no way to fix it in sense? Or is that just heavy coding?
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Honestly I've never done much with sense roms not saying it can't work. Maybe one of the sense rom devs would have a better idea.
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
Well, if you decide you wanna tackle this I'm down to help in whatever way I can. I assume the new release coming out will have it. So maybe there's a place to grab the needed files from? But, either way contact me and ill dig into it with some help and guidance....
thicklizard said:
I do have some patches from CAF for this, however not sure if it works. Also these patches would only work on aosp since you would be changing source files not precompiled files.
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
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Are these patches in Komodo? Or are they available elsewhere?
beaker77 said:
Are these patches in Komodo? Or are they available elsewhere?
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They are all rom side patches. Later today I'll upload them here
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
thicklizard said:
They are all rom side patches. Later today I'll upload them here
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
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Great! I look forward to trying them out.
Here are the patches if any one wants to look over them
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
thicklizard said:
Here are the patches if any one wants to look over them
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Pardon my stupidity but this get installed in ADB correct? Thank you!
beaker77 said:
Pardon my stupidity but this get installed in ADB correct? Thank you!
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No, these are the additions that need to be made in source. It's why I don't think it can be done in sense but maybe it's some xml editing could do it
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2

AOSP JB and Google Hangout

I thought this worked at one point, but I can't recall how far back. Somewhere along the way, Google Hangout audio out stopped working. Does anyone know what may have changed, or know of any AOSP JB ROM that has it working? I am at a deciding point to go back to ICS and a Sense ROM like Viral VS. Google Now.
ssb13 said:
I thought this worked at one point, but I can't recall how far back. Somewhere along the way, Google Hangout audio out stopped working. Does anyone know what may have changed, or know of any AOSP JB ROM that has it working? I am at a deciding point to go back to ICS and a Sense ROM like Viral VS. Google Now.
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Maybe around April 8th?
When I committed the Google Talk fix.
So it could just be a routing issue then.
Take the zip attached. Replace the audio_policy inside your /system/etc/ with the one in the zip. set permission. restart phone and see if it works.
Thanks for the reply fly. I will try this and report back.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
Works great. Thanks.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
ssb13 said:
Works great. Thanks.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
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Awesome man. This is very interesting. I'll narrow it down more so when you flash new ROMs you won't have to keep replacing it. It's just a simple routing error
But BTW. You probably lost Gtalk voice/web chats if you use it.
No worries. Wife has iPhone and we use hangouts to video chat. I don't video chat with anyone else. Let me know if I can help your testing at all.
I am sticking with 5/1 build for the time being because the camcorder works best on it. No jerkyness and everything always plays back.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
The fix will be in future builds. Gtalk and Google Hangout works.
Not tested with Skype
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
ssb13 said:
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
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Was this put into 5/13?
ssb13 said:
Was this put into 5/13?
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on 5/15. I updated my Talk to the new out broken again. I did replace the audio policy from this thread and same results. I am going to try it again just to be sure I used the right file. If that fails, I'll try the one from 5/13 which worked, and see if that works. Unless you have some other suggestions.
ssb13 said:
on 5/15. I updated my Talk to the new out broken again. I did replace the audio policy from this thread and same results. I am going to try it again just to be sure I used the right file. If that fails, I'll try the one from 5/13 which worked, and see if that works. Unless you have some other suggestions.
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so far no success. waiting try audio policy from 5/13.
ssb13 said:
on 5/15. I updated my Talk to the new out broken again. I did replace the audio policy from this thread and same results. I am going to try it again just to be sure I used the right file. If that fails, I'll try the one from 5/13 which worked, and see if that works. Unless you have some other suggestions.
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I think I know why also. I broke headphone audio too. So I am positive Neo found the problem. :fingers-crossed: but I am building 5/16 right now with the fix so I hope he is right and maybe some RIL mods for better signal
Rock and roll. Can't wait to test. Thanks.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
ssb13 said:
Rock and roll. Can't wait to test. Thanks.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
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Uploading 5/16 right now to goo. Seems to run fine and headphones working again. Haven't tested hangout.
Hangout did not seem to work. If I did a dirty flash, will it replace the audio policy from the flash, or will the system retain the one I manually copied?
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
ssb13 said:
Hangout did not seem to work. If I did a dirty flash, will it replace the audio policy from the flash, or will the system retain the one I manually copied?
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
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it will replace it. i'll start working on another fix for it. Does the one in the zip a few post above work? I doubt it will
Correct it did not work.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
Still nothing on 5/17. New Hangout as well as going through Google+. Could it be the RIL change.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
ssb13 said:
Still nothing on 5/17. New Hangout as well as going through Google+. Could it be the RIL change.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
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Nah. Our phone isn't the the only one having this problem.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
Flyhalf205 said:
Nah. Our phone isn't the the only one having this problem.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
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Is it a Rezound and Hangout issue, or Rez and CM? Just cusious.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2

