[REQUEST] Modify AOSP Camera for 16:9 Resolution - Verizon Samsung Galaxy S 4

Can any devs help with this? I'm not a dev, but this should be an easy mod. I tried using apktool and the framework from CM, but I get errors in styles.xml (which I didn't even touch) when building.
If a dev can point me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated. (If you take it upon yourself to do it, can you at least tell me what you did. Its been driving me crazy.)
I'm not sure of the other resolutions, but 8MP should be 4128x2322. I found the entries in arrays.xml, but because of the styles.xml errors, I can't go much further.

SonicJoe said:
Can any devs help with this? I'm not a dev, but this should be an easy mod. I tried using apktool and the framework from CM, but I get errors in styles.xml (which I didn't even touch) when building.
If a dev can point me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated. (If you take it upon yourself to do it, can you at least tell me what you did. Its been driving me crazy.)
I'm not sure of the other resolutions, but 8MP should be 4128x2322. I found the entries in arrays.xml, but because of the styles.xml errors, I can't go much further.
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I've been searching for months about this very same issue with 16:9 ratio photo's. I've tried compiling just as you have and I get the same error in styles.xml which I didn't touch at all...

bb12489 said:
I've been searching for months about this very same issue with 16:9 ratio photo's. I've tried compiling just as you have and I get the same error in styles.xml which I didn't touch at all...
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It happens because the decompile is missing something. I've tried multiple versions of apktool and aapt on both Windows and Linux. I'm thinking that I need to get the source and modify there then rebuild. I just need to do a lot more reading before attempting that.
Its possible, because I have found threads where devs have modded it for other phones. Unfortunately, I can't find a single thread that explains how they did it.

SonicJoe said:
It happens because the decompile is missing something. I've tried multiple versions of apktool and aapt on both Windows and Linux. I'm thinking that I need to get the source and modify there then rebuild. I just need to do a lot more reading before attempting that.
Its possible, because I have found threads where devs have modded it for other phones. Unfortunately, I can't find a single thread that explains how they did it.
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Something interesting I found out lastnight when I decompiled Gallery2.apk from CM 10.1 ( I'm on a Droid DNA btw) is that there are camera preference strings for up to 12.8mp, as well as 6mp. The only thing is, these never show up as selectable options on my rom. Definitely need a dev to step in and help..

Broke down, setup a CM build environment, found the file, and its compiling now. Seeing the source vs. what apktool spits out, I can see why it refuses to build.
After I test it myself, if I didn't break something, I will share.

Success! I have tested the 8MP pictures on the Verizon S4, and my new Gallery2.apk now takes full 16:9 pictures. I'll try to get a link up tomorrow nite, or, if anyone is willing to host it, send me a PM and I'll send you the file. Also, I'm not sure if any of the other resolutions are supposed to be 16:9. If they are, can someone either send me a sample of a picture on stock, or read me the resolution (e.g. 4128x2322)? I can make further changes.

If anyone is interested in a modified AOSP camera that takes 16:9 pics at 8MP(4128x2322), here's a link: http://db.tt/mC5LclAE
Sorry its not a flashable zip. Just copy it to /system/apps with root explorer or equivalent and set permissions to rw-r--r-- (644). Then reboot. Its a system app, so every time you update you'll need to do this again.
This was built from CM source, and I've tested it on the Verizon S4 running CM10.1 with no issues. I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work on any other carrier's S4, or on another AOSP based ROM, but do so at your own risk. You may want to backup your original Gallery2.apk to your SD Card first.


[Q] How to port a theme?

Didn't know where to post this, and couldn't find an answer to my question anywhere.
So, to my noob question.
How do you port a theme? Do you actually need to change codes and stuff? Or is it just as easy as changing the images?
There are a few apps on xda somewhere that do most of the work for you. Here is one of them: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=737526
But it really depends on whether your porting from another ROM of the same resolution or if it differs.
If it's the same then you can simply drag and drop the images from one to the other.. I use 7-zip for that.
If it's from a different resolution then they will need to obviously be resized...
...in either case if you have to resize or make any changes to the .9.png's then they will have to be re-patched before using - read up on this before doing so.
Thanks! Gonna try it out.
Hm, tried it. Did like it said, tried to install it but no change.
pzylo said:
Hm, tried it. Did like it said, tried to install it but no change.
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Tried what, the Theme Porter? To be honest I have not used it as normally just move the images myself. Just try changing one or two images to start with and then go from there.
If you're familiar with making update.zip's or pulling and pushing .apk's via adb then you should be fine.

Looking for Theme help.

I have been around the Android game for quite some time. More of an enthusiast per se. I have reached a point where I want to give back to the community. I have gained a pretty good knowledge of the inner workings of Android and have an advanced understanding of PCs. I am just trying to start of small and advance progressively from there. Looking for someone that doesnt care to answer a few questions I am having.
I want to start by porting themes to my current device, Epic Touch 4G. We haven't received official ICS as of yet but we have quite a few leaks and ports. I figure if I learn enough now, when we receive our official release, I can give back. Now, I know porting a theme isnt considered true dev work but it is a start. If I can gain enough knowledge porting, I hope to physically start making my own themes.
As it stands right now, I have successfully learned how to decompile/recompile apks. And that is where things have gotten tough. I cant seem to implement the ported theme without creating a bootloop. Just not sure what the problem could be. The theme I am trying to port is capable of being flashed to my device and works but when I try to actually take the themed items from the flashable zip and directly implement them into the rom, it bootloops. It may just be something simple I am overlooking but after speaking to a few people, I still havent come to a conclusion.
So far I have tried taking the theme zip and pull the themed apks from it using 7zip, then copying them over into the rom.
Then I tried decompiling the themed apk, decompiling the stock apk and then moving the files from the themed apk over to the stock apk and then recompile.
I even tried just moving the individual pngs from each seperate folder over and then recompiling.
All created the bootloop.
So in closing, I have the ability and learn quickly, just need a push in the right direction. If you are interested in assisting me, it would be much appreciated.

[Q] Editing Phone.apk

Is there something special about editing the images inside phone.apk?
Every time I edit them, it becomes unusable. Thankfully I have many back ups to choose from. I am on the latest leak of Team Perfections Rom. Any help would be appreciated.
Dont know why I even post questions in this area!
Raiderman said:
Dont know why I even post questions in this area!
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Maybe no one that has read your post has tried to edit that file. I used to do a little theming on HTC devices but haven't tried on a samsung yet. What do you mean by unuseable? That term is very broad. Did you resign the app?
Means it Force closes when making a call. Never sign system apk's. Push them using ADB.
It was the same for me on HTC phones. Hit and miss when editing images inside Phone.apk
Sorry, then I can't help. I always used Auto Sign to sign the apps first. Goodluck.

[Wip] Hdmi On Non-Moto Based Roms

NOTE: A lot of this info is duplicated from a post i had made on droidrzr a while ago. I'm adding it here because i'm actively looking into getting this working once again and I would love any input/thoughts that other devs have on this topic.
Ok, so i've been poking around trying to get HDMI support working in non moto-based ROMs (basically anything that would be using kexec or an AOSP base like CM). It's not complete but i figure it's better to have more eyes on this than just mine. Apologies ahead of time if this post turns into a big info-dump, but here's what i have so far. Also, this is HDMI only, not webtop related.
Initial research:
My previous phone was a Droid X and there were similar issues relating to HDMI on non-stock roms. So my first inclination was to look into how that was fixed.
Here's the post in question: http://rootzwiki.com...m-audio-solved/
Basically, there are some required framework files that are needed for detecting an HDMI cable, notifying the system that it exists and enabling the output. There were also some permissions files and an APK that needed to be copied as well. The big issue with this is that the APK needed to be signed with a signature that matched the one that the ROM was built with (and since a lot of devs use the default android test/build keys, this wasn't all that difficult).
Now, keep in mind that the HDMI on the droid X wasn't mirror mode and operated VERY differently. However, it gave me a good place to start looking on the razr.
Some digging:
First, after looking through system/app i found this apk: ExtDispService.apk. As with the DX, this file is definitely going to be needed. This was where i started digging. I re-signed it and added it to the CM install zip, and put it on my phone. Now, of course it immediately crashed, but at least i had some logs to help me determine why.
As a small note, I was using Virtuous Ten Studio to do a lot of this editing. I can't stress enough how awesome this program is for things like this. I had been doing it all manually at the start and making ONE change to that APK would take me close to 15 minutes. With VTS, i could do it in 5 or less. So from here on out, if you're following along, be sure to have the APK and JAR files mentioned added to a project in VTS and de-compiled so that you can see the smali code.
The roadblocks:
So once i had the logs, i was able to see where the APK was crashing. I knew that I would need to include some items from the framework, but i just wasn't sure what yet.
The first hiccup was in ExtDispService$HandleInitAutoDetectSetting.
const-string v3, "hdmi_autodetection"
invoke-static {v1, v3}, Lcom/motorola/android/provider/MotorolaSettings;->getInt(Landroid/content/ContentResolver;Ljava/lang/String;)I
So, from looking at this, you can see that it's trying to access a Moto utility that allows programs access to information from the settings menu. In this particular instance, it's the on/off switch for HDMI autodetect. This opened up a whole new can of worms. How would we add these items back to the settings menu? How would we fake the overscan setting?
My first inclination was to look for the MotorolaSettings class and include that into the package. However, this could potentially lead us down a very dark path of dependency hell. Worst case scenario: we have to include a lot of moto's framework to get this working (and isn't the whole point of this to get away from moto's code?!). I attempted to remove the references to the settings menu in the smali code and replace them with hardcoded values. This was EXTREMELY hackey but it was more of a proof of concept at this point anyway. I was able to get the phone to boot and not have ExtDispService crash on me, however there was also no response when I plugged in the HDMI cable (nothing at all in the logs).
List of files needed:
Here are a list of some files that i know are required to get this working:
Some final thoughts:
I realize that there isn't too much concrete info here, but I wanted to share what progress I had made so that maybe someone else could either pick up from where i've left off, or make some suggestions on how to proceed.
EDIT: I wasn't sure if this belonged in the Android Development sub-forum or not, but i put it here just to be safe. If a mod sees this and think's thats a better place, please feel free to move it.
HDMI is mostly related to the kernel (for kexec at least). But currently there is a new kernel and a workaround for kexec in development, 3.0.31 / 3.0.88 Kernel. Two of the main goals are Full HD video recoding and HDMI.
The apks only will not work as there are complete different drivers in the kexec kernel. I guess we would have it working already if this could have been fixed by app side.
However, maybe I'm wrong
Hash told me about the current development, you can see it in their repo of course. Maybe we should wait a little more..
Gesendet von meinem XT910 mit Tapatalk 4
Ah, wonderful! I just read through your thread. Thanks for posting here about it. I'll be keeping an eye on the new kernel. If there's anything i can do to help out, be sure to let me know.
djuniah said:
Ah, wonderful! I just read through your thread. Thanks for posting here about it. I'll be keeping an eye on the new kernel. If there's anything i can do to help out, be sure to let me know.
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Help is always appreciated! Are you familiar with C coding?
Gesendet von meinem XT910 mit Tapatalk 4
Yup, I am quite familiar with C.
djuniah said:
Yup, I am quite familiar with C.
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Nice! If you would like to join kernel development, let me kow.
This had been one of the first things that never worked with our custom roms. Your reasearch and approach for solving this damned bug make good sense. I hope you can succeed for all of us and solve the DROID RAZR HDMI MYTH. Thank you.

[Q] i want to learn how to mod a Rom up to my device, but i can't

i very like learn to mod the apps or a rom with my device, but i can't know which way is easy, i think i or new member like me will aslo like to do this work. Give me to advice. Thanks all you.
keveinee said:
i very like learn to mod the apps or a rom with my device, but i can't know which way is easy, i think i or new member like me will aslo like to do this work. Give me to advice. Thanks all you.
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There is no easy way. First you have to learn Linux (ROM building) or learn to decompile the apps and look threw thousands of files. Alot of which are xmls and smali code.
^ true
Also depends which device you have
Mtk or snapdragon
zelendel said:
There is no easy way. First you have to learn Linux (ROM building) or learn to decompile the apps and look threw thousands of files. Alot of which are xmls and smali code.
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i knew it, but i have one question that im using my device with snapdragon chip, but i don't understand that why some app, when i get from the other devices then some app, i can use, but something some app i can't use to my device? But all app from google play, the alls that can use to setup to my device, all things what is the different?
Ok first your chip has very little to do with what apps will or will not work on your device. Those are concidered by many other factors. Like screen res, ram, and in some very rare cases gpu. Others are OEM dependent. Some are dependent in if your rooted or not.
I would advise putting any development ideas on hold while you go back and do alot of research.
zelendel said:
Ok first your chip has very little to do with what apps will or will not work on your device. Those are concidered by many other factors. Like screen res, ram, and in some very rare cases gpu. Others are OEM dependent. Some are dependent in if your rooted or not.
I would advise putting any development ideas on hold while you go back and do alot of research.
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thanks about your advice!!! First, my device had been rooted (my device is LG) then i can setup the apps from outside, and i see that when the modders decompile or rebuild a app, they also had added lge-res.apk, lge-res.odex, lge-framework.apk with command ' if ' in apktool like that 'apktool if lge-res.apk.....'
why did they do that?
I already have found very things from google search, but i could not find what things i need, cause be able to my english level is not good. im very exciting to do anything about that.
IF you be modder, professional in the modifier work. Can you help me to do that? Again that i thanks about your advice.
keveinee said:
thanks about your advice!!! First, my device had been rooted (my device is LG) then i can setup the apps from outside, and i see that when the modders decompile or rebuild a app, they also had added lge-res.apk, lge-res.odex, lge-framework.apk with command ' if ' in apktool like that 'apktool if lge-res.apk.....'
why did they do that?
I already have found very things from google search, but i could not find what things i need, cause be able to my english level is not good. im very exciting to do anything about that.
IF you be modder, professional in the modifier work. Can you help me to do that? Again that i thanks about your advice.
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I am not an expert modder but I can try and point you in the right direction, those files are framework files that are required by the LG framework to function correctly, essentially they are extra resources that are required for the app to work correctly based on the changes LG made. Samsung, HTC, Motorola, etc. all have similar files that are required when working on any of there apk's (For example S Note is a Samsung specific app I would first have to input "if" the touchwiz framework for the app to compile and re-compile successfully in order to make any modifications to it). What other resources where you looking for?
shimp208 said:
I am not an expert modder but I can try and point you in the right direction, those files are framework files that are required by the LG framework to function correctly, essentially they are extra resources that are required for the app to work correctly based on the changes LG made. Samsung, HTC, Motorola, etc. all have similar files that are required when working on any of there apk's (For example S Note is a Samsung specific app I would first have to input "if" the touchwiz framework for the app to compile and re-compile successfully in order to make any modifications to it). What other resources where you looking for?
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thanks your answer, you're so right. I would to be a really modder, i've just been learnt about electrical technology in my school, but i very exciting be become modder. Sure i will find additional to adding my leaked knowledge. Thank alot.

