Google wallet at&t - AT&T HTC One (M7)

Have spent a fair amount of time on google (and and ddg and bing, just in case google's contractually bound to stfu or anything) searching for a way to circumvent the gestapo tactics employed by at&t to filter us in to being thrilled that they will one day come out with an equivalent system to what google wallet has been offering since 2011, and i haven't found anything for this phone except for 2 people that swore it'd be done that never responded. I want to post this here, where people that tinker thrive.
I realize google wallet isn't a hot issue for most of us.. but for those of us that would like to have it and to get that experience in while the 0$ fraud liabillity extends to cards stored on our phones' memory, i'd like to ask once and for all..
is there a way to get google wallet working on an AT&T htc one? i have seen conclusive accounts of people with other phones having it working.. but through everything except having this number active on another carrier and bringing it over, i have personally not found positive results. in the three days i've been trying, i HAVE gotten gwallet force closing, getting the 'unfortunately, wallet has stopped', message, or getting bored after 5 minutes and doing something else on my phone to see the gwallet has stopped message.
if there's a guide, please post it. otherwise, if anyone has actually gotten gwallet working on AT&T's network (or off with an unlocked number and have goteen it working with at&t) please share it here.
To be honest, it's like at&t has absolute control over what goes through this phone, even when on wifi. at the very least the goal of this thread is to find out conclusively that my data isn't filtered by some master at&t .hosts file somewhere in texas ,but i'd definitely prefer to leave with a working wallet app, so chime in if you know something i dont
always overly appreciative and way too damn generous with the thanks,

Wrong thread sorry

KAsp3rd said:
Wrong thread sorry
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says the first poster in an unedited post in an undefined thread
show me the way sir
also, thanks. very helpful post.

Here is what I meant to link. And actually I did edit the post
[Q]: Google Wallet on the One
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4 Beta


Tethering after VZW pulls t#e plug?

