No Forum for HTC Desire U? - HTC Desire X

Bought one for myself today!
But felt very bad to see no forum for it in XDA..
Any MOD's of Admin care to make one?
Aren't there any users for it yet? I know since it has been only a month or so has it been released.
But I hope making a forum for it would be great.
Thanks in advance!

iPriDvI said:
Bought one for myself today!
But felt very bad to see no forum for it in XDA..
Any MOD's of Admin care to make one?
Aren't there any users for it yet? I know since it has been only a month or so has it been released.
But I hope making a forum for it would be great.
Thanks in advance!
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Detailed Specs ?
Sent from my HTC Desire X using xda app-developers app

Full specs here from gsm arena!

iPriDvI said:
Full specs here from gsm arena!
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thats ridiculous.. why htc still releases phones with a single core processor. why would you buy that?
Sent from my HTC Desire X using xda app-developers app

Please use the thread here to request for new device specific fora.


HTC EVO 3D ICS Update in UK

I emailed HTC EU and this is what they had to say
Useless topic, please report yourself
Sent from my HTC Desire S
That email may as well have said "lol we dunno"
draghiciandrei said:
Useless topic, please report yourself
Sent from my HTC Desire S
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funny retort please pat yourself on the back.
Remember when HTC said ics update coming early 2012 it really meant to say November/December 2012 why waste your time e mailing them
Sent from my HTC EVO 3D X515m using xda premium
I just wanted to post something since im new to Posting threads although i visit XDA a lot to see what Devs are upto and how far they've got with ICS. I've got a desire HD too and i cant wait to get a fully working ICS rom on it. If you think this thread is useless, good for you.
dude....nothing new....look at htc on facebook. everyday the same sh*t. and this mail is nothing new. stop wasting your time writing them. use the time for other things
Are they releasing ICS updates Earlier in America?
omondisingh said:
Are they releasing ICS updates Earlier in America?
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I would guess GSM first
Sent from my HTC Desire using xda premium
Than you for taking the time OP, we are all interested in the update. However, there are a million and one threads on the topic, and if as you say you have been reading a lot already.... then then was no need to start a new thread.
MODS: Can we get ONE of the threads PURELY for ICS info posts, and just lock all the others? It is pointlessly taking up forum space now on this stuff.
When its there we will all know it, until then just keep waiting or run a custom rom with ICS an lose the 3D and camera until official ICS is released.
draghiciandrei said:
Useless topic, please report yourself
Sent from my HTC Desire S
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3vo3d said:
funny retort please pat yourself on the back.
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Don't be mad at him... He's right... Pretty much useless.
eXplicit815 said:
Don't be mad at him... He's right... Pretty much useless.
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Yeah these threads just keep getting posted. People should search before posting the obvious.
Ugh if I feel like it I'll try and create a main thread for ICS stuff like I did for the EVO 4G LTE...
too many of these threads pop up all over the place and we did have a few that were actually useful but seems as time goes on everyone wants to post a new thread on it now...
No offense to the OP as he was obviously trying to help and not trolling here...
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
please don't do that, you don't need to do nothing
or you ar some auttority in this forum?
there are enough threads on this topic to, and there allready is one good enough
regarding ICS
Yes, please set up on main thread and only update the thread title when ICS is out
Sent from my HTC EVO 3D X515m using xda premium
eXplicit815 said:
Don't be mad at him... He's right... Pretty much useless.
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i aint mad at him his retort was indeed funny.
draghiciandrei said:
please don't do that, you don't need to do nothing
or you ar some auttority in this forum?
there are enough threads on this topic to, and there allready is one good enough
regarding ICS
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The problem is with each ICS thread the OP isn't updated over time to show the latest rumors/news...most are just made and left...hence the multiple threads...
If done it'd be with pstevep permission like the EVO thread I did. Makes it easier for the actual forum mod as they can just lock/delete the new threads created and direct people to the one...
Look I don't care honestly. Was just a suggestion that'd make it possibly easier to follow...
No worries.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium


For the HTC EVO 4G LTE. Let's root!
Is cm9 available for this device?
asafegous said:
Is cm9 available for this device?
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Lmfao....What do you think? In case you need help the answer in no.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
When will Jellybean be available. I need an exact date. Please.
FattySparks said:
When will Jellybean be available. I need an exact date. Please.
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June of NEVER
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
Let's not start trolling.
10 more days
pstevep said:
Let's not start trolling.
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No trolling intended. Just havin some fun being sarcastic.
So, I just picked up my new EVO 4G LTE, how can I haz root to flash MIUI Jellybean?
This is going to be fun! Looks like some truly legendary devs have made pre-orders!
BTW, to the MODS.. Thanks for opening up a forum for us!
I wonder if the root process will be as simple as the HTC One and One X?
I would think it would be similar, since the phones are so similar.
But what do I know. I'm not even close to being a dev.
dont mean to kill the mood, but this is the dev section guys. lets move the discussion to the general section. lets not give our new moderator a tough time before the phone even launches
mikebeam said:
I wonder if the root process will be as simple as the HTC One and One X?
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I had read the One X had a locked bootloader... is it already cracked open?
I plan on getting this Evo, so hopefully it isn't a couple months before s-off and root is attained again. I would rather not have hindered development this time around.
tyler.durden said:
I had read the One X had a locked bootloader... is it already cracked open?
I plan on getting this Evo, so hopefully it isn't a couple months before s-off and root is attained again. I would rather not have hindered development this time around.
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When did you get your evo. it had root before day 1. A couple of times it got lost, but only to people on new devices and people who couldn't wait for the devs to get a hold of the new Stock ROMs.
ImaWinRAR said:
dont mean to kill the mood, but this is the dev section guys. lets move the discussion to the general section. lets not give our new moderator a tough time before the phone even launches
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This 100%
sent from 2yr old Evo on ICS
ImaWinRAR said:
dont mean to kill the mood, but this is the dev section guys. lets move the discussion to the general section. lets not give our new moderator a tough time before the phone even launches
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We'll give you 2 brownie points for that little comment...hahahaha
jamieg71 said:
This is going to be fun! Looks like some truly legendary devs have made pre-orders!
BTW, to the MODS.. Thanks for opening up a forum for us!
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Is there any doubt this is the next benchmark phone. The OGEvo is still in my opinion the only SuperPhone. A first of many standards, and the only phone i know you can plug directly into the TV for watching Vids.
I have lived off contract for the last 4 years. Yes i finally used my Upgrade for this phone.
Who is the forum mod anyways?
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA
I would imagine root would be very similar to one x international. Use HTC unlock, fastboot recovery, flash superuser.
I am sure other ways will come as well, but I suspect that will be the first
Sent from my Synergized Aggressive Lionfish Evo using the XDA app

Where is sneakhead's nexus flyer ?

