[Q] No sound making calls I9300 - Galaxy S III Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

There seems to have been no resolution to this problem. I have the Galaxy SIII with no sound when I make a call and no one can hear me when I call. I can't hear on speaker phone or earphones but when I use the apps Skype or Vonage to make calls I hear fine.
Android ver= 4.1.2
Baseband ver= XXEMB6
Build no.=JZO54K.IXXEMC3
I have tried the Megawipe successfully many times and flashed 4-5 different Stock roms from sources in this forum and the problem is still there.
Is there an possible answer to this problem. I know others have this problem but I have not found any resolution to this strange problem.
Please can any one help here. It will be much appreciated.

If you've mega wiped and flashed a full stock rom using odin on your pc then it sounds like a hardware fault. Weird if speaker & microphone work in apps but not during calls.

Could be network / sim related. Worth swapping to make sure
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 4

rootSU said:
Could be network / sim related. Worth swapping to make sure
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 4
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Thanks for your reply. Yes I have swapped sim cards to no avail. Is is possible to flash the phone using adb for example how can I flash the modem or even the rom. Yes I know I can flash the rom or modem using odin. I have done that to no avail, but will I would like to flash using adb or Heimdall because if I use vonage or skype the speaker earphones work just fine. I am just experimenting to find a fix that is what guide can I follow to flash the modem or even the rom itself. I want to try to exhaust my possibilities if possible. It doesn't seem to be a hardware problem if it works on skype and vonage to make calls.
Thanks again for your help and others on this forum

i have the same problem i posted here but till now no one answering me >>>>:crying:
see my post http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=44529739#post44529739

mohamedkenzo said:
i have the same problem i posted here but till now no one answering me >>>>:crying:
see my post http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=44529739#post44529739
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You have been answered like i said stupid thread title nobody bothers with you .
Read this thread and try its posted fixes .

have you solved this issue?
I am having the same problem...
I thought it was my rom problem, but after I have flashed a variety of roms (cm 10.2, pa 3.97, cm10.1, cm9) and modems
and now running on stock rom im still having this problem...what confuses me is that applications like skype , hangout & viber
works fine but if i call or received a call, i cannot hear the other party. I have searched on the forums for a few days now but mostly points
to bugs on roms. but since i am now running stock, should i say it's already a hardware problem?


[Q] muffled voice?

Ever since i started using the gs3, people are saying my voice sounds really muffled. I am using the omega 5.1 rom. Is it the phone at fault or the rom?
This is pretty much the easiest test ever. How would someone on a internet forum, know if you got a defective phone? Instead of asking people who can't help, help yourself and install stock ROM, then see if that fixes it. That was your question, right?
I use the Omega 5.2 and dont have problems, try another rom and see if the rom or the phone
vince1234 said:
Ever since i started using the gs3, people are saying my voice sounds really muffled. I am using the omega 5.1 rom. Is it the phone at fault or the rom?
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I had the problem too, just do the wipes again and problem solved.
Check this thread.
Im sure it will solve your muffled voice problem.
It did for me.
Defective Microphone Thread