I am coming from a DX where TBH modded the NV files to use the stock hotspot application.
I was wondering if there has been any devs taking a look into this...
And by the way I DO NOT want to start a ethics war on tethering or not tethering...
Thank you
There's been threads with lots of useful information (and posts) within the last couple of weeks. You'll probably get more informative answers looking at those then asking people to repeat what they already said.
yareally said:
There's been threads with lots of useful information (and posts) within the last couple of weeks. You'll probably get more informative answers looking at those then asking people to repeat what they already said.
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I have skimmed thru quite a few recent posts regarding tethering and I find none of them useful in answering my question. I see that many of the posts go on to get a smartass remark or two from someone who has not a clue about how to answer the question.
Kinda like what happened in this post.
So I would like a linky or a better answer.
Ohhhh, if you want a smartass answer, I could do far better....
That was only my polite, "look around the knowledge base because it's useful" answer that noobs seem to find insulting anyways.
If I really wanted to be insulting, I would tell you to RTFM . I help plenty of people with legitimate questions, feel free to look at my post history and see for yourself.
But really, I do agree the ways people say it tend to be rather blunt.
However, the overreactions to even sensible replies to search around are also just also just as bad, since there doesn't need to be a new posting always and some people just don't think before they make one and reminding them to do a little search I think helps (if done in a not so overly rude way). My initial post was not a slight against you but a word of advice that people will do what you just said, insult you and give you non-helpful replies.
IDK what kind of solution you are looking for, but there isn't a magical "Verizon will give you free unlimited tethering legitimately without extra cost option if you ask them really nicely" or a "I'll come right over to your house code and compile the most amazing tether app in the world that actually boosts your LTE speed beyond what Verizon gives you and does your homework when it's idle."
Instead of taking the defensive because someone asked if you looked around a little, perhaps clarifying your question in a way that shows that you actually searched (i.e. "I noticed there was this method to tether or that, but I don't really like those options") makes it clear to everyone you gave it an honest shot and also motivates people to want to help you more
It also keeps things on topic so you get the answer you want faster. Just for future reference.
I searched the TB forums and didn't really see anything on the subject. I only found
Maybe there's more in the general Android forums, though I didn't find much there either. I could just suck at searching.
and many more (I stopped on page 6
I recommend using advanced search and "search by post" not by title. You'll get more relevant info that way. If you happen to be an opera mobile or desktop user, you can make a custom search from, by hold pressing on the search bar for that page for mobile or right clicking for the desktop. It will then add it to your other custom searches for easy access
Anyone of the links above mention this?
ddgarcia05 said:
Anyone of the links above mention this?
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No, because it's a different phone that was never fully rooted and it's the only phone mentioned, but it's worth talking about since it's the first threat that comes off as more than words (though it could still be regardless). Verizon can tell what you're doing far easier on it than other phones because you don't ever have full control of it on the droidx. If there's any phone that can detect if you're doing unauthorized tethering, it's going to be a phone that's locked down. People who buy moto get what they pay for.
Though someone did mention it somewhere in some topic on the thunderbolt forums about the droidx having ways to detect it, but it was just glossed over.
I never used stock hotspot app because I never even try apps with monthly charges. what's the point of checking it out and potentially getting hooked when I'm absolutely certain that I will NOT pay monthly charge for that. I'd rather switch back to T-mobile
with that said, I'm using wifi tether as I write this. it took me a while to configure it because it wouldn't work out of box but it's free and well worth the price!
I've been busy lately and havent kept up with Verizon shut down the free tethering apps, like "wifi tether for root" and others?
Not to throw this thread off topic or anything I just wanted to know how you got the H and # key's confused in the thread title as they are quite far apart. Again, sorry to everyone just kind of a weird mistake.
yareally said:
No, because it's a different phone that was never fully rooted and it's the only phone mentioned, but it's worth talking about since it's the first threat that comes off as more than words (though it could still be regardless). Verizon can tell what you're doing far easier on it than other phones because you don't ever have full control of it on the droidx. If there's any phone that can detect if you're doing unauthorized tethering, it's going to be a phone that's locked down. People who buy moto get what they pay for.
Though someone did mention it somewhere in some topic on the thunderbolt forums about the droidx having ways to detect it, but it was just glossed over.
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Seems the Thunderbolt running gingerbread is the same way, although I reverted back to froyo for the time being so I cannot confirm what this article states.
Doesn't CM7 provide an integrated tethering solution? That should be undetectable to Verizon.
If they are baking something into the gingerbread update to detect tethering apps (pun not intended but welcome), it won't find its way into the CM7 code.
dirtyfingers said:
Seems the Thunderbolt running gingerbread is the same way, although I reverted back to froyo for the time being so I cannot confirm what this article states.
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I doubt anyone on a T-bolt can confirm since we're still getting free hotspot. Unless they are allowing official hotspot use but blocking tethering apps.
I suppose that would make sense if they're trying to get people hooked on the feature.
Yareally thanks for the links. I don't know if you own a xoom but I have yet been able to get the search feature to work in the xda site. Maybe you could find a link for that as well and post it for me.
I am not currently at home with access to my laptop where I have full availability to use the advanced search feature. So thanks again for making these links available in ones easy to find location.
As for the #.. I use thumb keyboard on t#e xoom and it is t#e result of a long press on t#e h key. I think you should be proud if yourself for being able to figure out what I meant to type.
No offence to anyone but some times when you all jump on people asses there may be extenuating circumstances.
Sry for your troubles. But I hope you rest good at night knowing that you have helped one soul find some good info.
The search feature using a web browser or using the application for xda? I've heard the application has lots of issues for anyone period with the search and since many seem to use it, it's probably the reason for lots of duplicate posts. If you mean browsing it on an internet browser, that seems new to me as far as I know.
I've never used it, I just browse using opera mobile (with a link to the thunderbolt forum on my speed dial and the search tied into the search bar next to the url bar).
Opera mobile still has an unresolved issue with LTE being throttled (max of like 150KB/s), but it's not a deal breaker for me at least compared to using the stock browser in terms of getting to where I want to go quickly and its tie-ins to the desktop browser.
No worries about the thread. Internet makes it hard at times to interpret someone's replies anyways since words can be taken many ways, lol.