It was right there several hours ago, but now .... Gone with the wind ???
?_? ?_? @[email protected]
Sent from my HTC Desire using xda premium
My guess is he was reported for something
mcord11758 said:
My guess is he was reported for something
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Can't understand u mate... Sorry
Sent from my HTC Desire using xda premium
Either op took it down it moderators did
Mods may have taken issue with the way he spammed the board to achieve his 10 posts, as those posts were deleted as well.
Do not worry. Snakehead told me that xda deleted his account for spamming. But fear not. Now I will be doing the nexus flyer. I am currently working on it and I will Give you a link when it is ready. It is android 4.1.2 ( snakehead gave me permission) remember to give me a thanks. I will give you the ROM when i reach 10 posts R.I.P. snakehead
TheWizardOfROMs said:
Do not worry. Snakehead told me that xda deleted his account for spamming. But fear not. Now I will be doing the nexus flyer. I am currently working on it and I will Give you a link when it is ready. It is android 4.1.2 ( snakehead gave me permission) remember to give me a thanks. I will give you the ROM when i reach 10 posts R.I.P. snakehead
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Flyer users aware that modify a Jelly Bean is a tough job, even HTC don't want to handle this. We all watching our developers, I have been checking Xda flyer development everyday for almost 3 months after I heard of Dexter and his Rom.
We all believe that you guys could make it, we trust you more than htc ^o^
Sent from my HTC Desire using xda premium
ssc505684708 said:
Flyer users aware that modify a Jelly Bean is a tough job, even HTC don't want to handle this. We all watching our developers, I have been checking Xda flyer development everyday for almost 3 months after I heard of Dexter and his Rom.
We all believe that you guys could make it, we trust you more than htc ^o^
Sent from my HTC Desire using xda premium
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Thanks for that speech man. Don't worry I'm uploading the ROM to my dropbox account as i type. I will post a thread tomorrow here is the ROM you have been waiting for remember to give me a thanks

AT&T HOX+ (CM, AOSP Development)

Thanks Lloir ! Look forward to your development on this great device!
dseries60 said:
Thanks Lloir ! Look forward to your development on this great device!
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i wanted to say the same thing to lloir. i got my x+ last week and bricked it by flashing wrong recovery. but thanks to lloirs posts, i got my phone back up and running. cant express how much i was thankfull to him cause i just bought this phone for 600 bucks and i almost thought i bricked it.
Don't get too happy yet, Lloir still needs a kernel dev for the device. I suggest you guys follow him in Twitter
Sent from my HTC EVARE_UL using Tapatalk 2
killman2659 said:
Don't get too happy yet, Lloir still needs a kernel dev for the device. I suggest you guys follow him in Twitter
Sent from my HTC EVARE_UL using Tapatalk 2
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not seen the latest tweet then
Lloir said:
not seen the latest tweet then
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Pepperoni and Italian sausage please .....
I am so looking forward to the AOSP!
I would gladly donate some cash to get it going
Sent from my HTC One X+ using xda app-developers app
Yes, thanks Lloir. I was about to give up on getting one of these phones and look for a Nexus 4 instead, but my hope has been revived.
Trentrr182 said:
I am so looking forward to the AOSP!
I would gladly donate some cash to get it going
Sent from my HTC One X+ using xda app-developers app
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once i get the device and get gsm\data working it'll be an easy ride from there i hope to get pure AOSP onto the device. Also someone asked me in a pm what do i do with donations, i put them towards upgrades on my pc so rom's build quicker.

