Android 4.2.2 Hits The HTC Butterfly - HTC Droid DNA
Rumor has it that some features on the HTC ones sense 5 won't be on the HTC butterfly/DNA sense 5 update for example blinkfeed.

It literally says in the article that you linked that blinkfeed is included.
Only things that won't be included are things that can't be included, stuff like zoe and the TV remote.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda app-developers app

Bigandrewgold said:
It literally says in the article that you linked that blinkfeed is included.
Only things that won't be included are things that can't be included, stuff like zoe and the TV remote.
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Yea... Don't think he was reading it well lol. Much excited to hear this.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda app-developers app

hope this happens i dont want sense 5 i do want 4.2.2 framework though. having to pinch to expand emails in the notification shade sucks lol.

reaverclan said:
hope this happens i dont want sense 5 i do want 4.2.2 framework though. having to pinch to expand emails in the notification shade sucks lol.
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You can also drag two fingers lol don't have to pinch. Though Yea I totally know what you mean. Its annoying. 4.2.2 is actually a pretty decent upgrade
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda app-developers app

cstrife999 said:
You can also drag two fingers lol don't have to pinch. Though Yea I totally know what you mean. Its annoying. 4.2.2 is actually a pretty decent upgrade
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Ain't nobody got time for that. Plus one handed is way more efficient.
Sent from my VIPER DNA

reaverclan said:
Ain't nobody got time for that. Plus one handed is way more efficient.
Sent from my VIPER DNA
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It is one handed just two fingers lol. I know I'm a ****. Ha ha I agree with you.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda app-developers app

Doing that with one hand is asking to drop your phone lol.
Sent from my VIPER DNA

So could this possibly help AOSP 4.2.2 development? I know this is Sense 5 but they're based on the same thing, right?
Sent from my Droid DNA running Rootbox

joelz already makes zoe work on 4.2.2 sense 5
Sent from my HTC X920e using xda premium

_phoey said:
So could this possibly help AOSP 4.2.2 development? I know this is Sense 5 but they're based on the same thing, right?
Sent from my Droid DNA running Rootbox
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no it wouldnt help aosp in any way, sense and vanilla android are completly differnent, sense is based ON android but its not really android its sense.

live2die said:
joelz already makes zoe work on 4.2.2 sense 5
Sent from my HTC X920e using xda premium
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Also works on 4.1.2 sense but USB is broken in both lol
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Gahh just saw what this thread was abt wow Verizon needs to hurry up
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.torrented said:
no it wouldnt help aosp in any way, sense and vanilla android are completly differnent, sense is based ON android but its not really android its sense.
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Actually it should still help, as most of our audio issues on CM 10.1 are driver related.

Bigandrewgold said:
It literally says in the article that you linked that blinkfeed is included.
Only things that won't be included are things that can't be included, stuff like zoe and the TV remote.
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I think OP just read it wrong.. The way it's worded is confusing if you are skimming the article..
Full Changelog ..
Android 4.2.2 and Sense 5
HTC BlinkFeed
New lock screen style: widget
Show battery level in status bar
Add sleep mode option in Power settings Notofications
Quick settings
AE/AF lock feature: lock exposure/focus at viewfinder screen
Video Highlights
Music player with visualization and lyrics
New HTC keyboard
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From AndroidAndMe

cannot wait till we get ported rom!!

when will verizon release 4.2.2 to us?

minjiet said:
when will verizon release 4.2.2 to us?
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Lol months from now?
Sent from my VIPER DNA

dot45 said:
Actually it should still help, as most of our audio issues on CM 10.1 are driver related.
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We would need the source for the drivers, we can't get them from OTA's unless HTC decides to just release driver source we can't get that stuff or we would already have it.


