[Q] Change People.apk in CM 10.2 - Galaxy S III Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi there
I really hate the stock people.apk that comes with CM 10.2, and I was wondering if it's possible to switch it to something else as defaults contacts editor.. Even the stock samsung app is a lot better..
Thank you!

Yes, loads of contacts app on the play store
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 4

rootSU said:
Yes, loads of contacts app on the play store
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 4
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Yes, but I mean one that would replace people as the default one, since the other contacts apps seem to direct you to people.apk when you want to edit contact details

There's nothing to replace it. Not all contacts apps "direct you"
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 4


[Q}iPhone 4 User -> Galaxy S2

Hey guys so I will be switching from iPhone 4 which I owned for a year to the galaxy. I have a real quick question I always synced my contact using itunes to GMAIL.com on the startup will I be able to somehow sync those contacts from gmail to the galaxy?
pretty much that is only my one question but if you guys could tell me what apps are useful and so on I would apperciate. Thanks !
Apps for what specifically? Anything?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
Yes, thats the first thing android provides is syncing with GOOGLE services. It syncs contacts from your phone and you wont have to use itunes to update contacts.
It does it automatically
bendsley said:
Apps for what specifically? Anything?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
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Well the only thing I will miss about the iphone is the keyboard it was jailbroken as well but I won't do that with galaxy. Is there anyway without rooting to install apps that I download to my SD card for example?
and any good keyboard or is the standard one just fine?
Yes, there is a box in settings that, once ticked, will let you install apps from outside sources, like installous, but much easier.
There are 2 keyboards that come with the S2, samsung and swype. The swype one is the best, samsung for some reason put a mic key instead of a comma key, which is stupid!
Personally I keep swapping between SwiftkeyX (in the Market), or 'keyboard from android 2.3' (yea weird name-also in the Market).
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[Solved] Why do I have to keep signing into YouTube?

Every time I open the YouTube app, I have to sign in again if I want to access personalised content. This didn't used to be the case, so why is it now? Is anyone else having this trouble?
I'm running the latest stock rom on a rooted S3
Re: [Q] Why do I have to keep signing into YouTube?
Nobody else having a similar issue? I'm also finding the notification sound on the stock sms app keeps getting reset to default. May or may not be related to the YouTube issue.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
Re: [Q] Why do I have to keep signing into YouTube?
Me too
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
R: [Q] Why do I have to keep signing into YouTube?
I think its a new thing about youtube...even if im logged in with an account if i wanna post a like i have to login thru one of my 3 gmail accounts...wasnt like this a few weeks ago....
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
Re: [Q] Why do I have to keep signing into YouTube?
Hmmm... hope this isn't a "feature"
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
Re: [Q] Why do I have to keep signing into YouTube?
I thought it was because I disabled my sign in verification.. It really annoying not having my subs on my widget.. Dayumm Google get your **** together
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
Re: [Q] Why do I have to keep signing into YouTube?
I have this problem too. I'm using AOKP build 5 and I thought it was my Rom causing the problem.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
I'm also having this problem on my Sony Xperia S (Stock ICS).
It's a pain as each time I add something to a playlist I have to tap my only account I have on the phone.
David J
Re: [Q] Why do I have to keep signing into YouTube?
Having the same problem. Also if I want to add a video to my playlist j have to select an account but I only have one account on this phone.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Does anyone find a solution to this issue?
It is very annoying...
This is an app issue, you can try contacting google about it and ask them to implement "Remember Me" feature in next update.
problem solved
Google updated YouTube app today and fixed this issue.
Finally. ..
Yes they did, so I'm marking this solved.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
I was so happy when I saw the YouTube update notification icon.. Finally Google
I may be wrong be they also added what to watch.. Ahh wtf

Hangouts/gtalk app

Hi. Can anyone suggest a good alternative for hangouts/gtalk? I still use it a lot as most of my friends are on android and I've seen a couple of apps from the store that says they support gtalk but i prefer to hear some user experience of anyone used those. Thanks
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
thephantom said:
Hi. Can anyone suggest a good alternative for hangouts/gtalk? I still use it a lot as most of my friends are on android and I've seen a couple of apps from the store that says they support gtalk but i prefer to hear some user experience of anyone used those. Thanks
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
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i'm using im + pro for my Google and icq contacts.
you can always go with non-paid version, which has no chat history backup and few things removed.
I also use im+ best alternative app IMHO.
Sent from my Sony Xperia™ Z
Im using ICQ official app and i have connected Gtalk into it
boril said:
i'm using im + pro for my Google and icq contacts.
you can always go with non-paid version, which has no chat history backup and few things removed.
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Thanks. That's the first app that came to mind. Gonna try the free app for a few days to see for myself and go pro if I like it.
Thanks to all who responded as well
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
I have google voice account and been using app called sparephone with success. It basically using google voice over WiFi or cellular data.
Sent from my RM-820_nam_att_100 using Board Express

Anybody tried the new KitKat apk's?

