[Q] Disable 5% battery auto-brightness? - Galaxy S III Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

How can I disable or avoid the android setting that makes the brightness go down to minimun when the phone goes to 5% battery?
I have an extended battery and it is very annoying. Maybe I can override the effect with a tasker profile or something?
I'm no expert so I don't know where to start to find any solution...


I tried with a tasker profile but it does not work when battery is under 5%... is there a script to stablish any brightness level?

I am interested too, I didn't have this problem on 4.1.2, but after I flashed 4.3 I encontered this issue.
Very annoying if it happens on sunlight, it makes impossible to use the phone!
I could partially fix it with the app "rootdim" on the Play store, with it I can force it but when the screen goes off it resets again

As far as Internet resources go, this is impossible on Android and is a limit imposed by the kernel.
My thoughts: maybe this is changeable with a build.prop tweak, or a custom kernel. There isn't even an Xposed mod available for this, nor is it included in Gravitybox, Wanam Xposed, or any other collection. I hate this limitation too, especially in the sunlight like @dabyd64 said. You can possibly try using an android shell something like "print 1 > /sys/class/display/brightness" or something like that. Depends on device! I will look into it.
All the best,

aarongillion63 said:
As far as Internet resources go, this is impossible on Android and is a limit imposed by the kernel.
My thoughts: maybe this is changeable with a build.prop tweak, or a custom kernel. There isn't even an Xposed mod available for this, nor is it included in Gravitybox, Wanam Xposed, or any other collection. I hate this limitation too, especially in the sunlight like @dabyd64 said. You can possibly try using an android shell something like "print 1 > /sys/class/display/brightness" or something like that. Depends on device! I will look into it.
All the best,
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That is what rootdim does, at least you can use the phone, but you have to force the brightness each time you unlock the screen
It has a nice preset widget, so its almost fixed. Single touch and brightness restored.
I think the low brighness is forced because in old roms the screen would flicker if the battery was very low and the brightness set high.
So Samsung fixed it in the hard way


[Q] What should be in Screebl 3.0?

I want to get back to Screebl this fall and roll version 3.0. I'm going to focus on updating it to make it more 2.3/3.0+ friendly, and try to spend some time on dealing with the variety of issues that come in the form of "I've installed my own custom ROM on my toaster and Screebl doesn't work", which may mean simplifying things a bit. But I digress.
You guys at xda are the most demanding, critical, unrelenting, inflexible, opinionated crowd that I know of. You're also pretty smart. I'm curious to hear what those of you that use the app want to see in a 3.0 release.
Surprised no one has chimed in here yet. First off I would like to say that Screebl is easily my favourite app, even though I mostly forget it is there. Whenever anyone new to Android asks what apps to install, Screebl is at the top of my list. OK, now that the brown nosing is out of the way...
Note: I have a Samsung Epic, currently running the latest leaked build of GB (EH06 as of writing this).
I would like some clarity on the interaction of Screebl and docks. For some reason I can't seem to figure out if it is ever enabled/disabled correctly while docked.
Ever since I started running GB leaks, Screebl has shot to the top of the battery consumption list. This may not be a Screebl issue, but instead something to do with how GB measures battery performance?
I would be nice to include the option to control time between screen off and screen locking.
A slider for choosing the maintained screen brightness, and/or the option to set it to the phone's default.
The option of a 'night mode', with different settings for maintained screen brightness and screen timeout.
Different settings for timeout while on the lock screen vs homescreen vs apps.
Glad to hear you'll get back to this app soon.
Since I updated my Galaxy S to 2.3.4 it stopped working.
I was so sad about this. Now my phone always turns off the screen without me wanting it to..
Wish you good work on it.
I have a couple of D2Gs running Gingerbread, since the update to Gingerbread the greatest consumer of battery life is the Display, I regularly see 40-60% usage and often only minutes of actual time on.
It seems to be a conflict between the built-in auto brightness and the Screebl low brightness setting. Low brightness is great except when you pull the phone out of your pocket and need to see something at midday...
I discovered that the Juicedefender brightness control manages to keep the brightness at a super low level most of the time, but still auto brightens the screen when required in bright light.
I guess my feature request would be either to have an option to completely remove the brightness control or to take it over with a system that keeps it on minimum brightness but with an user controllable setting to auto increase the backlight when the light sensor detects a particular value.
Thanks for a great app!
I need to update the docs and settings descriptions, but choosing "min brightness" will defer to the phone's sensor generally. That's what I use on my phones.
Dock stuff has been flaky and needs some revamping. I'm planning on redoing the entire loop and eventing framework for the app. It's gotten crazy complicated with all of the device-specific tweaks and conditions involved.
Support for custom lockscreens would be nice. E.g. disable Screebl when MiLocker is in the foreground. Had to stop using Screebl since I started to use MiLocker becuase I can't stand the stock ugly lockscreen.
Just wanted to give those of you that registered interest in Screebl 3.0 a heads up that I've done a ground-up rewrite of the app. It's in beta now -- not pretty, but the underlying engine should be better in many ways, including:
- more compatible with a larger number of devices (moved the accelerometer usage to more modern APIs)
- better with respect to power consumption
- simplified, removed some of the functionality that just didn't work well (like stillness detection)
Still lots of work and polish left to do, but if you want to play with the latest engine, take a look here:
Let me know what you think!
keyesdav said:
Still lots of work and polish left to do, but if you want to play with the latest engine, take a look here:
Let me know what you think!
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I just tried Screebl Beta, and noticed that the proximity sensor is always on, even though the checkbox for it is not checked.
They way I can tell, is that with one of my old phones, the proximity sensor actually glows a faint red light when it's on. To save battery, shouldn't the sensor be off if the checkbox is not checked ?
Firstly, let me say thanks on producing a great app. Always my first installation on any new device.
I've had a small issue on my nexus 5, running 4.4.2 where screebl lite and screebl beta keep turning themselves off. It happens roughly once a day and I have to go into settings and re-enable screebl. Its only a niggle, and not worth uninstallation thankfully.
Good luck on Version 3. :victory:

Saving battery on my Android device?

So after some research and Googling, I discovered that "Killling" your app is only worse or has no effect for your battery life. Even using apps that "save" battery only harm it even more. I've been told these were the fundamental things to save battery ever since I even got my hands on a smart phone.. Guess I've been asking the wrong people.
So, what are real ways to save battery? I'm a heavy phone user, often surfing the net or watching Netflix on the go. Dimming my screen is not enough, are there any other techniques to prevent my phone from dying? I've got an Android 4.
If you're rooted:
Change cpu governor/io scheduler
Flash different ROMS and kernels
Change your modem
And a few more.
Not rooted:
Use screen filter? Lol.
Update your firmware
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
okmijnlp said:
If you're rooted:
Change cpu governor/io scheduler
Flash different ROMS and kernels
Change your modem
And a few more.
Not rooted:
Use screen filter? Lol.
Update your firmware
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
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I am rooted, thank you for the info! I'll be looking into it~
Get bigger battery?
Turn thing off lol only kidding but turn off auto updates such as news etc
If you look at your battery stats, under settings, you'll see what uses the most battery. Usually I find that my screen uses around 70% of my battery, but if you have something else high on the list you might have a "rogue app" preventing your phone from going into sleep mode.
If your screen is the culprit you can only save 10% or so by throttling your CPU etc. The only way you can make real savings is by reducing screen brightness.
Easiest way to save battery is use gemini app manager to stop apps being able to autostart when you don't want them to as then you don't have the os having to kill off unused apps to make more free ram.
For example a lot of apps can autostart when your wifi goes on or off, when your 3G signal drops etcetera including things like facebook or google play. By changing auto start for such apps you don't have to run a task killer which also saves battery.
Sent from my LG P920 using Tapatalk
i use the aokp rom milestone 4 atm, and i also have come accross a fantastic battery app called "Badass Battery Monitor". its free and details very very specifically what apps are using the battery most.
I have managed to increase my battery by rooting out the apps i dont use that are using prescious power...
Also, turning off useless app permissions for apps theat really dont need them and work perfectly well without them will also save on power massively. for this i use "LBE Privacy Guard" works an absolute charm
I have widget where I can turn off Internet connection, set brightness, GPS etc. Internet stand-by mode uses damn much battery... And when you don't use Internet, you can put on 2G, it also saves battery.
This may not benefit you if you are a heavy user but I find the feature on my Droid 3 that turns off 3G after 15 minutes of inactivity saves battery and also saves data. Not sure if this is a standard Android feature or if it would even benefit you.
Here with LG P990 and I don't have option to turn off 3G aftre some minutes... but if/when you didn't need high speed you can choose only 2G network (for example when needed receive only notification): this save a lot your battery.
Moreover you can verify battery consumption to see if there are autostart apps from your vendor than have heavy power consumption (for me there was OnScreenPhone) and use gemini app manager as explained previously.
In the end you can find out custom ROM for your device usually optimized for smoothness and power consumption.
