Problem with rom Translate - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Im Trying to translate rom with unsucces
im get an error when im try to Decompile,That the errror:
largeScreens, value=0xffffffff
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\nar\apktool\framework\1.apk
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: 0000D002.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-v13-ERR8
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
configChanges, value=0x00000fb0
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\nar\apktool\framework\1.apk
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: 0000D002.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-v13-ERR9
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
theme, value=0x0103000f
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\nar\apktool\framework\1.apk
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: 0000D002.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-v13-ERR10
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
icon, value=0x7f020000
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\nar\apktool\framework\1.apk
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: 0000D002.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-v13-ERR11
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
launchMode, value=0x00000001
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\nar\apktool\framework\1.apk
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: 0000D002.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-v13-ERR12
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
screenOrientation, value=0xffffffff
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\nar\apktool\framework\1.apk
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: 0000D002.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-v13-ERR13
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
windowSoftInputMode, value=0x00000002
Exception in thread "main" brut.androlib.AndrolibException: Multiple resources:
spec=0x0105005a dimen/multiwindow_gap, config=-v13
at Source)
at Source)
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readEntry(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readConfig(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readType(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readPackage(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readTable(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.decode(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.getResPackagesFromApk(Unknown Sou
at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.loadFrameworkPkg(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ResAttrDecoder.decode(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.AXmlResourceParser.getAttributeValue(Unknow
n Source)
at org.xmlpull.v1.wrapper.classic.XmlPullParserDelegate.getAttributeValu
e(Unknown Source)
at org.xmlpull.v1.wrapper.classic.StaticXmlSerializerWrapper.writeStartT
ag(Unknown Source)
at org.xmlpull.v1.wrapper.classic.StaticXmlSerializerWrapper.event(Unkno
wn Source)
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.XmlPullStreamDecoder.decode(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ResStreamDecoderContainer.decode(Unknown So
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ResFileDecoder.decode(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.decode(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.Androlib.decodeResourcesFull(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.ApkDecoder.decode(Unknown Source)
at brut.apktool.Main.cmdDecode(Unknown Source)
at brut.apktool.Main.main(Unknown Source)
Exception in thread "main" brut.androlib.AndrolibException:
Exception: 9 (■■∞ε≥°δ· αΘ∩ α⌠∙°σ· ∞α·° α· Σ≈σß⌡ ∙÷σΘ∩)
at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.installFramework(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.Androlib.installFramework(Unknown Source)
at brut.apktool.Main.cmdInstallFramework(Unknown Source)
at brut.apktool.Main.main(Unknown Source)
Caused by: 9 (■■∞ε≥°δ· αΘ∩ α⌠∙°σ· ∞α·° α· Σ≈σß⌡ ∙
at Method)
at<init>(Unknown Source)
at<init>(Unknown Source)
at<init>(Unknown Source)
... 4 more
I: Baksmaling...
I: Loading resource table...
I: Decoding resources...
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\nar\apktool\framework\1.apk
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: 0000D002.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-v13-ERR0
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
versionCode, value=0x00000002
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\nar\apktool\framework\1.apk
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: 0000D002.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-v13-ERR1
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
installLocation, value=0x00000001
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\nar\apktool\framework\1.apk
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: 0000D002.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-v13-ERR2
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
minSdkVersion, value=0x00000004
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\nar\apktool\framework\1.apk
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: 0000D002.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-v13-ERR3
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
targetSdkVersion, value=0x0000000e
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\nar\apktool\framework\1.apk
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: 0000D002.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-v13-ERR4
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
anyDensity, value=0xffffffff
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\nar\apktool\framework\1.apk
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: 0000D002.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-v13-ERR5
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
smallScreens, value=0xffffffff
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\nar\apktool\framework\1.apk
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: 0000D002.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-v13-ERR6
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
normalScreens, value=0xffffffff
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\nar\apktool\framework\1.apk
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: 0000D002.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-v13-ERR7
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
largeScreens, value=0xffffffff
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\nar\apktool\framework\1.apk
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: 0000D002.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-v13-ERR8
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
configChanges, value=0x00000fb0
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\nar\apktool\framework\1.apk
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: 0000D002.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-v13-ERR9
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
theme, value=0x0103000f
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\nar\apktool\framework\1.apk
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: 0000D002.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-v13-ERR10
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
icon, value=0x7f020000
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\nar\apktool\framework\1.apk
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: 0000D002.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-v13-ERR11
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
launchMode, value=0x00000001
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\nar\apktool\framework\1.apk
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: 0000D002.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-v13-ERR12
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
screenOrientation, value=0xffffffff
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\nar\apktool\framework\1.apk
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: 0000D002.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-v13-ERR13
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
windowSoftInputMode, value=0x00000002
Exception in thread "main" brut.androlib.AndrolibException: Multiple resources:
spec=0x0105005a dimen/multiwindow_gap, config=-v13
at Source)
at Source)
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readEntry(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readConfig(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readType(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readPackage(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readTable(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.decode(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.getResPackagesFromApk(Unknown Sou
at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.loadFrameworkPkg(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ResAttrDecoder.decode(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.AXmlResourceParser.getAttributeValue(Unknow
n Source)
at org.xmlpull.v1.wrapper.classic.XmlPullParserDelegate.getAttributeValu
e(Unknown Source)
at org.xmlpull.v1.wrapper.classic.StaticXmlSerializerWrapper.writeStartT
ag(Unknown Source)
at org.xmlpull.v1.wrapper.classic.StaticXmlSerializerWrapper.event(Unkno
wn Source)
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.XmlPullStreamDecoder.decode(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ResStreamDecoderContainer.decode(Unknown So
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ResFileDecoder.decode(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.decode(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.Androlib.decodeResourcesFull(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.ApkDecoder.decode(Unknown Source)
at brut.apktool.Main.cmdDecode(Unknown Source)
at brut.apktool.Main.main(Unknown Source)
Could Not Find C:\ANDROTRANSLATE\place-apk-here-for-modding\../place-apk-here-fo
Could Not Find C:\ANDROTRANSLATE\place-apk-here-for-modding\../place-apk-here-fo
I: Baksmaling...
I: Loading resource table...
I: Decoding resources...
