Hi, I just found this awesome thread on Xperia S, T & A forum,
& found it working on my Xperia P, so sharing @stef67000 's work here, all credits go to him :
Here's the
original thread
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To get pre-defined words for swype, Dictionary needs to be downloaded from (Writing Languages)
is the conversation.apk from ZU??
Swiping Doesn't work and some image glitch on sola.key board is working.
can u make this with a white background , like the one v have in xperia p JB ??
You heard it works on XP yes thats right because i tested, so if you wanna credit me for testing the one from XS forum, thanks then
:::[ Pandemic ..:: JB MoonBreakers 4 Ever :.
Sent From My Xperia P !! Which Old Dinky Toy Device Else !!
This Port is originally done by me!
ARNOB just shared it so even OP thinks he'd the one who port it!
No one are giving credits to me!
...::: [ Sadiq23© ]:::...Recognized Member of Team
"MoonBreakers®"... Rom for Xperia™ JB...{$23}::..
Take a look on screenshot!
Conversation between me nd ARNOB!
...::: [ Sadiq23© ]:::...Recognized Member of Team
"MoonBreakers®"... Rom for Xperia™ JB...{$23}::..
sadiq23 said:
Take a look on screenshot!
Conversation between me nd ARNOB!
...::: [ Sadiq23© ]:::...Recognized Member of Team
"MoonBreakers®"... Rom for Xperia™ JB...{$23}::..
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can you solve image problem? check. my post. please And also. spell check. is not working.
ShoaibShaikh002 said:
can you solve image problem? check. my post. please And also. spell check. is not working.
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Take a look on my thread mate!
Framework problem will be fixed in next update!
...::: [ Sadiq23© ]:::...Recognized Member of Team
"MoonBreakers®"... Rom for Xperia™ JB...{$23}::..
Pandemic said:
You heard it works on XP yes thats right because i tested, so if you wanna credit me for testing the one from XS forum, thanks then
:::[ Pandemic ..:: JB MoonBreakers 4 Ever :.
Sent From My Xperia P !! Which Old Dinky Toy Device Else !!
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It worked flawlessly on your Moonbreaker ROM!
Doesn't work that nicely on the stock rom (odexed) fc when hitting smiley button.
sadiq23 said:
This Port is originally done by me!
ARNOB just shared it so even OP thinks he'd the one who port it!
No one are giving credits to me!
...::: [ Sadiq23© ]:::...Recognized Member of Team
"MoonBreakers®"... Rom for Xperia™ JB...{$23}::..
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Ok, if so, i'll delete this thread
arun6106 said:
Ok, if so, i'll delete this thread
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No you don't have to mate!
OP from Xperia S forum gave right credits
...::: [ Sadiq23© ]:::...Recognized Member of Team
"MoonBreakers®"... Rom for Xperia™ JB...{$23}::..
give credits to me man, i have tested it from the one of XS forum and confirmed its working on XP with JB !!
look here:
ShoaibShaikh002 said:
Swiping Doesn't work and some image glitch on sola.key board is working.
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It won't work on Sola man, it's for higher resolutions, + i ain't the dev of this thing so can't do anything, sorry.
Ask sadiq23 to help.
bhushan2k said:
is the conversation.apk from ZU??
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Nopes, ZU's app aint gonna work in ours as that's made for very high res.
jackxperiap said:
can u make this with a white background , like the one v have in xperia p JB ??
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Don't copy the conversations.apk, u'll have it with white background!
Pandemic said:
give credits to me man, i have tested it from the one of XS forum and confirmed its working on XP with JB !!
look here:
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testing does not require credits!!!!!!
jatinrungta said:
testing does not require credits!!!!!!
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Easy bro @jatinrungta
Ok remove it then, but dont ask if i test some, answer is: no
:::[ Pandemic ..:: JB MoonBreakers 4 Ever :.
Sent From My Xperia P !! Which Old Dinky Toy Device Else !!
jatinrungta said:
testing does not require credits!!!!!!
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disagree @jatinrungta,as a tester is the 1 who take serthe 1st risk to test it in the same time many user lazy/dnt wana to test it.so a tester is the 1 who suppose toget credit if its workin my opinion pandemic have right for credit:good: beside nt every dev/contributor can handle all the test,thats only my opinion.anyway just a report @sadiq,ur mod work:good:ing great on my xgo,:good:thank u man
---------- Post added at 12:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:03 PM ----------
Pandemic said:
Easy bro @jatinrungta
Ok remove it then, but dont ask if i test some, answer is: no
:::[ Pandemic ..:: JB MoonBreakers 4 Ever :.
