[ROM][Neo V]{CM 10}Xtream Bean V3 (Will Blow You Up) - Sony Ericsson Xperia Neo, Pro

After The Huge Success Of Xtream Bean V2, I Present You
Xtream Bean V3(Reimagined) ​
Xtream Bean​
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Xtream Bean is a Jelly Bean based Rom for your Xperia Neo V. It is simply the perfect blend between Battery life and pure speed. Gaming and multitasking. Sony and Nexus user interface. Latest Android features and stability.
But the best thing about this feature-packed rom is its speed.
Version 3.0​
Rebased FXP223 (Thanks To FXP)
Samsung S4 Launcher (Thanks To Emvvno)
HTC Recent App Switcher (Thanks To Me)
Slim Bean Settings (Thanks To Besttt)
Supremacy Trilogy Scripts (Thanks To Emvvno)
Msc Mode
NexMusic (Latest Version) (Doesn't Use Ram Like play Music)
OI File Manager
New BootAnimation (Thanks To Xperia 4.0)
Very Light Rom
Beats Audio (Take Your Sound Xperience Of Headphone to another Level)
And Much More!!!
Version 2.0​
Samsung S4 Themed(If Want Xperia Z Theme, Addon Will Be Given...)
Google Play Music(Replaced Nex Music)
JB 4.2.2 Camera (Thanks To Gandhar)
More Tweaks (Better Buffering, Scrolling)
Much Better Battery Backup(Should Callibrate Your Battery)
Samsung Task Manager
File Manager
Zero Percent Night Drain(8 hrs 13 mins)
Nice Boot Animation (From MotoRola)
And Much More!!!
Version 1.0​
Based On Latest FXP 222.
Nex Music Player(Better Than Apollo(It Lags))
Next Browser(You Are Going To Love It...)
Xperia Keyboard
Have Xperia Z and Default Theme(Select Xperia Z After Installation)
Super Light
Nice File Manager...
Battery And Performance Tweaks By Me...
Download Links
Download Xtream Bean V3
Download Xtream Bean V2
Download XtreamBean
Lupus V8 480p
Audio Files+Su Latest Binary Patch
Bugs If Any, U Tell​
FXP For Base
Besttt For Neo Camera Patch
Gandhar For JB 4.2.2 Camera

Installation Procedure:
1.Download XtreamBean V3, Audio Files Patch and a 4.1.2 kernel (recommended Lupus Kernel)
2.Place the XtreamBean V3 And Audio Files Patch on your SDcard
3.Flash your chosen kernel via Flashtool, then boot your phone to recovery
4.Wipe data, cache, dalvik cache and format /system
5.Flash XtreamBean V3 Then Audio Files Patch
6.Flash Gapps (Optional)
HTC Recent App Switcher
Installation Procedure For HTC Recent App Switcher:
First Install Rom!!
Boot It!!
Then Go To Recovery, Wipe Cache Partition and Dalvik Cache
Install From Zip, The Addon!!
(If You Will Not Follow, Rom Will Stuck Up At Boot Screen!!)
As I Know many Of You Just Want Playstore, So Here it Is
MSC Mode Other Versions(Xtream Bean V1 and V2)
Installation Procedure For MSC Mode:
First Install Rom!!
Boot It!!
Then Go To Recovery, Wipe Cache Partition and Dalvik Cache
Install From Zip The Patch!!
(If You Will Not Follow, Rom Will Stuck Up At Boot Screen!!)
Xperia Z theme
TouchWiz Theme
Trick For Camera
Hey Guys!!
I Have A Trick To Get Original Images From Our Cameras(Not Purple One)...
Just Change The White Balance To Flourcent...
It Gives Nice images!!!

Which kernel to use with this?
Sent from my Xperia Neo V using xda premium

shubh_007 said:
Which kernel to use with this?
Sent from my Xperia Neo V using xda premium
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Any Jb kernel Can Be Used...
I prefer Fusion 5.4...

shubh_007 said:
Which kernel to use with this?
Sent from my Xperia Neo V using xda premium
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also try nAa's 3.x kernel,fusion or lupus kernel...... i think..... nAa's kernel and fusion are the best

Postponing the download link's sharing is probably the worst idea you can have...
Why do you have to make a thread if your rom is not ready and uploaded yet?

shiftyHungary said:
Postponing the download link's sharing is probably the worst idea you can have...
Why do you have to make a thread if your rom is not ready and uploaded yet?
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Rom is ready and i will upload it soon....
It is my first Rom and i was very excited...
So, I Posted Earlier...