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\nar\apktool\framework\1.apk
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: 0000D002.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-v13-ERR0
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
versionCode, value=0x00000002
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\nar\apktool\framework\1.apk
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: 0000D002.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-v13-ERR1
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
installLocation, value=0x00000001
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\nar\apktool\framework\1.apk
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: 0000D002.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-v13-ERR2
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
minSdkVersion, value=0x00000004
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\nar\apktool\framework\1.apk
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: 0000D002.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-v13-ERR3
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
targetSdkVersion, value=0x0000000e
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\nar\apktool\framework\1.apk
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: 0000D002.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-v13-ERR4
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
anyDensity, value=0xffffffff
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\nar\apktool\framework\1.apk
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: 0000D002.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-v13-ERR5
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
smallScreens, value=0xffffffff
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\nar\apktool\framework\1.apk
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: 0000D002.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-v13-ERR6
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
normalScreens, value=0xffffffff
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\nar\apktool\framework\1.apk
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: 0000D002.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-v13-ERR7
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
largeScreens, value=0xffffffff
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\nar\apktool\framework\1.apk
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: 0000D002.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-v13-ERR8
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
configChanges, value=0x00000fb0
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\nar\apktool\framework\1.apk
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: 0000D002.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-v13-ERR9
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
theme, value=0x0103000f
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\nar\apktool\framework\1.apk
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: 0000D002.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-v13-ERR10
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
icon, value=0x7f020000
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\nar\apktool\framework\1.apk
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: 0000D002.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-v13-ERR11
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
launchMode, value=0x00000001
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\nar\apktool\framework\1.apk
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: 0000D002.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-v13-ERR12
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
screenOrientation, value=0xffffffff
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\nar\apktool\framework\1.apk
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: 0000D002.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-v13-ERR13
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
windowSoftInputMode, value=0x00000002
Exception in thread "main" brut.androlib.AndrolibException: Multiple resources:
spec=0x0105005a dimen/multiwindow_gap, config=-v13
at Source)
at Source)
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readEntry(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readConfig(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readType(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readPackage(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readTable(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.decode(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.getResPackagesFromApk(Unknown Sou
at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.loadFrameworkPkg(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ResAttrDecoder.decode(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.AXmlResourceParser.getAttributeValue(Unknow
n Source)
at org.xmlpull.v1.wrapper.classic.XmlPullParserDelegate.getAttributeValu
e(Unknown Source)
at org.xmlpull.v1.wrapper.classic.StaticXmlSerializerWrapper.writeStartT
ag(Unknown Source)
at org.xmlpull.v1.wrapper.classic.StaticXmlSerializerWrapper.event(Unkno
wn Source)
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.XmlPullStreamDecoder.decode(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ResStreamDecoderContainer.decode(Unknown So
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ResFileDecoder.decode(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.decode(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.Androlib.decodeResourcesFull(Unknown Source)
at brut.androlib.ApkDecoder.decode(Unknown Source)
at brut.apktool.Main.cmdDecode(Unknown Source)
at brut.apktool.Main.main(Unknown Source)
Press any key to continue . . .
What is it mean?


[Q] Problems compiling SystemUI ICS

I am having some issues compiling SystemUI.apk for EVO 4G LTE log is below, any help would be appreciated.
|Tue 06/05/2012 -- 16:28:41.60|
--2012-06-05 16:28:42-- [URL][/URL]
Resolving ( failed: The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found. .
wget: unable to resolve host address `'
A subdirectory or file projects already exists.
A subdirectory or file place-apk-here-for-modding already exists.
A subdirectory or file place-ogg-here already exists.
A subdirectory or file place-apk-here-to-batch-optimize already exists.
A subdirectory or file place-apk-here-for-signing already exists.
java version "1.6.0_29"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_29-b11)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 20.4-b02, mixed mode, sharing)
The system cannot find the path specified.
The system cannot find the path specified.
I: Baksmaling...
I: Loading resource table...
I: Loaded.
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\Michael\apktool\framework\1.apk
I: Loaded.
I: Decoding file-resources...
S: Could not decode file, replacing by FALSE value: drawable-xhdpi/stat_sys_signal_0_dynamic2.png
S: Could not decode file, replacing by FALSE value: drawable-xhdpi/stat_sys_signal_1_dynamic2.png
S: Could not decode file, replacing by FALSE value: drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_battery_charge_anim7_stock.png
W: Cant find 9patch chunk in file: "drawable-xhdpi/notification_tracking_bg.9.png". Renaming it to *.png.
S: Could not decode file, replacing by FALSE value: drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_battery_40_stock.png
W: Cant find 9patch chunk in file: "drawable-xhdpi/status_bar_close_on.9.png". Renaming it to *.png.
S: Could not decode file, replacing by FALSE value: drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_battery_50_stock.png
S: Could not decode file, replacing by FALSE value: drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_battery_charge_anim5_stock.png
W: Cant find 9patch chunk in file: "drawable-xhdpi/status_bar_titlebar_rest.9.png". Renaming it to *.png.
S: Could not decode file, replacing by FALSE value: drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_battery_30_stock.png
S: Could not decode file, replacing by FALSE value: drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_battery_70_stock.png
S: Could not decode file, replacing by FALSE value: drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_battery_60_stock.png
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\Michael\apktool\framework\2.apk
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x2000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-mdpi-ERR0
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x4000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-mdpi-ERR1
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x5000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-mdpi-ERR2
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x6000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-mdpi-ERR3
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x2000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-hdpi-ERR4
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x4000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-hdpi-ERR5
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x5000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-hdpi-ERR6
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x6000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-hdpi-ERR7
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x2000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-xhdpi-ERR8
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x4000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-xhdpi-ERR9
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x5000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-xhdpi-ERR10
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x6000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-xhdpi-ERR11
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x2000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-ja-mdpi-ERR12
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x4000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-ja-mdpi-ERR13
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x5000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-ja-mdpi-ERR14
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x2000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-ja-hdpi-ERR15
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x4000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-ja-hdpi-ERR16
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x5000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-ja-hdpi-ERR17
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x2000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-ja-xhdpi-ERR18
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x4000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-ja-xhdpi-ERR19
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x5000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-ja-xhdpi-ERR20
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x2000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-ko-mdpi-ERR21
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x4000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-ko-mdpi-ERR22
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x5000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-ko-mdpi-ERR23
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x2000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-ko-hdpi-ERR24
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x4000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-ko-hdpi-ERR25
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x5000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-ko-hdpi-ERR26
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x2000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-ko-xhdpi-ERR27
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x4000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-ko-xhdpi-ERR28
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x5000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-ko-xhdpi-ERR29
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x2000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-zh-rCN-mdpi-ERR30
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x4000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-zh-rCN-mdpi-ERR31
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x5000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-zh-rCN-mdpi-ERR32
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x2000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-zh-rCN-hdpi-ERR33
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x4000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-zh-rCN-hdpi-ERR34
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x5000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-zh-rCN-hdpi-ERR35
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x2000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-zh-rCN-xhdpi-ERR36
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x4000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-zh-rCN-xhdpi-ERR37
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x5000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-zh-rCN-xhdpi-ERR38
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x2000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-zh-rTW-mdpi-ERR39
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x4000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-zh-rTW-mdpi-ERR40
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x5000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-zh-rTW-mdpi-ERR41
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x2000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-zh-rTW-hdpi-ERR42
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x4000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-zh-rTW-hdpi-ERR43
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x5000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-zh-rTW-hdpi-ERR44
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x2000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-zh-rTW-xhdpi-ERR45
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x4000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-zh-rTW-xhdpi-ERR46
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x5000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-zh-rTW-xhdpi-ERR47
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x2000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: integer-mdpi-ERR48
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x4000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: integer-mdpi-ERR49
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x5000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: integer-mdpi-ERR50
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x6000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: integer-mdpi-ERR51
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x2000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: integer-hdpi-ERR52
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x4000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: integer-hdpi-ERR53
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x5000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: integer-hdpi-ERR54
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x6000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: integer-hdpi-ERR55
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x2000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: integer-xhdpi-ERR56
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x4000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: integer-xhdpi-ERR57
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x5000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: integer-xhdpi-ERR58
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x6000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: integer-xhdpi-ERR59
I: Loaded.