Att HTC one system update

I just got a notification that a system update is available. Does anyone know what's on this? Will it effect root?
Sent from my HTC One using XDA Premium HD app
enzosly said:
I just got a notification that a system update is available. Does anyone know what's on this? Will it effect root?
Sent from my HTC One using XDA Premium HD app
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what software version do you have now?
gunnyman said:
what software version do you have now?
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Right now I just flashed the viper Rom. So not sure...
Sent from my HTC One using XDA Premium HD app
enzosly said:
Right now I just flashed the viper Rom. So not sure...
Sent from my HTC One using XDA Premium HD app
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does viper supply OTA's? best to hit up that thread with your question, because Viper dev should have disabled carrier OTA's
I got the viper ota today. If you're on viper it's the 1.10 rom update.
Sent from my HTC One
How do peoples phone not get bricked?
A man flashes a Rom and now is wondering about AT&T system update?
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
shook187 said:
How do peoples phone not get bricked?
A man flashes a Rom and now is wondering about AT&T system update?
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
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Sounds like your trying to be a smart ass. I asked what the update was because I was getting one. It's people like you why I hate useing this site. Too many people always looking to call people out. Did you get picked on to much at school and now this is your chance to get back? Don't respond to questions you don't care about.
Sent from my HTC One using XDA Premium HD app
spitfire2425 said:
I got the viper ota today. If you're on viper it's the 1.10 rom update.
Sent from my HTC One
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I just noticed that it had ota updates. Sorry for the confusion.
Sent from my HTC One using XDA Premium HD app
Don't get all worked up man, the guy up there is just like most of us experienced users, we search and do research. You got lucky because I'm in a good mood and if it was any other time I would have just told you to search and research like you should have done instead of just asking on xda. It's not the site, it's not the people that seem like jerks. It's the people like you who that make this site the way it is, if everyone would just search first then ask questions later xda would be a wonderful and happy place.
Sent from my HTC One
The question I hated most was "will this affect root"
Its probably worse then "will I still get OTA update"
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
spitfire2425 said:
Don't get all worked up man, the guy up there is just like most of us experienced users, we search and do research. You got lucky because I'm in a good mood and if it was any other time I would have just told you to search and research like you should have done instead of just asking on xda. It's not the site, it's not the people that seem like jerks. It's the people like you who that make this site the way it is, if everyone would just search first then ask questions later xda would be a wonderful and happy place.
Sent from my HTC One
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I think it's more of a issue that I don't know how to navigate on here that well. I was looking for something on updates but didn't see anything current. I don't ask to many questions and no iv never bricked my phone. Thanks for your help it was my over site. I'm not a expert yet
Sent from my HTC One using XDA Premium HD app
enzosly said:
I think it's more of a issue that I don't know how to navigate on here that well. I was looking for something on updates but didn't see anything current. I don't ask to many questions and no iv never bricked my phone. Thanks for your help it was my over site. I'm not a expert yet
Sent from my HTC One using XDA Premium HD app
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But come on dude it's common sense that if you flashed a Rom you don't vet AT&T updates
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4 Beta
just ignore the tools.
the morons who continue to say search non stop are just as annoying as the people asking the questions. its a damn forum , communicate for f sake.
aimetti said:
just ignore the tools.
the morons who continue to say search non stop are just as annoying as the people asking the questions. its a damn forum , communicate for f sake.
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It's a forum and there's absolutely no need to have multiple threads on the same subject or to have a thread on a subject that can be found with a quick look in the thread he downloaded the Rom from...
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4 Beta
aimetti said:
just ignore the tools.
the morons who continue to say search non stop are just as annoying as the people asking the questions. its a damn forum , communicate for f sake.
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We say search because... IT'S IN THE DAMN XDA RULES. Who's the tool now? Don't be an ass when we do it for a reason.
Sent from my HTC One
spitfire2425 said:
We say sea. h because... IT'S IN THE DAMN XDA RULES. Who's the tool now? Don't be an ass when we do it for a reason.
Sent from my HTC One
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Clearly you are bordering the no life category.
Either answer his question or ignore it. stop being a moron. its pathetic at this point. Let a mod handle it if it matters that much to you
aimetti said:
Clearly you are bordering the no life category.
Either answer his question or ignore it. stop being a moron. its pathetic at this point. Let a mod handle it if it matters that much to you
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Clearly you're bordering the a-hole category. There's no reason to insult someone encouraging people to follow the rules of the forum they frequent. No need to be a mod to encourage following the rules.
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
aimetti said:
just ignore the tools.
the morons who continue to say search non stop are just as annoying as the people asking the questions. its a damn forum , communicate for f sake.
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We do communicate, and still the same questions get asked over, and over, and over. It can become a bit frustrating after awhile.
9 times out of 10, if you simply copy and paste the OP's question into Google the answer will pop right up in the first couple of results.
I will say the same thing I said on a different thread...
When a question is asked people who know the answer have two options...
A) You choose to answer the question
B) You choose not to answer the question...
To come up with a smartass remark while NOT answering the question makes you a special kind of douchebag.
If a person is posting in this forums is because they were searching. Nobody comes to this forums as their first instinct...they find these forums because they are searching the answer to a question.