Call Sound Issue

I posted a thread yesterday about how when i made a call the person on the other line couldn't hear me but i could hear them, when someone called me i could hear them but they couldn't hear me, i resigned myself to the fact that i would have to bring it in for repair as it was a hardware issue, flashed the 3 Ireland stock ROM, decided to try once more, made a test call and the person could hear me, got them to call me and i could hear them and vice versa so i put it down so maybe corruption in internal SD card or something.
I rooted again, flashed CheckRom and Franco kernel and set the phone up again as it was, called a friend earlier and he couldn't hear me, got him to call me and i could hear him but he couldn't hear me so im dumbstruck as to what the problem is here, i initially thought it was the microphone which was the problem but then after flashing the 3 Ireland stock ROM no problem, it was only after flashing CheckRom and Franco kernel (which i always use) the problem reappeared, so has anyone any ideas as to what might be causing this, everything else works as normal, texts, Internet,etc it's just calling someone they cant hear me and that's probably the most important thing about having a phone.
Id sooner not bring it into Fonemenders as ive heard some bad reports about this company, it's still under warranty with 3 Ireland and this is the company they use for repairs.
Phone has been fine up to this and i haven't dropped it or anything.
84 views - no one got any ideas?
It will be a wrench if i have to stay on the stock ROM for the sound in my calls to work but i am dumbstruck as to how this has happened as it never did previously, is it remotely possible that 3 Ireland may have changed some settings whereas the sound in calls only work with their stock ROM, unlikely i know but im looking to explore all avenues before i bring this in for repairs.
Well posted problem all over the board in custom roms etc for starters .LFB Modem or something like it .
JJEgan said:
Well posted problem all over the board in custom roms etc for starters .LFB Modem or something like it .
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i haven't seen anyone post an issue like this on here yet (unless i missed something)
i am gonna revert back to Stock ROM and test it again, then ill root and flash a kernel and see what happens.
Truly bizzare this is
Flashed Android Revolution out of curiosity to see what happens, made a call to a friend and he could hear me fine, got him to call me and likewise so im now sure it isn't actually the mic which is faulty it must have something to do with ROM and / or Kernel but im fu*ked if i know what it is as ive been using CheckRom and Franco kernel for a good while now without any issues, isn't there anyone else on here who has had similar issues like this?
I'm just setting up my phone again, i hope this problem doesn't come back.
I have the same problem, only that not only on checkrom... I have tried several other roms and I have the same problem, with an exception... i always hear them and they can't hear me but is not continously... 15-20 seconds is ok then 10-15 they can no longer hear me... this is on checrom v3 with lbf modem... ANY OTHER ROM, kernel or modem no sound what so ever. It seems there are too few of us in order for devs to look into it... unfortunately
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
Devs don't get paid to look into stuff .
Multiple call sound posts many ref LBF modem.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
daniel_cassian said:
I have the same problem, only that not only on checkrom... I have tried several other roms and I have the same problem, with an exception... i always hear them and they can't hear me but is not continously... 15-20 seconds is ok then 10-15 they can no longer hear me... this is on checrom v3 with lbf modem... ANY OTHER ROM, kernel or modem no sound what so ever. It seems there are too few of us in order for devs to look into it... unfortunately
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
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FINALLY someone else with the same issue, basically when i call someone i could hear them but they couldnt hear me,when they called i could hear them but they couldn't hear me, the problem appears to have been (hopedully) resolved now ive flashed Android Revolution, ill have to avoid CheckRom which is unfortunate as it's always been my fav ROM but the problem appeared to come back after i flashed back to stock ROM then back to CheckRom,
Hi I have the no sound in call when I remove system apps or freeze apps I was use the unofficial aopk ROM I'm now using the cm10 preview and still have the same problem I've tried loads of different modems with no luck it
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
There are a lot of reports with different roms of the same thing and so far all I've seen have been modem issues. I saw some people said they've tried different ones which seems weird, I'm running Checkrom 3.5 and Siyah kernel 1.4 with the new XXLG8 modem and have no problems. I was using LFB and had issues and LF3 worked as well.
It's definitely not a mic problem is using stock fixes it so don't send it in for repairs, just try some of the newest modems. I hope that helps.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
I never previously had a problem running check rom and franco kernel but ive no idea what happened , i do freeze stuff in Titanium Backup but only stuff wgich people have already tested and it's safe to freeze so it's quite baffling what caused this problem but since flashing Android Revolution everything is fine it's a superb ROM too close to stock which is what i want and everything works 100%, ive no real interest in CM10 too many bugs for my liking ill just wait until the official Jelly Bean code is released for the Galaxy S3.
dantheman122 said:
There are a lot of reports with different roms of the same thing and so far all I've seen have been modem issues. I saw some people said they've tried different ones which seems weird, I'm running Checkrom 3.5 and Siyah kernel 1.4 with the new XXLG8 modem and have no problems. I was using LFB and had issues and LF3 worked as well.
It's definitely not a mic problem is using stock fixes it so don't send it in for repairs, just try some of the newest modems. I hope that helps.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
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Yeah i agree mate it's definitely not a mic problem im not 100% what caused it but i do believe it might be LFB modem or something related to this.

Radio Needed For Cyanogen And Samsung Galaxy S2?