First apps I download when switching to a new Rom to get a little control on battery are
Adfree- Get rid of ads, they eat a bit of battery.
DroidWall- Control what apps are able to access Internet under separate "Mobile Data" and "Wifi" Conditions.
Screenfilter- Dim the screen below factory settings.
LED's hack- Turn off the Softbutton Backlights (home/menu/back/search), even though they don't seem like it may eat up your battery, it is an extra 'light' that's on, even though it may be minimal, it's still drawing power.
Also, It maybe just a Photon thing cuz of the Pentile display but I always use if not completely Black background image, a dark one because the 'lighter' or 'whiter/colorful' images take more battery, same reason I always look for 'Inverted' or black themed apps too.
Turn OFF any 'Haptic feedback' settings on your phone (Keyboard, Phone DialPad, Screen/UI Interactions, etc..)
For Calls (Ringtone) and Notification settings, don't have them set to 'Ring and Vibrate' or just 'Vibrate' because the Vibration Mechanism will eat alot if battery. Some may argue that the Notification 'Vibrate' setting and even the Haptic feedback (which does in fact use the phones Vibration mechanism) would not kill battery because it's a 'quick' or 'minimal' use (depending on use) and but if your keyboard had the Haptic feedback on, thinking of how many times your touch the keyboard for even on Text message, try will add up and help kill the battery.
Turn OFF any/all Homescreen/UI Animations
Turn OFF any Auto Sync setting and instead have APPS sync in a specified interval, (Of course Depending on how important the information that's being pulled like Email) , Could be set to like every 4 hours to sync an so on.
Manually input Date/Time settings instead of "Get network provided values" because it'll be one less thing pulling from Internet.
Set Screen Timeout to 30 Secs and Never have Auto-Brightness set, instead use a brightness toggle of some sort (Stock 'Power Control' Widget works well) to only have it as bright as you need to view in current conditions.
Open the Google 'Talk' application and uncheck the 'Auto log-in' setting, and then 'Sign out'. For some reason this always runs in the background and eats alot of battery.
If I think of more things ill post them
Hope these tips help, if they do don't forget to hit the thanks button thanks.
MoPhoACTV Initiative
There are many ways...
Switch on WiFi, 3G at only using, and close the not using application, decrease display brightness etc...
And if you root your phone, you may change CPU governor, or build.prop tweaks, script tweaks... Or change to custom kernel or custom ROM.
I forgot that 'LED's hack' is not available in the market anymore, I attached it below.
i hv just downloaded screen-filter lets c how that works...
Juice defender
Try JuiceDefender by Latedroid. It helps a lot to turn off things you don't need when you don't need them. Sorry I can't post the link- I'm new to XDA
my experience:
undervolting does not help much. you have to test a lot for only a little bit of improvement.
in my opinion you will not really remark it.
but what helps, i think, is set cpu speed, if possible. for example i use samsung galaxy s2 where cpu has max 1200mhz. i set max cpu freq to 800mhz. with a good rom (hydrogenics f.e.) android keeps running smooth with 800mhz and battery lasts noticeable longer.
I agree that undervolting doesn't help so much.
Like in up post, best thing to save Your battery is to change cpu power. You can also use diffrent cpu govenor : good for battery are smartassv2 and power save. Just need to have rooted phone and download app, fx. Antutu CPU Master or Set CPU. U can also make your cpu speed profiles.