Well, looks like we're officially getting Sense 3.6

I know there has been speculation, and this is exactly what I was expecting, but it looks like HTC is trying to put some of Sense 4 in the Sense 3.6 update for us:
***This is a review on the Sensation, but we can expect the same thing with the similar build specs of our phone***
Sweet! Hope we get it sooner than later.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
Yeah we're missing the hardware i guess..
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA
Hoping for a mostly working (no 3d/4g) 4.0 port.
sailio said:
Yeah we're missing the hardware i guess..
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA
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How so? Our soc is definitely powerful enough.
It isnt about the hardware, at least not from the ram/cpu/gpu perspectice, as the htc one v will get sense 4.0.
NamenIos said:
It isnt about the hardware, at least not from the ram/cpu/gpu perspectice, as the htc one v will get sense 4.0.
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Yep, this is same thing that happened with the Evo 4g when it was updated to gingerbread.
This is pretty disappointing from HTC.
How else will they get you to buy a new phone?
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nkmassie said:
How else will they get you to buy a new phone?
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
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Cheaper prices? Better quality? Better battery? I can go on lol
Actually a model of the "one" won't be getting 4.0 either... The "one" without the new camera stuff.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
That's right. The One "V" will come with Sence 3.6
when the launch it we finally have drivers for the camera,so the dev/rom builders here on the board can fix the percent rom whit ICS
Not a surprise. It'll be as it always is. And we will still be able to run 4.0 after a few more things are fixed.
Sent from my HTC Evo 3D
I'd be happy with ICS AOSP rom
troyboytn said:
That's right. The One "V" will come with Sence 3.6
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xTONEx said:
Actually a model of the "one" won't be getting 4.0 either... The "one" without the new camera stuff.
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What are your sources? The official HTC site* says it will get Sense 4.0.
Android™ 4.0 with HTC Sense™ 4
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* cant post links due to not spamming enough -.- w ww.h m/www/smartphones/htc-one-v/#specs
If it doesnt have the new camera sensors and such it will NOT get 4.0
Google a bit ull find the model that doesn't have it
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
xTONEx said:
If it doesnt have the new camera sensors and such it will NOT get 4.0
Google a bit ull find the model that doesn't have it
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
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yes. this. exactly. we are missing the image chip for the new image sense. so no sense 4.0 for us. but without the image sense stuff i dont think we are missing out on much are we?
troyboytn said:
That's right. The One "V" will come with Sence 3.6
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its got 4.0 on it actually according to HTC's site. I know a bunch of blogs and such said it was 3.6 but actual spec sheet lists 4.0. Might be a trimmed 4.0 but still 4.0.
Sucked that device was out of commission at MWC as all the blog's that did hands on reviews of the One Series said the V wasn't working so all we got is the lil promo video from what ive seen.
Also interested to see what exact chip it has in it. All anyone can confirm is that its a 1GHz chip but everyone is all over the place saying if its S3 or S4 based. I'd think itd be S4 based but dunno for sure.
Ahh. Ok, I stand corrected.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
The only differences between 3.6 and 4 should b the camera stuff and landscape rosie from what I've read
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium

True ICS/4.0/4.0.3 or 4.0.4 ROMs for Amaze 4G

I think I've exausted all my searchs for as the title says, I wanted to know if there are any ICS ROMs that are 4.0.3/4.0 or 4.0.4/4.0 that well have the app drawer that moves like the ICS one does like card deck style or if thats what it is called cuz I was not close to those firmware versions on my IncS 4G a year ago but had a ROM with all those features so not being to picky or maybe I am so any clues?
Speed Rom
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EclipzeRemix said:
Speed Rom
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Sorry for not noticing and sounding stupid lol also which one, and ur work is AMAZING bro:thumbup::beer:
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TheCrow1372 said:
Sorry for not noticing and sounding stupid lol also which one, and ur work is AMAZING bro:thumbup::beer:
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TheCrow1372 said:
Sorry for not noticing and sounding stupid lol also which one, and ur work is AMAZING bro:thumbup::beer:
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda premium
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Which ever you want
TheCrow1372 said:
I think I've exausted all my searchs for as the title says, I wanted to know if there are any ICS ROMs that are 4.0.3/4.0 or 4.0.4/4.0 that well have the app drawer that moves like the ICS one does like card deck style or if thats what it is called cuz I was not close to those firmware versions on my IncS 4G a year ago but had a ROM with all those features so not being to picky or maybe I am so any clues?
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4thBar roms are another option. :beer:
HTC Ruby 4G - XDG Developer App
marathone said:
4thBar roms are another option. :beer:
HTC Ruby 4G - XDG Developer App
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What do u mean and any link towards what ur speaking of?
"It Can't Rain All the Time", sent from my AMAZE 4G/'ENERGY BLUE with BEATS'
Look in the dev section for 4th bar...not that hard
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Spastic909 said:
Look in the dev section for 4th bar...not that hard
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda app-developers app
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Still can't find what ur speaking of
"It Can't Rain All the Time", sent from my AMAZE 4G/ENERGY BLUE
FB (Fourth Bar) JellyBean Fusion Beta 3.2.2
Fourth Bar 3.0 Detailed ICS Themed
I have used both and craigtut put a lot of thought, effort and hard work into getting these ROMs to look and act like AOSP as much as possible. I'm actually thinking about going back to JB Fusion but I'm not sure if I want to rid of sense right now.
Double0EK said:
FB (Fourth Bar) JellyBean Fusion Beta 3.2.2
Fourth Bar 3.0 Detailed ICS Themed
I have used both and craigtut put a lot of thought, effort and hard work into getting these ROMs to look and act like AOSP as much as possible. I'm actually thinking about going back to JB Fusion but I'm not sure if I want to rid of sense right now.
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Don't ya wish, Sense/ICS :thumbup:
"It Can't Rain All the Time", sent from my AMAZE 4G/ENERGY BLUE
These are ICS ROMs and the one I use is an ICS Sense Rom - NRGZ.

