Well I rooted my device but now unrooted but each time I boot it has a lock unlocked and says custom and in settings it says custom not official but I need my warrenty so is there a way to get this original without losing data
Sent from my sch-1545
If I were u I would download the program morobo from the net to ur computer , it will backup ur whole phone. Then id goto ur forums and find an odin back to stock rom.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using xda premium
Well I just restored so It wont be a problem and I know how to use odin but is there also a way to hide a root like if I sent it in for repair they wouldnt find it because im not aloud to root my device but want to
Sent from my SCH-I545 using xda app-developers app
Well i am not rooted at the moment cause i flashed a zip that took root off and still have a custom kernal going with unlocked bootloader is that even supposed to be possible?
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
Thats impossible. As soon as you flashed that "zip" it over writes everything. You need to be unlock to have a custom kernel
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
well thats what i thought but i couldent use root explorer or any root access apps but when i turn off the phone it still says unlock
curly9 said:
well thats what i thought but i couldent use root explorer or any root access apps but when i turn off the phone it still says unlock
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Interesting. Interesting indeed. Is there anyway you could upload a vid of this?
i wouldent suggest it seeing now after it turned off it wouldent do the sbf files to fix. idk if it was dealing with that cause the sbf always finishes but ends up in a boot loop which as of right now im trying to fix it. but if it happens again ill c what i can do to show you. cause i always thought you had to be rooted to have an unlocked but idk if it was just a one time thing
Is the super user app installed?
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
Yes it was
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
I have this same issue right now how it happened for me is that I orginally used the one click root method I found here. Later down the road I noticed that a stable build of cm7 had come out so I decided to try it out. I flashed pudding and it worked just fine and unlocked the device when I went to go get clockwork on the device however, I noticed the my root was no longer working reading in the comments section I saw that the one click root method was not compatible with the unlocked bootloader. I tried to root the phone with the system.img file that it mentioned using in the guide it worked at least as far as pushing it to the device but still no root. I then tried to flash the device back to stock I used the sbf file provided and it did wipe the phone but I still have the unlock icon when I boot the phone and can no longer root it no matter what method I try. If anyone can help me with re locking my device, I would greatly appreciate it.
Have you tryed the depudding. Go into the pudding unlock section theres one that relocks it just like how u unlocked it
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
As far as I'm aware, being unlocked and being rooted are two separate processes on this phone. You don't have to have one to have the other. I've been rooted and locked, rooted and unlocked, and unlocked with no root. Hope that helps.
And I haven't had any problems with the one-click root and unlocking or sbf-ing back to stock.
Sent from my MB855 using XDA App
Thanks for the help guys I got it to work now had to do a factory reset and then flash the sbf file and the seemed to unroot the device it still didn't unlock it however I think if I used the depudding method curly mentioned it would work.
I am currently running an "unlocked bootloader" on a non- rooted system on my photon 4g. I was rooted and then unrooted because I couldn't flash cwm for some reason....I am really really looking to installing miui with the ultimate iphone theme. I love how poloshed and clean it looks!
Can a rooted phone be unrooted and rooted again? i was told that my phone needed to go back to stock in order to be flash for another carrier. But the phone cannot be rooted again. Looking for more information.
It can be rooted
Sent from my GT-S5360 using XDA
My cousine has this phone. So he was using his phone doing his every day routine with facbook and whatsapp then a message appeared saying: supersu granted access to blablabl, and the phone restarted. He turned it on again this message appeared and the phone restarted. I told him hard reset the phone, he did that and now the phone is working, but phone tells that the system is modified so there is no update available.
The funny thing is that my cousine dont know what is root end etc...
Is it possible that a virus from pc can do such a thing? Root the phone and deploy a script which got run after each start?
How can we remove the root? Because because of root his warranty is void now
Sent from my AOSP+ on HammerHead using xda app-developers app
bitdomo said:
My cousine has this phone. So he was using his phone doing his every day routine with facbook and whatsapp then a message appeared saying: supersu granted access to blablabl, and the phone restarted. He turned it on again this message appeared and the phone restarted. I told him hard reset the phone, he did that and now the phone is working, but phone tells that the system is modified so there is no update available.