Sent From My Xperia P !! Which Old Dinky Toy Device Else !!
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@Pandemic,bro i use many ur work nur test/port,so dont stop the test just bcoz 1 comment,n ur work always great.many thank u to u:good:
Pandemic said:
Easy bro @jatinrungta
Ok remove it then, but dont ask if i test some, answer is: no
:::[ Pandemic ..:: JB MoonBreakers 4 Ever :.
Sent From My Xperia P !! Which Old Dinky Toy Device Else !!
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kingdj said:
disagree @jatinrungta,as a tester is the 1 who take serthe 1st risk to test it in the same time many user lazy/dnt wana to test it.so a tester is the 1 who suppose toget credit if its workin my opinion pandemic have right for credit:good: beside nt every dev/contributor can handle all the test,thats only my opinion.anyway just a report @sadiq,ur mod work:good:ing great on my xgo,:good:thank u man
---------- Post added at 12:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:03 PM ----------
@Pandemic,bro i use many ur work nur test/port,so dont stop the test just bcoz 1 comment,n ur work always great.many thank u to u:good:
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I was not doing any offence. testing a dangerous app is great
but one app that cannot brick?
imagine doing test for a new keyboard in play store. thousands will test can can the dev put them all?
serious testing like roms and all might matter but not this one
hope you understand
no offence
have a good day
kingdj said:
disagree @jatinrungta,as a tester is the 1 who take serthe 1st risk to test it in the same time many user lazy/dnt wana to test it.so a tester is the 1 who suppose toget credit if its workin my opinion pandemic have right for credit:good: beside nt every dev/contributor can handle all the test,thats only my opinion.anyway just a report @sadiq,ur mod work:good:ing great on my xgo,:good:thank u man
---------- Post added at 12:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:03 PM ----------
@Pandemic,bro i use many ur work nur test/port,so dont stop the test just bcoz 1 comment,n ur work always great.many thank u to u:good:
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Thanks alot @kingdj
And i like that you use my mods
I bricked/crashed so many times my XP but i use always my head to solve it with succes and my XP is back in bizznizz and on the line as usual, i dont cry if my XP is dead like i said: i solve it always i was an RC and will always be one to help you people, i am 24/7 around here, i dont care about the title (next year i get it back again) again thanks you cone up for me
Bro @jatinrungta
All good bro no offence to you either
All in peace and i understand your opinion also
But a tester is always needed
You 2 have a good and happy day !!!
:::[ Pandemic ..:: JB MoonBreakers 4 Ever :.
Sent From My Xperia P !! Which Old Dinky Toy Device Else !!
jatinrungta said:
I was not doing any offence. testing a dangerous app is great
but one app that cannot brick?
imagine doing test for a new keyboard in play store. thousands will test can can the dev put them all?
serious testing like roms and all might matter but not this one
hope you understand
no offence
have a good day
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Bro i know that.bt what pandemic mean is he is the 1 who test it n report that its work on xp,as we all know the 1st tester who deserve for credit nt all tester. I hope u got what im trying to say peace to all
sent from my xperian kingdom" unkocked bootloader" never stop to modded it"
[V4 MOD][JB Only]☆ ☆ Xperia ZU "Accent" Themes In 3rd Post ★★
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Hello peeps !!!
I want presenting you all JB Stock themes that also
change now with the background in settings etc,
....... [. V3 .] .......
!_ JB Stock Themes, According now with the Background _!
... Changelog ...
The Themes Change Every Background,
Into The Metal Brush
Colour You Choose Of The Settings,
Conversation & Phonebook Have Now A
White Metal Brush Background !
* Added the right background of Sapphire *
(Brushed Metal Blue), I Forgot that
:::Flash this with CWM:::
Xperia P/U
Xperia Go
Screenshots here:
.. For the people that want this clock widget: ..
Click this to download !
Thanks to:
Team: JB MoonBreakers
@ARNOB : For The Png`s
@utsav911:for the awesome banner !
...:: Dont Copy My Files Or Anything Else !! ::...
:.. No Permissions Anymore To Use It In Your Rom ..:
.. If You Do That, I Press Report Button, Very Simple ..
[V1 & 2][JB/XP Only]Older files !!
Peeps this is the old v1 & 2 !!