JB and Sense?

I really want Jellybean but I am reluctant to not have the sense experience I love (especially the camera) so I was wondering if there was anything for the EVO that offers both... the One X seems to have quite a few so I am hopeful that the EVO has one.
Sent from my EVO
I cant wait for this is there anyone like for sure working on it?
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
scataldo721 said:
I cant wait for this is there anyone like for sure working on it?
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
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I'd think there would need to be a leak first. If there's no Rom leaked then there isn't anything to work on.
Sent from my aokp_tenderloin using xda premium
I'm also curious to see how the two will work together. I'd like to try JB also. But for the current JB roms that are out lack a few features id like to have such as beats audio and features of the camera
kcdre said:
I'm also curious to see how the two will work together. I'd like to try JB also. But for the current JB roms that are out lack a few features id like to have such as beats audio and features of the camera
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You can flash awesome beats through pimp my rom
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scataldo721 said:
You can flash awesome beats through pimp my rom
Sent from my EVO using xda app-developers app
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Thanks, I think I'll give it a try. Still may not be a daily driver due to the camera.
The siii camera is available for aosp roms, and pretty good
Just can't beat the sense camera software though. I hear jb and sense 4x have improved camera software. 29fps, better focus, ect
Sent from my EVO
I've been meaning to ask a similar question, this seems like a good thread to bring up a discussion about what parts of Sense you miss in AOSP.
For me, definitely the camera. Beats audio is another one.
You can get the Sense clock widget in a .apk that works in other launchers.
Is there anything else?
Shortcuts, sense has a buttload of shortcuts that I can't live without. Plus the ui is great looking. Also quick settings. Sure everything is in ics and jb as well but its just not as polished.
Sent from my Sac23/Chubbz Roms using xda premium
Sorry, I'm not sure what you mean. What kind of shortcuts?
Im guessing he was referring to widgets.
I wonder if jb sense has the function where you could go to the gallery straight from the camera by swiping to the left. I loved that in stock jb.
Sent from my Evo LTE using Tapatalk 2
Use cleanrom 1.5. It looks and feels just like JB. I love it!
Sent from my EVO using XDA Premium HD app