[Q] Google wallet alternative

Okay after reading through the forums, it appears that for the time being while we can install Google wallet, it is useless. I have also read that the VZW Isis payments are area specific for now. So my question is are there any other alternative apps that we can use to do the same thing? Thanks!
My thought, after having looked around, is there is nothing else like gw, ATM. That may change, but for now, nothing. Isis might be ok, but I think we are probably years away from that getting fully ramped up. Think about it this way, Verizon has yet to even roll it out, them, merchants have to agree to use it and pay their fees, and have to feel like it will generate enough revenue to be worth the cost of new hardware and fees associated with the service. Google got in on an already existing technology, where Verizon's Isis, I think, is totally new. Just my thoughts anyway, I might be way off.
But the upside...we got root in two days, you think these devs are done????? No way. I think several would pony up a bounty for it. It'll come.
bpopilek said:
Okay after reading through the forums, it appears that for the time being while we can install Google wallet, it is useless. I have also read that the VZW Isis payments are area specific for now. So my question is are there any other alternative apps that we can use to do the same thing? Thanks!
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I was infected ANDROID

I recently met someone online who was a romantic type of encounter but the more we spoke the more creeped out I got by the things hes seemed to know about me.
I finally came to the conclusion the things he said to me were extremely huge red flags, there was no way it was a coincidence anymore, and he knew FAR too much about things personal to me such as separate email accounts, and fake birthdates I use as only the last straw before I concluded to reset my device.
One Touch
Fierce 2
Thats the device I have. We 1st spoke on Kik and he sent me 2 pictures. One was of him that would not open an image. I tried to open it several times but it was just a blank picture.
The second I was able to view and download.
Does anyone know if this is possible to become infected by those means alone?
Otherwise it is possible he made a fake account and infected me with a link that did not work, but I was always under the impression that it was not possible to become infected by Rat or Keylogger with out installation. I was told in a recent thread I could become infected with opening a false link(???).
Im pretty much 100% sure I was infected. I hard reset my phone, but not the SD card yet. I believe the virus is gone, but I feel very creeped out this happen and do not see this going anywhere further but I would like to know if it is even possible. Theres no way Im being paranoid, but I do get a little over worried sometimes, unfortunately I think this was one of the genuine times.
How is it possible if someone did? Anybody have a link to a good article I could learn more? Thanks. PLEASE FORWARD TO ANYONE WHO MAY HAVE ANY ADVICE AT ALL WOULD BE MUCH APPRECIATED
Most likely he (or she) learned information about you some other way.
You might be surprised what people can learn from the "right" Google searches using some known info like email and city.
If a password on some account can be guessed, that can provide a flood of info, like reading every email or forum posts.
Most infections are from Android apps installed outside of Google Play. Image file viruses are theoretically possible, but I don't recall hearing of any such thing lately.
Please use this thread to continue this discussion:

Note 4 Questions

Hi, I am new to the site, So I will say sorry now if I am posting this in the wrong spot or if someone else has answered this question already. I tried to do a search in here before posting this, I did not find anything.
My gf works for a hotel and when people leave items such as old phones, they have to get rid of them after a while, they either throw them away or keep them if the person does not come back for them. I was given this Samsung Galaxy Note 4 on T-Mobile. The person who owned it never came back for it, but blacklisted it, so I'm assuming he/she got a new phone with insurance, just my guess. I would like to know how I can use this with my AT&T service. I have already rooted the phone, deleted tons of apps I no longer need or use. The phone is basically a small tablet right now. I have looked, and looked on the internet for a few years now with no lucky, the only luck I have come close to having is a place in a mall getting it to work, but I would have to pay $50 and they said no guarantee it would stay unblacklisted. So my main question, is there a way I can get this thing working with AT&T or is this not possible? I have seen another post similar but not quite the same, someone said all you have to do is install an AT&T Firmware over the T-Mobile one, I have only seen one person say this and it was on here, all of the other searches throughout the years on other sites have said nothing about this. So I'm at a stand still here, No clue what I should do. I know some people just say, use one of those websites that do it, well I don't trust those, So I would rather find a fix I can actually try myself. I know it's an older phone, but It would be cool to try it out as a phone for a while to see if I would want to change over to an Android Phone.