The funny thing is that my cousine dont know what is root end etc...
Is it possible that a virus from pc can do such a thing? Root the phone and deploy a script which got run after each start?
How can we remove the root? Because because of root his warranty is void now
Sent from my AOSP+ on HammerHead using xda app-developers app
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Thr shld be an unroot option in supersu app. Did he go for any repair shops or sth? Wat did he download online?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
bitdomo said:
My cousine has this phone. So he was using his phone doing his every day routine with facbook and whatsapp then a message appeared saying: supersu granted access to blablabl, and the phone restarted. He turned it on again this message appeared and the phone restarted. I told him hard reset the phone, he did that and now the phone is working, but phone tells that the system is modified so there is no update available.
The funny thing is that my cousine dont know what is root end etc...
Is it possible that a virus from pc can do such a thing? Root the phone and deploy a script which got run after each start?
How can we remove the root? Because because of root his warranty is void now
Sent from my AOSP+ on HammerHead using xda app-developers app
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Its not rooted by itself .
RETURN TO STOCK remove root
JellyYogurt said:
Thr shld be an unroot option in supersu app. Did he go for any repair shops or sth? Wat did he download online?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
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After he did a factory reset I told him to check for supersu or superuser app on his phone, then he told me the app called superuser was installed on his phone when he bought it.
He bought it from provider T-mobile. I guess someone bought his phone before him, rooted it, and then later this someone asked for a full refund and later this phone was sold to my cousine as a brand new one.
Sent from my AOSP+ on HammerHead using xda app-developers app
If you want to to unroot the phone, you can do this with TriangleAway.
Download and install the app. Just follow the instructions. After you have reset the counter to 0 and the status to normal, you should flash the original firmware again.
After you have followed all this steps, it shouldn't appear as custom anymore and your cousin should be able to get updates again. And his warranty will be restored.
cyrodiil said:
If you want to to unroot the phone, you can do this with TriangleAway.
Download and install the app. Just follow the instructions. After you have reset the counter to 0 and the status to normal, you should flash the original firmware again.
After you have followed all this steps, it shouldn't appear as custom anymore and your cousin should be able to get updates again. And his warranty will be restored.
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Nope. Triangleaway does not unroot the phone. It only resets the counter. And it does not change it to normal for status. The phone checks for root everytime it boots, if it is rooted. It will be custom.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
JellyYogurt said:
Nope. Triangleaway does not unroot the phone. It only resets the counter. And it does not change it to normal for status. The phone checks for root everytime it boots, if it is rooted. It will be custom.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
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Yes, but after installing the original firmware again, the phone will be unrooted. In included this step too in my description.
But you're right, you don't have to reset the status with TriangleAway, I was confusing something.
What you can do with TriangleAway is reset the status to normal temporarily. At least I think, I was able to do that.
cyrodiil said:
Yes, but after installing the original firmware again, the phone will be unrooted. In included this step too in my description.
But you're right, you don't have to reset the status with TriangleAway, I was confusing something.
What you can do with TriangleAway is reset the status to normal temporarily. At least I think, I was able to do that.
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Ur steps are also not viable as when u flash stock firmware thru odin, the flash counter still increase. And after tat to use triangle away, u still nid root.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
It's already rooted the best thing to do is enjoy your android freedom.
You can unroot, revert to stock and reset binary if needed, all you need to do is search and follow the procedure.
JellyYogurt said:
Ur steps are also not viable as when u flash stock firmware thru odin, the flash counter still increase. And after tat to use triangle away, u still nid root.
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I'm actually pretty sure that flashing stock firmware doesn't increase the flash counter.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
cyrodiil said:
I'm actually pretty sure that flashing stock firmware doesn't increase the flash counter.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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U use odin to flash stock and odin increases the flash counter. Or tell me. How does the flash counter increase?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
JellyYogurt said:
U use odin to flash stock and odin increases the flash counter. Or tell me. How does the flash counter increase?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
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As far as I know, the flash counter only increases when you flash a custom firmware/recovery/kernel.