Place Holder is not allowed in XDA
Why don't you just wait till the ROM get uploaded then create the thread
This has been told many many many times

Screens Are Uploaded!!!
Download Link Available!!

good one ... hope next one rocks

Downloading.. Report may be soon
Sent from my Xperia Neo using xda app-developers app

Is the Xperia Z Theme a paid app?
Sent from my MT11i using xda app-developers app

Is the Xperia Z Theme a paid app?
Sent from my MT11i using xda app-developers app
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no .. how did you got that doubt

I am Working On My Next Update!!
This Time Which Theme You Want??
Xperia Z or S4 or both??
Please Comment!!

These Are Some Screens From My New Rom!!

Now The Rom Is Supercharged!!!
Will Upload Tomorrow!!
Enjoy Guys!!!

Changelog of XtreamBean V2:
Samsung S4 Themed(If Want Xperia Z Theme, Addon Will Be Given...)
Google Play Music(Replaced Nex Music)
JB 4.2.2 Camera (Thanks To Gandhar)
More Tweaks (Better Buffering, Scrolling)
Much Better Battery Backup(Should Callibrate Your Battery)
Samsung Task Manager
File Manager
Zero Percent Night Drain(8 hrs 13 mins)
Nice Boot Animation (From MotoRola)
And Much More!!!
Bugs You Tell !!!

New Build Will Be Upload Soon...

Hey Guys!!
I Have A Trick To Get Original Images From Our Cameras(Not Purple One)...
Just Change The White Balance To Flourcent..
It Gives Nice images!!!

Guys Xtream Bean V2 Has Been Uploaded!!
Download Xtream Bean V2


[4.2.2]moAOKP v3 & *4.2.2 PREVIEW FOR DOWNLOAD* Free RAM | Perfect! [2 August 2013]

