I somehow soft bricked my phone after editing the build.prop file.........
Can anyone post a flashable zip file of the stock build.prop file???
Thanks in anticipation.
op,please remove this thread from this forum.
thank you.
I'm Mike and my problem is that I've messed up my StatusPanel with a mod that disappointed me and the system backup made with CWM couldn't be restored.
I need original SystemUI and Framework-res
I ask those who have rooted ST15 xperias with virgin, pure untouched system files, to upload the original SystemUI.apk from /system/app and framework-res.apk from /system/framework
Please, copy them with Root Explorer or smth like that, upload them and post the link in this thread, I would be very grateful.
Thanks in advance
Hello, sorry for interrupting, if someone can help me with a flashable zip of the original ICS system/etc , system/lib and system/permisions original folders in a flashable zip i wold be greatfull, or the system dump
beniamin24 said:
Hello, sorry for interrupting, if someone can help me with a flashable zip of the original ICS system/etc , system/lib and system/permisions original folders in a flashable zip i wold be greatfull, or the system dump
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won't flashing with flashtool be easier?
No, because, i have some sistem apps that i'll loose
beniamin24 said:
No, because, i have some sistem apps that i'll loose
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oh.. I see
hope someone with SOLA can help you
I replaced android.policy.jar while i was trying to mod something and now my phone doesn't boot :silly: could somebody attatch me the one from this rom http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2259340 please?
or make a zip file so i can flash it please
hi guys after a little help please
have a original update file which I have modified the boot animation on am struggling to resign it so it installs could someone have a look for me
file name need to be
this is for a excavator cluster that runs android
links for files below
thanks in advance guys
shaggy296 said:
hi guys after a little help please
have a original update file which I have modified the boot animation on am struggling to resign it so it installs could someone have a look for me
file name need to be
this is for a excavator cluster that runs android
links for files below
thanks in advance guys
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Do you have a flashable zip that works on your device? If you do, you can use the META-INF folder from that.
Sent from my Sony Xperia Z3 Compact using XDA Labs
Hi guys please help me how to install kernel of Roms which only have .zip file. ROM threads says to install kernel but there is no kernel file only a .zip file for ROM. Do I have to extract kernel from it , how? Or just flash .zip. Also can anyone give me link for flash tool for 2011 mdpi xperia devices. Mine is smultron. Ty fr any help. Sry if question is nub butbi can't figure it out pls help