..[ Screenshots here: ]..
..._[ Flash this with CWM recovery ]_...
V1: http://d-h.st/OX7
V2: http://d-h.st/ZYo
...:: Dont Copy My Files Or Anything Else !! ::...
:.. No Permissions Anymore To Use It In Your Rom ..:
.. If You Do That, I Press Report Button, Very Simple ..
NEW Xperia Zu Accent Themes For Jelly bean
8 new themes .
Stock Accent Background :
View attachment Xzu_Accent_themes_XP_V2.zip
Flash In Cwm
Credits :
- jjwrongjj
- Pandemic
can be flash the file at the same time or need to be reboot first after flash stock theme?
bulu_bulu said:
can be flash the file at the same time or need to be reboot first after flash stock theme?
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i think once but if yhu on stock den no need to flash tha stock own...
bulu_bulu said:
can be flash the file at the same time or need to be reboot first after flash stock theme?
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Hmm i think same time
..::[ Pandemic ]...:: Face The Insanity With My Xperia P
.....:::: Jelly Bean Moonbreakers Member 4 Ever ::::....
Pandemic said:
Hmm i think same time
..::[ Pandemic ]...:: Face The Insanity With My Xperia P
.....:::: Jelly Bean Moonbreakers Member 4 Ever ::::....
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why do we need to flash two files? Can you please explain!
+ does not work on XU
jatinrungta said:
why do we need to flash two files? Can you please explain!
+ does not work on XU
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well if you dont have stock themes you know, but if you have it already the stock themes then is it not needed
@ all peeps
v2 is already done, check 2nd post and v2 is compitable with Xperia U @jatinrungta
hope to see version dat changes completely in Phonebook & Messaging!
Pandemic said:
well if you dont have stock themes you know, but if you have it already the stock themes then is it not needed
@ all peeps
v2 is already done, check 2nd post and v2 is compitable with Xperia U @jatinrungta
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actually you do not need stock themes at all as this already replaces the themes and it does not know whether the previous themes are stock or not
jatinrungta said:
actually you do not need stock themes at all as this already replaces the themes and it does not know whether the previous themes are stock or not
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Hahaha ok, well OP is re-edited @jatinrungta
So peeps in the 2nd post is the v2
..::[ Pandemic ]...:: Face The Insanity With My Xperia P
.....:::: Jelly Bean Moonbreakers Member 4 Ever ::::....
whalesplaho said:
hope to see version dat changes completely in Phonebook & Messaging!
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Yes time will tell and future will know brov @whalesplaho 2)
..::[ Pandemic ]...:: Face The Insanity With My Xperia P
.....:::: Jelly Bean Moonbreakers Member 4 Ever ::::....
Pandemic said:
Yes time will tell and future will know brov @whalesplaho 2)
..::[ Pandemic ]...:: Face The Insanity With My Xperia P
.....:::: Jelly Bean Moonbreakers Member 4 Ever ::::....
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no probs brov... keep up tha great work!!!
[Theme][XP/JB Only]JB Stock Themes With Background Changing ! V2 in 2nd post
Ohhhh, great v2. It worked very well. thank you very much. You are PRO.
@Pandemic And I hope you will mod "SomcWifiDisplay.apk" Wi-Fi Miracast from Xperia Z for Xperia P JB?
Thank you.
entrysky said:
Ohhhh, great v2. It worked very well. thank you very much. You are PRO.
@Pandemic And I hope you will mod "SomcWifiDisplay.apk" Wi-Fi Miracast from Xperia Z for Xperia P JB?
Thank you.
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@entrysky you mean porting?
So yes just have some patients ok and press thanks also for @XDA.AGM we did this together people.
We very appriciate it
..::[ Pandemic ]...:: Face The Insanity With My Xperia P
.....:::: Jelly Bean Moonbreakers Member 4 Ever ::::....
@Pandemic Nice bro, will install it now.
Pandemic said:
@entrysky you mean porting?
So yes just have some patients ok and press thanks also for @XDA.AGM we did this together people.
We very appriciate it
..::[ Pandemic ]...:: Face The Insanity With My Xperia P
.....:::: Jelly Bean Moonbreakers Member 4 Ever ::::....
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Yes, porting. Thank you. We waiting for you & @XDA.AGM port this app.
Sent from my Xperia P Stock JB using XDA Premium! (^.^)?
Wolfbreak said:
@Pandemic Nice bro, will install it now.