S: Could not decode file, replacing by FALSE value: drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_battery_charge_anim10_stock.png
S: Could not decode file, replacing by FALSE value: drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_battery_charge_anim1_stock.png
S: Could not decode file, replacing by FALSE value: drawable-xhdpi/cdma_sys_data_out_3g_yellow.png
S: Could not decode file, replacing by FALSE value: drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_battery_charge_anim6_stock.png
S: Could not decode file, replacing by FALSE value: drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_battery_charge_anim8_stock.png
S: Could not decode file, replacing by FALSE value: drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_battery_10_stock.png
S: Could not decode file, replacing by FALSE value: drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_battery_100_stock.png
S: Could not decode file, replacing by FALSE value: drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_battery_20_stock.png
S: Could not decode file, replacing by FALSE value: drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_battery_charge_anim0_stock.png
S: Could not decode file, replacing by FALSE value: drawable-xhdpi/stat_sys_signal_4.png
S: Could not decode file, replacing by FALSE value: drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_battery_0_stock.png
S: Could not decode file, replacing by FALSE value: drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_battery_charge_anim3_stock.png
S: Could not decode file, replacing by FALSE value: drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_battery_charge_anim2_stock.png
W: Cant find 9patch chunk in file: "drawable-xhdpi/notification_section_divider.9.png". Renaming it to *.png.
S: Could not decode file, replacing by FALSE value: drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_battery_80_stock.png
S: Could not decode file, replacing by FALSE value: drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_battery_charge_anim9_stock.png
S: Could not decode file, replacing by FALSE value: drawable-xhdpi/stat_sys_signal_null_dynamic2.png
S: Could not decode file, replacing by FALSE value: drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_battery_charge_anim4_stock.png
S: Could not decode file, replacing by FALSE value: drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_battery_90_stock.png
I: Decoding values*/* XMLs...
I: Done.
I: Copying assets and libs...
I: Checking whether sources has changed...
I: Smaling...
I: Checking whether resources has changed...
I: Building resources...
Exception in thread "main" brut.androlib.AndrolibException: brut.common.BrutException: could not exec command: [aapt, p, -F, C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\APKTOOL1029334413799122601.tmp, -I, C:\Users\Michael\apktool\framework\1.apk, -I, C:\Users\Michael\apktool\framework\2.apk, -S, C:\APK Multi-Tools\projects\SystemUI.apk\res, -M, C:\APK Multi-Tools\projects\SystemUI.apk\AndroidManifest.xml]
at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.aaptPackage(
at brut.androlib.Androlib.buildResourcesFull(
at brut.androlib.Androlib.buildResources(
at brut.apktool.Main.cmdBuild(
at brut.apktool.Main.main(
Caused by: brut.common.BrutException: could not exec command: [aapt, p, -F, C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp\APKTOOL1029334413799122601.tmp, -I, C:\Users\Michael\apktool\framework\1.apk, -I, C:\Users\Michael\apktool\framework\2.apk, -S, C:\APK Multi-Tools\projects\SystemUI.apk\res, -M, C:\APK Multi-Tools\projects\SystemUI.apk\AndroidManifest.xml]
at brut.util.OS.exec(
at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.aaptPackage(
... 6 more
invalid resource directory name: C:\APK Multi-Tools\projects\SystemUI.apk\res/drawable-sw600dp-hdpi
invalid resource directory name: C:\APK Multi-Tools\projects\SystemUI.apk\res/drawable-sw600dp-xhdpi
invalid resource directory name: C:\APK Multi-Tools\projects\SystemUI.apk\res/layout-sw600dp
invalid resource directory name: C:\APK Multi-Tools\projects\SystemUI.apk\res/values-sw320dp-hdpi
invalid resource directory name: C:\APK Multi-Tools\projects\SystemUI.apk\res/values-sw360dp-hdpi
invalid resource directory name: C:\APK Multi-Tools\projects\SystemUI.apk\res/values-sw360dp-xhdpi
invalid resource directory name: C:\APK Multi-Tools\projects\SystemUI.apk\res/values-sw600dp
invalid resource directory name: C:\APK Multi-Tools\projects\SystemUI.apk\res/values-sw600dp-port
invalid resource directory name: C:\APK Multi-Tools\projects\SystemUI.apk\res/values-sw720dp
invalid resource directory name: C:\APK Multi-Tools\projects\SystemUI.apk\res/values-sw720dp-port

Linux/Mac ApkTool for Jellybean/ICS?

Does anyone have the correct ApkTool for ICS and Jellybean for Linux/Mac?
I can't compile using the one from the website as I get compiling errors
Evostance said:
Does anyone have the correct ApkTool for ICS and Jellybean for Linux/Mac?
I can't compile using the one from the website as I get compiling errors
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You probably have the wrong version of aapt. I can compile jb with no issues at all.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
tristan202 said:
You probably have the wrong version of aapt. I can compile jb with no issues at all.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Can you send me the aapt please
tristan202 said:
You probably have the wrong version of aapt. I can compile jb with no issues at all.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Please bro, can you share your aapt? I have the same problem and with JB I can't decompile my apk...I've try 6 version of aapt and do not work :banghead:
Thank's in advanced
Inviato dal mio Nexus S con Tapatalk 2
Just download the latest sdk.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
So I got it to compile fine, now it doesn't decompile
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: 00009001.
W: Invalid config flags detected. Dropping resources: layout-v13-ERR0
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: -BFF0000.