Sense 5

So guys and gals, what do y'all think of the new sense 5, FTW or epic fail
Sent from my HTC Desire C using xda app-developers app
if the homescreens scroll any other way than left and right then i dont like it
ziggy46 said:
if the homescreens scroll any other way than left and right then i dont like it
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it does scroll left and right.
KT-82166 said:
it does scroll left and right.
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sonofabitch, it does?
KT-82166 said:
it does scroll left and right.
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zPacKRat said:
sonofabitch, it does?
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well what i meant was.... "i like sense 5 so far" you didnt have to take me so literally
ziggy46 said:
well what i meant was.... "i like sense 5 so far" you didnt have to take me so literally
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Lol it does look nice but I can help but feel HTC got a little bit carries away here
Sent from my Amaze 4G using xda app-developers app
filthygoat223996 said:
Lol it does look nice but I can help but feel HTC got a little bit carries away here
Sent from my Amaze 4G using xda app-developers app
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it doesnt look as nice as sense 4 though... from the video "show off" they did it reminds me of windows phone with the live tile widget things
I'm happy with sense 4. Too much extra crap is just going to drain an already underpowered battery...
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chevycowboyusa said:
I'm happy with sense 4. Too much extra crap is just going to drain an already underpowered battery...
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Lol who"s up for the port
Sense 5 looks like windows phone.
KT-82166 said:
Lol who"s up for the port
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Well, you know, got to try everything once... Well, except for the gay stuff. Nothing against gays.
Just like I'm trying some captain Morgan and spiced rum and coke right now.
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chevycowboyusa said:
Well, you know, got to try everything once... Well, except for the gay stuff. Nothing against gays.
Just like I'm trying some captain Morgan and spiced rum and coke right now.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using xda app-developers app
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Agreed. That sounds good too.
I think HTC is trying to take A page from regular vanilla android. Sense 5 is like if sports CM and sense 4 ROMS fused.
lamortcroix said:
Agreed. That sounds good too.
I think HTC is trying to take A page from regular vanilla android. Sense 5 is like if sports CM and sense 4 ROMS fused.
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Yea sense 5 is like sense 4 mixed with some windows 8, mixed with vanilla
Sent from my Amaze 4G using xda app-developers app
yeh , sense 4 and 5 both are good, but we dont have any stable amaze rom with sense 4 or 5 for amaze .
i am still using sense 3.6
navneet_bhaskar said:
yeh , sense 4 and 5 both are good, but we dont have any stable amaze rom with sense 4 or 5 for amaze .
i am still using sense 3.6
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Nightmare Sense 1.6 ROM is very stable if you don't need bluetooth.
Beamed from my HTC Amaze 4G using xda premium
anasmunir said:
Nightmare Sense 1.6 ROM is very stable if you don't need bluetooth.
Beamed from my HTC Amaze 4G using xda premium
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Or Mobile Hotspot/Wifi Tether
navneet_bhaskar said:
yeh , sense 4 and 5 both are good, but we dont have any stable amaze rom with sense 4 or 5 for amaze .
i am still using sense 3.6
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Vipersense 1.6.3 is going to be awesome when ziggy and co. Release it look in the general section right now.its currently under development
Sent from my HTC Ruby using xda app-developers app
filthygoat223996 said:
Vipersense 1.6.3 is going to be awesome when ziggy and co. Release it look in the general section right now.its currently under development
Sent from my HTC Ruby using xda app-developers app
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Yes waiting for vipersense . lets see how much time they will take for their good work. :good:
navneet_bhaskar said:
Yes waiting for vipersense . lets see how much time they will take for their good work. :good:
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You should try Bulletproof 2.0. I have viper sense 1.6.3 and its just like bulletproof just better battery life, smoother scrolling, and more tweaks.
Yeh sure. Thx for the suggestion. And can you tell me. Does the new viper support bluetooth?
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using Tapatalk 2