Question how do i stop the pixel asking me to get a google account?

got the pixel 6 today, rooted with magisk and im just starting to play with it..
but it keeps asking my to finish setup and get a google account. i dont want a google account or need one
( yep im going to install everything manually or from aroura store)
how do i get the pixel to stop asking me? ( so far i can only have ask again tommorow)
nutpants said:
got the pixel 6 today, rooted with magisk and im just starting to play with it..
but it keeps asking my to finish setup and get a google account. i dont want a google account or need one
( yep im going to install everything manually or from aroura store)
how do i get the pixel to stop asking me? ( so far i can only have ask again tommorow)
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Why not install a different rom? I think some don't even use gapps or can sandbox them.
edit: Here's a new thread maybe that could be a good starting point.
[CLOSED] I'm done with XDA
MOD EDIT: Since the OP has deleted the original contents of the post, thread closed.
i plan to test the factory rom for a few weeks so i have a baseline to compare to other roms
nutpants said:
i plan to test the factory rom for a few weeks so i have a baseline to compare to other roms
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Then compare it as designed. Log in. Otherwise you're not doing the factory rom justice.
if by justice you mean features that require internet and my personal information and habits, those are features that i dont need or will ever use.
if you are talking general speed and battery usage and functioning with the apps i use the most, then logging into google on my phone is not needed.
the phone might have the power to calculate the need parameters to build a space ship and put a man on mars, but using that power to smooth out my crows feet, socialize online looking for 5000 likes and 2 millions followers , is not a improvement in tech use.
nutpants said:
if by justice you mean features that require internet and my personal information and habits, those are features that i dont need or will ever use.
if you are talking general speed and battery usage and functioning with the apps i use the most, then logging into google on my phone is not needed.
the phone might have the power to calculate the need parameters to build a space ship and put a man on mars, but using that power to smooth out my crows feet, socialize online looking for 5000 likes and 2 millions followers , is not a improvement in tech use.
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If you know what you're doing you can log in with a Google account and not give out all the information you mentioned. There are a lot of privacy concerns these days all you need to do is some research. I'm sure you can figure something out that will accomplish your goals. Good luck.
Try freezing Google systems and Play services.
There are different apps that can do this, but you will need root.
nutpants said:
if by justice you mean features that require internet and my personal information and habits, those are features that i dont need or will ever use.
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I think he means not cutting off your nose to spite your face. Google credentials are needed for Play Store, like for keeping Carrier Services and whatnot updated. It's possible to push back against data harvesters while using stock Android, especially with root access. But it sounds like you'd rather take your concerns to the next level with something like CalyxOS and a Play Store alternative.
the only thing i dont want is to log into anything to use what i paid for.
the device is not crippled, its rooted and i have already installed 150 apps and disabled everything google i can disable.
i dont want the google experience, i want to experience the device i bought.,
nutpants said:
the only thing i dont want is to log into anything to use what i paid for.
the device is not crippled, its rooted and i have already installed 150 apps and disabled everything google i can disable.
i dont want the google experience, i want to experience the device i bought.,
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So, you don't want the Google experience yet you bought a Google-branded phone? Just a bit of an oxymoron there. Seriously, while I could ask why you bought a Google phone if you don't intend to use Google services, it would be a pointless waste of time and energy.
Install a custom ROM that doesn't use Google services and don't look back. Just don't complain when you can't take advantage of a Google-exclusive feature as a result.
Strephon Alkhalikoi said:
So, you don't want the Google experience yet you bought a Google-branded phone? Just a bit of an oxymoron there. Seriously, while I could ask why you bought a Google phone if you don't intend to use Google services, it would be a pointless waste of time and energy.
Install a custom ROM that doesn't use Google services and don't look back. Just don't complain when you can't take advantage of a Google-exclusive feature as a result.
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so you did not bother to read a damn word i wrote but felt that you just had to tell me how stupid i am to not give a **** about the google experience..
how many times do people tell you to **** off?
i am just wondering.
nutpants said:
if by justice you mean features that require internet and my personal information and habits, those are features that i dont need or will ever use.
if you are talking general speed and battery usage and functioning with the apps i use the most, then logging into google on my phone is not needed.
the phone might have the power to calculate the need parameters to build a space ship and put a man on mars, but using that power to smooth out my crows feet, socialize online looking for 5000 likes and 2 millions followers , is not a improvement in tech use.
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I truly do not understand people like you.
> Buys flagship phone from company with newest OS tuned to run as best as the company can to represent itself and its product.