W: Invalid config flags detected. Dropping resources: animator-v13-ERR1
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: 68010000.
W: Invalid config flags detected. Dropping resources: dimen-v13-ERR2
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: -43FE0000.
W: Invalid config flags detected. Dropping resources: dimen-v13-ERR3
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: 00005401.
W: Invalid config flags detected. Dropping resources: dimen-v13-ERR4
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: 0000AE01.
W: Invalid config flags detected. Dropping resources: dimen-v13-ERR5
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: 58020000.
W: Invalid config flags detected. Dropping resources: integer-v13-ERR6
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: -2FFE0000.
W: Invalid config flags detected. Dropping resources: integer-v13-ERR7
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: -7BFD0000.
W: Invalid config flags detected. Dropping resources: integer-v13-ERR8
I: Loaded.
I: Loading resource table from file: /Users/greg/apktool/framework/1.apk
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: 0000D002.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-v13-ERR9
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: -3FFD0000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-v13-ERR10
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=versionCode, value=0x0bf1dc80
I: Loading resource table from file: /Users/greg/apktool/framework/1.apk
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: 0000D002.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-v13-ERR11
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: -3FFD0000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-v13-ERR12
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=versionName, value=0x00000024
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at brut.androlib.res.util.ExtMXSerializer.writeAttributeValue(
at org.xmlpull.mxp1_serializer.MXSerializer.attribute(
at org.xmlpull.v1.wrapper.classic.XmlSerializerDelegate.attribute(
at org.xmlpull.v1.wrapper.classic.StaticXmlSerializerWrapper.writeStartTag(
at org.xmlpull.v1.wrapper.classic.StaticXmlSerializerWrapper.event(
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.XmlPullStreamDecoder.decode(
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ResStreamDecoderContainer.decode(
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ResFileDecoder.decode(
at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.decode(
at brut.androlib.Androlib.decodeResourcesFull(
at brut.androlib.ApkDecoder.decode(
at brut.apktool.Main.cmdDecode(
at brut.apktool.Main.main(
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
tristan202 said:
Just download the latest sdk.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It's the first I've try (api16).
Inviato dal mio Nexus S con Tapatalk 2

Need help decompiling

I want to decompile systemui.apk to remove clock from status bar
For decompiling I use elesbb's GUI APK Tool. I installed custom framework (both frameworks from /system/framework folder) when i decompile I get this log:
I: Baksmaling...
I: Loading resource table...
I: Loaded.
I: Decoding AndroidManifest.xml with resources...
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\Mihai\apktool\framework\1.apk
I: Loaded.
I: Regular manifest package...
I: Decoding file-resources...
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=textAppearance, value=0x02030057
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=textAppearance, value=0x02030057
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=paddingLeft, value=0x02050057
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=paddingRight, value=0x02050058
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=paddingBottom, value=0x0205005a
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=paddingLeft, value=0x02050001
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=paddingLeft, value=0x02050057
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=paddingRight, value=0x02050058
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=paddingBottom, value=0x0205005a
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=paddingLeft, value=0x02050001
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=paddingLeft, value=0x02050057
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=paddingTop, value=0x02050059
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=paddingRight, value=0x02050058
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=paddingBottom, value=0x0205005a
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=paddingLeft, value=0x02050001
W: Cant find 9patch chunk in file: "drawable-hdpi/qp_brightness_bg.9.png". Renaming it to *.png.
W: Cant find 9patch chunk in file: "drawable-hdpi/qp_bg.9.png". Renaming it to *.png.
I: Decoding values */* XMLs...
I: Done.
then I open the decompiled folder i find in res/layout the status bar.xml and I make my changes.
I removed this from the xml:
< android:textAppearance="@android:style/TextAppearance.StatusBar.Icon" android:gravity="left|center" android:id="@id/clock" android:paddingLeft="6.0dip" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="fill_parent" android:singleLine="true" />
So far so good. But then I go to recompile and I get this error (btw I searched all on google first no luck there so I really need your help):
Exception in thread "main" brut.androlib.AndrolibException: apktool.yml
at brut.androlib.Androlib.readMetaFile(
at brut.apktool.Main.cmdBuild(
at brut.apktool.Main.main(
Caused by: apktool.yml
at brut.androlib.Androlib.readMetaFile(
... 4 more
I don't know how to solve this I try everything that crossed my mind and...nothing!
My OS: Windows 7 64-bit, JDK, JRE, .NET 3.5,4.0,4.5 installed
Also all security is disabled when using this files (I don't want avast to interfere with my work)
What and where is the apktool.yml I don't know...
PLEASE HELP ME to solve this:crying:
apktool.yml doesn't exist, this means it wasn't decompiled correctly.
I suggest you to use APK Manager and read here: it will help you decompiling correctly.
---------- Post added at 05:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:12 PM ----------
And another thing, install as a framework also SystemUI.apk (apktool if SystemUI.apk)
xpirt said:
apktool.yml doesn't exist, this means it wasn't decompiled correctly.
I suggest you to use APK Manager and read here: it will help you decompiling correctly.
---------- Post added at 05:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:12 PM ----------
And another thing, install as a framework also SystemUI.apk (apktool if SystemUI.apk)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
if everything works with your help after I'll test the mod I'll add it to apps thread with versions for stock sensedx+ and so on...with the apropriate credits and thanks of course
same problem: it decompiles framework-res no problem (apktool.yml is there) but again error and no apktool.yml in systemui
MihaiA7X said:
same problem: it decompiles framework-res no problem (apktool.yml is there) but again error and no apktool.yml in systemui
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Three ways remaining:
1. Did you install as framework all 3 files? framework-res.apk, and SystemUI.apk? If not, install all of them.
2. Update apktool.jar with newest one from here, decompress tar.bz2 downloaded and replace apktool.jar to /others folder if you use ApkManager.
xpirt said:
Three ways remaining:
1. Did you install as framework all 3 files? framework-res.apk, and SystemUI.apk? If not, install all of them.
2. Update apktool.jar with newest one from here, decompress tar.bz2 downloaded and replace apktool.jar to /others folder if you use ApkManager.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
when decompiling
|16.09.2013 -- 18:47:12,97|
java version "1.7.0_40"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_40-b43)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.0-b56, mixed mode)
I: Loading resource table...
I: Loaded.
I: Decoding AndroidManifest.xml with resources...
I: Regular manifest package...
I: Decoding file-resources...
I: Decoding values */* XMLs...
I: Done.
I: Copying assets and libs...
I: Loading resource table...
