[Q] samsung galaxy s2 motherboard--where to buy ?? - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

i was searching for a while for a new motherboard but they r hard to find or they r from some hongkong sites like aliexpress.com..
..does any know where is the best place to buy it or is this site valid and trustfull ??

miroslavpena said:
i was searching for a while for a new motherboard but they r hard to find or they r from some hongkong sites like aliexpress.com..
..does any know where is the best place to buy it or is this site valid and trustfull ??
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Have you tried looking at ebay or amazon? If you know the exact model you want/need it could be a cheap solution.

Procuring a new motherboard without paying a Samsung authorised service centre a lot of money for labour to replace your board is very very difficult. Samsung don't sell the boards to the public, and if they found out new boards were 'leaking' from authorised service centres, they'd chuck a fit
If you don't like the idea of paying a service centre to put a new board in, you're likely going to have to settle on a 2nd hand one from a 'donor'/broken phone.
Edit - And many boards pushed as 'new' on places like eBay are in fact 2nd hand boards that have been 'tidied up' a bit.

MistahBungle said:
Procuring a new motherboard without paying a Samsung authorised service centre a lot of money for labour to replace your board is very very difficult. Samsung don't sell the boards to the public, and if they found out new boards were 'leaking' from authorised service centres, they'd chuck a fit
If you don't like the idea of paying a service centre to put a new board in, you're likely going to have to settle on a 2nd hand one from a 'donor'/broken phone.
Edit - And many boards pushed as 'new' on places like eBay are in fact 2nd hand boards that have been 'tidied up' a bit.
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I am also looking to buy a Samsung galaxy s2 motherboard GT-I9100 - where is the best place to buy a good one in Europe that had not has much use?


[Q] how much cost motherboard(mainborad) for sgs 2?

any one know how much motherboard(mainborad) for galaxy s ii international version cost?
and if there is online store for buy one?
moshxsoft said:
any one know how much motherboard(mainborad) for galaxy s ii international version cost?
and if there is online store for buy one?
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here if you give them your defective motherboard you can have a 50$ discount so theoretically you canbuy a new motherboard for 139$
Bummer, you can buy a used s2 for a little more than this.
8000 INR , but i had mine replaced for 5000 INR (without bill) from a sammy service centre
need shop location
Hey kjplasma could u plz tell me where can I find one with or without bill. Could u tell me the address. I want to buy one main board for my Samsung Galaxy S II I9100. If possible near by location of Hyderabad.
pragnanthv.in said:
Hey kjplasma could u plz tell me where can I find one with or without bill. Could u tell me the address. I want to buy one main board for my Samsung Galaxy S II I9100. If possible near by location of Hyderabad.
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i actually did it in cochin..visit a couple of service centres around your area n tell them you are short on cash and if there is any way to do it for a lesser amount
but BEWARE:: if you do it without a bill you get no warranty !!!
Thanks buddy I'll search for it.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda app-developers app
kjplasma said:
8000 INR , but i had mine replaced for 5000 INR (without bill) from a sammy service centre
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how cost in dollar??
moshxsoft said:
how cost in dollar??
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thats in indian rupee ...do the conversion
s2 fried motherboard
kjplasma said:
8000 INR , but i had mine replaced for 5000 INR (without bill) from a sammy service centre
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I live in jeddah, can I ship it to cochin and ask them to repair it at the same cost, no service centers here that might assist with the low cost replacement. Do you have their address and number?
I have a fried motherboard too, gave it to the service center guys here in Jeddah and they say that it will cost me more than what it would to buy a used S2
Probable cause (cause and effect, not necessarily correct from a technical perspective)
I think it could have been my car charger that might have fried it... assuming that i did see once that the battery dropped from 70% to 40% after i connected the charger and I was foolish enough to connect it when the phone was completely out of battery... yeah tell me about it. I purchased another battery too.. original with the hologram and everything but after a week or so the phone would just not boot up.
if you ask me!!! your galay s2 its useless so you gona start thinking to buy an galaxy s3!!!!!!!!!!!!
kjplasma said:
8000 INR , but i had mine replaced for 5000 INR (without bill) from a sammy service centre
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Can u tell me how much time is required to replace the MOTHERBOARD of Samsung Galaxy S2 ...and what's the waiting time to get the delivery of the phone ..coz i also faced the problem with my GS2 a week ago and it's been a week till now still not received the phone from service center.........and they updated my delivery status after installing a motherboard ........ a phone require overwrite...does it require a overwrite or not?.......... and if require how much time it takes.....This problem all happens only when I was updating my phone to official jellybean update and while rebooting the phone stucked on Welcome Screen the one with(SAMSUNG GALAXY S2 GT-I9100G)........Pls.HELP !!!!...The Service Centre also took a time of 3-4 days to get the part from it's office....
You have two choices re: motherboard replacement -
1) Samsung/service centre - New motherboard, retain original IMEI in most cases/dependant on country (Most expensive option).
2) Search eBay/elsewhere online for a 2nd hand motherboard (you do see them on their own occasionally), or more likely look for a broken phone (screen broken but otherwise OK, for example) you can take the motherboard from. You can either replace this yourself if you feel confident enough, or you can pay a local mobile repair shop to swap this motherboard for the dead one on your phone (Cheapest option). With this option your IMEI will change to that of the phone the board came from, which is no big deal normally (Do not try to restore your old IMEI via an EFS backup restore, fair chance you'll bork your phone if you do).
Samsung will not sell you a new motherboard on it's own. If an authorised service centre sells you a new one without them doing the labor of replacing the old one, you're very very lucky & Samsung would probably chuck a fit if they found out.
Costs will obviously vary widely whichever option you chose, dependent on country normally.


