[Q] Phone get stuck with screen locked. Rebooting starts an endless "startloop" - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

[Q] Phone get stuck with screen locked. Rebooting starts an endless "startloop"
Hi, I have this Galaxy S3 i9300, with Wanam ROM and Boeffla-Kernel 2.12.
Sometimes, when I lock the screen, it just freezes in there. I'm unable to wake it up, and the LED keeps flashing the last notification.
Most of the time, I get notice of it when I receive a notification (it rings) and the phone cannot wake up. Calling and trying to trigger another notification does not wield any results.
The weird part is this: When I restart it, the OS starts as it should, but it "skips" the lockscreen (when I restart my phone, first thing I'm presented is the pattern lockscreen, all Android default), and it goes directly to the home screen. The touch screen is unresponsive (but it does vibrate when I press any of the two bottom buttons), but phone is still alive (few animations plays smoothly).
Then it restarts. The startup LED (fading blue to bright blue) doesn't turn off (normally it would turn off even before the lockscreen is presented).
Disabling the lockscreen wouldn't solve the problem, nor does starting on "safe mode". Same issue.
Booting into CWM and wiping data/cache folders solves it, but resets my phone. Restoring a backup (data folder only) also works.
Funny fact is that even with a fresh backup (which works), it might just hang up like before (although I didn't modify/install anything).
Logging files should give me some info, but I don't know how to retrieve them, let alone on this condition.
The only step I did so far to try to solve it was to disable a notification program (Logical, it seems to hang up when I receive a notification, and as a wipe to the data folder solves it, I presume it's an rogue app. But never, ever I had a problem with this app, but who knows if on an update, it's crashing my phone)
Does anyone have any information regarding to this? I've never seen something like that.
How do I recover my logfiles during an emergency?
Had another lock-up. No notifications received and the notification app was disabled. How do I get the log file?


[Q] New update oddly bricks acer iconia

I tried to install the latest update for my acer tablet. My tablet is unrooted and it was doing fine with the android icon with spinning gears and a progress bar. Though it froze and stayed froze...i had no choice but to reset. Once I did though the system would come back up to the slide your finger to unlock screen, my same background was working but a vibrate would happen (before touching) and after that touching the screen wouldn't do anything or react so couldn't slide to unlock. After this, I tried the plus volume button + power+ moving the orientation switch on and off. This got my old background to go away so something happened but it never reset on its own as it was saying: clearing user data and clearing cache. After that i shut it off again and rebooted using the minus volume. It said it was going to revert back to some file. The friendly android robot with spinning gears occurred then shortly after the progress bar came up that friendly android was replaced with an android icon with a big yellow warning sign in it (exclamation point) as far as i can tell nothing happens afterwards. After a few more reboots and + trick i can get the system to boot (no drag finger to unlock) but the minute it gets to the home screen the "shutting down" dialog shows up with the "powering off" message. It never goes away, tablet never shuts down. This happened REPEATEDLY. I did contact acer tech support; and since the first time it didnt reboot on its own after clearing user data and user cache he said its a hardware defect and to return it. I do hesitate to believe that cause I have babied this thing. I wonder if its an odd software error?
Now if i just let the tablet boot up it will come to that home screen with that shutting down dialog. And sometimes i swear a message box pops u behind it I cannot click on it (i swear the dialog that pops up behind the powering off dialog is something about the apk installer). I cannot get to the privacy ->restore to factory defaults...cause everytime i make it to the settings screen and click okay or something the home screen comes back and everything else go s away...so can never click on anything in the settings without it fading away. Which means I cannot click privacy -> restore factory defaults. So now my acer just boots up and says shutting down right away and does nothing else. Its clear of the apps i had on it, but st still not coming up. Am I missing some other step to the process or is the acer device really going to be needed to send out? I think i did everything right but wondering if anyone else had the boot up and then see the shutting down/powering off dialog the whole time... it should be noted that it never actually does shut down.
Any ideas or help id love it!
I don't own a tablet, but here is a thread that you can check out. Hopefully it will help you out. Good luck!