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Yes indeed bro @Wolfbreak, not needed to edit framework for this
Add this btw in the coming JB MoonBreaker v3 (no ETA you know)
..::[ Pandemic ]...:: Face The Insanity With My Xperia P
.....:::: Jelly Bean Moonbreakers Member 4 Ever ::::....
The finny thing is that I was staring at the screenshots for like 5 minutes and asking myself what was changed. After the 5 minute period I realized that the background colors are changed
Anyway nice mod Pandemic.
Only the semc_bg_tile.png file is changed or anything else ?
DavidMKD said:
The finny thing is that I was staring at the screenshots for like 5 minutes and asking myself what was changed. After the 5 minute period I realized that the background colors are changed
Anyway nice mod Pandemic.
Only the semc_bg_tile.png file is changed or anything else ?
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Hahaha ok @DavidMKD
Yes the semc_bg_tile.png and with SemcgenerticUxpRes.apk, if you choose a theme like green, look good at the background in conversations and phonebook, its not so bright white anymore but with a lil bit green tint in it
Happy with this bro?
..::[ Pandemic ]...:: Face The Insanity With My Xperia P
.....:::: Jelly Bean Moonbreakers Member 4 Ever ::::....
Hello Again Peeps !!
this afternoon and had a little time and look ... New mod tabbed system settinngs with swipe,
all options are divided into 3 tabs and i managed to add something new quick option access
f.e choose theme. in system tab & cpu control , cpustats . in aplications tab
I managed to do this thanks to this guide :
Thanks to Adi Aisiteru Reborn - full guide - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2273807
Thanks to tdunham - portting tips - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=40907670&postcount=33
Thanks to BigSplit - guide for ICS - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2103158
Thanks to Pandemic - Mod settings for JB - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2256411 - Tabbed settings based on this Mod
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break wallpaper according to theme. in principal tabs
Install it in Cwm
View attachment Tabbed_settings_JB_allApks.zip
i can edit the shortcuts....... well If we agree we can put better access in all tabs . but I dont want to make one version for each one .
if someone orders all options better way in 3 tabs. i can make new version . I need that almost everyone is agree
Bro @XDA.AGM you forgot some in the zip, cpu stats.apk and cpu settings.apk like in my settings
And its looks nicer if you have all the icons fits together
:::[ Pandemic ..:: JB MoonBreakers 4 Ever :.
Press Thanks If You Like My Work/Advice !!
Pandemic said:
Bro you forgot some in the zip, cpu stats.apk and cpu settings.apk like in my settings
And its looks nicer if you have all the icons fits together
:::[ Pandemic ..:: JB MoonBreakers 4 Ever :.
Press Thanks If You Like My Work/Advice !!
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forget that. thank you very much for the warning , I'm out, then I update it in a while, and will try to change those icons :laugh:
@Pandemic & all
Edit: : Added in 1 post , zip for Cwm with all apks & change icons for cpustats & cpucontrol (colorized icons)
Request @Nathan Ali Ashari
Again :
View attachment 2051804
Request Pandemic
Flash in CWM - View attachment 2051893
View attachment Settings.7z
XDA.AGM said:
forget that. thank you very much for the warning , I'm out, then I update it in a while, and will try to change those icons :laugh:
@Pandemic & all
Edit: : Added in 1 post , zip for Cwm with all apks & change icons for cpustats & cpucontrol (colorized icons)
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You're welcome bro
Press it instead of saying
Ok is cool, good job bro
:::[ Pandemic ..:: JB MoonBreakers 4 Ever :.
Press Thanks If You Like My Work/Advice !!
someone test it in JB A.1.100??
Works so good in .100 great job
Sent from my Xperia P using xda premium
i have Systen UI has stopped !!
am in JB A.1.100
i wipe cache and dalvik data ! but still got this !
any help plz?
---------- Post added at 09:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:15 PM ----------
how i can Fix this?? reflash the FW again !!! that is really tiring !
---------- Post added at 10:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:19 PM ----------
Can someone uplode the stock system ui for xp jb??
Sent from my LT22i using xda premium
Can make For ICS?
Sent from my ST25i using xda premium
wooooowww realy thank u budy.works charmly on my xgo running jb custom xperience.man now my system setting looking so cool n easy to use.keep moving budy
This mod work on XGO JB, thanks.