Hello, I've flashed the Cyanogen mod for my Samsung Galaxy S2? I've been using it, it works fine.
I'm wondering, do I need to flash a radio? If so, which one? I've seen the links of radios from the Wiki page of Cyanogen under Support Downloads, just don't known which one to use or if I'm supposed to.
Thanks for your help.
Radio is not changed by CyanogenMod.
If you have no call, sms or data issues then i dont think you need to change
-Grift- said:
If you have no call, sms or data issues then i dont think you need to change
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OK, thanks for your help.
I have successfully installed this rom. I think it's the most amazing jelly bean rom for galaxy s2 at the moment. I like its smoothing and quick response. feel a bit warm at the back and the battery is losing 1% at every minute while wifi is on. Over all is great. Cheers!
Actually, I've been experiencing data connection problems. My phone works, but it won't connect to 2g/3g for internet.
Should I try switching radios?
If so, which one is recommended? Or do you just try them at random?
Thanks again
On first boot normally can't get mobile data to work because APN was not configured properly (or the list empty), after a reboot mobile data will work again. If it doesn't, then you have to key in the APN manually.
For radio/modem, since there are no changelog released and nobody know what are the differences among them, it is assumed that the latest one will be better.
HTCOrangeCat said:
Actually, I've been experiencing data connection problems. My phone works, but it won't connect to 2g/3g for internet.
Should I try switching radios?
If so, which one is recommended? Or do you just try them at random?
Thanks again
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first and foremost asking or recomending which ROM/KERNEL/MODEM ,is against XDA rules, since all phones are different due to various reasons , hence if u have a an issue with ur modem u have to try a cpl of them on ur own and see the one suits u the best.
link for the same below.
Modem Collection
OK. I'll try a few different radios. I see a list of links in the Cyanogen Wiki page of under Support Downloads.
Thanks for the quick replies!
HTCOrangeCat said:
OK. I'll try a few different radios. I see a list of links in the Cyanogen Wiki page of under Support Downloads.
Thanks for the quick replies!
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It sounds like your apn settings are messed up. Try to reboot twice and then try. If that doesn't work, you will have to find the settings and input them manually.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
After trying over 30 radios I always end up on nelp3. Best signal best data thoroughput and best for battery life.
Sent from my resurrection remixed GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
Thanks everyone! The radio did it!
I flashed this radio:
Now, the data, 3G, works great.
I've been experiencing an issue and have read several post about RADIOS on the SGS2.
I flashed my mobile with the nightly 10.2 CM and after that it started to ask me for "SIM network UNLOCK" Which I can't unlocked, thought it was the version issue so I dl a the newest one and same issue, I tried the ICS stable 9.1 and same issue.
I've read something like radios on the CM support part. Which I dunno where is it yet . If I need to flash it and u guys can help me out to pick up the correct one I'll appreciate it. my model of SGS2 is the i777 from AT&T.
May I install NELP on my CM 9.1? how? where can I get the files to do it?
I777 modem collection
Sent from my GT-N7105 using xda app-developers app
Hello everyone. I tried many modems (XXLS8, NELP4, XXKI4, BVLP7 etc.) but each of them had some different issue. First was loosing network, with second the front speaker stopped working... Just noone worked fine :\ I don't know what to do yet! Any advices?
ac.dc.76 said:
Hello everyone. I tried many modems (XXLS8, NELP4, XXKI4, BVLP7 etc.) but each of them had some different issue. First was loosing network, with second the front speaker stopped working... Just noone worked fine :\ I don't know what to do yet! Any advices?
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What phone do you have? This is the thread for the i777 S2 variant, and at least one of the modems you mentioned are for the i9100 variant (don't recognize the others you list).
You can only use modems designed for your device, so if you have an i777 see the link directly above your post.
SteveMurphy said:
What phone do you have? This is the thread for the i777 S2 variant, and at least one of the modems you mentioned are for the i9100 variant (don't recognize the others you list).
You can only use modems designed for your device, so if you have an i777 see the link directly above your post.
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Sorry, wrong thread. Hadn't time to ask for delete my post :\

