Help Roms Samsung Lalaxy Ace GT-5839i - Galaxy Ace S5830i Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi Guys,
I'm looking for a good custom rom for my girl GT-5839i.-
Looking for ICS ou JB, preferably CM rom.
Can someone help me with some lights.
I'm quite experiente with Huawei phones but I'm finding a bit complicated dealing with this Samsung especially because of the fórum organization and afraid to mess the phone due to compatibility issues.
Thanks in advance.

Actually, there is no ICS/JB rom for our ace-i, but you can try CyanogenMod 7.2 rom of biel, which you can find here..
And if you want to see all the rom, search in development section.

Thanks a lot.
It's a shame no real dev work being done for this phone

Actually, it's not easy, because we don't have gpu sources, however there is a CM9.1 rom, but very laggy.
Sent from my GT-S5830i using xda app-developers app

This device sucks loo

Djuganight said:
Thanks a lot.
It's a shame no real dev work being done for this phone
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Dude go buy a new phone then, we didn't tell you to buy it. I can't believe you just said no real work done. As all devs are trying they're hardest.(especially biel and his team and sniper killer) I think you should get you lazy as* off that couch and make your own custom rom if all your gonna do is complain

Djuganight said:
Thanks a lot.
It's a shame no real dev work being done for this phone
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How will you define real development work?
This has been said several times that instead of bashing and saying someone sucks, you should see how hard it is and mostly people aren't paid for doing this. You should be grateful to have this much, many devices don't even have this much development.
Howdareme said:
Dude go buy a new phone then, we didn't tell you to buy it. I can't believe you just said no real work done. As all devs are trying they're hardest.(especially biel and his team and sniper killer) I think you should get you lazy as* off that couch and make your own custom rom if all your gonna do is complain
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Other devs are also working hard
And as a common misconception, making custom ROM, or theme or mod isn't development
Just telling you, I mean no disrespect to anyone

Oh, thanks for telling me that!

Biel took almost an year for Cm7, he even bought our phone just for developing. Even I, that don't know much about android, am learning and trying to help. How can you simply spit on everyone's work?
Sent from my GT-S5830i using xda app-developers app

Djuganight said:
Hi Guys,
I'm looking for a good custom rom for my girl GT-5839i.-
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There are no good roms at all for your girl s5839i -_-
Just rott in hell with stock rom.....

Kernelizer said:
There are no good roms at all for your girl s5839i -_-
Just rott in hell with stock rom.....
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its rooted already but I would like to have the no time out option for BT otherwise its always a pain to conect to car system.
This feature is only available from ICS onwards or any good custom rom
PS. ****y device....


Code.Romv2 vs FirstUA-rom 1.1

Hey guys!
I'm using Galaxy ace with KPH , and now i would like to try some new rom. Then i choose these two rom for choice . Can someone tell me which rom is better ?
THX !!
Sent from my GT-S5830 using XDA App
Both are great. Why not just try both then decide later what's best suited for you?
I tried both and like Code Rom much more than UA, because of the battery usage. Tested UA for two days, and in this period I had to charge my phone three times, even though I don't use it almost at all.
It's almost a day from changing to Code Rom and battery usage is brilliant!
My vote goes to Code Rom I didn't like the first version at all, but the second one rocks!
for gods sake, thread like this make devs more annoyed. theres no point in this rom vs that rom thread. just install and decide for urself. geeeshhh
loyal to coderom. i use coderomv1, coderomnexus and now i am using coderomv2. this rom rocks!! ive tried other roms but in the end, i end up flashing back to coderomv2 i think this rom has battery and performance tweak..
It's better close this thread
i just want to know which one is better , i haven't think that this will make dev annoy , i fell sorry for that.....
Sent from my GT-S5830 using XDA App
yes. the devs will be annoyed.
seilent said:
It's better close this thread
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please.. closed
zeil_strife said:
please.. closed
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+1 must closed
Why close immediately, a meaningful comparison can be beneficial.
I don't know why any developer would mind a comparison of their ROM?
It's a chance to check the others, and find ideas for themselves.
henrywhtin said:
Hey guys!
I'm using Galaxy ace with KPH , and now i would like to try some new rom. Then i choose these two rom for choice . Can someone tell me which rom is better ?
THX !!
Sent from my GT-S5830 using XDA App
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I understand you, that you want THE best one. But there isnt BEST one, they all are great. Just go to ROM THREADS and read, what ppl is saying and discussing about ROM-s. Then decide, what ROM is filling your needs. Try it and you see, dose it good for you, if not then you can leave the feedback in that ROM thread, what you think(feedback is good for DEV-s, then they see what can be improved and what not). I think its better way to see what ROM is fill you needs, because we all want something different, then others!
I really don't see a problem with a bit comparison as competition brings forth innovation so sometimes a little pressure can be good, I develop apps for the iPhone and it doesn't get much worst on their forums but some good apps always gets delivered despite the constant comparison. Ace is a growing community tho so I understand the sensitivity of making such comparisons but I'm sure the intentions are good
Sent from my GT-S5830 using XDA App
This is the best ROM:
[ROM] AceROM v1.2

AOSP roms?

Anyone besides CM working on any AOSP roms? I miss it!! Also, I am available to host any files that devs need mirrored.
Ahhhhhhhhhhh...not sure, I hope so tho....I'm sure someone is cooking something up
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
reverepats said:
Ahhhhhhhhhhh...not sure, I hope so tho....I'm sure someone is cooking something up
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
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As current roms stand there are no AOSP roms out at the moment . But also bare in mind root status is still very new , if anything still in its infancy . Give it time and before you know it AOSP will be ready for flashing . I know cyanogenmod was ported to the Sensation already , so I dont think EVO3D will be to far off from that . Some Devs have had roms on standby waiting for root to hit but never had a device to test stability on (even though there were s-off devices running around in the wild) . Like I said give it more time , heck the development thread has already started up with kernal threads and rom threads . The fun is just now begining so kick back and enjoy the ride
I'm not trying to be rude but there's a fee threads on this already.
But yeah first I heard it would be ported and cyanogen wouldn't officially support it then I heard that toastch is working on it. So I can't wait either.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
The only mention I have seen from a Dev for AOSP is....
-viperboy- said:
Hello everyone, welcome to viperROM!
Current Dev Plan:
RC1.3 will have the ability to go "Non-Sense" using my script to remove Sense apps in place of AOSP apps. viperROM Control Script to manage this as well as many other features!
RC2 is going to be a completely reworked base. I won't go into much detail yet, but it's going to be THE FASTEST E3D Sense ROM.
No ETA on any of these but I just thought I would share with you guys my plans at the moment. I will also get some theming work started in one of these upcoming builds.
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I should mention it is currently RC1.2
Supra ROM is the closest to AOSP we got now. Its like AOSP and Sense combined
Topgun966 said:
Anyone besides CM working on any ASOP roms? I miss it!! Also, I am available to host any files that devs need mirrored.
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you fail...
it is AOSP Android Open Source [email protected]◄▲2!á╗☺│~ïzäc±▌7∞pûu←♫↓┐~§
Tilde88 said:
you fail...
it is AOSP Android Open Source [email protected]◄▲2!á╗☺│~ïzäc±▌7∞pûu←♫↓┐~§
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its SOAP
source open, android project
The chefs are in the kitchen, sit back and wait for dinner
vanjangles said:
The chefs are in the kitchen, sit back and wait for dinner
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But I'm hungry!!!!
Appreciate my help? Thank me
DDiaz007 said:
But I'm hungry!!!!
Appreciate my help? Thank me
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Bang your forks on the table!
I'm thinking of banging something else on a table
damn dirty mind
I know SavagedZen will be making an appearance in the near future. Also a brand new solo project from the homie....
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA Premium App
Danny, goes to show how much I pay attention... I just started a thread like this LOL
Here comes the stick up their ass people... " you should have searched blah blah blah"
Oh noes.... The world is going to end
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
Ignore those people.
Appreciate my help? Thank me
Its general you wont get snaps like that here. This place is for fun
fowenati said:
Its general you wont get snaps like that here. This place is for fun
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People get eaten alive in the general forum sometimes. I've witnessed it, and I've survived it. Haha
Appreciate my help? Thank me
DDiaz007 said:
People get eaten alive in the general forum sometimes. I've witnessed it, and I've survived it. Haha
Appreciate my help? Thank me
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Ahah, its much less than Development at least. I don't start threads much so I don't really see it as much
fowenati said:
Ahah, its much less than Development at least. I don't start threads much so I don't really see it as much
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You should've been here like 2-3 weeks ago... It was troll city. People were getting shot, mugged and all the other horrid stuff you can think of.
Appreciate my help? Thank me
DDiaz007 said:
You should've been here like 2-3 weeks ago... It was troll city. People were getting shot, mugged and all the other horrid stuff you can think of.
Appreciate my help? Thank me
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That was my entertainment everyday until we got S-OFF and root.

Hey ACE Users!! Want a whole new ROM??

In this summer vacation, im going to develop a whole new ROM for Gio, Ace, Mini, Fit, its called Luminous ROM, the first step of this ROM are the icons, here they are:
Hope you like them!!
Whays gonna be in my rom:
Whole new icons
Modded tw launcher
Based on 2.3.6
Swipe to remove statusbar
Loads of tweaks
No bloatware
And much much more!!
Please Don announce something
without even have something to do
first make rom
then announce and post
CoolCatGetHome said:
Please Don announce something
without even have something to do
first make rom
then announce and post
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I think you didnt understand me, i wanted to know if thew wanted a whole new rom, because if they want i will make it, and if they dont want, i wont make it
Hope you understand
Pancakes_Gio said:
I think you didnt understand me, i wanted to know if thew wanted a whole new rom, because if they want i will make it, and if they dont want, i wont make it
Hope you understand
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just make it post it
we have over 200 roms on ace threads XD
i seriously dont know what i am saying but good lucks
Of course!! everyone likes a new rom
In xda stuff is not made because the users want it...users will always want stuff its actually made because the developers like to make it
Sent from my GT-S5830
sharing your work would be amazing
thats xda
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
Too many derivative what the mighty Cyanogen said
This was sent from a Galaxy Ace. Problem?
jumbobombo said:
Of course!! everyone likes a new rom
In xda stuff is not made because the users want it...users will always want stuff its actually made because the developers like to make it
Sent from my GT-S5830
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go for it!
make it ill test it LOL,,
winxuser said:
make it ill test it LOL,,
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I don't see the point of this thread. It's like asking people to get million of dollars. If you don't have, why are you asking? If you have compiled a ROM post it in dev section. Posting threads like this is only a thanks hunt. Period.