Sent from my ST27i using xda app-developers app
Confirmed work on Xperia U 0.400 JB
Sent from my ST25i using Tapatalk 2
draganz said:
Confirmed work on Xperia U 0.400 JB
Sent from my ST25i using Tapatalk 2
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Yes because its based on my settings mates
Thats why it works
:::[ Pandemic ..:: JB MoonBreakers 4 Ever :.
Press Thanks If You Like My Work/Advice !!
It works on Xperia U 1.100 with lidroid toggles?
Enviado desde mi ST25i usando Tapatalk 4 Beta
samuelrf said:
It works on Xperia U 1.100 with lidroid toggles?
Enviado desde mi ST25i usando Tapatalk 4 Beta
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Try and report @samuelrf but make always a back up
:::[ Pandemic ..:: JB MoonBreakers 4 Ever :.
Press Thanks If You Like My Work/Advice !!
Pandemic said:
Try and report @samuelrf but make always a back up
:::[ Pandemic ..:: JB MoonBreakers 4 Ever :.
Press Thanks If You Like My Work/Advice !!
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I was going to try but pipi14 rom have a problem and we can't mount /system so is impossible to flash this
Enviado desde mi ST25i usando Tapatalk 4 Beta
samuelrf said:
I was going to try but pipi14 rom have a problem and we can't mount /system so is impossible to flash this
Enviado desde mi ST25i usando Tapatalk 4 Beta
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Then extract the zip and install it manualy with right permissions and root explorer
:::[ Pandemic ..:: JB MoonBreakers 4 Ever :.
Press Thanks If You Like My Work/Advice !!
Ss from my xgo running pandemic setting and pandemic brush theme for xgo combined with this mod.result=outstanding setting:thumbup: thank u budy fr the hard work.u guys are rock
sent from my xperian kingdom" unkocked bootloader" never stop to modded it"
on XP last update when i try to run setting . . . force close
somebody help meeeeeeeeeeeeee
@XDA.AGM OP could u plz make a v2 for translatable words of the tags "persona;", "application","system"?
i want to have unique language...
[V3][JB Only]☆☆☆☆Xperia ZU Walkman, Album & Video ☆☆
Hi people !!
I want to share Xperia ZU Walkman, Album & Video
Its a flashable zip, just download
i found this on Xperia S forum!
* Brand New UI.
* When you press play/pause, its have
a nice animation below down in the walkman app.
* New Album
* New Video
* Removed Music Widget (Dont Work)
... Required !!.
Rooted and Deodexed Firmware
. Screenshots .
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"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
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"lightbox_share": "Share",
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"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Here the link:
Credits: @ZeroInfinity For The Files !
@DavidMKD For signing and service.jar
# Pressing the *THANKS* for this is appriciated #
The Xperia ZU Wallpapers !
Hi people !!
I want to share Xperia ZU wallpaper!!
Its not a flashable zip, just download
And extract, i found this on Xperia S forum!
. Screenshots .
Here the link:
Credits: @lee480
Stock jb, 100 fw. Dont work walkman and music widget
LT22i cihazımdan Tapatalk 4 Beta ile gönderildi
cenk89 said:
Stock jb, 100 fw. Dont work walkman and music widget
LT22i cihazımdan Tapatalk 4 Beta ile gönderildi
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Well it works on the team JB Moonbreaker rom and thats also stock rom, ypu see my screenshots, so it works mate @cenka89
Try to wipe the data of walkman in settings/apps/all or try before flash wipe dalvik and cache
:::[ Pandemic ..:: JB MoonBreakers 4 Ever :.
Sent From My Xperia P !! Which Old Dinky Toy Device Else !!
Pandemic said:
Well it works on the team JB Moonbreaker rom and thats also stock rom, ypu see my screenshots, so it works mate @cenka89
Try to wipe the data of walkman in settings/apps/all or try before flash wipe dalvik and cache
:::[ Pandemic ..:: JB MoonBreakers 4 Ever :.
Sent From My Xperia P !! Which Old Dinky Toy Device Else !!
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Does Clear Audio and other sound stuffs work?
So nice to see Z Ultra apps for xperia P
Can't wait for other ports.
It looks nice :victory:
Hazard1 said:
Does Clear Audio and other sound stuffs work?
So nice to see Z Ultra apps for xperia P
Can't wait for other ports.
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Yes all works great @Hazard1
Look screenshots and if there is coming more from Xperia ZU dump, i will test them by my own and post it also here
Yeah indeed
Btw peeps i dont begging for thanks, so pressing it is for respect etc and i appriciate that
*downloading = pressing*
:::[ Pandemic ..:: JB MoonBreakers 4 Ever :.
