Instagram not working properly - Verizon Samsung Galaxy S 4

So when I went to upload so pictures to instagram today I noticed something wasnt working right. When I hit the brightness button it turns everything green. Any idea why or does anyone else have this issue.
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Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 2

Bump for help
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 2

mach1man said:
Bump for help
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 2
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I noticed the same thing and would like to know whats causing it as well. I just assumed it was something with the camera itself....

fizeke136 said:
I noticed the same thing and would like to know whats causing it as well. I just assumed it was something with the camera itself....
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Same thing happens to me. Can anyone confirm if this happens on a completely stock ROM?

turned blue areas to green for me ...

Known issue. Donno how they plan to fix it
Sent from my SCH-I545 using xda app-developers app

Im 100% stock no root. Seems to be a big issue. I think its a compatibility issue with 4.2.2 bc my note 2 didnt have this issue
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 2

Has nothing to do with the fact its 4.2.2. Nor does it have anything to do with the picture being taken with our device. Its instagram internal bug in the software that's messing with our camera.
Ask me how I know so we can close this thread? Okay.
I took a picture with the s4 tried it on instagram. It's green.
Beamed the exact image to my girlfriends galaxy note 2. Had her do the same process. Its not green.
Its not the image. Its not the ROM. Its instagram hating on the s4 at the moment and they probably dont know what's causing it. But its been a known issue. On all carriers and versions. Not just Verizon's.
End thread. /rant
Sent from my SCH-I545 using xda app-developers app

imablackhat said:
Has nothing to do with the fact its 4.2.2. Nor does it have anything to do with the picture being taken with our device. Its instagram internal bug in the software that's messing with our camera.
Ask me how I know so we can close this thread? Okay.
I took a picture with the s4 tried it on instagram. It's green.
Beamed the exact image to my girlfriends galaxy note 2. Had her do the same process. Its not green.
Its not the image. Its not the ROM. Its instagram hating on the s4 at the moment and they probably dont know what's causing it. But its been a known issue. On all carriers and versions. Not just Verizon's.
End thread. /rant
Sent from my SCH-I545 using xda app-developers app
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But see there is the difference the note 2 is 4.1.2 and we are 4.2.2 maybe there is a lil component not playing well with instagram. I just want instagram to fix there app.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 2

I have 4.2.2 on my gnex and it works fine. Its not 4.2.2
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

Its instagram failing to fix it for the s4.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using xda app-developers app


Problems with XDA app.

Hello all. The problem important having is that when important using any ICS based Rom, the app will FC depending on what's happening. If important browsing a thread that has a lot of pics, it FC's like I've run out of memory. Far from possible on this device. And now with miui , i can't get into pc's.....
Sent from my SGH-I777 using XDA
I had a similar issue with XDA premium. Simba501 suggested I try fixing permissions. It worked for me. I had to do it several times though. No more FC's. Hope it helps.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda premium
The issue important having you are is unfortunate. I've never important had this problem. I bought the XDA app and Tapatalk and use important both. I switch between them and the only problems important I get are occasionally I can't see a pic someone posted in a thread somewhere. But it seems random. Important.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2
Phalanx7621 said:
The issue important having you are is unfortunate. I've never important had this problem. I bought the XDA app and Tapatalk and use important both. I switch between them and the only problems important I get are occasionally I can't see a pic someone posted in a thread somewhere. But it seems random. Important.
Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2
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But how important is it, really?
Pirateghost said:
But how important is it, really?
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"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
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"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
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Sent from my SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2
Haha. Lmao. Anyways. The from I was using on the i777 made "im" into important. Didn't proof read anything and sent it out. When you said fix permissions do you mean in recovery or in settings or using a different app?
bzmotoninja83 said:
Haha. Lmao. Anyways. The from I was using on the i777 made "im" into important. Didn't proof read anything and sent it out. When you said fix permissions do you mean in recovery or in settings or using a different app?
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Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda premium

error for "blank"