[Q] Black Screen and Loading... Loop

Hi All,
I've been coming here for a good while, reading articles, looking up help tips, and I gotta say, XDA is super helpful! I love reading about the new apps and seeing what people are making. But now, I'm running into a problem that I'm having trouble finding an exact duplicate or matching answer for. I've been looking through the boards and I see some things regarding somewhat what my phone just started doing, but it seems like everything is for custom roms or kernels. The difference between them and mine is that I'm on stock, nothing modded on my evo 4g lte at all.
This morning, I checked weather on my phone, loaded up some music and headed off to work. When I got to my office, I turned the volume down to vibrate only and plugged in the USB cable so it charges during the day while it buzzes from twitter updates or txt messages, etc. Anyway, about an hour or so ago, I turned on my phone and saw the lock screen, but it was different than what it normally is. Normally the lock screen has the weather on it but this time it had just the normal field wallpaper (one of the stock images). I pulled the ring from the bottom of the screen to unlock it and the phone immediately went to a black screen with the little box that says "Loading..." for about 2 seconds, then disappears. The buttons on the bottom (back, home, open apps) are unresponsive. I can, though, see the bar at the top with the time, signal, etc. and I can drag it down and see any kind of notifications in there. If I click the settings button, nothing happens, however the bottom phone button to show me open apps, it starts to work. I see little app cards for settings, but if I tap it, it zooms to the screen but it's still black.
After about 10 seconds, I see the "Loading..." box pop up, disappear, pop up, disappear, continually.
I called my phone from a land line and I could answer, but if I left the phone screen, it was just black. Eventually, an error came up that says "com.htc.bgp" has stopped unexpectedly. I hit don't send the error, it goes away, and I'm back to a blank (black) screen with "Loading..." continually popping up and disappearing.
Also, I can pull the task bar down and select the USB option and then select any of the other functions...HTC Sync Manager, Charge Only, Disk Drive, etc.
Every now and then, when I see "Loading..." pop up, I can see a stock HTC image (the orange colored fields picture) flash on screen just before it goes black.
I'm really stuck and don't know what to do. I'd love to try to save everything that's on here if possible (images/movies saved to internal storage). But if not possible, then oh well. I was able to find this link forum.radioshack.wdsserve.com/t5/Sprint-Discussion/How-do-I-hard-reset-an-HTC-EVO-4G-LTE/m-p/17981 on how to do a factory wipe, but is there any other options I could try first? Also, what do the other options under this section mean; like clear storage, is that like wiping a browser's history?
Update: My EVO kept looping the "Loading..." message, even when I did a power-off by holding the power button for 10 seconds. I found out, though, that if I did the force shutdown (hold pwr for 10 secs roughly), keep holding until it buzzed at me, then when the phone turns on hold volume down and the EVO will boot into safe mode. It would have the "SAFE MODE" logo at the bottom corner of the screen, but it booted up without anything other than stock apps on the screen. I'd do that, let it sit for a while, go to sleep, wake it up, sleep, wake up, etc. It never went to that black screen that just said "loading..." Everything seemed ok, so I did a normal restart, let it load up, and all seems to be good now.
I was using live wallpapers before, but when i switched back into safe mode, I made sure that just a stock wallpaper was set. I think that may have been the problem, maybe one of the live wallpapers got corrupted? Who knows.
So if anyone's having trouble, try the safe mode trick, remove anything crazy, then reboot normally...do that before wiping out.

[Q] Problem when my phone is recovering from Sleep mode

Hi everyone !
I'm new here (and not a native english speaker, so apologies in advance for any grammar mistakes)
Before making this thread, I looked for info here, but I'm not sure for what to search.
I'll try to explain my problem here.
I bought a Galaxy SIII from my provider 3 weeks ago and everything looked fine, till last week.
Some times to time, with no apparent reason or cause, while my phone is on sleep mode, on my desk, or in my pocket, playing music, I have the following problem: when I push the on/off button to wake up my phone, my screen is turning on, taking me to the lock screen.
But, my screen brightness is very low, like set to the minimum.
And when I draw my unlocking pattern, screen goes black.
Bottom buttons are lit and my phone seems to be OK, I can feel haptic feedbacks.
But the screen is black.
If I push the on/off button again, screen stays black and bottom buttons are not lit anymore, as a usual Sleep Mode.
If I push on/off again (depending on how much I wait between 2 on/off):
- My phone awakes from Sleep and takes me again to the unlock screen, brightness still very low. And after the unlocking pattern traced, black screen again
- If I didn't wait enought after putting it into sleep mode, in this case, I don't have to redraw the unlocking pattern. I'm back to my home screen...
for 1/4 of a second, stilll with brightness at the minimum. And screen goes black.
And after a serie on onoffonoff, boom, my screen is back to full and normal brightness and everything is OK.
At the beginning, my phone did that once in a while. I thought at the time ti was after pushing the on/off button while using a CPU/RAM hungry app, my phone struggling to recover....
But now, it's totally random.
Depending on .... I don't know what, I have to do the onoffonoff thing 2, 5, 10, 50 times in a row so my phone can recover from is half comatose.
Yesterday, I could not use my phone for half an hour ...
and if someone calls me, I hear the ringtone, but screen stays black.
I can answer the call (but not knowing who's calling) by sliding on the part of the screen where the slider normally is.
Funny thing is about removing the battery. It doesn't solve my problem.
When I do so, my phone boots, I see the "Samsung Galaxy SIII" boot screen, on low brightness (whih is not normal ...)
After that, I normally have another boot screen with my provider's logo and tone. But screen goes black again (but I still here the tone)
Then I realized it started to happen when my phone proposed me a Samsung update.
I tried to reset my phone to factory settings but it didn't work, the update was still here.
For a while I thought my problem was solved, because my phone behaved normally for 3 or 4 hours, without problem.
But it came back.
I found on the internet several "almost-same-problems" without proposed solutions.
Like checking if the proximity sensor was blocked by a protective transparent plastic sheet, or a case.
I tried to to remove mine.
Didn't work.
Some people said it was linked to their phone trying to acquire a wifi network.
My wifi on or off, withiin or without the range of a wifi router didn't work ...
I tried to note things down about what I did, when, how, app launched before the problem appears.
I checked battery info (temp, voltage, etc).
No pattern emerged.
Hs anyone of you enountered the same problem ?
Do you have ideas, solutions I can use ?
Or maybe a voodoo prayer ?
I could sent it back to my provider which will bounce it back to Samsung. But it will take ages (3 to 4 weeks ...) :'(
Thanks in advance !
do a factory reset, go completely stock
if that doesn't help, send it in
Glebun said:
do a factory reset, go completely stock
if that doesn't help, send it in
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That's what I did.
I tried by going into the Parameters menu, and reseting.
I tried by booting my phone with Vol+ / Home / Power buttons to access a console mode and do a wipe data/reset.
The problem is that my phone got an update like one week ago from a 4.?.? to 4.1.2.
And even with a reset, my phone reboot with the 4.1.2 version, which seems to cause this problem.
Or maybe not, but I can't be sure.
As I said, after a factory reset I did yesterday, everything went well for 3 or 4 hours and the problem reappeared.
send it to the service