Well the launcher is pretty laggy for. E, but everything else I've tried seems to work fine. US Wifi only model, not rooted, if that helps anyone
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ckelly33 said:
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The mail apk works fine. It looks nice and is very fast.
dronarg said:
The mail apk works fine. It looks nice and is very fast.
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Just to clarify, mail or gmail?
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ckelly33 said:
Just to clarify, mail or gmail?
Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk 4
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mail is a samsung app
ChrisNee1988 said:
mail is a samsung app
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Actually there is both an "email" and "gmail" download available from the system dump of a nexus 5 (not a Samsung device). I was clarifying that he was referring to email and not gmail
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
ckelly33 said:
Actually there is both an "email" and "gmail" download available from the system dump of a nexus 5 (not a Samsung device). I was clarifying that he was referring to email and not gmail
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Yes and the one I was talking about is the google mail application. Not Gmail and not the Samsung one
I've seen a few reports of people in the Note 3 section having problems with video chat in Hangouts with the new apk besides having mms issues. I haven't had the chance to test the video chat on it to confirm.
Crazypinoy said:
I've seen a few reports of people in the Note 3 section having problems with video chat in Hangouts with the new apk besides having mms issues. I haven't had the chance to test the video chat on it to confirm.
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MMS does not work for sure. I don't know if it is even an option to begin with on this tablet (being WiFi only) but it dies not work on my S4. I haven't tried video chat on either
ckelly33 said:
MMS does not work for sure. I don't know if it is even an option to begin with on this tablet (being WiFi only) but it dies not work on my S4. I haven't tried video chat on either
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I'm sorry for the confusion with what i said in my post...I wasn't stating that there is an MMS option when in installed on the 10.1. I was just merely stating that there are a few issues with the app in general right now.
Crazypinoy9 said:
I'm sorry for the confusion with what i said in my post...I wasn't stating that there is an MMS option when in installed on the 10.1. I was just merely stating that there are a few issues with the app in general right now.
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No I understood you were taking about MMS with the Note 3.
However, i personally installed to see if the MMS option existed on the note 10.1 and if it did, would it work over WiFi. It isn't even an option.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
Use Mighty text and send texts, it will reroute them so it comes from your phone.
Sent from my SM-P600 using xda app-developers app
aburns7487 said:
Use Mighty text and send texts, it will reroute them so it comes from your phone.
Sent from my SM-P600 using xda app-developers app
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Thanks. That's actually pretty slick. :sly:
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aburns7487 said:
Use Mighty text and send texts, it will reroute them so it comes from your phone.
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This is my current setup as well for sending texts from my pc, but I use mysms. It's always just been a little more reliable for me. Does anybody know if the new hangouts, which does sms on android now, supports/will support this functionality? I installed the new apk on my phone and received my sms through it. But I didn't see any text messages in gmail. I don't have an android tablet (yet) to test the hangouts app there.
For now I have disabled SMS in hangouts again, as it was extremely laggy (especially in a conversation with over 10000 messages. the stock sms app handles that better). I felt mysms was less reliable too.
ckelly33 said:
No I understood you were taking about MMS with the Note 3.
However, i personally installed to see if the MMS option existed on the note 10.1 and if it did, would it work over WiFi. It isn't even an option.
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I was hoping for the same thing. I was hoping that sms and mms would sync with hangouts so that I didn't have to create backups and such.

Google Hangouts not saving settings!

Hello guys
I'm having an issue with the HTC messaging app. It keeps forgetting the contact images on the threads.
It appears there's no fix so I decided to use Hangouts. Hangouts doesn't seem to be working right either.
When ever I want to send a photo message. It prompts me with what app do I wanna use to find a media. I choose "always" on Photo or Gallery and proceed to send the photo. Then when I wanna do it again it forgot what I had set as default before and prompts me with it again.
Any way to fix that?
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Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
vahdyx said:
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1. Is hangouts fully updated?
2. Are you using a custom ROM?
BretskiSmith said:
1. Is hangouts fully updated?
2. Are you using a custom ROM?
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Yes and no. I'm using stock ROM and the app is running the latest version that's available to me via the Play Store.
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
Try disabling auto updates in Google Play and then downgrade to hangouts v2.4.78234730 . It seems that the new upgrade is losing settings. See productforums.google.com/d/msg/hangouts/OVWO3hrglNo/n5EB8R4s78kJ for instructions on how to downgrade Hangouts. You can ignore the stuff on dialer, probably.
I'm not sure if you are having the same issue since they are different settings but it could be related. Perhaps the new app is losing everything.
Oh hey we can actually close this. It no longer relevant.
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