Exception in thread "main" brut.androlib.AndrolibException: Could not decode ars
c file
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.decode(
at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.getResPackagesFromApk(AndrolibRes
at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.loadMainPkg(AndrolibResources.jav
at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.getResTable(AndrolibResources.jav
at brut.androlib.Androlib.getResTable(
at brut.androlib.ApkDecoder.getResTable(
at brut.androlib.ApkDecoder.decode(
at brut.apktool.Main.cmdDecode(
at brut.apktool.Main.main(
Caused by: Expected: 0x00000008, got: 0x00000000
at brut.util.ExtDataInput.skipCheckShort(
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readValue(
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readEntry(
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readConfig(
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readType(
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readPackage(
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readTable(
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.decode(
... 8 more
i switched to apk manager and followed the tutorial that you suggested
1. Extract APK Manager from the .zip file.
2. Run Setup.bat
3. Grab the untouched framework-res.apk and SystemUI.apk from the Base ROM.
4. Place them both in "place-apk-here-for-modding" folder
5. Double click on Script.bat
6. type in 24 and type the corresponding number for framework-res.apk
7. type 9 and it should decompile (If you don't decompile framework-res.apk first you'll have serious problems.)
8. Now type in 24 again and type in the corresponding number for SystemUI.apk
--------Everything fine until step 9--------------
9 Type in 9 and decompile.
10. Now make your modifications in "projects folder"
---------- Post added at 05:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:55 PM ----------
MihaiA7X said:
when decompiling
|16.09.2013 -- 18:47:12,97|
java version "1.7.0_40"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_40-b43)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.0-b56, mixed mode)
I: Loading resource table...
I: Loaded.
I: Decoding AndroidManifest.xml with resources...
I: Regular manifest package...
I: Decoding file-resources...
I: Decoding values */* XMLs...
I: Done.
I: Copying assets and libs...
I: Loading resource table...
Exception in thread "main" brut.androlib.AndrolibException: Could not decode ars
c file
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.decode(
at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.getResPackagesFromApk(AndrolibRes
at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.loadMainPkg(AndrolibResources.jav
at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.getResTable(AndrolibResources.jav
at brut.androlib.Androlib.getResTable(
at brut.androlib.ApkDecoder.getResTable(
at brut.androlib.ApkDecoder.decode(
at brut.apktool.Main.cmdDecode(
at brut.apktool.Main.main(
Caused by: Expected: 0x00000008, got: 0x00000000
at brut.util.ExtDataInput.skipCheckShort(
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readValue(
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readEntry(
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readConfig(
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readType(
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readPackage(
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.readTable(
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ARSCDecoder.decode(
... 8 more
i switched to apk manager and followed the tutorial that you suggested
1. Extract APK Manager from the .zip file.
2. Run Setup.bat
3. Grab the untouched framework-res.apk and SystemUI.apk from the Base ROM.
4. Place them both in "place-apk-here-for-modding" folder
5. Double click on Script.bat
6. type in 24 and type the corresponding number for framework-res.apk
7. type 9 and it should decompile (If you don't decompile framework-res.apk first you'll have serious problems.)
8. Now type in 24 again and type in the corresponding number for SystemUI.apk
--------Everything fine until step 9--------------
9 Type in 9 and decompile.
10. Now make your modifications in "projects folder"
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
So... first of all open Setup.bat (not Script.bat) -> Option 2 (Install framework files) -> Option 5 (Pull dependiencias from phone) -> Wait until all are completed.
Now open Script.bat and after you put SystemUI.apk into place-for-modding folder, select option 9 and wait.
xpirt said:
---------- Post added at 05:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:55 PM ----------
So... first of all open Setup.bat (not Script.bat) -> Option 2 (Install framework files) -> Option 5 (Pull dependiencias from phone) -> Wait until all are completed.
Now open Script.bat and after you put SystemUI.apk into place-for-modding folder, select option 9 and wait.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
done exactly what you said and:
|16.09.2013 -- 18:59:09,72|
java version "1.7.0_40"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_40-b43)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.0-b56, mixed mode)
I: Baksmaling...
I: Loading resource table...
I: Loaded.
I: Decoding AndroidManifest.xml with resources...
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\Mihai\apktool\framework\1.apk
I: Loaded.
I: Regular manifest package...
I: Decoding file-resources...
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
paddingLeft, value=0x02050057
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
paddingRight, value=0x02050058
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
paddingBottom, value=0x0205005a
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
paddingLeft, value=0x02050001
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
paddingLeft, value=0x02050057
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
paddingTop, value=0x02050059
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
paddingRight, value=0x02050058
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
paddingBottom, value=0x0205005a
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
paddingLeft, value=0x02050001
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
textAppearance, value=0x02030057
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
textAppearance, value=0x02030057
W: Cant find 9patch chunk in file: "drawable-hdpi/qp_bg.9.png". Renaming it to *
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
paddingLeft, value=0x02050057
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
paddingRight, value=0x02050058
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
paddingBottom, value=0x0205005a
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
paddingLeft, value=0x02050001
I: Decoding values */* XMLs...
I: Done.
i fell like I'm going insane here:laugh: thanks for helping me
MihaiA7X said:
done exactly what you said and:
|16.09.2013 -- 18:59:09,72|
java version "1.7.0_40"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_40-b43)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.0-b56, mixed mode)
I: Baksmaling...
I: Loading resource table...
I: Loaded.
I: Decoding AndroidManifest.xml with resources...
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\Mihai\apktool\framework\1.apk
I: Loaded.
I: Regular manifest package...
I: Decoding file-resources...
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
paddingLeft, value=0x02050057
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
paddingRight, value=0x02050058
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
paddingBottom, value=0x0205005a
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
paddingLeft, value=0x02050001
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
paddingLeft, value=0x02050057
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
paddingTop, value=0x02050059
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
paddingRight, value=0x02050058
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
paddingBottom, value=0x0205005a
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
paddingLeft, value=0x02050001
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
textAppearance, value=0x02030057
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
textAppearance, value=0x02030057
W: Cant find 9patch chunk in file: "drawable-hdpi/qp_bg.9.png". Renaming it to *
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
paddingLeft, value=0x02050057
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
paddingRight, value=0x02050058
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
paddingBottom, value=0x0205005a
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
paddingLeft, value=0x02050001
I: Decoding values */* XMLs...
I: Done.
i fell like I'm going insane here:laugh: thanks for helping me
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
So did you work, right?
xpirt said:
So did you work, right?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
well it didn't although I pulled the dependencies from the phone placed the systemui in its modding folder applied the commands and the damn thing doesn't decompile correctly
Please make your decision:9
Decompiling Apk Sources and Resources Files
Can't find framework resources for package of id: 2. You must install proper framework files, see project website for more info.