hii everyone
i bricked my galaxy ace s5830 n went to service center, they told cost will be around 4.5k !
then i came home n searched about the matter on internet then found out the "jtag" can unbrick my cell
but question is shall i purchase "riff jtag box" or go to service center ?? cuz both are around same price
any help would be appreciated
[email protected] said:
hii everyone
i bricked my galaxy ace s5830 n went to service center, they told cost will be around 4.5k !
then i came home n searched about the matter on internet then found out the "jtag" can unbrick my cell
but question is shall i purchase "riff jtag box" or go to service center ?? cuz both are around same price
any help would be appreciated
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If they are around the same price I'd just take it to the service center because that way a professional who knows what there doing can fix your phone. While the JTAG box is very helpful you can really mess up your phone if you don't know how to use it properly. Again if there about the same price its not worth the risk take it to the service center.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda premium
But... if you get a jtag/ riff box setup, then you can basically start a business unbricking phones, and maybe recoup your money.. But, remember, you need to have the proper software to resurrect your phone, or the know-how to develop it.
Sent from my phone's mind
Mobile tech video claim to be able to jtag brick repair a Samsung admire for $40. Would love to find out how they do it.
I also found a website that sells a riff box (jtag) for $145 USD plus shipping.
Sent from my HUAWEI-M860 using Tapatalk

Best way to get screen repaired for GT-I9300 in the US.

So I have had my I9300 GS3 since launch and the other day I cracked my screen.
Now I need to get it fixed, I know that the whole unit AMOLED and digitizer needs to be replaced.
I could probably do it myself if the savings will be a lot but I'm looking for all options and Samsung US won't touch it apparently because its not a US model.
So anyway know of a way to get Samsung US to fix it or where Is a good place I could send it or get a display for it?
Anyone have any ideas?
Use your warranty it wont cost a dime
oh wait.. you cracked it.. mmmm.. you may try some low-end stores maybe in malls just to be sure. You could also do it yourself, there are lots of how-to's in youtube
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
if you're in the US and you have the i9300, then you have 2 choices:
1) DIY. buy the parts from ebay and follow instructions online..
2) Contact the Samsung on the country your phone is registered to. The one I had was register to the UK and they simply said that I'll have to contact their special service center there, arrange the case number with them, then send it to them as well as providing return postage. Then when they receive it, it will take up to 28 days to fix your phone + potential costs for repairs because you are physically not in their region. Any attempt to contact Samsung USA will get the agents telling you that they only service american models and that, I quote, their technicians do not have the knowledge or skill or parts to repair the i9300.
This is my personal experience with the incompetence of Samsung USA.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
Napsterbater said:
So I have had my I9300 GS3 since launch and the other day I cracked my screen.
Now I need to get it fixed, I know that the whole unit AMOLED and digitizer needs to be replaced.
I could probably do it myself if the savings will be a lot but I'm looking for all options and Samsung US won't touch it apparently because its not a US model.
So anyway know of a way to get Samsung US to fix it or where Is a good place I could send it or get a display for it?
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you can do it yourself following max lee's steps

i need original Main board "Motherboard" for my S2 I900 , From where i can get one ??

i need original Main board "Motherboard" for my S2 I900 , From where i can get one ??
my main board damaged because of some software conflict
i tried the JTag thing with the riff box , but they told me we tried but we cant
because the power fail every time they try to open start
they told me some ic on the main board related to the power is damaged
please tell me from where i can get original main board
ebay , amazon , etc
any links or some online shop accept pay using visa
MamomaN said:
my main board damaged because of some software conflict
i tried the JTag thing with the riff box , but they told me we tried but we cant
because the power fail every time they try to open start
they told me some ic on the main board related to the power is damaged
please tell me from where i can get original main board
ebay , amazon , etc
any links or some online shop accept pay using visa
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Its hard to find working main boards. Quickest way is to get it repaired by samsung service centers. But it will almost cost you as same as getting a second hand GS2. If you are willing to take a risk you can buy screen damaged phones on ebay and use its motherboard. Decision is up to you
i can't find any screen damaged phone on ebay or amazon
MamomaN said:
i can't find any screen damaged phone on ebay or amazon
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Then you should take your phone to samsung and ask for the price of a mb replacement
Nothing new .. still searching
and samsung agency on my country told me the board coasts 90% from the price of the phone as new
so , i should end my searching or there's any hope ?
You've already been told either eBay/Amazon for busted phone or Samsung/authorised repairer (who will charge you labour to install said MB; Samsung won't sell you one for obvious reasons, as you've found out)
What more are you expecting anyone here to tell you that you haven't already been told ? You were told those options because they're the options anyone who visits here in your situation would look at (I know I'd be looking for a 'donor'/broken phone first, then I'd be biting the bullet & either paying Samsung to fix it or get a new phone).
Posting here again in the hope this has somehow changed over the past week isn't going to make it so.

[Q] Need A Motther Board For Galaxy S2

My galaxy s2 i9100 motherboard got complaint and i need to replace it.I went already went to service centre and they told it will cost around Rs.6000(95$).But when i searched for motherboard on ebay and it cost around only 27$.I want to know is it original or not???Or will i face any problems if i uses that motherboard?If not can anybody please tell me frome where i can buy a good motherboard for my s2?
Almost all motherboards online will be 2nd hand, Samsung is not in the business of selling new ones without having their authorised service centres doing the labour to replace. As with anything on eBay, you're only going to know if it's legit/works the way it should if you actually buy it/maybe based on the seller's reputation.
I mean, how is anyone here supposed to know whether some guy on eBay is selling you something legit ?
I've seen some boards on eBay that are JUST the boards.....you have to solder EVERY single component to it yourself......examine the listing before you buy......
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