> Tries to not have an email address because tracking
You do realize that as a society we are all walking around with computers thousands of time faster than we had sitting on our desks 20 years ago. That have dozens of sensors, connected to wireless networks, that can cover nearly every inch of the surface of the planet. What you're worried about is what we (the collective nerds/geeks/privacy advocates) were screaming at the top of our lungs back in the 90s...before it was too late.
It's too late son, That ship sailed, sank, was resurfaced, and put into a museum so younger generations could see what it was like in the way back when before times.
Good luck with your quest to use factory google pixel phone and rom without a Gmail account. That's surly the only way they are tracking you.
nutpants said:
so you did not bother to read a damn word i wrote but felt that you just had to tell me how stupid i am to not give a **** about the google experience..
how many times do people tell you to **** off?
i am just wondering.
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Everyone read what you wrote don't be a martyr. The fact remains you didn't get an answer yet you continue to berate members here trying to guide you in a direction that is concurrent with reality. You seem to be delusional and contrary, simply looking for an argument and to make your voice heard over reasonable discussion. It's not working. We tried to help but you will have none of it. So perhaps it's time to find another place where your diatribe will matter. As I said before, good luck.
bobby janow said:
Everyone read what you wrote don't be a martyr. The fact remains you didn't get an answer yet you continue to berate members here trying to guide you in a direction that is concurrent with reality. You seem to be delusional and contrary, simply looking for an argument and to make your voice heard over reasonable discussion. It's not working. We tried to help but you will have none of it. So perhaps it's time to find another place where your diatribe will matter. As I said before, good luck.
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no having people post just to insult my choices is not something i ignore. that jack ass was the first person to insult me, and i dont roll over and accept insults.
i have zero problem with getting no answer, but a huge problem with jackasses that post only to insult me.
no one should ever feel they need to put up with **** like that
erktheerk said:
I truly do not understand people like you.
> Buys flagship phone from company with newest OS tuned to run as best as the company can to represent itself and its product.
> Tries to not have an email address because tracking
You do realize that as a society we are all walking around with computers thousands of time faster than we had sitting on our desks 20 years ago. That have dozens of sensors, connected to wireless networks, that can cover nearly every inch of the surface of the planet. What you're worried about is what we (the collective nerds/geeks/privacy advocates) were screaming at the top of our lungs back in the 90s...before it was too late.
It's too late son, That ship sailed, sank, was resurfaced, and put into a museum so younger generations could see what it was like in the way back when before times.
Good luck with your quest to use factory google pixel phone and rom without a Gmail account. That's surly the only way they are tracking you.
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let me guess you have nothing better to do but try ****ting on people. maybe you should go to reddit and not be someplace people try to learn about their device and what you can customize.
nutpants said:
no having people post just to insult my choices is not something i ignore. that jack ass was the first person to insult me, and i dont roll over and accept insults.
i have zero problem with getting no answer, but a huge problem with jackasses that post only to insult me.
no one should ever feel they need to put up with **** like that
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Then perhaps it's time to move on don't you think? This thread is really not productive.
bobby janow said:
Then perhaps it's time to move on don't you think? This thread is really not productive.
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its not productive because of **** nuts that want to piss on other peoples choices.
im not going anywhere. the the useless ****s can move on while i wait for someone with the desire and skill to customize the pixel 6 who might have an answer
nutpants said:
got the pixel 6 today, rooted with magisk and im just starting to play with it..
but it keeps asking my to finish setup and get a google account. i dont want a google account or need one
( yep im going to install everything manually or from aroura store)
how do i get the pixel to stop asking me? ( so far i can only have ask again tommorow)
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Try this: Settings>Apps>See All Apps>3 dot menu "Show System">Android Setup>Disable that app
Lughnasadh said:
Try this: Settings>Apps>See All Apps>3 dot menu "Show System">Android Setup>Disable that app
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thank you
that is one i missed while disabling many others.
bobby janow said:
Then perhaps it's time to move on don't you think? This thread is really not productive.
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It wasn't productive from the first post. It simply is an excuse for him to rant and rave about how Google is a data whore and all that. I can understand that, as I once was like him. Perhaps I am in the wrong here for being so blasé over Google's data collection, but I stopped worrying years ago about it. I figured the benefits outweighed the liabilities.
It's rather entitled to expect to have all the benefits of a smartphone while having none of the liabilities. I think if I were truly that worried about data collection to rant about it in a public forum I wouldn't be using a phone at all. After all, every phone made today, from the most expensive smartphone to the cheapest dumbphone, has sensors in it that can track you, even when the phone is off.

