[q] help tablet storage broken - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I had been testing a few ROMS out recently and may have accidentally forgot to wipe system. Now when i restore everything my A500 storage is still full. Can anyone help me??

Wipe all data flash another ROM and wipe /system from cwm
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk 2


This is not possible ...

When I flash with Odin it does not wipe any my files.?? I can install any rom with out no files being wiped! What causing this?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using xda premium
You're not doing a data/factory reset before you flash the ROM.
You mean files on your internal Sdcard? Odin doesn't do that. It resets you back to stock ROM.
Sent from samsung Vibrant
back when I made some roms for the BH2 some were like that. It has to do with that is being flashed. technically your data partition does not need to be touched when using odin and it just does system kernel and recovery, there is more to it then that but odin basically acts sort of like an update.zip file if /data isnt getting written then you files will still be there.
Does data factory wipe internal files?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using xda premium
Be more specific. Are talking about your internal SD or other partitions like /data or /cache or /dbdatabase?
What specifically are you trying to wipe and why so that we can better help you fix this.
In some roms it says it will possibility of erasing internal SD. But In recovery and I do wipe date and cache and delvik and flash a new rom. The old files from the last rom still on my internal SD
Sent from my SGH-T959 using xda premium
naturallight said:
In some roms it says it will possibility of erasing internal SD. But In recovery and I do wipe date and cache and delvik and flash a new rom. The old files from the last rom still on my internal SD
Sent from my SGH-T959 using xda premium
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their supposed to be there...
Wiping data and cache and dalvik only clears out the previous ROM and removes your apps, it doesn't remove anything from your internal/external sd.
are you TRYING to remove stuff from internal/external?

reset system without format internal memory?

Dear xda friends,
has anyone find a solution to format / reset the prime without format the internal memory (32gb full of my photos,...)
it's frustrated to copy via the slow usb connection all the images again after a reset,..
I'm not sure but could wipe in bootloader work. Anyone can confirm.
Sent from my sgs2 running cm9
A system reset returns the internal memory to its factory state.. that is the entire point of a rest. There is no way to perform an actual reset without erasing data stored internally.
If you have data that you need to keep, back it up before resetting the Prime.
Usr cwm wipe.
Sent from my PG86100 using xda premium
If you want to reset only data partition, you have to unlock and install twrp or cwm
Sent from my sgs2 running cm9

Completely wiping roms

Hello all.
Recently started flashing custom Roms and I'm wondering how I completely wipe my phone so I don't get any files left from previous roms.
At the mo I'm wiping user data, cash and delvek cash and also formatting system via clockwork.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
philbaines said:
Hello all.
Recently started flashing custom Roms and I'm wondering how I completely wipe my phone so I don't get any files left from previous roms.
At the mo I'm wiping user data, cash and delvek cash and also formatting system via clockwork.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
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That's all you should have to do. A factory reset consisting of wiping data, cache, dalvik (usually cleared on ROM installation anyway) and formatting system is a full wipe, as far as I'm aware. Done it many times and never have any problems.
philbaines said:
Hello all.
Recently started flashing custom Roms and I'm wondering how I completely wipe my phone so I don't get any files left from previous roms.
At the mo I'm wiping user data, cash and delvek cash and also formatting system via clockwork.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
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I know what you mean... after years of flashing I always have tons of redundant crap left over.
Use this tool - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1832326&highlight=superwipe
The Megawipe option is pretty full on though.. read it all carefully, make sure you have a backup (particularly of your EFS folder), and also make sure you have an Odin flashable ROM ready!
So it seems buy reading them that I'm doing a full wipe anyway.
I don't seem to be able in install roms from my external sd card so would it be a case of flashing with Odin?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
philbaines said:
So it seems buy reading them that I'm doing a full wipe anyway.
I don't seem to be able in install roms from my external sd card so would it be a case of flashing with Odin?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
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Really? I can. What recovery are you using? What format is your SD card?
I'm using clockwork, and I think it's formatted in fat32
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

Is internal storage truly wiped during wipe?

OK, I have a noob question. Is internal storage truly wiped completely when doing a wipe before installing a ROM? I mean say that's your only storage and you have a nandroid on it. Would you lose that? If so, how would people with sealed and non-upgradeable storage ever create and preserve a nandrpid? Copy it to their PC before wipe?
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
I have noticed there is a difference in Data wipe on ClockworkMod and TWRP. On ClockworkMod my internal Data is left alone when doing the Data wipe. I did a Data wipe on TWRP and I lost everything on internal. I have done this once and only once. It was a surprise to me and thankfully I had all my Ti backups on my external.
These are the options I use when doing a wipe with TWRP:
2. Dalvik Cache
3. Factory Reset
4. System
5. Flash Rom
I hope this helps.
UnexplainedBacon said:
OK, I have a noob question. Is internal storage truly wiped completely when doing a wipe before installing a ROM? I mean say that's your only storage and you have a nandroid on it. Would you lose that? If so, how would people with sealed and non-upgradeable storage ever create and preserve a nandrpid? Copy it to their PC before wipe?
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
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No its not. I factory reset before every fladh and my internal storage is always intact. Just don't select the wipe internal storage option.
Sent from the dark on a Note 2
This post gives a bit of technical explanation that I found interesting, re the differences in how twrp handles Wipe Data vs Factory Reset:
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2

[Q] Strange issue Xperia U CM11 Nigthly cm-11-20140311-UNOFFICIAL-kumquat

I have installed this rom cm-11-20140311-UNOFFICIAL-kumquat on my Xperia U, everything is ok but I have a strange problem.
I tried to delete all data from the internal storage but it doesn't work. It looks like is working but then after reboot all my image and my contacts are still there. I just want a clean install. Anyone can help me? I also tried to format sdcard0 through recovery but it says that "can't format sdcard0". Have I missed something?
Thank you
Wipe everything during flash, easy
Sent from my ST25i using Tapatalk
No need to wipe sdcard (that's where the pics etc are)
Contacts are in /data
Use wipe data/factory reset option in recovery.
All app data will be lost. Restored to factory state. (Installed rom will remain)
Sent from my Xperia P using Tapatalk
same problem..
I have the exact some problem ... + the lag