FIX: Content Adaptive Backlight

I've seen a few threads/comments here about the flickering/adjusting of the backlight level at lower (less than 50%) brightness levels even though auto-brightness was off. As was suspected, it's just due to a content adaptive backlight module. It can be shut off by just running the CABLPreferences activity of the com.qualcomm.cabl app. It also looks like there is a "quality" setting in there to play with that just varies the aggressiveness of the effect.
If you don't know how to launch an activity, you can do the following:
Via ADB:
adb shell "am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n com.qualcomm.cabl/com.qualcomm.cabl.CABLPreferences"
Via Terminal on your phone:
am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n com.qualcomm.cabl/com.qualcomm.cabl.CABLPreferences
I haven't done any more checking, but I'm guessing this is just a flag that could be set in sys/devices/blah... by init.d script on boot as well.
If you prefer a gui, there are plenty of launchers out there that can select an activity to start. I actually had it set up as a long-press pie on LMT while I was playing with it.
It seems (on my phone, at least), that the app wasn't as good at turning it back on, but you can just clear the app data/cache on "Content Adaptive Backlight Settings" in application manager, reboot, and you'll be back to stock behavior.
Sorry I didn't post this sooner. I've been too busy playing with the G2!
this doesn't work.
I've tried this weeks ago. simply telling the app to turn it off does nothing, as it's still on no matter what. deleting the app produces the same exact effect.
in the build prop, the line pointing to cabl is set to false. therefore it's really not even reading what the app is saying it seems.
I believe it's a kernel issue that can only be solved once we get a custom one.
again, this isn't a fix and doesn't turn it off at all sadly.
Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk 4
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slwkFhpiYbs&feature=youtube_gdata_player this video was made when it was set unchecked and set to off.
Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk 4
I read your post about this a couple of weeks ago and saw that you mentioned deleting the app, but did you try running it, unchecking the box and rebooting? Deleting it won't do anything, as the app is set to run on boot and (as far as I can tell) set whatever selection you have chosen. I did and this seems to have worked for me I checked by scrolling through a spot on settings that had normally triggered it. I'll play with it more later to see if I either got lucky when I tested it or it is still happening. I agree that this is working on a kernel level.
Is this issue on all carrier versions?
I use auto-brightness and the annoyance I have is that it doesn't change brightness right away when entering different lighting environments. It either takes time or doesn't change at all until I uncheck/check the auto-brightness setting.
xdabbeb said:
I read your post about this a couple of weeks ago and saw that you mentioned deleting the app, but did you try running it, unchecking the box and rebooting? Deleting it won't do anything, as the app is set to run on boot and (as far as I can tell) set whatever selection you have chosen. I did and this seems to have worked for me I checked by scrolling through a spot on settings that had normally triggered it. I'll play with it more later to see if I either got lucky when I tested it or it is still happening. I agree that this is working on a kernel level.
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yeah, if the app is deleted, then it can't run unless defaulted to on without the app. . so i tried deleting it, and then i also tried un checking the box, and it still does it. no matter what, there must be a setting somewhere else to actually turn it off. did you see that line in the build prop? it's set to false... weird right?
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jayochs said:
yeah, if the app is deleted, then it can't run unless defaulted to on without the app. . so i tried deleting it, and then i also tried un checking the box, and it still does it. no matter what, there must be a setting somewhere else to actually turn it off. did you see that line in the build prop? it's set to false... weird right?
Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk 4
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Yep, I did...and I remembered I had set it to true before I even began messing with the CABL App. I was thinking that could be the difference between what you and I had tried, but I just did a bit more testing to see if it was happening still and unfortunately I think I may have seen it. I'll play with it a bit more later to be sure. I also did a quick look in the usual places for this to be turned on/off in /sys/class/ and couldn't find anything. I suppose it's possible LG built the kernel for this device without the ability to turn it off. If so...that'll be unfortunate.
xdabbeb said:
Yep, I did...and I remembered I had set it to true before I even began messing with the CABL App. I was thinking that could be the difference between what you and I had tried, but I just did a bit more testing to see if it was happening still and unfortunately I think I may have seen it. I'll play with it a bit more later to be sure. I also did a quick look in the usual places for this to be turned on/off in /sys/class/ and couldn't find anything. I suppose it's possible LG built the kernel for this device without the ability to turn it off. If so...that'll be unfortunate.
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I believe the original Nexus 7 had this feature in the kernel too. However, in custom kernels you could use Trickster mod to toggle the feature off. I think the kernel devs had to expose the setting though, so maybe we'll get this taken care of if we can get a custom kernel.
Here are some build props for Qualcom devices that control the CABL