Hey guys just a heads up, i've heard many people complaining about a Sign-in error for on our phones. Just throwing this out there as it doesnt seem to be rom specific. I'm getting it running venom rom, I saw someone on cm10 getting it, and lastly my galaxy tab 2 has the error and whenever I try to sign it it just gives me a server error... So yeah, just a heads up
Also it seems that I can still access gmail and other google related things....
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"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
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I'm getting this too. Just started now. I had Google now switched off and just tried to turn it back on and the error came up.
Sent from my GT-I9300T using Tapatalk 2
I believe it is Android wide, my Nexus 7 is experiencing the same issue.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
Error here too on my phone, the wife's isn't throwing the error yet though. Same phones, RAZR Maxxs.
Same issues here
Sent from my HTC One X using xda app-developers app
Looks like Google servers are having issues should be fixed soon
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
Yeah same. Its been going on for a little while now. I'm guessing its the Maps app because I never had any issues before it.
I'm stock and rooted T-Mobile GS3.
SimeonAS89 said:
Yeah same. Its been going on for a little while now. I'm guessing its the Maps app because I never had any issues before it.
I'm stock and rooted T-Mobile GS3.
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To my understanding its Google Now...but it maybe maps too
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
Same here. On my phone and tablet.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2
I'm running stock Jb on nexus s and experiencing the same thing. I just rooted today. Hope Google doesn't screw the rooted over now that they are big.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using xda premium
robogoflow said:
I'm running stock Jb on nexus s and experiencing the same thing. I just rooted today. Hope Google doesn't screw the rooted over now that they are big.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using xda premium
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My 7 isn't rooted and I'm getting it as well. Don't worry.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
DroidRC1 said:
To my understanding its Google Now...but it maybe maps too
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
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Oh really? Hmmm I wonder if that could be it? I only started noticing it after maps update.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2
Confirmed same here.
here we go:
Yeah me too. Seems like it's gone now.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2 said:
here we go:
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Thanks. I've been getting this as well.
Yeah now the problem is gone, no more errors
Its back
Sent from my GT-I9300T using Tapatalk 2
I was having the issue up until about 30 min. ago
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Screen recording?

So apparently we got screwed out of the Screen Recording feature ( ), there's an app on the market called "ScreenRecorder", I keep getting "Fatal Error!" has anyone been able to get it to work?
What is up with Verizon taking so many useful applications that came with the phone off it? Bet there was a problem with their bloatware and the apps. Even then keep the apps and fictions and lose the bloat!
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
Wow wtf that seems really cool do you think CleanROM has this? Its based on the international version so it has things that Verizon removed
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
Just like call's still there we just have to figure out how to enable it. Probably a features tweak
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Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
Deckoz2302 said:
Just like call's still there we just have to figure out how to enable it. Probably a features tweak
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
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Maybe we should mention it in Beans thread to see if he can get it to work. Maybe Scott knows how to get it to work since his is from the international base. I'll have to see later when they're awake
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
Alright I'm going to decompile the framework, library and apk and look for the csc hook.
Anyone else wanna look the files are
All files are here we just need to enable the CsC feature
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
The app z-screen recorder from play store works great for me.....
Sent from my unlocked beans4 SCH-I605 using Xparent Red Tapatalk 2
Looks like everybody has given up on getting the screen recorder functionality back. Does anybody have it working? I know there are apps but I would rather be able to use the one that was built-in. Would appreciate any updates.
toskabab said:
Looks like everybody has given up on getting the screen recorder functionality back. Does anybody have it working? I know there are apps but I would rather be able to use the one that was built-in. Would appreciate any updates.
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I second that, I'm so sick of all the cool features of this phone that were denied to us! That's the number 1 reason I rooted.
Deckoz2302 said:
Just like call's still there we just have to figure out how to enable it. Probably a features tweak
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
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What ROM is this? Mine doesn't have screenrecorder.apk
Pretty sure i heard this feature was not released because of legal problems being that you could record netflix movies and stuff like that
If you read the youtube comments, NOBODY has it working on any stock rom. Not even international versions.
Stupid Verizon!!!
Oh wait
Screencast works great for me. And was definitely worth the money. .
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
Everyone keeps saying that but it doesn't work on my phone for some reason.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
toskabab said:
Everyone keeps saying that but it doesn't work on my phone for some reason.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
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Set the resolution to high and change it to 40fps
From my Galaxy Note 2 via Tapatalk

Weird blue bar in apps (e.g. Gmail)

