[Q] Loading Progam From /storage/emulated/0 - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have a new Samsung Galaxy S4 . I need to use a program called Foldx for work. I downloaded it from their website, unzipped the contents of the download, and put it in a file named Foldx which has been placed in /storage/emulated/0/Foldx. The executable file is named FoldX.linux.32
When I click touch the executable file, it says "Unable to find application to perform this action"
Then, I downloaded the Terminal Emulator app to try and open it from a terminal program. I don't know how to load my program
from that file location. Ther Terminal Emulator seems to be having trouble finding /storage/emulated/0/Foldx/FoldX.linux32
Any help loading this linux program would be appreciated!


[How to] Install apps from NC (Not by ADB install)

I didn't see a thread for this anywhere and it's not included in the rooting documentation so i figured I'd make one.
This will allow you to install apk files directly from the device, no need to adb them over. Just get the apk from the web or whatever source you want and install. Of course this is all assuming you have completed the current root process and have adb access already.
Thanks to godsfilth for finding these directions for the origninal nook.
1. Open a command prompt and navigate to your sdk tools folder
2. Run the following commands
C:\android-sdk-windows\tools>adb pull /data/data/com.android.providers.settings/databases/settings.db settings.db
C:\android-sdk-windows\tools>sqlite3 settings.db
sqlite> update secure set value=1 where name='install_non_market_apps';
sqlite> .q
C:\android-sdk-windows\tools>adb push settings.db /data/data/com.android.providers.settings/databases/settings.db
3. Reboot
4. Install apps from NC without ADB.
You might have to restart your homescreen for the apps to show up, but i've had sucess with every app i've tried that is known working on the NC.
This was done on a Windows 7 x64 machine, although i'm sure it's the same or similiar for Linux and MUC OSx.
Also, sqlite3.exe was already in my sdk tools folder, if it's not for you then you can download from here.
Yep, and you can ADB install a file manager app, then just use the file manager to install anything else, from the SD card.
Bimboy said:
Yep, and you can ADB install a file manager app, then just use the file manager to install anything else, from the SD card.
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So...the nook doesn't stop apps from deing installed if Iinstall them manger astro file Manger?
What is the command in sqllite to see if the db entry has been changed?
I copied & pasted your commands and after a reboot still get "Can't install downloaded apk"
I did the same - even adapted the commands because the folder name wasn't the same, etc.
However, I'm trying to use SlideMe to install APKs and it keeps coming up with "Install Blocked" - any ideas?
sudermatt said:
So...the nook doesn't stop apps from deing installed if Iinstall them manger astro file Manger?
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Once you enable this it will allow you to install the apps, it doesn't have anything to do with astro per se. You can just use astro to navigate to apks stored on your sd card. I use estrongs file manager myself and have installed apks from my sd card, dropbox and downloads from dolphin browser hd.
I'm getting the same error as everyone else.
I made the edits per your first post and pushed the file back to the NC. Then I rebooted. Placed an apk in the NC and tried to open it using Root Explorer. I try to install it and I get the "Installation of donwload apks is not supported" error.
barrosd12 said:
I did the same - even adapted the commands because the folder name wasn't the same, etc.
However, I'm trying to use SlideMe to install APKs and it keeps coming up with "Install Blocked" - any ideas?
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Slideme works perfect for me so you did something wrong. Not sure what though, I would just redo it.
lovelacer said:
What is the command in sqllite to see if the db entry has been changed?
I copied & pasted your commands and after a reboot still get "Can't install downloaded apk"
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just use
sqlite3 settings.db ".dump"
and then scroll down and look for INSERT INTO "secure" VALUES(4,'install_non_market_apps','1'); you want a 1 there at the end.
barrosd12 said:
I did the same - even adapted the commands because the folder name wasn't the same, etc.
However, I'm trying to use SlideMe to install APKs and it keeps coming up with "Install Blocked" - any ideas?
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look in your tools folder for the settings.db file and check the modified by time and make sure the change you are making is made.
To clarify if there's a misunderstanding the path info and text before the > in the commands is just what you would see in your command prompt. the actual commands are after the >. These are the actual commands.
adb pull /data/data/com.android.providers.settings/databases/settings.db settings.db
sqlite3 settings.db
update secure set value=1 where name='install_non_market_apps';
adb push settings.db /data/data/com.android.providers.settings/databases/settings.db
What command did you have to alter?
also, maybe try
adb push settings.db /data/data/com.android.providers.settings/databases/settings.db
to push... I didn't have any problem with the other command and both appear to work for me.
Oh none, your commands worked awesomely, I just had to yank the folder designations that were there, which you've now done for everyone, so thanks!
I think it might be a problem somewhere else, I'm re-doing everything right now, I'll let everyone know
Ran these commands again with the additional adb push and still no dice. I checked to see that the db entry had been updated and it correctly has the install non market apps set to 1. I'm using root explorer as well I'll try estrongs as you have. Thanks for the help.
lovelacer said:
Ran these commands again with the additional adb push and still no dice. I checked to see that the db entry had been updated and it correctly has the install non market apps set to 1. I'm using root explorer as well I'll try estrongs as you have. Thanks for the help.
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Confirmed now that SlideMe is not the issue - the settings are all correct on the PC, I can't confirm these settings for the NC. I tried re-adb-pushing and still no cigar here either. I'm getting app rejections from any source, downloaded on the NC and the SD card. Any idea what could be wrong?
Ok, definitely isolated the problem now.
I pull the settings from the NC, modify them, and everything works great, then it refuses to push it back, but says it succeeds, or something to this effect, because whenever I pull the file back from the NC, it says value=0
barrosd12 said:
Confirmed now that SlideMe is not the issue - the settings are all correct on the PC, I can't confirm these settings for the NC. I tried re-adb-pushing and still no cigar here either. I'm getting app rejections from any source, downloaded on the NC and the SD card. Any idea what could be wrong?
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Not sure, I've got it working using this method on 3 different NCs myself. The only thing i can think of is that i had already installed estrongs file manager and a few other games before doing it. Maybe try using adb to install estrongs or astro and see if it will let you then.
estrongs i'm using: www mediafire com ?sxw6adfzvyp250m
astro: www mediafire com ?05scsbrnx2wfw4v
Novaglarion said:
Not sure, I've got it working using this method on 3 different NCs myself. The only thing i can think of is that i had already installed estrongs file manager and a few other games before doing it. Maybe try using adb to install estrongs or astro and see if it will let you then.
estrongs i'm using: www mediafire com ?sxw6adfzvyp250m
astro: www mediafire com ?05scsbrnx2wfw4v
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Thanks for the file links - I'll give them a try, I really think the problem though is that the NC keeps resetting the value I push back for the non-market apps. I have no idea why it's doing this...
barrosd12 said:
Thanks for the file links - I'll give them a try, I really think the problem though is that the NC keeps resetting the value I push back for the non-market apps. I have no idea why it's doing this...
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try pulling it back right after pushing the modified one, before rebooting, and see if it's even pushing correctly at all. If it is then being reset on reboot i don't know what the issue is.
Novaglarion, I am not able to do it either.
When you say "reboot", is that the same as power off and on?
boret said:
Novaglarion, I am not able to do it either.
When you say "reboot", is that the same as power off and on?
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yes, the same.
make sure you're pushing the modified db file to /data/data/com.android.providers.settings/databases not to /data/data/com.android.providers.settings
it needs to be in the databases folder so it overwrites the original
bular211 said:
make sure you're pushing the modified db file to /data/data/com.android.providers.settings/databases not to /data/data/com.android.providers.settings
it needs to be in the databases folder so it overwrites the original
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DAMN YOU!!!! such a simple thing and i missed it! You are correct. I'll update the original commands. Thanks for the good catch there.