By adding / editing these lines in the build.prop you should be able to adjust as noted in the lines.
And yes, it is in the kernel.
Dont know why LG has an app for it?
Scott, I sent you a message on hangouts but in my build prop, i don't show a 1 for the cabl setting.. i show false... as if it's already turned off in the build prop. I changed it to true once and it didn't do anything. those two top settings seem to be what's in the app.. you can check a box to turn it on and off (the first line) and then you can set the degree to which it handles the cabl (second line.) I've messed with both in the app and it did absolutely nothing... does the kernel need to be changed as well?
Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk 4
xdabbeb said:
I've seen a few threads/comments here about the flickering/adjusting of the backlight level at lower (less than 50%) brightness levels even though auto-brightness was off. As was suspected, it's just due to a content adaptive backlight module. It can be shut off by just running the CABLPreferences activity of the com.qualcomm.cabl app. It also looks like there is a "quality" setting in there to play with that just varies the aggressiveness of the effect.
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I'm not sure you really want to "fix" this feature.
LCD screens (like the one in the LG G2) have inherent low contrast ratio (just 1500:1, in comparison to infinity, with AMOLEDs). In order to compensate, LCD screens use a feature called "dynamic contrast", in which the backlight dims when the screen shows darker content, in order for the perceived black levels to appear darker (and not grey). I'm not sure you want to disable this feature, because the outcome will be grey blacks.
we do want to bc it causes horrible screen flicker issues. you can be sitting on a pic and it doesn't know what to do so it flickers badly
Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk 4
Noam23 said:
I'm not sure you really want to "fix" this feature.
LCD screens (like the one in the LG G2) have inherent low contrast ratio (just 1500:1, in comparison to infinity, with AMOLEDs). In order to compensate, LCD screens use a feature called "dynamic contrast", in which the backlight dims when the screen shows darker content, in order for the perceived black levels to appear darker (and not grey). I'm not sure you want to disable this feature, because the outcome will be grey blacks.
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I did not know about the contrast ratio on these screens. Makes sense what you are saying.
However like Jay said it does not react smoothly or at appropriate times.
Some will need to edit the kernel code to fix this.
Noam23 said:
I'm not sure you really want to "fix" this feature.
LCD screens (like the one in the LG G2) have inherent low contrast ratio (just 1500:1, in comparison to infinity, with AMOLEDs). In order to compensate, LCD screens use a feature called "dynamic contrast", in which the backlight dims when the screen shows darker content, in order for the perceived black levels to appear darker (and not grey). I'm not sure you want to disable this feature, because the outcome will be grey blacks.
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Yep. What @jayochs and @scrosler said. What you wrote does make sense, and I had noticed that it behaves the opposite of the CAB implementation on AMOLED screens (where it dims on lighter colored content)...so that gives even more credence to what you're saying, but the implementation is a little buggy. It transitions abruptly and causes the "flickering" that many have reported. I certainly wouldn't mind having it enabled if the transitions were slower/less frequent, but it's kind of annoying as it is. I never was able to find a way to disable it in the stock kernel anyway, so hopefully it can be fixed one way or another now that the source is available. Still the best phone I've owned!
So any success with any method here or elsewhere?
I'm currently using Xposed to try and figure out what is going on here (I have several updateBrightness() events hooked, and am logging stack traces from them). It happened again less than an hour ago, so I need to go through that stack trace and see if I can figure out whether or not the actual brightness update can be blocked.
This has nothing to do with CABL, incidentally. I have CABL turned off, and I've seen the flicker-flicker-flicker-brightness drop issue with nothing more than a web page open. I usually keep my brightness around 68%-69%, too.
antinorm said:
I'm currently using Xposed to try and figure out what is going on here (I have several updateBrightness() events hooked, and am logging stack traces from them). It happened again less than an hour ago, so I need to go through that stack trace and see if I can figure out whether or not the actual brightness update can be blocked.
This has nothing to do with CABL, incidentally. I have CABL turned off, and I've seen the flicker-flicker-flicker-brightness drop issue with nothing more than a web page open. I usually keep my brightness around 68%-69%, too.
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i'm thinking it's CABL, but it's kernel level, NOT software level, which is why disabling it does absolutely nothing.
I've been using Lux Auto Brightness to fix the issue.
Rayan said:
I've been using Lux Auto Brightness to fix the issue.
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it's not an issue with auto brightness, that's a completely different problem.
this is the content adaptive backlight problem.
so no solution was ever found for this (besides a new kernel)? my phone doesn't flicker but on the brightness below 50% i can notice it's trying to readjust itself slightly once in awhile (with xda app or play store for example).
Encountered this issue as well. So, the cause of this has something to do with the software and not the hardware? Don't want to send my phone back just to receive yet another problematic set.. I set my screen brightness to 38 which it flickers on certain photos and apps. Bumped it up to about 45 and it seems to have stopped.