[Q] Bluetooth connection stutters badly

I have recently updated to JB 4.1.2 LS8. All working well generally.
I have found that the bluetooth connection stutters badly when connected to my docking station and it is impossible to listen to music.
When my S2 was running 4.0.4 it worked perfectly without stutters. My iPod touch still works perfectly with the docking station so there is nothing wrong with that.
My question is, could I flash back just the modem from my previous XEU 4.0.4 to see if the problem is resolved (via Mobile Odin PRO)? Or could this cause other complications?
TheATHEiST said:
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I realise that I didn't ask my question very well now...
Do you mean yes I can flash the old modem - or yes, flashing it will cause problems?
dimbo33 said:
I realise that I didn't ask my question very well now...
Do you mean yes I can flash the old modem - or yes, flashing it will cause problems?
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Yes you can flash other modems. You could have answered this easily yourself by reading the topics that discuss modems.
Indeed. I have read your posts ATHEist and was expecting an answer like this, but at the same time it's clear that you know what you're talking about.
So thank you.
The searches I was able to make related to other hand sets and when I attempted to search the S2 forum I got a message from the xda site that the search function was temporarily unavailable. Believe it or not, not all less experienced users are either lazy or unprepared to spend time reading around.
As it happens, it turns out that my S2 doesn't like the specific bluetooth device for some reason as tests with another 2 bluetooth receivers have shown the S2 running stock LS8 to be working just fine. Very odd.
So as it stands I see no reason to go down the route of flashing the old modem - I see little point in flashing stuff without a clear reason.
Update: I flashed just the modem XXLQ6 from 4.04 - it doesn't make any difference to the BT problem with the BT receiver.

[Q] JB 4.1.2 poor call quality

Both my brother and I have upgraded to the latest official firmware (JB 4.1.2) and both notice that the call quality has become very poor. When I drive my car, the person at the other end has serious problems understanding what I say. With earlier releases there was no such problem.
Noise cancellation is enabled.
Any solution for this problem other than to downgrade the firmware (which I am reluctant to do)?
When I chat over Skype with the same setup, my voice comes through clearly. This appears only to affect voice calls.
galmok said:
Both my brother and I have upgraded to the latest official firmware (JB 4.1.2) and both notice that the call quality has become very poor. When I drive my car, the person at the other end has serious problems understanding what I say. With earlier releases there was no such problem.
Noise cancellation is enabled.
Any solution for this problem other than to downgrade the firmware (which I am reluctant to do)?
When I chat over Skype with the same setup, my voice comes through clearly. This appears only to affect voice calls.
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Get a custom ROM
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
Hidden Username said:
Get a custom ROM
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
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What is your basis for saying this?
Try a different modem maybe?
"To err is human, to forgive is divine"
Sent from my SGS II
galmok said:
What is your basis for saying this?
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Because I had the same issue on stock and it turned out that different REVs of S2 had problems with the MICs
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
Sent from the little guy
I have never tried a custom rom but if I would, how can I tell if the rom in question has good microphone quality or not?
I am using "PDA: LSS / PHONE: MS2 / CSC: LS9 (NEE)" right now. Information from Kies.
Also, as I have never tried a custom rom; when I flash it, will it erase all my settings? If so, how to backup from what I have now (official) and restore it to the custom install? (and vice-versa if I regret the custom rom and want to go back to the official). I assume Kies doesn't work with custom roms...
galmok said:
I have never tried a custom rom but if I would, how can I tell if the rom in question has good microphone quality or not?
I am using "PDA: LSS / PHONE: MS2 / CSC: LS9 (NEE)" right now. Information from Kies.
Also, as I have never tried a custom rom; when I flash it, will it erase all my settings? If so, how to backup from what I have now (official) and restore it to the custom install? (and vice-versa if I regret the custom rom and want to go back to the official). I assume Kies doesn't work with custom roms...
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No. Kies won't work with custom ROMs unless you use a stock based ROM. Contacts get backed up to google automatically and other things like music, videos, etc need to be backed up to your computer. Plug your phone in to your pc and back those up.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
gastonw said:
Sent from the little guy
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gastonw said:
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Is that the modem version I have to look for in a custom rom? Anything newer than this is crap?
I have found out what makes the sound so bad. I am always using the headset that comes with the phone and I have now debugged the problem. The issue is that the phone doesn't use the microphone in the headset but always uses the microphone in the phone itself. The microphone in the headset does work as Skype uses it without issue and the sound quality is good with Skype.
So, can anyone verify for me the latest modem version that does use the microphone in the headset?
galmok said:
I have found out what makes the sound so bad. I am always using the headset that comes with the phone and I have now debugged the problem. The issue is that the phone doesn't use the microphone in the headset but always uses the microphone in the phone itself. The microphone in the headset does work as Skype uses it without issue and the sound quality is good with Skype.
So, can anyone verify for me the latest modem version that does use the microphone in the headset?
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Samsung.dk has confirmed that the headset issue is due to 4.1.2. It can be solved by doing a factory reset of the phone, something I am reluctant to do as I wont get settings+apps back. :-/
galmok said:
Is that the modem version I have to look for in a custom rom? Anything newer than this is crap?
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Yeah, it's a good modem.
Sent from the little guy