"An Error Occurred, Please Check The Log (option 26)"
Press any key to continue . . .
|16.09.2013 -- 19:00:19,52|
java version "1.7.0_40"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_40-b43)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.0-b56, mixed mode)
I: Baksmaling...
I: Loading resource table...
I: Loaded.
I: Decoding AndroidManifest.xml with resources...
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\Mihai\apktool\framework\1.apk
I: Loaded.
I: Regular manifest package...
I: Decoding file-resources...
W: Cant find 9patch chunk in file: "drawable-hdpi/qp_bg.9.png". Renaming it to *
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
paddingLeft, value=0x02050057
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
paddingRight, value=0x02050058
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
paddingBottom, value=0x0205005a
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
paddingLeft, value=0x02050001
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
paddingLeft, value=0x02050057
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
paddingRight, value=0x02050058
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
paddingBottom, value=0x0205005a
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
paddingLeft, value=0x02050001
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
textAppearance, value=0x02030057
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
textAppearance, value=0x02030057
W: Cant find 9patch chunk in file: "drawable-hdpi/qp_brightness_bg.9.png". Renam
ing it to *.png.
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
paddingLeft, value=0x02050057
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
paddingTop, value=0x02050059
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
paddingRight, value=0x02050058
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
paddingBottom, value=0x0205005a
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
paddingLeft, value=0x02050001
I: Decoding values */* XMLs...
I: Done.
Press any key to continue . . .
MihaiA7X said:
well it didn't although I pulled the dependencies from the phone placed the systemui in its modding folder applied the commands and the damn thing doesn't decompile correctly
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Same error? See apktool-log.txt and give me last part.
xpirt said:
Same error? See apktool-log.txt and give me last part.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
|16.09.2013 -- 19:00:19,52|
java version "1.7.0_40"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_40-b43)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.0-b56, mixed mode)
I: Baksmaling...
I: Loading resource table...
I: Loaded.
I: Decoding AndroidManifest.xml with resources...
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\Mihai\apktool\framework\1.apk
I: Loaded.
I: Regular manifest package...
I: Decoding file-resources...
W: Cant find 9patch chunk in file: "drawable-hdpi/qp_bg.9.png". Renaming it to *.png.
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=paddingLeft, value=0x02050057
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=paddingRight, value=0x02050058
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=paddingBottom, value=0x0205005a
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=paddingLeft, value=0x02050001
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=paddingLeft, value=0x02050057
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=paddingRight, value=0x02050058
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=paddingBottom, value=0x0205005a
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=paddingLeft, value=0x02050001
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=textAppearance, value=0x02030057
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=textAppearance, value=0x02030057
W: Cant find 9patch chunk in file: "drawable-hdpi/qp_brightness_bg.9.png". Renaming it to *.png.
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=paddingLeft, value=0x02050057
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=paddingTop, value=0x02050059
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=paddingRight, value=0x02050058
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=paddingBottom, value=0x0205005a
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=paddingLeft, value=0x02050001
I: Decoding values */* XMLs...
I: Done.
that is the last part
MihaiA7X said:
|16.09.2013 -- 19:00:19,52|
java version "1.7.0_40"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_40-b43)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.0-b56, mixed mode)
I: Baksmaling...
I: Loading resource table...
I: Loaded.
I: Decoding AndroidManifest.xml with resources...
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\Mihai\apktool\framework\1.apk
I: Loaded.
I: Regular manifest package...
I: Decoding file-resources...
W: Cant find 9patch chunk in file: "drawable-hdpi/qp_bg.9.png". Renaming it to *.png.
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=paddingLeft, value=0x02050057
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=paddingRight, value=0x02050058
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=paddingBottom, value=0x0205005a
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=paddingLeft, value=0x02050001
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=paddingLeft, value=0x02050057
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=paddingRight, value=0x02050058
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=paddingBottom, value=0x0205005a
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=paddingLeft, value=0x02050001
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=textAppearance, value=0x02030057
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=textAppearance, value=0x02030057
W: Cant find 9patch chunk in file: "drawable-hdpi/qp_brightness_bg.9.png". Renaming it to *.png.
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=paddingLeft, value=0x02050057
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=paddingTop, value=0x02050059
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=paddingRight, value=0x02050058
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=paddingBottom, value=0x0205005a
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=paddingLeft, value=0x02050001
I: Decoding values */* XMLs...
I: Done.
that is the last part
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Look at /projects folder lol it should be a folder called /SystemUI.apk.
xpirt said:
Look at /projects folder lol it should be a folder called /SystemUI.apk.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
it is but it is not complete and it doesn't have a apktool.yml file so the recompiling its impossible
ok i think i know why it fails: i have the systemui modded with lidroid so that might be the problem...
Try Ibotpeaches Apktool
Sent from my HTC Desire X
MihaiA7X said:
it is but it is not complete and it doesn't have a apktool.yml file so the recompiling its impossible
ok i think i know why it fails: i have the systemui modded with lidroid so that might be the problem...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
So last.. go here:
Download .tar.bz2 file and extract apktool.jar to Desktop.
Replace apktool.jar into /APK-Manager/other/ folder.
Now redo option 9 to decompile.
xpirt said:
So last.. go here:
Download .tar.bz2 file and extract apktool.jar to Desktop.
Replace apktool.jar into /APK-Manager/other/ folder.
Now redo option 9 to decompile.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
done that but still...
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
In the end it worked with elesbb's GUI APK Tool v1.2.4.5 loaded all apps xpirt said as framework than the decompilation of SystemUI.apk completed
it is builded but it doesnt work on phone i tried both signed and unsigned something is missing (well the META-INF folder is missing from mine
EDIT: IT WORKS FINALLY!!! The last problem was the AndroidManifest.xml but it's fixed now. Thank you xpirt for all your help.

[HOW TO] Decompile and recompile SystemUI.apk JB 4.2.2

This tutorial i'll show you how to decompile and recompile systemui.apk windows only.
Why i made this, because i try to decompile systemui.apk and recompile it but it always failed when i recompile.
The problem when recompile is devide into 2 categories:
1. Style
2. No default translation
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
I dont know its is only mega systemui or all other devices too, but all device with 4.2.2 JB have almost same problem,
What tools do we need for this:
1. APKTool compatible with 4.2.2
3. Zipalign
*) I already upload number 1-3 on the attatchment below
4. 7zip
5. Notepad++
Lets go to the tutorial:
1. Extract all tool (1-3) that we've dowload below and put all 4 files in c:\WINDOWS
2. Make folder in C:\ directory, in this tutorial i use APK TOOL
3. Put framework-res.apk and systemui.apk in this folder
4. Make another folder inside the APK TOOL called backup, and put another copy of systemui.apk there
5. Open CMD
6. CD the folder that you made, ex: cd apk tool
7. Than we start decompile by
apktool if framework-res.apk
apktool if systemui.apk
apktool d systemui.apk
8. When its done we'll have a folder called systemui, we can make any change there
After you make a change on your SystemUI.apk its time to recompile back..