Brightness fixer app?

I bought a Honor8 a few days ago and while its a great phone, one of the best that was in my hand really, but truly annoys me that the brightess falls randomly.
As i read the threads about this problem it made me sad that as it seems Huawei doesn't really solves the problem, maybe they doesn't care about it, or just cant solve it, who knows...
I tried to search apps for brightness rate fix, or something like that, but didn't find a solution yet.
Maybe someone could write an app for this? Somekind of a background app that you set up a brightness rate and when it falls it automaticly takes it back to the level that fixed?
It would be better than nothing really.
If I understand correctly, you need an app that could adjust brightness based on the available light. And your complain is that stock EMUI doesn't manages it efficiently.
Well no problem, you can use Tasker to achieve this. Even though Tasker is paid, it is well worth the money. If you go with Tasker, reply here and I will send you a profile that could manage your brightness levels more efficiently.
hackslash said:
If I understand correctly, you need an app that could adjust brightness based on the available light. And your complain is that stock EMUI doesn't manages it efficiently.
Well no problem, you can use Tasker to achieve this. Even though Tasker is paid, it is well worth the money. If you go with Tasker, reply here and I will send you a profile that could manage your brightness levels more efficiently.
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Could you send me a profile please?
hackslash said:
If I understand correctly, you need an app that could adjust brightness based on the available light. And your complain is that stock EMUI doesn't manages it efficiently.
Well no problem, you can use Tasker to achieve this. Even though Tasker is paid, it is well worth the money. If you go with Tasker, reply here and I will send you a profile that could manage your brightness levels more efficiently.
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Sorry, my english is not the best.
Not really, it's nothing to do with the available light or tasking. I do NOT use auto brightness, NEVER, so it should be on a fix rate until i manually adjust to another rate.
But when you start Chrome -for example- the system takes the screen's brightness down by ~20%. Sometimes it doesn't, sometimes it do every 3 minutes when you use chrome. You can take it back in the system MANUALLY, but it'll take it down again randomly, nobody knows why.
So the app i would need that for example: i fix the screen brightness rate to 100% in the app.
Then when the system takes it off the brightness to ~80% -> the app detects it, and automatically takes it back to the rate i fixed in the app before. And should do it in the background without a question or anything.

Any way to disable screen dimming in Chrome and YouTube?