[Q] [HELP] A newbie to XDA! Hope many would help me. Thanks! :(

I am really new to XDA and I just want to ask for help. I have a Galaxy S Wifi 5.0 and I want to have an ICS rom. Wanna know why? It's because of NBA 2k13 on Android that needs ICS. (
From what I have read to other threads, there are still many things needed to be fix on their ICS roms. Just want to ask for your opinions.
What is the best so far ICS rom that I can put on my device? Also want to know the instructions on how to do it. I'm really sorry for being so new to this. The last time I flash my device to GB is with a help of a friend and he's the one who almost done it all. I'm really hoping someone would help me, gave his/her opinion or even tries to answer my problem.
I really want to thank you all in advance! Thank you also XDA!
king.kong007 said:
I am really new to XDA and I just want to ask for help. I have a Galaxy S Wifi 5.0 and I want to have an ICS rom. Wanna know why? It's because of NBA 2k13 on Android that needs ICS. (
From what I have read to other threads, there are still many things needed to be fix on their ICS roms. Just want to ask for your opinions.
What is the best so far ICS rom that I can put on my device? Also want to know the instructions on how to do it. I'm really sorry for being so new to this. The last time I flash my device to GB is with a help of a friend and he's the one who almost done it all. I'm really hoping someone would help me, gave his/her opinion or even tries to answer my problem.
I really want to thank you all in advance! Thank you also XDA!
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You can check all the ICS roms here:
There's 2 ICS roms (most used) for the 5.0, CM9 and RemICS
CM9(supermaster version):
To install it, You'll need CWM. Because your device is a galaxy s wifi, it must be a intl one so download the rumirand's custom kernel(The instructions are here):
Hope this helps!
zaclimon said:
You can check all the ICS roms here:
There's 2 ICS roms (most used) for the 5.0, CM9 and RemICS
CM9(supermaster version):
To install it, You'll need CWM. Because your device is a galaxy s wifi, it must be a intl one so download the rumirand's custom kernel(The instructions are here):
Hope this helps!
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Thank you so much Mr. Zaclimon! Actually i've been through your thread and read some of it but still some things and terms aren't clear for me. Don't think you would be the first who'll give attention to my question. Will definitely follow your opinion. Again, thank you so much!
king.kong007 said:
Thank you so much Mr. Zaclimon! Actually i've been through your thread and read some of it but still some things and terms aren't clear for me. Don't think you would be the first who'll give attention to my question. Will definitely follow your opinion. Again, thank you so much!
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No problem. If you have question, don't hesiate to ask me!
zaclimon said:
No problem. If you have question, don't hesiate to ask me!
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I'll surely do Sir! Expect it from a newbie like me! And I promise it will not be once, twice or thrice! Haha Thanks!
Remember that no ICS roms support camera.
Sent from my YP-G70 using xda app-developers app
joemhewitt said:
Remember that no ICS roms support camera.
Sent from my YP-G70 using xda app-developers app
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This is so sad. My girlfriend really loves taking photos.
Thanks for answering my question Sir!
Also if you need any help just shoot me a pm. This also applies to anyone as I'm always willing to help
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Premium HD app
Supermaster34 said:
Also if you need any help just shoot me a pm. This also applies to anyone as I'm always willing to help
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Premium HD app
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Thanks Sir Supermaster34! I am also reading about your thread! But also the sad part is about the camera issue. I really want to see my device on ICS but what I am thinking is the camera because of my girlfriend. Also bout the NBA 2k13 on android. I am really confused right now. Haha
Btw, I didn't expect that the masters here in XDA are so approachable! So humble and down to earth! More power to all of you and also to XDA! Thank you so much!
king.kong007 said:
Thanks Sir Supermaster34! I am also reading about your thread! But also the sad part is about the camera issue. I really want to see my device on ICS but what I am thinking is the camera because of my girlfriend. Also bout the NBA 2k13 on android. I am really confused right now. Haha
Btw, I didn't expect that the masters here in XDA are so approachable! So humble and down to earth! More power to all of you and also to XDA! Thank you so much!
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We all started as noobies and people helped us like you're (not all the time but a great part of it). So don't necessary think that because we are devs (or seniors), we can't help you.
king.kong007 said:
This is so sad. My girlfriend really loves taking photos.
Thanks for answering my question Sir!
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I know ICS isn't great without camera but some people are trying to make it here
Sent from my YP-G70 using xda app-developers app
Thank you so much!
zaclimon said:
We all started as noobies and people helped us like you're (not all the time but a great part of it). So don't necessary think that because we are devs (or seniors), we can't help you.
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I just thought this forum would be something like in my country, that some devs just posts instructions and when newbies like me asks for a help or clarification, they would just insist that all of the steps are already in their threads and we should just read it carefully. I am not pertaining to all but some of them are like that. They do not want some interactions or maybe their patience are not that long. I really like to thank you Sir and specially XDA! More power to XDA and all the devs here!
joemhewitt said:
I know ICS isn't great without camera but some people are trying to make it here
Sent from my YP-G70 using xda app-developers app
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I'll also read this thread Sir! Thank you so much! Haha
This is really getting too confusing for me with all the terms and the words that I don't understand. But I will try my best to further understand and I'll also ask for Google's help for some terminologies. Thanks again!