9. Now if we proceed to compile the apk and it will make 2 error that i already mention above, but its okay we need to know where the error come from
apktool b systemui almostdone.apk
After that command a lot of error will show up in your cmd window. Lets fix it one by one.
Find the first problem:
C:\APK Tool\systemui\res\layout\system_bar_notification_panel_title.xml:14: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'style' with value @style/SystemBarNotificationText').
Its mean the first problem is style in C:\APK Tool\systemui\res\layout\system_bar_notification_panel_title.xml, and the error in line 14
Now open the xml file with notepad++ and find line 14, please add + in front of @style/SystemBarNotificationText.
Old: @style/SystemBarNotificationText
New: @style/SystemBarNotificationText
And continue another style problem with same treat as above
After all style finish please try recompile again to know if all the style problem already gone
apktool b systemui almostdone.apk
If there is no style error again proceed to 2nd problem
2nd Problem
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_long_sunday' has no default translation in C:
\APK Tool\systemui\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_long_thursday' has no default translation in
C:\APK Tool\systemui\res; found: mk
For no translation problem:
1. Open your systemui decompile folder and go to build/apk and delete androidmanifest.xml there
2. Open as archive your systemui.apk from backup folder above
3. Copy folder META-INF and AndroidManifest.xml
4. Paste both in build/apk
5. Done
When you try to recompile again
apktool b systemui almostdone.apk
everything should ok now and almostdone.apk already created in your folder.
10. Open as archive almostdone.apk and original systemui.apk from backup folder side by side with 7zip
11. Delete META-INF and AndroidManifest.xml from almostdone.apk and replace it with META-INF and AndroidManifest.xml from original SystemUI.apk
12. Close the 7zip folder and open cmd again and now put command
zipalign -v 4 almostdone.apk done.apk
13. Now the done.apk is already created, copy to your phone and rename it with SystemUI.apk
14. Put in /System/App and it should work.
Credit to:
 @powerpoint45 for the amazing thread about compilation systemui.apk original thread
 @devabhishek for the tips in no translation original post
Hope this help guys, please press thanks below if this information is useful for you
Happy theming guys..
Thanks for credits
Sent from my Amazon Kindle Fire2 using Tapatalk 2
how about framework-res.apk? is it same?
Awesome Bro ,,, I was really need this Thanks and made a thread for framework-res.apk also ... Thanks
plz help me i am not able to decompile it (systemui.apk)
C:\Users\Aman Kumar\Desktop\New folder>apktool if framework-res.apk
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x2000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: drawable-nodpi-v8-ERR0
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x2000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: drawable-v8-ERR1
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x2000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: drawable-hdpi-v8-ERR2
I: Framework installed to: C:\Users\Aman Kumar\apktool\framework\1.apk
C:\Users\Aman Kumar\Desktop\New folder>apktool if systemui.apk
I: Framework installed to: C:\Users\Aman Kumar\apktool\framework\127.apk
C:\Users\Aman Kumar\Desktop\New folder>apktool d systemui.apk
I: Baksmaling...
I: Loading resource table...
I: Loaded.
I: Decoding AndroidManifest.xml with resources...
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\Aman Kumar\apktool\framework\1.apk
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x2000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: drawable-nodpi-v8-ERR0
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x2000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: drawable-v8-ERR1
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x2000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: drawable-hdpi-v8-ERR2
I: Loaded.
I: Regular manifest package...
I: Decoding file-resources...
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
drawable, value=0x01080956
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
drawable, value=0x010806c8
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
drawable, value=0x010806c8
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
drawable, value=0x010806c8
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
drawable, value=0x01080b03
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
drawable, value=0x01080754
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
drawable, value=0x010806c4
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
drawable, value=0x010806c8
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
drawable, value=0x01080b03
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
drawable, value=0x01080b04
I: Decoding values */* XMLs...
Exception in thread "main" brut.androlib.err.UndefinedResObject: resource spec:
at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.generateValuesFile(AndrolibResour
at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.decode(
at brut.androlib.Androlib.decodeResourcesFull(
at brut.androlib.ApkDecoder.decode(
at brut.apktool.Main.cmdDecode(
at brut.apktool.Main.main(
C:\Users\Aman Kumar\Desktop\New folder>
Can you post a screenshot showing what can be done with this?
Thanks Sir
Thank You sir for this guide :good:
problem solved
Born to be a coder said:
C:\Users\Aman Kumar\Desktop\New folder>apktool if framework-res.apk
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x2000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: drawable-nodpi-v8-ERR0
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x2000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: drawable-v8-ERR1
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x2000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: drawable-hdpi-v8-ERR2
I: Framework installed to: C:\Users\Aman Kumar\apktool\framework\1.apk
C:\Users\Aman Kumar\Desktop\New folder>apktool if systemui.apk
I: Framework installed to: C:\Users\Aman Kumar\apktool\framework\127.apk
C:\Users\Aman Kumar\Desktop\New folder>apktool d systemui.apk
I: Baksmaling...
I: Loading resource table...
I: Loaded.
I: Decoding AndroidManifest.xml with resources...
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\Aman Kumar\apktool\framework\1.apk
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x2000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: drawable-nodpi-v8-ERR0
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x2000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: drawable-v8-ERR1
W: Config flags size > 36. Exceeding bytes: 0x2000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: drawable-hdpi-v8-ERR2
I: Loaded.
I: Regular manifest package...
I: Decoding file-resources...
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
drawable, value=0x01080956
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
drawable, value=0x010806c8
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
drawable, value=0x010806c8
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
drawable, value=0x010806c8
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
drawable, value=0x01080b03
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
drawable, value=0x01080754
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
drawable, value=0x010806c4
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
drawable, value=0x010806c8
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
drawable, value=0x01080b03
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
drawable, value=0x01080b04
I: Decoding values */* XMLs...
Exception in thread "main" brut.androlib.err.UndefinedResObject: resource spec:
at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.generateValuesFile(AndrolibResour
at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.decode(
at brut.androlib.Androlib.decodeResourcesFull(
at brut.androlib.ApkDecoder.decode(
at brut.apktool.Main.cmdDecode(
at brut.apktool.Main.main(
C:\Users\Aman Kumar\Desktop\New folder>
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This was happening to me bcz i was not having java jdk
you are super man!