I've noticed that no matter what setting I have it on, my tablet (M5 8.4) automatically lowers the screen brightness in Chrome and YouTube, but more noticeably in Chrome.
Any way to disable this?
Have you checked the setting menus?
Using Firefox might be a solution.
Also, Youtube in FF has background playback as long as you are using a desktop user agent.
thref23 said:
Have you checked the setting menus?
Using Firefox might be a solution.
Also, Youtube in FF has background playback as long as you are using a desktop user agent.
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I've checked every possible setting, and read online everywhere, but to no avail. It also dims in Firefox. It dims as soon as you go into the app. After an online search, I found many Huawei owners with EMUI 8.0 having this issue. There is one solution, but it requires root and I don't want to root my device after having it for a few hours.
Funny. Would love a solution as well as this is rather annoying
Do you guys have auto brightness turned on or off?
I never really experienced this issue, but I did observe strange brightness behavior before I began to keep auto brightness permanently enabled.
Doing a quick search, I saw one person say to turn auto brightness on, I saw one person say to make sure animations aren't disabled in dev options, some say unclick 'increase readability in sunlight' in dev options. I personally wonder if the stock launcher (which I don't use) maybe is set to override the brightness level.
thref23 said:
Do you guys have auto brightness turned on or off?
I never really experienced this issue, but I did observe strange brightness behavior before I began to keep auto brightness permanently enabled.
Doing a quick search, I saw one person say to turn auto brightness on, I saw one person say to make sure animations aren't disabled in dev options, some say unclick 'increase readability in sunlight' in dev options. I personally wonder if the stock launcher (which I don't use) maybe is set to override the brightness level.
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I somehow doubt that. I am using Nova Pro and am experiencing some weird behavior when attached to the Keyboard ... (the dimming function mentioned here is, what I believe, the erroneous function, as it works quite nice when not attached to the keyboard ...
All "your" suggestions do not work - I find this "function" somewhat annoying, even without the keyboard-thing ...
There is one solution, but it requires root and I don't want to root my device after having it for a few hours.
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may I get a link for the root-solution? I'd like to have a look at it ...
SO I forgot to mention: M5 Pro!
kev1807 said:
I somehow doubt that. I am using Nova Pro and am experiencing some weird behavior when attached to the Keyboard ... (the dimming function mentioned here is, what I believe, the erroneous function, as it works quite nice when not attached to the keyboard ...
All "your" suggestions do not work - I find this "function" somewhat annoying, even without the keyboard-thing ...
may I get a link for the root-solution? I'd like to have a look at it ...
SO I forgot to mention: M5 Pro!
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Well, I went through with it and rooted it. I tried the fix, and... it worked! After you're rooted, simply freeze the system process (I used Titanium Backup) called PowerGenius, reboot and no more forced-auto brightness dimming.
xKevin said:
Well, I went through with it and rooted it. I tried the fix, and... it worked! After you're rooted, simply freeze the system process (I used Titanium Backup) called PowerGenius, reboot and no more forced-auto brightness dimming.
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hmhm. I was quite sure it was a System process - since the "bug" (dunno whether you read the thread on keyboard and brightness ...) appears with the system-icon when in Desktop-Mode ...
Great. there is a fix for this. now I need a non-root fix ... :-/
Yes, try the app ilux. Let that control brightness.
Steffe89 said:
Yes, try the app ilux. Let that control brightness.
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Do you have a link to this app? I can't seem to find anything relevant when searching for ilux.
Just disable "power genius" this has worked for me. without root. No More auto dimming.
Disabling Power Genius will also get rid of issues involving bluetooth music playback, and will prevent apps like Google Maps from getting killed off semi-aggressively in the background (i.e. so when you map out driving directions you won't have to reenter the address as you get close to your destination).
Quick note: you have to reboot after disabling Power Genius. Merely disabling it won't immediately change anything.
Up until now I thought a reboot would bring the "wonderful" feature back ...
How comes that you mention a reboot is needed?
How do you disable it? I can only do a force stop
I'm not sure how to disable it without root (I imagine adb might work). With root, most use Titanium Backup to freeze it. I'm using Service Disabler to disable the associated services instead. Service Disabler is awesome if you are rooted, underrated app and great for EMUI because, for example, you can disable individual parts of the Tablet Manager app without breaking the features you want.
You might not need to reboot. When I initially froze it using Xposed Edge Pro, but didn't reboot, it didn't change anything for me. Could have been due to Xposed Edge Pro.
scott.eden said:
Just disable "power genius" this has worked for me. without root. No More auto dimming.
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Was there any negative outcome from disabling power genius?
krisu253 said:
Was there any negative outcome from disabling power genius?
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None for me.
thref23 said:
Disabling Power Genius will also get rid of issues involving bluetooth music playback, and will prevent apps like Google Maps from getting killed off semi-aggressively in the background (i.e. so when you map out driving directions you won't have to reenter the address as you get close to your destination).
Quick note: you have to reboot after disabling Power Genius. Merely disabling it won't immediately change anything.
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I cannot find Power Genius?
I can confirm following the above article will allow you to remove the power genius package from the Mediapad M5 8.4 on EUMI 9.1 without root.
Thank you sooooo much... You can't believe how annoying this was. No need to even reboot either and it doesn't return if you do.
Now I just need a way to too keep the custom 740DPI after reboot and this tablet will be perfect