Sent From My Xperia P !! Which Old Dinky Toy Device Else !!
Working perfectly on Moonbreaker 3.5!
Dying to see the launcher now!
Hazem Mohy said:
Working perfectly on Moonbreaker 3.5!
Dying to see the launcher now!
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Great it works
I run also that rom
:::[ Pandemic ..:: JB MoonBreakers 4 Ever :.
Sent From My Xperia P !! Which Old Dinky Toy Device Else !!
Pandemic said:
Yes all works great @Hazard1
Look screenshots and if there is coming more from Xperia ZU dump, i will test them by my own and post it also here
Yeah indeed
Btw peeps i dont begging for thanks, so pressing it is for respect etc and i appriciate that
*downloading = pressing*
:::[ Pandemic ..:: JB MoonBreakers 4 Ever :.
Sent From My Xperia P !! Which Old Dinky Toy Device Else !!
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Well really i didn't download it cause i'm on ics right now, i will press it after test it
Diego910 said:
Well really i didn't download it cause i'm on ics right now, i will press it after test it
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Is cool mate, all good
All works great, believe me
:::[ Pandemic ..:: JB MoonBreakers 4 Ever :.
Sent From My Xperia P !! Which Old Dinky Toy Device Else !!
Pandemic said:
Is cool mate, all good
All works great, believe me
:::[ Pandemic ..:: JB MoonBreakers 4 Ever :.
Sent From My Xperia P !! Which Old Dinky Toy Device Else !!
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It sure works, flawlessly and way better than old one. Nice share, good work. Thanks!
Is it working on Xperia Sola ICS Rom?
Flashing now
Working. More beautiful indeed.
But the music connect feature is useless as I dont have credit card
Sent from my LT22i using xda app-developers app
it not work for me, xperia V
I lost walkman app
charmidz said:
it not work for me, xperia V
I lost walkman app
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Also me haha
Sent from my LT25i using xda premium
soncarl said:
Also me haha
Sent from my LT25i using xda premium
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
you lost walkman
I lost walkman app
Looking sweet on mine bro . working with slim bean 4.1 and I have Rizal patch installed so everything works perfectly
Sent from my Xperia Neo V using Tapatalk 2
not working stock A.1.100
i lost walkman icon too.
i did clear data, dalvik and cache partitions
but they are useless
Sent from my LT22i using xda app-developers app
Minami I said:
not working stock A.1.100
i lost walkman icon too.
i did clear data, dalvik and cache partitions
but they are useless
Sent from my LT22i using xda app-developers app
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Did you try just installing apk like normal
Sent from my Xperia Neo V using Tapatalk 2
I've moded Stock Xperia JB Launcher of Xperia Ion to make it look like the one in Xperia ZU. And now to Xperia P (Maybe other hdpi) as requested by @sadiq23.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Changes made: Currently only the app drawer icon and the dock.
Download: from MediaFire
To-do: Make it more like the real one.
Hit Thanks if you like my work.
I'm not responsible for any kind of loss of your device.
Hey bro can you please upload to other servers like Dev-host please!
Coz I'm not able to download from Mediafire!
And Yeah thanx for your effort!
...::: [ Sadiq23© ]:::...Recognized Member of Team
"MoonBreakers®"... Rom for Xperia™ JB...{$23}::..
Great bro @ARNOB
Is this launcher smooth and fast also?
Bro @sadiq23
Here dropbox link:
:::[ Pandemic ..:: JB MoonBreakers 4 Ever :.
Sent From My Xperia P !! Which Old Dinky Toy Device Else !!
Pandemic said:
Great bro @ARNOB
Is this launcher smooth and fast also?
Bro @sadiq23
Here dropbox link:
:::[ Pandemic ..:: JB MoonBreakers 4 Ever :.
Sent From My Xperia P !! Which Old Dinky Toy Device Else !!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanx Bro for giving mirror link!
...::: [ Sadiq23© ]:::...Recognized Member of Team
"MoonBreakers®"... Rom for Xperia™ JB...{$23}::..
sadiq23 said:
Thanx Bro for giving mirror link!
...::: [ Sadiq23© ]:::...Recognized Member of Team
"MoonBreakers®"... Rom for Xperia™ JB...{$23}::..