Thanx A Lot Bro
jusho said:
This tutorial i'll show you how to decompile and recompile systemui.apk windows only.
Why i made this, because i try to decompile systemui.apk and recompile it but it always failed when i recompile.
The problem when recompile is devide into 2 categories:
1. Style
2. No default translation
I dont know its is only mega systemui or all other devices too, but all device with 4.2.2 JB have almost same problem,
What tools do we need for this:
1. APKTool compatible with 4.2.2
3. Zipalign
*) I already upload number 1-3 on the attatchment below
4. 7zip
5. Notepad++
Lets go to the tutorial:
1. Extract all tool (1-3) that we've dowload below and put all 4 files in c:\WINDOWS
2. Make folder in C:\ directory, in this tutorial i use APK TOOL
3. Put framework-res.apk and systemui.apk in this folder
4. Make another folder inside the APK TOOL called backup, and put another copy of systemui.apk there
5. Open CMD
6. CD the folder that you made, ex: cd apk tool
7. Than we start decompile by
apktool if framework-res.apk
apktool if systemui.apk
apktool d systemui.apk
8. When its done we'll have a folder called systemui, we can make any change there
After you make a change on your SystemUI.apk its time to recompile back..
9. Now if we proceed to compile the apk and it will make 2 error that i already mention above, but its okay we need to know where the error come from
apktool b systemui almostdone.apk
After that command a lot of error will show up in your cmd window. Lets fix it one by one.
Find the first problem:
C:\APK Tool\systemui\res\layout\system_bar_notification_panel_title.xml:14: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'style' with value @style/SystemBarNotificationText').
Its mean the first problem is style in C:\APK Tool\systemui\res\layout\system_bar_notification_panel_title.xml, and the error in line 14
Now open the xml file with notepad++ and find line 14, please add + in front of @style/SystemBarNotificationText.
Old: @style/SystemBarNotificationText
New: @style/SystemBarNotificationText
And continue another style problem with same treat as above
After all style finish please try recompile again to know if all the style problem already gone
apktool b systemui almostdone.apk
If there is no style error again proceed to 2nd problem
2nd Problem
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_long_sunday' has no default translation in C:
\APK Tool\systemui\res; found: mk
aapt: warning: string 'day_of_week_long_thursday' has no default translation in
C:\APK Tool\systemui\res; found: mk
For no translation problem:
1. Open your systemui decompile folder and go to build/apk and delete androidmanifest.xml there
2. Open as archive your systemui.apk from backup folder above
3. Copy folder META-INF and AndroidManifest.xml
4. Paste both in build/apk
5. Done
When you try to recompile again
apktool b systemui almostdone.apk
everything should ok now and almostdone.apk already created in your folder.
10. Open as archive almostdone.apk and original systemui.apk from backup folder side by side with 7zip
11. Delete META-INF and AndroidManifest.xml from almostdone.apk and replace it with META-INF and AndroidManifest.xml from original SystemUI.apk
12. Close the 7zip folder and open cmd again and now put command
zipalign -v 4 almostdone.apk done.apk
13. Now the done.apk is already created, copy to your phone and rename it with SystemUI.apk
14. Put in /System/App and it should work.
Credit to:
@powerpoint45 for the amazing thread about compilation systemui.apk original thread
@devabhishek for the tips in no translation original post
Hope this help guys, please press thanks below if this information is useful for you
Happy theming guys..
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
you saved my time and gives me my i idea back to creating new rom thanx a lot worked perfectly for me....and now im going to continue my work in creating a new rom thanx a lot definitely will put credits when i post my rom thanx again
I suggest apk multi tool
---------- Post added at 05:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:32 PM ----------
is better
I know this thread is quite old but I just stumbled over the exact same problem. Unfortunately there is some point in the wonderful explanation that I do not fully understand. Maybe I am dumb...maybe...
You are suggesting the following:
Its mean the first problem is style in C:\APK Tool\systemui\res\layout\system_bar_notification_p anel_title.xml, and the error in line 14
Now open the xml file with notepad++ and find line 14, please add + in front of @style/SystemBarNotificationText.
Old: @style/SystemBarNotificationText
New: @style/SystemBarNotificationText
And continue another style problem with same treat as above
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Well what exactly has to be added?
"Old:..." and "New:..." are the same?!
I am a little bit confused since there obviously isn't anything added to the "new" line.
Please help me!
Thanks in advance

I can't decompile an apk game for modding it

Well, I have a trouble with an apk game that i wanna mod, i extracted my apk with apk manager waiting that it will be modded by me, but when i tried to decompile i get this problem:
|12/05/2016 -- 19:55:24.00|
java version "1.8.0_91"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_91-b14)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 25.91-b14, mixed mode, sharing)
Not found C:\Users\Gerardo Pèrez Vàsque\Downloads\Apk_Manager_5.0.2 e
n español\place-apk-here-for-modding\../place-apk-here-for-modding/
Not found C:\Users\Gerardo Pèrez Vàsque\Downloads\Apk_Manager_5.0.2 e
n español\place-apk-here-for-modding\../place-apk-here-for-modding/unsignedair.c
I: Baksmaling...
I: Loading resource table...
I: Loaded.
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\Gerardo PÞrez VÓsque\apktool\frame
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: 0000D002.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-v13-ERR0
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: -3FFD0000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-v13-ERR1
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
versionCode, value=0x000f6d39
I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\Gerardo PÞrez VÓsque\apktool\frame
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: 0000D002.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-v13-ERR2
W: Config flags size > 32. Exceeding bytes: -3FFD0000.
W: Invalid config flags detected: dimen-v13-ERR3
W: Could not decode attr value, using undecoded value instead: ns=android, name=
versionName, value=0x0000001d
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at Source)
at brut.androlib.res.util.ExtMXSerializer.writeAttributeValue(ExtMXSeria
at org.xmlpull.mxp1_serializer.MXSerializer.attribute(
at org.xmlpull.v1.wrapper.classic.XmlSerializerDelegate.attribute(XmlSer
at org.xmlpull.v1.wrapper.classic.StaticXmlSerializerWrapper.writeStartT
at org.xmlpull.v1.wrapper.classic.StaticXmlSerializerWrapper.event(Stati
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.XmlPullStreamDecoder.decode(XmlPullStreamDe
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ResStreamDecoderContainer.decode(ResStreamD
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ResFileDecoder.decode(
at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.decode(
at brut.androlib.Androlib.decodeResourcesFull(
at brut.androlib.ApkDecoder.decode(
at brut.apktool.Main.cmdDecode(
at brut.apktool.Main.main(
I will waiting for your help

