Hi,I need a swap kernel to use in my SK17i bcause my stock kernel wont support the swapfile. So,can anyone give a link for a swap kernel for my XMP? Hope anyone can help me. XD
Sent from my SK17i using xda app-developers app
.587 ics stock kernel does support swap.
Huh? I am using gb with stock kernel rite now.
Sent from my SK17i using xda app-developers app
idlanamran said:
Hi,I need a swap kernel to use in my SK17i bcause my stock kernel wont support the swapfile. So,can anyone give a link for a swap kernel for my XMP? Hope anyone can help me. XD
Sent from my SK17i using xda app-developers app
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to use custom kernel your BL should be unlocked. if so then go here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2295108
if your BL is locked then go here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2126363
What will happen if I use INTERNAL storage
Will it damage my INTERNAL storage if I do not use as card?
Currently im using default kernel provided by bboof, can I change it to rage kernel 2.7?and how should I do it?sorry im such a newbie
Sent from my SK17i using XDA
Yes u can. Currently im also on hybromv16, with rage 2.7
If I install the new kernel, will my device to boot properly?or I should reinstall the ROM too??
Sent from my SK17i using XDA
hazard_puppet said:
If I install the new kernel, will my device to boot properly?or I should reinstall the ROM too??
Sent from my SK17i using XDA
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Your device will be fine, and you don't need to reinstall the ROM.
No. Flashing kernel wont do anything to your installed rom unless stated otherwise by the dev.
bbooff's own kernel, X Kernel and Rage Kernel are currently known to be working with Hybrom.
Install the kernel the same way as you installed your previous kernel(via fastboot).
U guys are great! Tq so much
Sent from my SK17i using XDA
hybrom is the best!
an0nym0us_ said:
Currently im also on hybromv16, with rage 2.7
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My walkman is also with this combo. Works fine.
Sup guys!, I just install suave kernel, but I want to know how can i get back to stock kernel or the original want that come with ICS... some one knows?
iShadows said:
Sup guys!, I just install suave kernel, but I want to know how can i get back to stock kernel or the original want that come with ICS... some one knows?
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What model ?
Sent from my MT25i using XDA Premium
Phillip_Hutchinson said:
What model ?
Sent from my MT25i using XDA Premium
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Xperia NEO V...
You could just flash the stock kernel using flashtool..kernel links are in my thread..
Go here.. its the ultimate guide for all roms, kernels n bug fixes for Neo/Neo V..
Dont forget to thank ghostfreak nb for this..
Hope i fulfilled your need
Sent from my Neo V using xda premium
Hello friends
Can anyone give me an overclocked kernel for xperia u???
.54 or c.10 based?
Sent from my ST25i using xda premium
Do I need to root seperately??
Sent from my ST25i using xda premium
Not sure what you meant mate. If your rom is already rooted, flashing a kernel wont change it
Ya I know
But I was just asking,
Was thinking to flash it over stock!!
Sent from my ST25i using xda premium
you will not lose root unless you flash a stock .ftf file or a rom that (somehow) is not pre rooted
Sent from my Xperia Arc S using xda premium
Sorry for being a newbie here..
my WT19i build number is 4.1.B.0.587
i want to root it..and i dont know what 1st to do?i already read some tutorials here..and quite not successful..i already unlocked the bootloader, ive seen it on my system config..and now when i used ROM manager it tells me that i didnt rooted my phone and dont have SU
please help me..sorry for my english!
If you already unlocked the bootloader, just flash the extended kernel. It will automatically give you root
johan23 said:
If you already unlocked the bootloader, just flash the extended kernel. It will automatically give you root
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thanks for the fast response..hmm i really dont have idea on "extended kernel" can you tell me mate what to do?can i flash it even im already back on BUILD 4.1.B.0.587?
Once you have unlocked ur bootloader all you need to do is flash a pre-rooted kernel(maximum are pre-rooted) and then flash any ROM made for the kernel
Best Regards,
Just flash any custom kernel then u can use doomlords rooting toolkit for ics or gb..
Depends on your current rom..
Sent from my ST18i using xda app-developers app
johan23 said:
If you already unlocked the bootloader, just flash the extended kernel. It will automatically give you root
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alokbina said:
Once you have unlocked ur bootloader all you need to do is flash a pre-rooted kernel(maximum are pre-rooted) and then flash any ROM made for the kernel
Best Regards,
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can you give me a pre-rooted kernel for my device? and a ROM for that kernel?im really noob sorry
I prefer xkernel 9.587c by sirkay..
I also like lupus kernel for battery savings...
Sent from my ST18i using xda app-developers app
Download lupus kernel, Just Google lupus kernel for your device. (ics or jb). Then install any rom. Recommend cm.
Sent from my Xperia Mini Pro
Build is 4.1.b.0.587
iamwiki said:
Build is 4.1.b.0.587
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skb6T9 said:
I prefer xkernel 9.587c by sirkay..
I also like lupus kernel for battery savings...
Sent from my ST18i using xda app-developers app
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You can try one of these kernels..
Sent from my ST18i using xda app-developers app
hmm thanks a lot..
i have a last request..and sorry for being so spoonfeed here..
can you give me a link for the kernels and ROM?thanks a lot..
How should i know if my phone is GB or ICS?
iamwiki said:
hmm thanks a lot..
i have a last request..and sorry for being so spoonfeed here..
can you give me a link for the kernels and ROM?thanks a lot..
How should i know if my phone is GB or ICS?
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Settings>> About Phone>> Android Version>>>>
&.587 firmware is ics..