I have had a weird issue with a mysterious blue bar that shows up in some apps... Including Gmail... when I search or otherwise initiate the action bar. I am currently on CM 10.1.3 stable, for the third time... Using up to date GAPPS. But I have also tried other ROMs and all of them seem to have this "issue" that only I and a few other people have... And no one has found a fix yet AFAIK.
Here is a screenshot:
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"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
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"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
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"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
It's driving me insane. I know I'm OCD but I would do almost anything to make it go away. It's persistent in every ROM I've tried... except bone stock. I flashed back to MDK via Odin and it was not present there... But seems to be in every other AOSP ROM I try...
... Does anyone have any suggestions? It would be greatly appreciated!
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 2
No love? Just an update:
I odin-ed back to stock... Wiped and re-rooted and re-flashed (fresh downloads too) multiple roms. This issue persists. Has anyone seen something similar? If so, do you know of any fix?
Thanks in advance!
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
yes I have it too. no I don't think its fixable its just like the YouTube bar glitch which Google couldn't fix so they just removed it. my guess is that this bug is the same kind of issue
Sent from my SCH-I545 using xda app-developers app
the YouTube glitch is still there it just doesn't affect playing videos
Sent from my SCH-I545 using xda app-developers app
What YouTube glitch are you referencing? Either I haven't noticed or I don't have it... Perhaps the former if it's subtle...
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
_base2 said:
What YouTube glitch are you referencing? Either I haven't noticed or I don't have it... Perhaps the former if it's subtle...
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
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I... I attached a picture...
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reinaldistic said:
I... I attached a picture...
Sent from my SCH-I545 using xda app-developers app
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Is it that the first result is cut off or the inset video at the bottom is black? Sorry it wasn't obvious... I don't use YouTube all that much unless I go straight to a video.
Thx for the replies
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

4G constantly stops working and only works again with airplane mode toggle

I'm in Baltimore, MD and already on my gs4 i had this problem where sometimes my 4G will stop working and on the data activity indicator arrows only the up arrow will be on (like this
"lightbox_close": "Close",
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"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
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"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
And the only way i get it working again is toggling airplane mode... This happens every 20 min or so, and it is extremely annoying.
Is anyone familiar with this problem? And is there anything i can do?
Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk
I have had the same problem when i had the Nexus 5 and i agree with u its quite annoying.. I think its a tmobile problem
Sent from my SM-G900T using XDA Free mobile app
Anyone know a solution?
Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk
i have this same prob, very anoyying, im in cali in sacramento, i think its the phone and ive had 3 gs5's now and all did it
hyphydragon said:
i have this same prob, very anoyying, im in cali in sacramento, i think its the phone and ive had 3 gs5's now and all did it
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If i had it on my s4 and you have 3 different phones all with the same problem it's probably t mobile, and like the previous commenter said, the nexus 5 also had this problem
Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk
I have this too, here i thought i was deleting too much bloat from the system. But apparently not. IMO, i think its Android 4.4.2 and T-Mobile. I had this issue happen on all 4.4.2 ROMs even on my S4. It didn't happen until i flashed the 4.4.2 ROMs. So I think T-Mobile may have made a mistake in their coding when making the update. Lets see what the next update will bring. I wonder how we could even bring up this issue to them because i guarantee you they will claim its the device.
Don't remember because i have been on 4.4.2 forever, and i can't check because theres no other option besides for buggy aosp, but there have been a few updates within 4.4.2 like NF6 which added VoLTE...
Btw if this is a common problem something should be done... This really f*king sucks
Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk
Its definitely T-Mobile. A T-Mobile rep told me the issue might be LTE, and to try turning it to 4G only, seemed to help me.
Sent from my SM-G900T using XDA Free mobile app
bubblebuddyi said:
Its definitely T-Mobile. A T-Mobile rep told me the issue might be LTE, and to try turning it to 4G only, seemed to help me.
Sent from my SM-G900T using XDA Free mobile app
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I only have 4g where I live and it does it a lot. It actually only stops doing it when on lte. And yes something should be done about this. This is awful. Can't even stream anything because of it.
Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk
I have the problem on lte and hspa and they are both really fast when they are working and it usually won't stop in the middle of something, but when i click something new it randomly stops working alot
Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk

