i found my HTC flyer very rare one. I believe its HTC Flyer 4G. but what i got from fastboot getvar is this:
version: 0.5
version-bootloader: 1.14.0008
version-baseband: 3822.11.08.07_M
version-cpld: None
version-microp: 0656
version-main: 2.27.1010.12
serialno: HT16WTM00602
imei: 356439040125304
product: express_kt
platform: HBOOT-7230
modelid: PG4130000
cidnum: KT___901
battery-status: good
battery-voltage: 4138mV
partition-layout: Generic
security: on
build-mode: SHIP
boot-mode: FASTBOOT
commitno-bootloader: f35ab587
hbootpreupdate: 12
gencheckpt: 0
I've looked everywhere but just couldn't find anything useful for last 4 weeks.
I've run multitool, superoneclick, and countless number of RUUs.
Please help me.
I have absolutely the same model.
Flyer 4G
I just can't find the RUU. every RUU shows error 155. that I need the RUU that is for my model.
help everybody KT___901
Please help. If anyone has this tablet please let us back up.
Nobody does the information on this tablet
please need backup rom flyer cidnum: KT___901 :crying:
INFOversion: 0.5
INFOversion-bootloader: 1.14.0001
INFOversion-baseband: 3809.07.05.18_M
INFOversion-cpld: None
INFOversion-microp: 0656
INFOversion-main: 1.29.1010.3
INFOserialno: HT178TM00150
INFOimei: 35643**********
INFOproduct: express_kt
INFOplatform: HBOOT-7230
INFOmodelid: PG4130000
INFOcidnum: KT___901
I have a desire X with following information:
version: 0.5
version-bootloader: 1.20.0000
version-cpld: None
version-microp: None
version-misc: PVT SHIP S-ON
serialno: HT2BKLY01339
imei: 358835043910725
product: proto
platform: HBOOT-8225
modelid: PM6610000
cidnum: T-MOB101
battery-status: good
battery-voltage: 0mV
partition-layout: HTC
security: on
build-mode: SHIP
boot-mode: FASTBOOT
commitno-bootloader: dirty-f3c065d3
hbootpreupdate: 12
gencheckpt: 0
I need its RUU if someone happens to have it.
I'm having an issue with this Phone. It restarts itself all the time. I have tried resetting with several roms without any success. I want to return to stock but i can't get the correct RUU.
Here is the phone info
version: 0.5
version-bootloader: 2.49.0000
version-baseband: 4T.24.3218.09
version-cpld: None
version-microp: None
version-main: 2.61.707.2
version-misc: PVT SHIP S-ON
serialno: -
imei: -
meid: 00000000000000
product: t6u
platform: HBOOT-8064
modelid: 0P3P60000
cidnum: HTC__044
battery-status: good
battery-voltage: 4268mV
partition-layout: Generic
security: on
build-mode: SHIP
boot-mode: FASTBOOT
commitno-bootloader: dirty-f6d46eca
hbootpreupdate: 11
gencheckpt: 0
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Hello guys,
I have HTC One X+ and trying root, recovery and custom ROM Revolution HD 8.0.
But i have still same problem with freeze at HTC brilliant.
version: 0.5a
version-bootloader: 1.72.0000
version-baseband: 3.1204.171.33
version-cpld: None
version-microp: None
version-main: 2.18.401.3
product: enrc2b_u
platform: HBOOT-T30S
modelid: PM3511000
cidnum: HTC__032
battery-status: good
battery-voltage: 3671mV
devpower: 10
partition-layout: None
security: on
build-mode: SHIP
boot-mode: FASTBOOT
commitno-bootloader: None
hbootpreupdate: 2
gencheckpt: 0
Recovery - twrp-
//DELETE- Problem Solved
hi all,
i have htc one x+ locked S-ON EVITARE_UL, i want an official Rom to insatll it.
my device didnt have rom and recovery .
version: 0.5a
version-bootloader: 1.72.0000
version-baseband: 3.1204.171.33
version-cpld: None
version-microp: None
version-main: 1.15.502.9
serialno: HT2BRW300929
product: evitare_ul
platform: HBOOT-T30S
modelid: PM631****
cidnum: 11111111
battery-status: low
battery-voltage: 3605mV
devpower: 12
partition-layout: None
security: on
build-mode: SHIP
boot-mode: FASTBOOT
commitno-bootloader: None
hbootpreupdate: 2
gencheckpt: 0
Did you resolve your problem? I'm in the same situation :'(
Pls stop posting multiple thread. This will not resolve you're problem. Dig the forum for solutions, please coordinate with the rules. Thank you
fastboot info:
version: 0.5
version-bootloader: 2.49.0000
version-baseband: 4T.36.3218.06
version-cpld: None
version-microp: None
version-misc: PVT SHIP S-ON
serialno: FA3BMWG01538
imei: 35731005061*****
meid: 00000000000000
product: t6ul
platform: HBOOT-8064
modelid: 0P3P51000
cidnum: T-MOB101
battery-status: good
battery-voltage: 4314mV
partition-layout: Generic
security: on
build-mode: SHIP
boot-mode: FASTBOOT
commitno-bootloader: dirty-d0e3b226
hbootpreupdate: 11
gencheckpt: 0/
android 5.0.2 Sense 6
link Ruu Plz :
What's your current software version?
pradeepvizz said:
What's your current software version?
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Htc onemax android 5.0.2 sense 6 / 3.23.111.....