[4.2.2]moAOKP v3 & *4.2.2 PREVIEW FOR DOWNLOAD* Free RAM | Perfect! [2 August 2013]
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I present to you new JB ROM which is based on AOKP and highly optimised. I named it moAOKP​.
moAOKP 4.2.2 PREVIEW here!
moAOKP v3 Features:​Rebased to FXP222! (a lot improved performance!)
*Own moAOKP wallpaper&bootanimation!
*Really latest Adreno Drivers!
*AOKP 4.2.2. animations!
*AOKP 4.2.2 fonts
*Improved compatibility with latest kernels
*Even better Gaming experience!
*A lot more Free RAM, which now is stable!
*NextBrowser & NexMusic
*Improved battery life!
*Made with a new approach about init.d
*Super sensitive screen!
*New better&improved installation!
*Now free RAM goes with performance and stability
*AOKP 4.2.2 Clock
*Keyboard bug fixed
*Fixed weather from ROM Control
*30 step volume media
*Blocked ads!
*MIUI Calculator (beautiful & functionall)
*CPU settings fix (use no-frills CPU app!)
*Xperia T Keyboard
*Updated Superuser 3.1.4!
*Completely free of bloatware
If you use older versions i recommend full wipe & install v3 because of many fixes and improvements!
moAOKP v3 is probably last 4.1.2 build so son't worry about continuous installing version! ​
Superlite GAPPS v3:​*Google Play 4.1.10
*Release for 4.1.2 and 4.2.2
*Now fully funcional
*Fixed compatilibity with GP apps
*Removed tts files
*Gmail from Android 4.2 with pinch-to-zoom!
If you want all the GAPPS just install the normal version, and don't tell me that something you want is missing.
Clean installation:​
0.Flash Fusion 5.5 Kernel.
1.Copy ROM and GAPPS to Your SD CARD.
2.Boot into CWM
3.Wipe cache and data
4.Format /system & /data
5.Flash ROM, then GAPPS
6.Reboot your phone. Done!
Superlite GAPPS are GAPPS without all useless apk's, very light and some apps are updated.
*FXP for CM
*ChristO1624 for testing my ROMs
*LENAROX for his script
*TheHaso for charging animation
*gordito_gr for youtube video!
I'm not responsible for any damages done to your device/SD card etc...
If you like this hit the thanks button ​
[ROM][Neo/V]moAOKP v3 Downloads
Download:​moAOKP v3 Neo V mirror
moAOKP v3 Neo mirror
Superlite GAPPS v3 mirror
Normal GAPPS
Addons for moAOKP V3:​
Digital ICS Clock:
Digital Clock
Email&Exchange app:
Email&Exchange app
Instalation of Addons:​
0.Copy Addon to SD CARD
1.Boot into CWM or TWRP
2.Flash zip
3.Wipe Cache and Dalvik Cache
Youtube video!
Q: I got some f/c apps. Installation does not start etc...
A: Download all files again, and try to flash. If you still get this please contact with me.
Q: Wi-fi does not work! Where are WI-FI modules?
A: Search specific to your kernel and verison in its thread.
Q: What about CPU settings?
A: ROM is balanced for the best performance on Interactive, and better battery life on Smartassv2 and Ondemand.
Q: Is it support 720p recording?
A: No, because of it JB runs very smooth.
Q: I got bootloop. After instalation ROM doesn't boot.
A: Go to recovery and wipe anything, install ROM again.
Q: I have some lags!
A: Full wipe, or post your running app sections from settings
Known bugs:
Almost all AOKP R3 bugs
Reboot to recovery doesn't work
Signature banner:
Thanks for more than 3000 downloads! ​Try also:
Good work mate!
Keep it up
Good to see something other than stock based Roms
Sent from my MT11i using xda premium
WOW! Great to see another developer around here
Video recording is 480?
Sent from my Xperia Neo V using xda app-developers app