This would be pretty cool to see on the Note 2
OK so for me, I dig HTCs UI quite a bit. I know a lot of people don't like it one bit and there is nothing wrong with that. Anyways I saw this thread and thought if this could be ported over to the S3, could it be ported to the Note 2? I was just throwing this out there to see if there are any devs out there that would be willing to give this a try??? I don't know a thing about making ROMS at all Lol but ya, it would be cool. I know it would probably be super hard, but it could be doable.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
npainter7 said:
OK so for me, I dig HTCs UI quite a bit. I know a lot of people don't like it one bit and there is nothing wrong with that. Anyways I saw this thread and thought if this could be ported over to the S3, could it be ported to the Note 2? I was just throwing this out there to see if there are any devs out there that would be willing to give this a try??? I don't know a thing about making ROMS at all Lol but ya, it would be cool. I know it would probably be super hard, but it could be doable.
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You realize almost nothing works right?
akellar said:
You realize almost nothing works right?
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As of right now yes. But there is a ton of devs working on it for the sprint s3. I was just saying it would be pretty sweet if it ever got up and running.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
npainter7 said:
As of right now yes. But there is a ton of devs working on it for the sprint s3. I was just saying it would be pretty sweet if it ever got up and running.
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There's already a thread about this on here somewhere but long story short - it won't happen. A "ton of devs" have been trying this since eclair and afaik not one has ever been successful. There are just too many closed source dependencies that make it impossible.
akellar said:
There's already a thread about this on here somewhere but long story short - it won't happen. A "ton of devs" have been trying this since eclair and afaik not one has ever been successful. There are just too many closed source dependencies that make it impossible.
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While I think you're right these devs are making quite a bit of progress quite quickly. It looks promising.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk HD
akellar said:
There's already a thread about this on here somewhere but long story short - it won't happen. A "ton of devs" have been trying this since eclair and afaik not one has ever been successful. There are just too many closed source dependencies that make it impossible.
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Sense has been ported to the galaxy s and other devices. I dont quite know where you are getting your information from but you may want to do some more research.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
pyroemaniac said:
Sense has been ported to the galaxy s and other devices. I dont quite know where you are getting your information from but you may want to do some more research.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
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Ported is not the same as working. Since you seem to have a PhD in this, feel free to provide examples professor.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
akellar said:
Ported is not the same as working. Since you seem to have a PhD in this, feel free to provide examples professor.
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Ease up man. I had rosie running on my G1 and it was great(and everything worked). I wouldn't jump the aosp ship for sense ever again based on the current state of android, but at the time, it was awesome. I still don't understand why google hasn't included t9 search in their dialer.
InGeNeTiCs said:
Ease up man. I had rosie running on my G1 and it was great(and everything worked). I wouldn't jump the aosp ship for sense ever again based on the current state of android, but at the time, it was awesome. I still don't understand why google hasn't included t9 search in their dialer.
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I think the response was proportional, someone was an ass to him so he returned the favor.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using XDA Premium HD app
Wow. I'd be 100% behind getting this an honest attempt if I had ANY dev skills at all. Looks amazing.
Spaniard85 said:
Wow. I'd be 100% behind getting this an honest attempt if I had ANY dev skills at all. Looks amazing.
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Ya same here. Having sense 5 on my note 2 with how big the screen is and with amazing battery life. It would be sweet. I'm a fan of sense. I love how easy it is to quickly add widgets and apps to home screens. Looking forward into seeing what the HTC ONE MAXX had to offer. I may switch. We'll see
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
npainter7 said:
Ya same here. Having sense 5 on my note 2 with how big the screen is and with amazing battery life. It would be sweet. I'm a fan of sense. I love how easy it is to quickly add widgets and apps to home screens. Looking forward into seeing what the HTC ONE MAXX had to offer. I may switch. We'll see
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I'm with you.. after coming from an iphone 5 to the note 2, I can't go back to any phone smaller. Hopefully the ONE MAXX is good competition.
npainter7 said:
Ya same here. Having sense 5 on my note 2 with how big the screen is and with amazing battery life. It would be sweet. I'm a fan of sense. I love how easy it is to quickly add widgets and apps to home screens. Looking forward into seeing what the HTC ONE MAXX had to offer. I may switch. We'll see
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TOTALLY agree dude. The new Sense is damn sexy. And now that I've held a ONE, I'm pretty certain this is my last Samsung. My sights are set firmly on the ONE 'Max.'
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Spaniard85 said:
TOTALLY agree dude. The new Sense is damn sexy. And now that I've held a ONE, I'm pretty certain this is my last Samsung. My sights are set firmly on the ONE 'Max.'
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
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Ya the one is a pretty nice looking device. Haven't got to hold it yet without something attached from the back of it Lol. But ya, I don't think I can go back to a smaller screen. And the s pen is nice as well. Its nice for notes. I'm sure the HTC Max will be pretty dang nice
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mp0890 said:
I'm with you.. after coming from an iphone 5 to the note 2, I can't go back to any phone smaller. Hopefully the ONE MAXX is good competition.
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+1 on that man. The build quality is gonna be so sexy Lol bigger screen, bigger battery. Can't wait
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
I'm sure I could live with a smaller screen again. Picking up my GNex I'm all like, "whoa SO easy to hold!" I still need to hold it untethered too, but DAMN. I rarely use my SPen, which is why I spend so much time on AOSP ROMs probably.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
akellar said:
Ported is not the same as working. Since you seem to have a PhD in this, feel free to provide examples professor.
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My galaxy s had a working data and sms sense port so yes it was working. Please feel free to try again.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
So over htc sense. Now the Google edition aosp Rom would be a sight to behold
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
shangrila500 said:
I think the response was proportional, someone was an ass to him so he returned the favor.
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In what way was I an ass? He claimed something and I gave a rebuttal. In no way was I rude, I just stated that he should do more research before he completely shoots down someone's request/idea.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
I got no dog in the fight, but.....
Though it looks buggy.
"One small step for man, One giant leap for mankind" said anyone who has tried Moon Rom