CM 11 + gp 4.2

So the gp 4.0 can get cm11 and other kitkat based roms and the gp 4.2 cannot get them ? C'mon people this is xda do something.
niklus101 said:
So the gp 4.0 can get cm11 and other kitkat based roms and the gp 4.2 cannot get them ? C'mon people this is xda do something.
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THAT is really annoying!
This is XDA, right. XDA is made for developers, hackers, modders, device-increasers,... but definitly NOT for people like you, who use the work from others without being a bit thankful. I mean we're really investing a LOT of time in developing, modding, porting, WITHOUT being payed! This is our hobby, not our job, so dont blame us for it. If you really want CM11 on your player, why don't you develop and learn everything on your own? You may now say "I don't have time for that, I got too much to do" , but we devs also got jobs, other hobbys, girlfriends and families. So maybe start it on your own (that's how I and a lot of other devs began) or don't tell us what to do.
Yours Sincerely,
Androthan said:
THAT is really annoying!
This is XDA, right. XDA is made for developers, hackers, modders, device-increasers,... but definitly NOT for people like you, who use the work from others without being a bit thankful. I mean we're really investing a LOT of time in developing, modding, porting, WITHOUT being payed! This is our hobby, not our job, so dont blame us for it. If you really want CM11 on your player, why don't you develop and learn everything on your own? You may now say "I don't have time for that, I got too much to do" , but we devs also got jobs, other hobbys, girlfriends and families. So maybe start it on your own (that's how I and a lot of other devs began) or don't tell us what to do.
Yours Sincerely,
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i understand my mistake and i will actually try to port it even though i have no idea how to do that
Androthan said:
THAT is really annoying!
This is XDA, right. XDA is made for developers, hackers, modders, device-increasers,... but definitly NOT for people like you, who use the work from others without being a bit thankful. I mean we're really investing a LOT of time in developing, modding, porting, WITHOUT being payed! This is our hobby, not our job, so dont blame us for it. If you really want CM11 on your player, why don't you develop and learn everything on your own? You may now say "I don't have time for that, I got too much to do" , but we devs also got jobs, other hobbys, girlfriends and families. So maybe start it on your own (that's how I and a lot of other devs began) or don't tell us what to do.
Yours Sincerely,
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Dude calm down its okay
Sent from my YP-G70 using XDA Free mobile app
niklus101 said:
So the gp 4.0 can get cm11 and other kitkat based roms and the gp 4.2 cannot get them ? C'mon people this is xda do something.
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Dude they are different devices plus the 4.2 was released AFTER the 4.0. So the support for it isn't as much as the 4.0 and 5.0. I heard that some devs are working hard to port cm11 to the 3.6 and 4.2. I'm grateful that they are. Might be a while but we will likely get it. Until then look at the "holofrenzy ROM" by drakonizer. Its awesome. Reskins your gingerbread to look like cm11 and KitKat. Brought some life to my old galaxy player.
Sent from my LG-LG870 using XDA Free mobile app
VASTLY different devices. If the 4.2 and 3.6 had been using an Exynos3 CPU then they would be getting ROMs in no time, but using OMAP3 CPU effectively limits their processing power and ROM arsenal. You might wanna try porting from Galaxy SL, though.
Sent from Google Nexus 4 @ CM11
niklus101 said:
i understand my mistake and i will actually try to port it even though i have no idea how to do that
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Great, thats how I started, if you need help feel free to pm me