[Q] Why the phone freezes when trying to unlock?

I've been experiencing for some time now some random freezes when trying to face-unlock the phone. When pushing the power button to wake the phone, it displays the unlock screen but the box in the screen where your face (or whatever the front camera catches) blacks out, while the rest of the screen is normal (I can see the clock, the notification bar and the emergency call), also the leds for back and menu light up. And the phone justs stays like that, all the leds lighted up and the screen on. The home button doesn't work and the power button only works if I hold it down (it powers down / restarts the phone).
This has happened to my phone from some time ago, its purely random and it always happens when I try to unlock the phone. I haven't had any issues while using the phone nor strange bootloops or sudden reboots. I'm currently on stock XXEMB5 with Speedmod Kernel k2-13 and some apps removed, mainly yahoo widgets and some Samsung apps (I think I just removed all the hubs: game hub, social hub, etc...).
I red the bad eMMs symptoms, but it doesn't seem to be the same. If I had to guess, I would say its something with the camera, but right now I don't know for sure... Anyone has any idea where could be the problem?
Favourite culprit would be a non-standard kernel, wipe the phone and return to fully stock to test.
Your collection of mods and custom changes to rom are probably unique, if it doesn't freeze when stock then add changes one at a time until it happens again.

[Q] Phone get stuck with screen locked. Rebooting starts an endless "startloop"

[Q] Phone get stuck with screen locked. Rebooting starts an endless "startloop"
(I posted on the wrong location first time, sorry)
Hi, I have this Galaxy S3 i9300, with Wanam ROM and Boeffla-Kernel 2.12.
Sometimes, when I lock the screen, it just freezes in there. I'm unable to wake it up, and the LED keeps flashing the last notification.
Most of the time, I get notice of it when I receive a notification (it rings) and the phone cannot wake up. Calling and trying to trigger another notification does not wield any results.
The weird part is this: When I restart it, the OS starts as it should, but it "skips" the lockscreen (when I restart my phone, first thing I'm presented is the pattern lockscreen, all Android default), and it goes directly to the home screen. The touch screen is unresponsive (but it does vibrate when I press any of the two bottom buttons), but phone is still alive (few animations plays smoothly).
Then it restarts. The startup LED (fading blue to bright blue) doesn't turn off (normally it would turn off even before the lockscreen is presented).
Disabling the lockscreen wouldn't solve the problem, nor does starting on "safe mode". Same issue.
Booting into CWM and wiping data/cache folders solves it, but resets my phone. Restoring a backup (data folder only) also works.
Funny fact is that even with a fresh backup (which works), it might just hang up like before (although I didn't modify/install anything).
Logging files should give me some info, but I don't know how to retrieve them, let alone on this condition.
The only step I did so far to try to solve it was to disable a notification program (Logical, it seems to hang up when I receive a notification, and as a wipe to the data folder solves it, I presume it's an rogue app. But never, ever I had a problem with this app, but who knows if on an update, it's crashing my phone)
Does anyone have any information regarding to this? I've never seen something like that.
How do I recover my logfiles during an emergency?
Had another lock-up. No notifications received and the notification app was disabled. How do I get the log file?