But when you flash a stock firmware through Odin, the flash counter shouldn't increase.
Thank for all of your respons. I told my cousine what he can do with root and everithing about custom roms, so now he is running a cm rom
right now my friend is using her verizon note 2 on Tmobile, just popping the sim and changing the APN makes it work great on Edge and 4G but it is stuck on the stock verizon rom and the backup program that verizon put on there keeps eating the battery even thought the app is off (went into settings and turned sync off),
she is on the most up to date software and can't root with out safestrap, but i am just wondering if there is a way to flash the stock Tmobile rom (just the rom no modems or anything) thru Odin? we just want all the verizon stuff gone to make it more of a tmobile phone.
icebear8 said:
right now my friend is using her verizon note 2 on Tmobile, just popping the sim and changing the APN makes it work great on Edge and 4G but it is stuck on the stock verizon rom and the backup program that verizon put on there keeps eating the battery even thought the app is off (went into settings and turned sync off),
she is on the most up to date software and can't root with out safestrap, but i am just wondering if there is a way to flash the stock Tmobile rom (just the rom no modems or anything) thru Odin? we just want all the verizon stuff gone to make it more of a tmobile phone.
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Well there is no way to flash a T mobile firmware throught ODIN.. Unless you want a paper weight. Flashing another bootloader from another device is a very good way to make the phone not usable.
You can port a Custom T mobile rom but why go through all that to just get rid of some system apps. Just go into your system/app and priv-apps and delete the Verizon apps.
ba-syncservice-app-signed.apk is the app your looking for to disable sync function..
But I thought I had to have root to edit the system folder?
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icebear8 said:
But I thought I had to have root to edit the system folder?
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You do.. Sorry might have misread.. If you are not rooted than you can not change this.. Only way to turn sync off would be to go into stock recovery and do a factory reset.. When you load back up make sure that you UNCLICK "sync" Contacts..
SOrry i reread your post
can't root with out safestrap
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What does this mean????
If she is on 4.3 than she is able to root her phone.. You saying safestrap and the latest software throws me for a loop.. The latest software is ND7 4.4.2 and there is no way to root this.. therefore no safestrap either..
Just making sure you know that root and a unlocked bootloader is to different things.. Safestrap requires root but not a unlocked bootloader..
Sent from my SM-G900T using XDA Free mobile app
Yes I need help or ideas on how to unroot my GS4. I'm not running any custom Roms on it and its still on 4.3. Its safestraped. Boot loader is unlocked its a MK2 device. Problem is my charging port doesn't work any more so I need to unroot to send it back to Samsung under the manufacturer warranty. It won't connect to the PC so USB is out of the question. I've read about mobile oden but I don't think my phone is supported but I could be wrong. My model is I545. Any ideas or links would be great.
Sent from my QMV7A using XDA Free mobile app
whitetiger2429 said:
Yes I need help or ideas on how to unroot my GS4. I'm not running any custom Roms on it and its still on 4.3. Its safestraped. Boot loader is unlocked its a MK2 device. Problem is my charging port doesn't work any more so I need to unroot to send it back to Samsung under the manufacturer warranty. It won't connect to the PC so USB is out of the question. I've read about mobile oden but I don't think my phone is supported but I could be wrong. My model is I545. Any ideas or links would be great.
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The bootloader was never unlocked for the Verizon S4. Safestrap is just a workaround. To unroot, go into superuser and in the settings click on unroot.
OK and should I use the app to reset the counter back to 0 cause I need to send the phone back to Samsung.
Sent from my QMV7A using XDA Free mobile app
whitetiger2429 said:
OK and should I use the app to reset the counter back to 0 cause I need to send the phone back to Samsung.
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Looks like our phone is not supported on mobile odin. Our bootloader is locked down from just about everything. If the app can do that then go for it. Have you tried doing a factory reset from settings?
No I haven't tried that. Ive been under the impression that u should never do a factory reset while been rooted. I'm just trying to to get my phone back to stock and with no signs its been rooted so I can send it back to Samsung. The charging port went out on the phone so USB won't work.
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