You can just Google for the links..
Sent from my ST18i using xda app-developers app
skb6T9 said:
Settings>> About Phone>> Android Version>>>>
&.587 firmware is ics..
You can just Google for the links..
Sent from my ST18i using xda app-developers app
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xkernel 9.587c and lupus kernel are the same right?ill just choose from them?then use flashtool?am i right?
No they are different kernels..
I found lupus kernel link for your device..
Sent from my ST18i using xda app-developers app
skb6T9 said:
No they are different kernels..
I found lupus kernel link for your device..
Sent from my ST18i using xda app-developers app
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ok ill flash it now..
Post the result too.
Sent from my Xperia Mini Pro
mnishamk said:
Post the result too.
Sent from my Xperia Mini Pro
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im here now..so what files do i need to download?all of the attachments in POST #2?do i need to download the modules?i cant seem to find the DL link of the kernel..sorry guys!
iamwiki said:
im here now..so what files do i need to download?all of the attachments in POST #2?do i need to download the modules?i cant seem to find the DL link of the kernel..sorry guys!
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http://www.mediafire.com/?uju999kau7hbh3c <----- is this the file??
iamwiki said:
http://www.mediafire.com/?uju999kau7hbh3c <----- is this the file??
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I think u should try another kernel...
As you're new....
Sent from my ST18i using xda app-developers app
skb6T9 said:
I think u should try another kernel...
As you're new....
Sent from my ST18i using xda app-developers app
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thank you..im going to do it next time..ill just do more reading here before doing something
As above mentioned topic
Is anybody know how to increase internal memory in neo v using ext4 method I tried in xperia t rom using script in that Rom section got bootloop
Plz help with full step by step explanation........
Sent from my MT11i using xda premium
First of all you must be root.
Second, you have to create the ext4 position in your SD card. There are several places that explain this, just search.
Then, there are some apps you can use for this. You cab get most of them from market like link2sd or similar.
If you are using cm7, cm9 or cm10, you can use s2e. It allows you to move also dalvik. But it does not work with cm10.1
Sent from my Xperia Neo V using xda app-developers app
thnks for reply i hve already rooted, ext4 partition of 1gb ready, also hve link2sd,rom xperia t rom,
i want to hve internal memory added with ext4 and shown in app manager,,,,
praveenpgeb said:
thnks for reply i hve already rooted, ext4 partition of 1gb ready, also hve link2sd,rom xperia t rom,
i want to hve internal memory added with ext4 and shown in app manager,,,,
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there is a script for that in the arc s section check it out
U cant use it since u already created a script and mounted ur partition using link2sd. After u flash a fresh rom. U can flash it without using link2sd
Currently if u flash that script ul end in a bootloop.
P.S. the script is by XtremeSilencer. Search in arc dev section
Sent from my Xperia Arc S using Tapatalk 2
avinashrocks1990 said:
there is a script for that in the arc s section check it out
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Thats wat I am talking about I followed procedure as in the Xperia t rom in arc section to flash script with Rom got bootloop 3Times
If anybody got success with script let me know really need it.,
Sent from my MT11i using xda premium
koradiavatsal said:
U cant use it since u already created a script and mounted ur partition using link2sd. After u flash a fresh rom. U can flash it without using link2sd
Currently if u flash that script ul end in a bootloop.
P.S. the script is by XtremeSilencer. Search in arc dev section
Sent from my Xperia Arc S using Tapatalk 2
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No man, I tried wen I flashing a new Rom then got da bootloop.
If know anything working script let me know...
Sent from my MT11i using xda premium
I never had bootloop while flashing script. I had flashed with viper rom I remember.
You can try cronmods int2ext+ script too. That may do the job for you. Jst a suggestion
Sent from my Xperia Neo V using Tapatalk 2
koradiavatsal said:
I never had bootloop while flashing script. I had flashed with viper rom I remember.
You can try cronmods int2ext+ script too. That may do the job for you. Jst a suggestion
Sent from my Xperia Neo V using Tapatalk 2
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Which one u use?
Or v2??????
And which Rom u r presently using???
Sent from my MT11i using xda premium
praveenpgeb said:
Which one u use?
Or v2??????
And which Rom u r presently using???
Sent from my MT11i using xda premium
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I used with viper v4.5 int2ext+.
Sent from my Xperia Neo V using Tapatalk 2
koradiavatsal said:
I used with viper v4.5 int2ext+.
Sent from my Xperia Neo V using Tapatalk 2
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Tell ne which ics Rom is best
Dont tell me to install all because
Almost tried all ics /jb roms....
I want more ram......
Sent from my MT11i using xda premium
praveenpgeb said:
Tell ne which ics Rom is best
Dont tell me to install all because
Almost tried all ics /jb roms....
I want more ram......
Sent from my MT11i using xda premium
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Dont end up in asking stupid questions mate.
Sent from my Xperia Neo V using Tapatalk 2
To increase your internal memory you can use very good program Mounts2SD, from Google Play, configurable. Its simply, usefull and stable.
Or cronmod int2ext4v2+, it's good too, but i prefer Mounts2SD. I don't have any problems with bootloops, etc.
Does someone tested Mounts2SD with CM10.1?
Guys I hve successfully increased my internal memory by cronmod int2ext+.
Guys now I hve 1.5GB internal memory with class6 sd card
With zellycream Rom
Sauve kernal
Oc to 1.2ghz
Ram around 160mb free always
Nfs mw running like a charm (all games)
Now got the solution this topic can be closed.
Thnk u all for replying..
Sent from my MT11i using xda premium