The Neo version doesn't start installing..
PS Installed the Neo V version. I got a bunch of force closes when I rebooted the device.
Looks promising. Will install it tonight in my Neo V. What are the bugs?
Installed in Neo v. after 1 hour, no fc. very very very fast for now. only one question, how can I activate ALS with auto button, because with hw_config I can turn it ON or OFF, but I would like switch it from menu. Sometimes I use ALS. BTW, thanks for this great great rom. I'll continue testing it.
bixirulo said:
Installed in Neo v. after 1 hour, no fc. very very very fast for now. only one question, how can I activate ALS with auto button, because with hw_config I can turn it ON or OFF, but I would like switch it from menu. Sometimes I use ALS. BTW, thanks for this great great rom. I'll continue testing it.
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How's the battery??
Sent from my Xperia Neo V using xda premium
abbykhan said:
How's the battery??
Sent from my Xperia Neo V using xda premium
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I dont know yet. I'm using Fusion 5.1
devilcry77 said:
Video recording is 480?
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720p is enabled in AOKP, but you need kernel which support it.
iToddie said:
The Neo version doesn't start installing..
PS Installed the Neo V version. I got a bunch of force closes when I rebooted the device.
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Download ROM again... You must do something wrong, test zip by winrar maybe.
Looks promising. Will install it tonight in my Neo V. What are the bugs?
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Sometimes to install sd card you need to reboot phone, but that's all :angel:
bixirulo said:
Installed in Neo v. after 1 hour, no fc. very very very fast for now. only one question, how can I activate ALS with auto button, because with hw_config I can turn it ON or OFF, but I would like switch it from menu. Sometimes I use ALS. BTW, thanks for this great great rom. I'll continue testing it.
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Some addons like enabling ALS soon
lock bootloader / unlock bootloader ?????????????????
JB ROMs are only for unlocked bootloader, you need flash kernel like Fusion or LuPuS.
sagar.andro said:
lock bootloader / unlock bootloader ?????????????????
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How is a jb rom for locked bootloader?
Sent from my Xperia Neo V using Tapatalk 2
Where to find Fusion 5.0 for neoV ? On Fusion thread is only 5.1 or i dont see them. Tnx
TNX I found.
hi. there is no google calendar sync
sasa g said:
Where to find Fusion 5.0 for neoV ? On Fusion thread is only 5.1 or i dont see them. Tnx
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Now thread update to V5.1 sure 5.1 better, Neo & Neo V use same kernel bro.
tualek kung said:
Now thread update to V5.1 sure 5.1 better, Neo & Neo V use same kernel bro.
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Yes I know but 5.0 is better for battery. Tnx
koradiavatsal said:
How is a jb rom for locked bootloader?
Sent from my Xperia Neo V using Tapatalk 2
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Why you not unlocked bootloader ?
sasa g said:
Yes I know but 5.0 is better for battery. Tnx
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Click to collapse
can some one get me osb for this rom??

[NEO/V]moAOKP v3 - 【FXP222】 Free RAM | The best performance | Perfect! [7 June 2013]

[NEO/V]moAOKP v3 - 【FXP222】 Free RAM | The best performance | Perfect! [7 June 2013]
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"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
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I present to you new JB ROM which is based on AOKP and highly optimised. I named it moAOKP​.
moAOKP v3 Features:​Rebased to FXP222! (a lot improved performance!)
*Own moAOKP wallpaper&bootanimation!
*Really latest Adreno Drivers!
*AOKP 4.2.2. animations!
*AOKP 4.2.2 fonts
*Improved compatibility with latest kernels
*Even better Gaming experience!
*A lot more Free RAM, which now is stable!
*NextBrowser & NexMusic
*Improved battery life!
*Made with a new approach about init.d
*Super sensitive screen!
*New better&improved installation!
*Now free RAM goes with performance and stability
*AOKP 4.2.2 Clock
*Keyboard bug fixed
*Fixed weather from ROM Control
*30 step volume media
*Blocked ads!
*MIUI Calculator (beautiful & functionall)
*CPU settings fix (use no-frills CPU app!)
*Xperia T Keyboard
*Updated Superuser 3.1.4!
*Completely free of bloatware
If you use older versions i recommend full wipe & install v3 because of many fixes and improvements!
moAOKP v3 is probably last 4.1.2 build so son't worry about continuous installing version! ​
Superlite GAPPS v3:​*Google Play 4.1.10
*Release for 4.1.2 and 4.2.2
*Now fully funcional
*Fixed compatilibity with GP apps
*Removed tts files
*Gmail from Android 4.2 with pinch-to-zoom!
If you want all the GAPPS just install the normal version, and don't tell me that something you want is missing.
Clean installation:​
0.Flash Fusion 5.5 Kernel.
1.Copy ROM and GAPPS to Your SD CARD.
2.Boot into CWM
3.Wipe cache and data
4.Format /system & /data
5.Flash ROM, then GAPPS
6.Reboot your phone. Done!
Superlite GAPPS are GAPPS without all useless apk's, very light and some apps are updated.
*FXP for CM
*ChristO1624 for testing my ROMs
*LENAROX for his script
*TheHaso for charging animation
*gordito_gr for youtube video!
I'm not responsible for any damages done to your device/SD card etc...
If you like this hit the thanks button ​
[ROM][Neo/V]moAOKP v3 Downloads
Download:​moAOKP v3 Neo V mirror
moAOKP v3 Neo mirror
Superlite GAPPS v3 mirror
Normal GAPPS
Addons for moAOKP V3:​
Digital ICS Clock:
Digital Clock
Email&Exchange app:
Email&Exchange app
Instalation of Addons:​
0.Copy Addon to SD CARD
1.Boot into CWM or TWRP
2.Flash zip
3.Wipe Cache and Dalvik Cache
Youtube video!
Q: I got some f/c apps. Installation does not start etc...
A: Download all files again, and try to flash. If you still get this please contact with me.
Q: Wi-fi does not work! Where are WI-FI modules?
A: Search specific to your kernel and verison in its thread.
Q: What about CPU settings?
A: ROM is balanced for the best performance on Interactive, and better battery life on Smartassv2 and Ondemand.
Q: Is it support 720p recording?
A: No, because of it JB runs very smooth.
Q: I got bootloop. After instalation ROM doesn't boot.
A: Go to recovery and wipe anything, install ROM again.
Q: I have some lags!
A: Full wipe, or post your running app sections from settings
Known bugs:
Almost all AOKP R3 bugs
Reboot to recovery doesn't work
Signature banner:
Thanks for more than 3000 downloads! ​Try also:
moAOKP v3 released
Heard that this is amazing ROM, but want to know - is here ANT- drivers implemented? I need them to make my LiveView working... Thank you for response!
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
Hi mastero9017, is there any way to apply patch (separately) or some thing like that to use 720rec ?
What about neo L. Does it support neo L?
Sent from my Xperia Neo L using xda app-developers app
Ankurcul said:
What about neo L. Does it support neo L?
Sent from my Xperia Neo L using xda app-developers app
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This ROM is not for neo L
g.man.7489 said:
Hi mastero9017, is there any way to apply patch (separately) or some thing like that to use 720rec ?
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Meanwhile , the OP clearly stated that no 720p for his ROM , he will never do it , 720p on CM10 or AOKP simply only give 15-16fps which is not normal thus it will cause even more lags while gaming or streaming
Hope you got the point
Phillip Wu said:
This ROM is not for neo L
Meanwhile , the OP clearly stated that no 720p for his ROM , he will never do it , 720p on CM10 or AOKP simply only give 15-16fps which is not normal thus it will cause even more lags while gaming or streaming
Hope you got the point
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Click to collapse
Any method that will make this ROM compatible???
Sent from my Xperia Neo L using xda app-developers app
The gtalk / hangout works?
I need to make video calls with frequency.
contact fc when i tried to change the picture..
Reboot to recovery not working. Orelse this Rom is working flawlessly in neo L.
Sent from my Xperia Neo L using xda premium
rohan023 said:
Reboot to recovery not working. Orelse this Rom is working flawlessly in neo L.
Sent from my Xperia Neo L using xda premium
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Wow .. Thanks for report mate @op please add neo l too in the first post.
Sent from my Xperia Neo V using Tapatalk 2
koradiavatsal said:
Wow .. Thanks for report mate @op please add neo l too in the first post.
Sent from my Xperia Neo V using Tapatalk 2
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No no , he used the port one !!! Since it's port so the android.policy.jar is diferrent which mean to edit the framework
rohan023 said:
Reboot to recovery not working. Orelse this Rom is working flawlessly in neo L.
Sent from my Xperia Neo L using xda premium
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By the way , u should ask the person who port it not here
Hi guys!
My disk is now broken so development is currently stoped. I need money for a new one. I probably can recovery my data, and my development files, but only with other disk. If you are fan of my work, and you can help please do that now... ;/ Any donation for this will be awesome and appreciated...

[ROM][Neo]{CM 10} Xtream Bean V3 (Will Blow You Up!!)

After The Huge Success Of Xtream Bean V2, I Present You
Xtream Bean V3(Reimagined) ​
Xtream Bean​
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"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Xtream Bean is a Jelly Bean based Rom for your Xperia Neo. It is simply the perfect blend between Battery life and pure speed. Gaming and multitasking. Sony and Nexus user interface. Latest Android features and stability.
But the best thing about this feature-packed rom is its speed.
Version 3.0​
Rebased FXP223 (Thanks To FXP)
Samsung S4 Launcher (Thanks To Emvvno)
HTC Recent App Switcher (Thanks To Me)
Slim Bean Settings (Thanks To Besttt)
Supremacy Trilogy Scripts (Thanks To Emvvno)
Msc Mode
NexMusic (Latest Version) (Doesn't Use Ram Like play Music)
OI File manager
New BootAnimation (Thanks To Xperia 4.0)
Very Light Rom
Beats Audio (Take Your Sound Xperience Of Headphone to another Level)
And Much More!!!
Version 2.0​
Samsung S4 Themed(If Want Xperia Z Theme, Addon Will Be Given...)
Google Play Music(Replaced Nex Music)
JB 4.2.2 Camera (Thanks To Gandhar)
More Tweaks (Better Buffering, Scrolling)
Much Better Battery Backup(Should Callibrate Your Battery)
Samsung Task Manager
File Manager
Zero Percent Night Drain(8 hrs 13 mins)
Nice Boot Animation (From MotoRola)
And Much More!!!
Version 1.0​
Based On Latest FXP 222.
Nex Music Player(Better Than Apollo(It Lags))
Next Browser(You Are Going To Love It...)
Xperia Keyboard
Have Xperia Z and Default Theme(Select Xperia Z After Installation)
Super Light
Nice File Manager...
Battery And Performance Tweaks By Me...
Download Links
Download Xtream Bean V3
Download Xtream Bean V2
Download XtreamBean
Lupus V8 720p
Audio Files+Su Latest Binary Patch
Neo Patch With JB 4.2.2 Camera
Neo Patch For JB 4.1.2 Camera
Bugs If Any, U Tell​
FXP For Base
Besttt For Neo Camera Patch
Gandhar For JB 4.2.2 Camera
Installation Procedure:
1.Download XtreamBean V3, Neo Patch, Audio Files Patch and a 4.1.2 kernel (recommended Lupus Kernel)
2.Place the XtreamBean V3, Neo Patch And Audio Files Patch on your SDcard
3.Flash your chosen kernel via Flashtool, then boot your phone to recovery
4.Wipe data, cache, dalvik cache and format /system
5.Flash XtreamBean V3
6.Flash Neo Patch Then Audio Files Patch
7.Flash Gapps (Optional)
HTC Recent App Switcher
Installation Procedure For HTC Recent App Switcher:
First Install Rom!!
Boot It!!
Then Go To Recovery, Wipe Cache Partition and Dalvik Cache
Install From Zip, The Addon!!
(If You Will Not Follow, Rom Will Stuck Up At Boot Screen!!)
As I Know many Of You Just Want Playstore, So Here it Is
MotoRola Bootanimation
MSC Mode Other Versions(Xtream Bean V1 and V2)
Installation Procedure For MSC Mode:
First Install Rom!!
Boot It!!
Then Go To Recovery, Wipe Cache Partition and Dalvik Cache
Install From Zip The Patch!!
(If You Will Not Follow, Rom Will Stuck Up At Boot Screen!!)
Xperia Z theme
TouchWiz Theme
Trick For Camera
Hey Guys!!
I Have A Trick To Get Original Images From Our Cameras(Not Purple One)...
Just Change The White Balance To Flourcent...
It Gives Nice images!!!
Good to see a new rom will download an try later.
Sent from my Xperia Neo using xda app-developers app
I am Working On My Next Update!!
This Time Which Theme You Want??
Xperia Z or S4 or both??
Please Comment!!
These Are Some Screens From My New Rom!!
Men_in_black007 said:
These Are Some Screens From My New Rom!!
Please Hit Thanks!!!
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How can i get this theme? Why is this different from ur pics attached?
g.man.7489 said:
How can i get this theme? Why is this different from ur pics attached?
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This Is In My New Rom!
Do You Like It??
Men_in_black007 said:
This Is In My New Rom!
Do You Like It??
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of course! is it for neo, too?
g.man.7489 said:
of course! is it for neo, too?
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Click to collapse
Of course!!
It Will Be Uploaded In 1-2 days!!!
Any Suggestions??
Men_in_black007 said:
Of course!!
It Will Be Uploaded In 1-2 days!!!
Any Suggestions??
Please Hit thanks!!1
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For me? Just very good ram management, supercharged, and beautiful appearance like above.
+ Addons for options :good:
g.man.7489 said:
For me? Just very good ram management, supercharged, and beautiful appearance like above.
+ Addons for options :good:
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Click to collapse
You Want it!!
You Get It!!!
But Then I Want 2-3 Days To Make It Supercharged!!
Now The Rom Is Supercharged!!!
Will Upload Tomorrow!!
Enjoy Guys!!!
How gps spin problem? You fix it or not?
Sent from my MT11i using xda app-developers app
KidDevil29 said:
How gps spin problem? You fix it or not?
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This problem exist in fxp cm10 than all the roms based on fxp builds also has problem...
deccen90 said:
This problem exist in fxp cm10 than all the roms based on fxp builds also has problem...
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cm10.1 solved?
g.man.7489 said:
cm10.1 solved?
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Click to collapse
I tried mikes 10.1 there is no such issue....
I trust you and will try the rom. I hope it will stable and fast.
nmann said:
I trust you and will try the rom. I hope it will stable and fast.
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Thank You For Your Trust On Me And My Rom!!!!
I Hope You Like It!!!
Men_in_black007 said:
I am Working On My Next Update!!
This Time Which Theme You Want??
Xperia Z or S4 or both??
Please Comment!!
Please Hit Thanks!!
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If it's not to late...My vote goes to Xperia Z theme!
ROM is perfect!
In info about phone is model number Xperia Neo V and CM version haida. I tried to modify build.prop but it ends in bootloop. Can you fix it please?

[Fixed links] [PORT / ROM / 4.1.2] Xtream Bean V3.0 [From Arc S] - [MDPI]

Hi ppl . I've fully Ported Xtream Bean ROM By @Men_in_black007 in Arc S Thread .. I Ported it with My Features :good: .
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ported from Xtream Bean ROM
Based on FXP224 [CM 10]
Based on Fusion ROM [Old Thread will be Closed]
All Issues with Xperia Mini Fixed
Many of Unnecessary apps deleted
CM Wallpapers replaced with Xperia Z Wallpapers
Xperia i1 Wallpapers + Android 5 Wallpaper
Xperia i1 Keyboard
75% Transparent Status Bar [As Original ROM]
New S4 UI [See Add-on's]
HTC Sense 4 Recent apps
GS3 Status Bar [As Original Rom]
Xperia Z 4.2.2 Album app
Xperia i1 Bootanimation
Snap Dragon Battery Guru app
Battery Scripts Added
MSC Mode
S4 Luncher + Transparent Weather Widget
Mobile Bravia Engine 2
Build.prob - int.d Tweaks By Spex
SeederEntropy app
Full Seeder Scripts for Reduce any Lag
NexMusic app [ No Apollo - But this one is Great ]
Viper 4 Android Sound MOD
YouTube with Download option
Latest Transparent Playstore
Very Smooth and Good in Gaming
Xperia Z Lockscreen with LandeScape Mode
Awesome Modded Google Search By iiandskater
Xperia Z Holo dark in settings
Xperia NXT Full Ringtones]
XBooster app [Boost My Xperia] [See Add-On's]
Ubuntu Font
OI File Manager [No CM File Manager]
This what i can remember for now
Screen Shots , Bugs & Credits are in 2nd post
Downloads , Installation and Add-on's are 3rd post
If Like it
Screen Shots , Bugs and Credits
Panorama Camera . But You can Use this Here
Luncher Layout in XMP (LandeScape Mode) >>> [ I need Help in That ]
CyanogenMod & FXP Teams
Sony & Google
If Like it
Installation , Downloads & Add-on's
Xperia Mini
Xperia Mini Pro : will be ready today...
Xperia LwW
Download Xtream Bean Rom V3.0 and the Fix.zip
Copy them to your SD Card
Flash the .587 Kernel First !
Flash the Kernel in The Rom via Flashtool [ Fastboot Mode ]
Do this in CWM :
-Wipe data/factory reset
-Wipe Cache Partition
-Wipe Dalvik cache
-Mounts & Storage > Format System + Format data + Format Cache
-Flash Fusion Gapps [Optional]
-Flash Xtream Bean V3.0
-Wipe cache and dalvik cache
Reboot your system and wait the Rom to settle for 10 Mins . you will not see status bar and no wallpaper . do this :
CWM > Flash Fix.zip > reboot
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
S4 Theme [Very Recommende!] : Here
install as normal apk . Settings > Themes > Galaxy S4 Theme
S4 Icons only : Here
Hidden Status Bar . But You can Swipe it :good: Here
If Like it
If Like it
Xperia~Man said:
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What kerenl should i use for best performance ?
frosthater said:
What kerenl should i use for best performance ?
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I didn't try any kernel . try LuPuS JB
Looks nice...downloading now
And btw is it important to use the GAPPS given by you?
I have a GAPPS for 4.1.2
the ROM looks promising, going to try it for sure
what does xtreme bean patch do?
oh and Ramadan Kareem to you too
beutiful dude. it looks awesome!
coolancool said:
Looks nice...downloading now
And btw is it important to use the GAPPS given by you?
I have a GAPPS for 4.1.2
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yes you can use your 4.1.2 gapps
MCM4u said:
the ROM looks promising, going to try it for sure
what does xtreme bean patch do?
oh and Ramadan Kareem to you too
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This will bring Latest Update and Change to full Port of Xtram Bean . Fusion V2.0 was Uncompleted Release
Ramadan Kareeeeeem
Plz ppl . If you want to say thanks click thanks button
Well,the ROM is quite nice but you could have added a few more goodies!
You are trying to make the phone look like s4,great.
But for that you should have added more things from s4!
Bootanimation,wallpapers,ringtones,Media player from s4(if possible),notif. tones,and the S 4 lock screen
Do this in you next update.
coolancool said:
Well,the ROM is quite nice but you could have added a few more goodies!
You are trying to make the phone look like s4,great.
But for that you should have added more things from s4!
Bootanimation,wallpapers,ringtones,Media player from s4(if possible),notif. tones,and the S 4 lock screen
Do this in you next update.
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No . I don't want full S4 Look !
I Ported Xtream Bean with it's Features !
This Rom is Mix of JB Features of Sony , Samsung , HTC and AOSP
thx for suggestions . I'll add some Features in next Update :good:
Theme FC in setting.
mobilephone01 said:
Theme FC in setting.
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Click to collapse
yeah i know this problem .. Just Flash the Rom again ..
or wait for a while . I'm about to Upload New Package For Flash without any batch ..
Xperia~Man said:
yeah i know this problem .. Just Flash the Rom again ..
or wait for a while . I'm about to Upload New Package For Flash without any batch ..
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thank you!
I'll wait it. and keyboard is fc too.
mobilephone01 said:
Thank you!
I'll wait it. and keyboard is fc too.
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Click to collapse
Link Added for Xperia Mini and Mini pro
Tomorrow will add for WALKMAN :good:
No status bar and no wallpaper.
Installation instruction is correct?
I think something missing.
mobilephone01 said:
No status bar and no wallpaper.
Installation instruction is correct?
I think something missing.
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Click to collapse
Uhmm try wiping data.cache,dalik cache,format system,data,and cache.
Then install Xtream Bean V3.0
And then GAPPS.
Wipe cache and dalvik cache and then reboot!

[ROM][ICS 4.0.4][All MDPI]Xtreme ICS V4 [Locked&Unlocked]

Hi everybody!
My friend dragonhustler move to versus touchpad so i continue his projects!
The best from his projects is Xtreme ICS ROM so i just released the Xtreme ICS V4! :victory:
It named as V4 but it is the first version by me so if you have any request you can post in this thread!
(Just use feature request option in devdb)
-ROM Control (functions are limited)
-CPU Control (for unlock bl users)
-Locating-based WI-fi
-And everything else
Bugs/Not working:
-You tell me
If you have Locked BL:
0. Download the ROM and place it to your SD card!
1. Get Root and CWM! (Be sure you are on stock ICS kernel and ROM!)
2. Reboot to recovery!
3. Wipe data/cache and dalvik cache and format system!
4. Install the zip!
5. Reboot your phone!
6. Go through the setup wizard!
7. Reboot your phone and enjoy!
If you have Unlocked BL:
0. Download the ROM and place it to your SD card!
1. Flash one of stock based kernels!
2. Reboot to recovery!
3. Wipe data/cache and dalvik cache and format system!
4. Install the zip!
5. Reboot your phone!
6. Go through the setup wizard!
7. Reboot your phone and enjoy!
Downloads and Screenshots are in 2nd post!
Credits and others in 3rd post!
XDA:DevDB Information
Xtreme ICS, a ROM for the Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini, Mini Pro, Active
kovacslaszlo13, kovacslaszlo13
ROM OS Version: 4.0.x Ice Cream Sandwich
ROM Kernel: Linux 2.6.x
ROM Firmware Required: 4.1.B.0.587
Based On: Stock ICS
Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: V4
Stable Release Date: 2013-10-31
Created 2013-10-31
Last Updated 2013-10-31
V4: http://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=23203820527944567 Please tell me if the file is incorrect! AFH is new for me
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"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
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Rizal lovins for cybershot
Orochixxx for themes and messagin app
SigitCgumilars for themes
Saqib Nazm for framework, settings and other stuff
Gagan.u20 for wifi direct and latest media files
Cgoast[Non-Xda member] for wallpapers
Serajr for his awsome SystemUI
-First release by me!
-Some apps are removed (for example docomo phone)
-Changed systemui
-more free ram
-better performance
-and many other thing... i can't remember
I have waited this update for a long time bro! Is stock/Xperia go keyboard included?
Sorry for waiting bro! Yes there is xperia keyboard inside the ROM!
Good Job..!!!
kovacslaszlo13 said:
Sorry for waiting bro! Yes there is xperia keyboard inside the ROM!
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Downloading... Will test the rom for one day and give feedback... btw good job.... Waiting for your MIUI update...
Looks good !
I wait for feedbacks and feature requests
The best from his projects is Xtreme ICS ROM so i just released the Xtreme ICS V4! :victory:
Been using this rom from past 5 hours.... its fast, playing temple run2 without lag... nice battery...
back to kill app is missing and looking forward for future updates with some UI changes like z1 apps, tweaks etc...
I tried the ROM this morning, it is fast and has a beautiful look, the only fact that I don't like is the keyboard which doesn't support the hw keypad, so no word suggestion and no sym+globe button. I installed the stock one manually but it force closes every time.
I will add stock keyboard for xmp and z1 skin in V4.1
But first i want make flashable keyboard zip for v4
kovacslaszlo13 said:
I will add stock keyboard for xmp and z1 skin in V4.1
But first i want make flashable keyboard zip for v4
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Bro, can you plz maintain the current framework, there are many roms with Z1 look around here. Also Octane ROM (no longer updated) has a good graphics IMO, if you want, take some parts of that.
kingozzo said:
Bro, can you plz maintain the current framework, there are many roms with Z1 look around here. Also Octane ROM (no longer updated) has a good graphics IMO, if you want, take some parts of that.
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Click to collapse
Bro i don't want to use another framework
I make it for myself
Tried your rom. Very nice and very smooth. But i cant get the flashlight going. Whenver i start the Flash from the System UI the UI crashes. Also there is no flash, using the camera app.
Hardware: mini pro (sk17i) unlocked bootloader
Kernel: Kappa Kernel 1.6
Rom: Xtreme ICS V4
star warski said:
Tried your rom. Very nice and very smooth. But i cant get the flashlight going. Whenver i start the Flash from the System UI the UI crashes. Also there is no flash, using the camera app.
Hardware: mini pro (sk17i) unlocked bootloader
Kernel: Kappa Kernel 1.6
Rom: Xtreme ICS V4
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Click to collapse
I'll see this
But you can try it with other kernels
I recommend rage kernel or extended stock!
Rom is smooth and fast ..Nice work !
Some hitches ...
I had problems with flash light ...
Reading legibility ...
The font and color make it difficult to read stuff on screen ...:/
Hehe some really good work, i just came to check nice work bro keep it up
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
deodex or odex?
Sent from my Xperia Mini using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
because i edited some of system apps
so system doesn't contain odex files
Any news? I've really liked this project!