[Q] Not flashing correctly

I am trying to get my viewsonic g tab back to factory. I installed the APX driver ok, and downloaded the applicable files. I try to run the nvflash_gtablet.bat script and it comes up with a file configuration error that the file can't be found. I am running windows 7. Any suggestions?
i have never done nvflash and never got brick and loaded multiple roms and went on dif dev branches
this is for 1.1
and this is for 1.2
rename the zip file to "update.zip"
hopefully you partioned your tab before nvflashing it. if not then please ignore this.
put update.zip in root of your sd card.
create a folder named "recovery" and place an empty file named command with this text inside
then go into recovery and let it update.
hope i helped somewhat
ps to make files in win 7. i open notepad and paste code then save a command.tmp then i go and delete tmp. it leaves it as a file. and works
Jrome86 said:
I am trying to get my viewsonic g tab back to factory. I installed the APX driver ok, and downloaded the applicable files. I try to run the nvflash_gtablet.bat script and it comes up with a file configuration error that the file can't be found. I am running windows 7. Any suggestions?
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h i because you didn't have the image files to flash into. This is probably the most common mistake that beginners make.
Go to my website linked in my signature and go to the start here page. You're probably a code yellow.

[Q] How do I install this part of ICS SDK? Please help.

So I downloaded most of the ICS SDK. All I have left is "ARM EABI v7a system image".
Now, the download was super slow!!
So I turned on my google-fu, and found a direct link for the file:
My question is, how do I install that file? Where do I extract it?
EDIT: I solved the problem. I copied the zip into the temp sub-folder in the Android-sdk folder. Then I ran the SDK-manager again I chose to install the file (so instead of downloading the whole thing, the file would be already there, and it would install it immediately).
Anyway, this is the path:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\system-images\android-14\armeabi-v7a
Thank you
it worked for me
thx m8. too slow for me too the download....

Help editing "/sys/devices/virtual/switch/hdmi/state"

I tried to edit the file "state" in "/sys/devices/virtual/switch/hdmi/" to unlock HDMI checking according to some internet posts I found. The problem is that it won't let me edit the file. I used Root explorer. My phone is rooted.
I also tried using Terminal emulator + Busybox to directly edit the file but it still didn't work. The file can be copied to other directory, and the copied file in the new directory can be edited, but the original file cannot be deleted or edited. When I tried to delete it, the message showed "Operation not permitted".
Any idea? Do I have to use "mount" command ? If so, please suggest. I am new to android and linux.
naiponnoi said:
I tried to edit the file "state" in "/sys/devices/virtual/switch/hdmi/" to unlock HDMI checking according to some internet posts I found. The problem is that it won't let me edit the file. I used Root explorer. My phone is rooted.
I also tried using Terminal emulator + Busybox to directly edit the file but it still didn't work. The file can be copied to other directory, and the copied file in the new directory can be edited, but the original file cannot be deleted or edited. When I tried to delete it, the message showed "Operation not permitted".
Any idea? Do I have to use "mount" command ? If so, please suggest. I am new to android and linux.
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Interested too. I m exactly at the same point, even with sys mounted RW
Hi. Any news oh this? Thanks

Galaxy mega 6.3 system dump

Friends, where i can find a system dump for Galaxy Mega 6.3 ?
I dont have a link for it but if i get it right you can:
1. Download offical firmware "http://samsung-updates.com/device/?id=GT-I9200" unzip it and untar it there will be something like systemext4.img.md5 (i think)
2. Download "sgs2toext4.jar" http://d-h.st/FSu
3. Download DiskInternals Linux Reader http://www.diskinternals.com/linux-reader/
4. Start command prompt (cmd) go to sgs2toext4.jar directory with "cd" command and run it just typing with sgs2toext4.jar
5. When UI shows up drag and drop systemext4.img.md5 file (not sure about name) program will create another img
6. Start DiskInternals Linux Reader drop new created img to this programs window
And there will be new virtual driver clik on it you will find system dump in there.
I found this maybe my english was not enough to explain "http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1667081"