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
No problem bro
But at @ARNOB
I flashed the zip but nothing changed:/
:::[ Pandemic ..:: JB MoonBreakers 4 Ever :.
Sent From My Xperia P !! Which Old Dinky Toy Device Else !!
Pandemic said:
No problem bro
But at @ARNOB
I flashed the zip but nothing changed:/
:::[ Pandemic ..:: JB MoonBreakers 4 Ever :.
Sent From My Xperia P !! Which Old Dinky Toy Device Else !!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Maybe he didn't change the pngs for HDPI.
Same happen to me when I flashed!
So I moved to system/app nd gave permission manually!
Here take a look on screenshot
...::: [ Sadiq23© ]:::...Recognized Member of Team
"MoonBreakers®"... Rom for Xperia™ JB...{$23}::..
sadiq23 said:
Same happen to me when I flashed!
So I moved to system/app nd gave permission manually!
Here take a look on screenshot
...::: [ Sadiq23© ]:::...Recognized Member of Team
"MoonBreakers®"... Rom for Xperia™ JB...{$23}::..
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Ok great bro and is it fast and smooth @sadiq23?
:::[ Pandemic ..:: JB MoonBreakers 4 Ever :.
Sent From My Xperia P !! Which Old Dinky Toy Device Else !!
Pandemic said:
Ok great bro and is it fast and smooth @sadiq23?
:::[ Pandemic ..:: JB MoonBreakers 4 Ever :.
Sent From My Xperia P !! Which Old Dinky Toy Device Else !!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yeah Bro but not much!
Better then previous
...::: [ Sadiq23© ]:::...Recognized Member of Team
"MoonBreakers®"... Rom for Xperia™ JB...{$23}::..
sadiq23 said:
Yeah Bro but not much!
Better then previous
...::: [ Sadiq23© ]:::...Recognized Member of Team
"MoonBreakers®"... Rom for Xperia™ JB...{$23}::..
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
So, it works.. I thought I uploaded the wrong file
@Pandemic can you mount system and flash it and report?
@ARNOB i did what @sadiq23 said and the new home looks nice with the new 9dot menu icon and its indeed smoother then the previous one
:::[ Pandemic ..:: JB MoonBreakers 4 Ever :.
Sent From My Xperia P !! Which Old Dinky Toy Device Else !!
Hey dude can u make a version with autorotation? This home is very Nice and smooth, would be awesome a autorotation version of this. Thanks and good work!
Sent from my LT22i using xda app-developers app
macabrocabral said:
Hey dude can u make a version with autorotation? This home is very Nice and smooth, would be awesome a autorotation version of this. Thanks and good work!
Sent from my LT22i using xda app-developers app
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I have problems in the toolbar icons, why is that?
diiegooh said:
I have problems in the toolbar icons, why is that?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Also wipe the data of Xperia home in settings/apps/all?
:::[ Pandemic ..:: JB MoonBreakers 4 Ever :.
Sent From My Xperia P !! Which Old Dinky Toy Device Else !!
Pandemic said:
Also wipe the data of Xperia home in settings/apps/all?
:::[ Pandemic ..:: JB MoonBreakers 4 Ever :.
Sent From My Xperia P !! Which Old Dinky Toy Device Else !!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes, and still the problem
diiegooh said:
Yes, and still the problem
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You're using v2 or v3?
ARNOB said:
You're using v2 or v3?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
i used v3 but still had the same problem :silly:
try this and report: http://www.mediafire.com/download/38ho39s5e76dam2/Xperia_Ultra_Home_v2.zip
Will this work for other phones? Like the htc one?
I proudly present to you Honami style framework mod for Xperia™ Phones
Wherever you see, it will be new so just grab your chair and enjoy the new look
Make your work and play even better
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Flash , wipe dalvik and cache
Thank You @erorcun
Thank You @DdcCabuslay
Thank You @dewanshu93
Thank You @rakz992
Please consider hitting thanks if you download it. This will keep me going
You need honami themes for this to work properly and these are not included
Are you a Sola/ Go user? Look here to download
These things takes hours of my time, and that is just for you
If you like my work,hit thanks
I will be very happy believing that people like my work
.. Dont mirror these files ..
..[ If you want to use this in your own rom ]..
... Give proper Credits and link them to here ...
Use honami apps for perfect matching
You need honami themes for this to properly work! , they are not included with this pack
Initial Version
Fixed Bugs and switches
More visual smoothness and style
Started from Scratch
Super cool new animations :good:
More visual smoothness and style
Changed button styles
New check boxes
New progress bars, scrubbers, sliders
New Everything
Fixed line in progressbars
Fixed Select Bugs
Added colored selectboxes
Reverted to old tab style
Added smoothness
Fixed small bugs
Fixed problem in messaging app
Framework.jar now supports both sketch app and honami home
Reverted back to old background
Support for Sola
Whitish Background
Minor tweaks
Full Fix for Background according to themes
Reverted to honami tabs
Removed Bloat -- takes 10 hrs (this only)
All new framework animations and loading things
Optimised and new pngs
Checkbox Animation !!!!!!!
Text Highlights according to theme
New notification style
Optimised and new pngs
Updated for Sola
Added 4.3 pngs
XPERIA GO SUPPORT! [mdpi images added]
4.2.2 Small Apps support @rakz992 for that
Advanced Power Menu [changes your android.policy.jar]
Dont remember Many changes done!
Wow very nice bro @jatinrungta
This works on XP with JB Moonbreaker v3.5 ?
P.s the is only framework inside and not lockscreen
:::[ Pandemic ..:: JB MoonBreakers® 4 Ever !!:..
Sent From The Moon With My Xperia P !
Works fine thank you
Sent from my LT22i using xda app-developers app
You're wrong, this isn't full i1 framework.
This is i1 switch:
This is XZ switch:
And you didn't include it.
Indeed @erorcun
Check this switches, its messed up, please fix, further is it all good
:::[ Pandemic ..:: JB MoonBreakers® 4 Ever !!:..
Sent From The Moon With My Xperia P !
erorcun said:
You're wrong, this isn't full i1 framework.
This is i1 switch:
This is XZ switch:
And you didn't include it.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I included it but I will fix that in next release. Can you please help me :good:
and this is just modified images so
Pandemic said:
Indeed @erorcun
Check this switches, its messed up, please fix, further is it all good
:::[ Pandemic ..:: JB MoonBreakers® 4 Ever !!:..
Sent From The Moon With My Xperia P !
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
yup read the op for that and I will fix that in next release
no more bugs I guess
Please port for ics
Sent from my MT27i using Tapatalk 2
sohrabgheisari said:
Please port for ics
Sent from my MT27i using Tapatalk 2
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
it will take at least a week
jatinrungta said:
it will take at least a week
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
bro @jatinrungta
fixed the switches already?
Pandemic said:
bro @jatinrungta
fixed the switches already?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
jatinrungta said:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Great and is cool bro @jatinrungta
Please upload it asap
:::[ Pandemic ..:: JB MoonBreakers® 4 Ever !!:..
Sent From The Moon With My Xperia P !
Pandemic said:
Great and is cool bro @jatinrungta
Please upload it asap
:::[ Pandemic ..:: JB MoonBreakers® 4 Ever !!:..
Sent From The Moon With My Xperia P !
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
uploading from 1 hr, still 8% -_-
see screenies by the way
jatinrungta said:
uploading from 1 hr, still 8% -_-
see screenies by the way
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Ok and nice sceenies bro @jatinrungta
But what can we do with this framework, install new lockscreen of 4.2.2 or ?
:::[ Pandemic ..:: JB MoonBreakers® 4 Ever !!:..
Sent From The Moon With My Xperia P !
New Version Released!
Enjoy and see the changelog in third post
edit : lol its just a visual companion!
Would be great to have an ICS version
jatinrungta said:
New Version Released!
Enjoy and see the changelog in third post
edit : lol its just a visual companion!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Nice bro @jatinrungta
It looks great with my settings
But i pm you btw, please read
ty_hot said:
Would be great to have an ICS version
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Would be great if all you ICS users "LEARN" to have some patience!!
Its really annoying now with please port to ICS pleas please blablabla!
Where are the mods fom ICS to JB then? Nowhere !! @jatinrungta told it earlier over here to have some patience, a mod is not done in 1 day !!
:::[ Pandemic ..:: JB MoonBreakers® 4 Ever !!:..
Sent From The Moon With My Xperia P !
Instead of writing Install to Find out more, write what have you changed. It's ironic and it makes me not to install it, to be honest. Anyway nice job, the last thing that you need is the white background that Xperia Z Ultra has in the settings. Overall good
Can you please port to xhdpi? Thanks if it ok with you
Thanks in advance
Sent from my LT25i using xda premium