[Q] Android App Development Help - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Does anyone have any advice on what language people use to program and design their own android apps. I have a really good imagination and i would like to make apps for fast cash to see if i am good at it. Is their a place that teaches code? Any advice would be appreciated.


[Q] Developer Setup

I am looking into starting out in developing Android Apps and modding the Source OS itself. I have had a little search round on here but given the fact it seems impossible to force the search to use the exact search its bringing up hundreds of non-sense results (had to use google to find the modded Google Currents apk on this site).
Anyway what I am interested to know is what environment dev's are using and is it possible to do it all in a Windows OS or is this not a good idea?
Any help very much appreciated with getting good setup from the start and all opinions welcome.
Thanks in advance

Help needed with iOS apps

Hi everyone, I'm working for a real estate company at the moment and they are looking to get an app running on the android platform that we can use at our open homes. There is one on the play store called Open Home Register, but its crap, I paid for it and it doesn't work that well.
There is also one on iOS called OpenHome Pro, I've been in contact with the dev, and at the moment they have no plans to release an android version.
So, my question is, if I got permission, whats the work involved porting the app, or even rewriting to work on the android system, both tablet and phone? On average how much would we be spending on a dev to help us with that?
If somebody could help me that world be great.
Also I should mention that I have permission to work on the Open Home Register app, but the way its working just doesn't make things easier for us, so I thought start again using OpenHome Pro as our base because its a much better app.
Thanks in advance guys/girls,

ever wanted an app for and couldn't find it?

Hi guys,
I'm a young guy who aims to be a software developer for android apps and I can't find any inspiration for an all to develop now that I have a laptop,
So I'm asking anybody and everybody who reads this,
Have you ever wanted an app that doesn't exist ?(and is possible to make)
And does anyone have any other knowledge a noob would need that may be useful?
Thanks in advance for your replies

[Req/Help] New Keyboard App

Hello everyone,
I'd like to ask for some help, i have been thinking for quite a while to make an keyboard app for Android.
It would be able to input Persian/Farsi and English in Android (any lowest version possible)
Have some basic knowledge of Java and thought i'd ask for some help if anyone has time to help me develop this app.
Would appreciate anyone's help in this regard and if you have some guidance that would count towards generously!
I hope i'd not wait long till we'd be able to develop this app.
Many thanks in advance.
Check this, it'll help you to get started (there are another helpful topics in that website, don't forget to check them all).
Good luck.
Every bit is welcome, every single bit counts , i'll have a look at it.
Still waiting for someone to help me with persian keyboard, Got english one from website but need persian one to amend/change.

[Q] unable to access playstore on greek tablet - newbie

Hi to all At my wits end trying all sorts of tricks to get this tablet to work and was told to join this site as it is the best. Basically I bought a 7 inch tablet in Greece and it has a flavour of android on it that can't access the google app store. It uses something called 'slideme market' which is apparently like google apps. from all I've learnt I believe I have to put on a new standard version of android. I know it's called 'rooting' and thats about it ! Can anybody out there point me in the right direction or offer help please. I'm fairly new to all of this... including the use of forums ! I can get any tech info out of the system which is made by 'Crystalaudiovideo' but they tell me there are no plans to upgrade the software as it involves buying licences...Thanks guys :good:

