[Q] What is "DIAL request modified to SS request" - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I own a Xiaomi MI2S, running MIUI-3.8.16 @ Android version 4.1.1.JRO03L with Baseband version CEFWMAZM-2.0.128 017.
From my phone provider (Tele2) i have to dial a 1 (one) before my PIN-code when traveling abroad.
The code is accepted, I can be called and i can send and receive SMS messages.
However i cannot make phone-calls...:crying:
The error (?) is "DIAL request modified to SS request" and (very short) "not connected"
The helpdesk @Tele2 does not know this problem neither the good people @muiandroid.com.
I desperately need some help on this issue.

Linuxghost said:
I own a Xiaomi MI2S, running MIUI-3.8.16 @ Android version 4.1.1.JRO03L with Baseband version CEFWMAZM-2.0.128 017.
From my phone provider (Tele2) i have to dial a 1 (one) before my PIN-code when traveling abroad.
The code is accepted, I can be called and i can send and receive SMS messages.
However i cannot make phone-calls...:crying:
The error (?) is "DIAL request modified to SS request" and (very short) "not connected"
The helpdesk @Tele2 does not know this problem neither the good people @muiandroid.com.
I desperately need some help on this issue.
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Nobody ???

Sent from my MI 2S using xda app-developers app

Its tele2 problem, had the same situationn today on my MI3


X10 2.1 sms issue

Hey all,
Just wondering whether its me or not, but ever since the update if I type a text longer than '1 message(+9) '(weird but cool feature if I must say) my phone will Not send the message no matter what..and as long as I have it under that character limit it works fine...
I'm in australia and with Optus, and I work for them as well so I know it isn't my sim or my account :/
Anybody else had this issue? Because I know currently the samsung galaxy S(2.1) is having compatability issues with texting, but I wouldn't imagine it'd be the same cause...
- Shalz
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
I just did a test text and it worked fine.. 2 messages sent no problems.. (UK Vodafone).. World Generic 2.1 firmware.
just wondering did you update to the optus 2.1 or the generic?
I have a feeling i must be on the generic firmware because i did have 1.6 Rooted prev. to the update
I asked the guys at work about the update today and none of them so far have been able to update...even though i downloaded the Australasian PC Companion.
but even picture messages and everything else works perfectly fine...its just that one thing =/
I have the exact same issue, it happened to me also on 1.6 bu that was more generous and gave me 2 message lengths before it would fail to send. its strange as the first couple of messages i sent on the nordic 2.1 update where fine and they were well over 2 message lengths and then suddenly if i try to send one over 1 message length it fails!!! weird
would love to find the reason to this
Someone found any solution FOR THIS??? Help
It's saying "Could not send" for me, but is actually sending the first 160 characters of the message
Edited to add: I'm on UK Vodafone with the Global Generic 2.1 firmware.
Further edit: I'm able to send long sms to myself, just not my intended recipient...? She's on O2, could this be why?
Even more edit: Just tried sending to someone else and they didn't receive anything?! Very inconsistent!
sms Issue
I have the same issue with my sms, it will not send more than 1 message otherwise the text bounce back saying message not sent, I just upgraded to 2.1 Nordic. The problem did exist when i was on the 1.6 but then the message will not send only if it was more than 2 messages, I am on vodafone uk, my phone was not debranded whilst running 1.6.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
zerro2hero said:
I have the same issue with my sms, it will not send more than 1 message otherwise the text bounce back saying message not sent, I just upgraded to 2.1 Nordic. The problem did exist when i was on the 1.6 but then the message will not send only if it was more than 2 messages, I am on vodafone uk, my phone was not debranded whilst running 1.6.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
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I still haven't found a solution to this, interesting that you're also on UK Vodafone though, maybe it's something to do with them rather than the firmware?
has anyone found solution to this I have Rogers X10a and Telus sim card in it. Can't send sms if its longer than 160 charecters . Please help
I'm having the same problem as well. Any message over 160 characters and it won't send. This has actually resulted in my not being able to send shorter messages after trying to send a message that is over 160 characters. Not sure what is going on here or if there is a setting that can be changed for this.
I'm in the U.S. on AT&T. Used the xda flash to global and rogers and neither would send an sms message over 160 I guess? (it's 2 sms) Did a global firmware to 1.6 and then updated to x10a 2.1 via sony and then tried and it still would not send. It will send through GSM however using the edge network. It must have something to do with the h network then and no I don't get 3g to pop up at the top of the screen ever..
I'm not too sure what the problem is here but it is the only one I am having on my phone, everything else is working great!...
If anyone can help us all out with any ideas or suggestions it would be great but as of now it sounds like it's a problem with the new software from sony. Gonna try messing with the sms apn a bit and see if I come up with anything but as of now 2.1 sms is considered broken in my opinion.:/
im having the same problem. im using chompsms and at the botton, instead of saying 160 char it says 70 and wont send more than two texts long. If the network is changed to GSM only, any size text will send but then internet is slow unless its changed back. AT&T settings were found automatically but they are all correct.
my SE Xperia X10 on 2.1 wont send messages at all. no matter the size. ive tried to send messages like "Hey" or "No" and they dont send. Im with in Canada, with Rogers. And its not my signal because i have 4 bars...
Hi All,
Just wanted to let you know we had this posted on our forum also at talk(dot)sonyericsson(dot)com and I've sent it off to the correct team to find us a solution, or at least get a comment from them. I'll update you all here when I have more info.
Sony Ericsson Answers Team
Jeff-SEAnswers said:
Hi All,
Just wanted to let you know we had this posted on our forum also at talk(dot)sonyericsson(dot)com and I've sent it off to the correct team to find us a solution, or at least get a comment from them. I'll update you all here when I have more info.
Sony Ericsson Answers Team
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Thanks Jeff! As I am having this issue too, awaiting for any news about it...
Hi Everyone,
I've heard back from our team today. This is not a generic problem. I will need information from your phones to pass on so I can duplicate the problem. Please PM me the following details:
Service Provider/Operator:
SI#: (SI is the ####-####.# on the back of the phone)
Did this happen in 1.6?:
Did it ever work on 2.1?:
I need at least 5 examples to pass to the team to move this forward. I will update you when I've collected these.
Hi all,
Ok, found a solution - try this and let us know how it goes, its worked for me!
1. Open dialer and dial: *#*#4636#*#*
2. Select Phone Information from menu
3. Scroll down to SMSC
4. Enter SMS centre number given by your service provider in this box
5. Select Update
I got a "update error" message but it still seemed to save the number, but with " and a 3 digit code after it.
If the above doesn't work, as a short term solution you caould switch to just "GSM" in your network settings and this also works - not ideal, but it's a workaround!
dubbug1971 said:
Hi all,
Ok, found a solution - try this and let us know how it goes, its worked for me!
1. Open dialer and dial: *#*#4636#*#*
2. Select Phone Information from menu
3. Scroll down to SMSC
4. Enter SMS centre number given by your service provider in this box
5. Select Update
I got a "update error" message but it still seemed to save the number, but with " and a 3 digit code after it.
If the above doesn't work, as a short term solution you caould switch to just "GSM" in your network settings and this also works - not ideal, but it's a workaround!
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Didn't work for me, UK Vodafone.
doesn't work for Telus Canada

[Q] SGS2 M250S (Korean version) Can't send SMS: will changing ROM solve this?

I have the Korean version of SGS2. I can make phone calls, receive phone calls, connect via mobile internet and receive SMS but I can't send SMS. Will changing my ROM allow me to send SMS?
The service provider I'm using has the following bands
Service Provider GSM Frequency Band 3G Standard 3G Frequency Band
Globe Telecom 900 MHz/1800 MHz W-CDMA (UMTS) 2100 MHz
The M250S uses a different messaging standard from what i've heard. You can try changing ROM and see if that helps, if not then there's probably nothing much you can do unfortunately.
What ROM would you recommend for M250S?
The usual reason why MMS will not send is no details or wrong details for the Message Centre Number incorrect for network .
JJEgan said:
The usual reason why MMS will not send is no details or wrong details for the Message Centre Number incorrect for network .
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That is a possibility although I can't find a way to change this on the Galaxy S2.
Another possibility is the "unknown" label in the Settings>About Phone>My Phone Number section but I can't find any way to change it.
Got it! It was fixed by changing the My Phone Number in the SIM card which was done via CM (on my nexus s).
Thanks for your help guys!
P.S. Is there a way to close this topic?
More details please I have the same problem!
Hello all and please help,
I have the same situation with my korean SKT carrier phone m250s which I am using in South Korea. Every time I root my phone, I lose the capability to send and receive mms messages. Can someone please elaborate on how to fix this problem? It seems like there is an answer here already, but I'm not sure how to proceed and what exactly to change.
Much thanks
HELP! HyDrOg3nics and unable to read Korean SMS
kurogami207176 said:
Got it! It was fixed by changing the My Phone Number in the SIM card which was done via CM (on my nexus s).
Thanks for your help guys!
P.S. Is there a way to close this topic?
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Are you able to view SMS messages that are in Korean? If so, could you tell me what ROM you're on?
Most recently, I rooted the phone with the red pill kernel and flashed litening rom 1.1 ics. Again the same issue arose. SMS worked fine, but for mms, it would say download, I'd press on it and nothing would happen. Installing and running handscent took care of this problem, but I still get the stock ssm/mms message that says download and it doesn't work!
I'm wondering if skt has fixed it so that when a non-stock firmware / kernel is detected, they disable mms, or imei file is changed.
But to answer your question, yes, I can receive and send files in Korean.
U should stay stock... Only one option use thirdparty apps like GO Sms Pro or so...
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
What are the steps for identifying and entering the correct message center number and settings for SKT carrier in Korea?
Sent from my SHW-M250S using XDA
kurogami207176 said:
Got it! It was fixed by changing the My Phone Number in the SIM card which was done via CM (on my nexus s).
Thanks for your help guys!
P.S. Is there a way to close this topic?
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Hey, I am also facing the same problem. How did you solve it ? What is CM ?
s2s2s2s2 said:
What are the steps for identifying and entering the correct message center number and settings for SKT carrier in Korea?
Sent from my SHW-M250S using XDA
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I think we got a thread for you guys.
Sent from the little guy

[Q] rom miui sms problem

sorry for my English, I use google translator I have a poblem with SMS, I can send and receive.
my operator "PosteMobile," if I try to put a sim with operator "telecom" is okay.
I try to change the SMS center number, but it gives me error.
What can I do?
I tracked down the solution and posted the result in this thread:
cornfruit said:
I tracked down the solution and posted the result in this thread:
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And that will work if the OP is on AT&T. But if he isn't, (which I doubt he is, since he's in Italy, and even said his operator is named "PosteMobile") he should probably look for the SMS Message Center number for HIS carrier and use that instead.
best option my friend telephone your network provider and explain your problem and tell them to set the sms settings for you again. they can do that by sending you the settings by message and all you have to do is save it. just call them explain and they should guide you through your problem

[SOLVED] Other Mobile Operator - SMS Problem - CyanogenMod 10.1 - 4.2.2 - 22-03-2013

Hello to all, :fingers-crossed:
Sorry for my English.
First of all I would like to thank the developers for their hard work.
I have only one problem.
I have a GSM EVO 3D S-Off HBOOT 1.49.007, Root and the new [ROM] [UNOFFICIAL] CyanogenMod 10.1 - 4.2.2 - 22-March-2013.
Everything works fine, also the videocamera (disabling HW Overlay) without 3D.
But I have a problem with sending SMS.
Text messages are not sent ever.
I think I understand the problem, but i ask for help even if it was addressed.
I have an Italian SIM, mobile operator "POSTEMOBILE."
"POSTEMOBILE" uses the Vodafone mobile network to serve its customers.
When the ROM CyanogenMod 10.1 - 4.2.2 locks the mobile operator does not locks Postemobile but Vodafone.
In this way, when I try to send a text message, the phone number of the SMS center is not recognized by Vodafone and returns an error message to be sent.
It 'possible that the problem is this?
And 'possible to fix it?
Grazie a tutti.
I found the solution by searching the various sites.
In particular, I had help from the site Androidiani.it.
The solution is simple.
When you install a ROM ICS or JB the SMS center number is lost.
In order to reset the number you must type a code on the keypad of the phone.
A hidden menu appears.
The code is *#*#4636#*#* (i think that works for all of android)
Now look for the string SMSC and enter the number of the SMS center of your mobile operator.
Apply this setting with the second button... and well done....
Now you can send SMS with ICS or JB...
Thanks to all...:fingers-crossed:
AckyXDA said:
I found the solution by searching the various sites.
In particular, I had help from the site Androidiani.it.
The solution is simple.
When you install a ROM ICS or JB the SMS center number is lost.
In order to reset the number you must type a code on the keypad of the phone.
A hidden menu appears.
The code is *#*#4636#*#* (i think that works for all of android)
Now look for the string SMSC and enter the number of the SMS center of your mobile operator.
Apply this setting with the second button... and well done....
Now you can send SMS with ICS or JB...
Thanks to all...:fingers-crossed:
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Of course thank XDA for all the information provided.
i still have problem
first sorry my english. I have a samsung i9000 galaxy s. 4.1.2 cyanogenmod 10.1. i used *#*#4636#*#* and i wrote my opertor's sms cente number but result "update error". i coudnt save number. and also created a new code from my operator's sms centre number. pls help about us.
gacangura said:
first sorry my english. I have a samsung i9000 galaxy s. 4.1.2 cyanogenmod 10.1. i used *#*#4636#*#* and i wrote my opertor's sms cente number but result "update error". i coudnt save number. and also created a new code from my operator's sms centre number. pls help about us.
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The same problem, and I have "update error" when I enter my mobile #. I still don't receive any SMS, though I can send them.
CyanogenMod 10.1 - WILD FOR THE NIGHT - Mar. 23, 2013 - Sprint
northam01 said:
The same problem, and I have "update error" when I enter my mobile #. I still don't receive any SMS, though I can send them.
CyanogenMod 10.1 - WILD FOR THE NIGHT - Mar. 23, 2013 - Sprint
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Try to do a reboot without SIM and again with the SIM.
Then redo the procedure with the code.
Worked for me the first time.
With Sprint I do not know if it works, try looking CDMA forum.
AckyXDA said:
Try to do a reboot without SIM and again with the SIM.
Then redo the procedure with the code.
Worked for me the first time.
With Sprint I do not know if it works, try looking CDMA forum.
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I called Sprint customer service, and they helped me to fix sms reception issue, by resetting something on their side. It looks like I am getting texts now.
how did you do?
northam01 said:
I called Sprint customer service, and they helped me to fix sms reception issue, by resetting something on their side. It looks like I am getting texts now.
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How did you solve this problem? Pls tell me. I still have problem.
gacangura said:
How did you solve this problem? Pls tell me. I still have problem.
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I explained them I can send SMS, but I can't receive them. Btw, I integrated my Sprint # with Google Voice. Now I keep all my sms and voicemail in my google account. I even turned option to send me an email when sms arrives - you can do it with Google voice.
So, first step the Sprint customer service recommended was to clear all cache and data from all my applications which I use or ever used for sms/texting. I did it before though, and I told them it didn't help. Then, they recommended to delete all message treads, basically all your sms. I did. I didn't worry much about loosing them, because I backed up in "SMS Backup & Restore" app already. Then they asked me to take battery out, and while it was out, they reset (or sent) something on their side for my phone. When procedure was done on their server, they asked me to start my phone again. I did. They sent me test sms, and it worked!!! Now sms work well, and I even receive gmails upon their arrivals.
Not everything is so shiny though, I have a different problem: data drop, but this is a different story, and not resolved for me yet: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2221579.
HTC Evo 3d CDMA (Sprint)
CyanogenMod 10.1-20130324-UNOFFICIAL-shooter
4EXT Recovery

[Q] contacts number isuse

hello all.
i have two huawei devices: G330D and Y300-0000.
in both of them i have annoying problem.
when i get sms message, the message come from the cellular network with the prefix country code (example: +972-54-1111111).
but in my phone contacts it stored without prefix country code (example: 054-1111111).
and when i get incoming sms message although the number is in my contacts, it's not recognized the number.
my question is. which apk in the android os supposed to do the number convert or recognized.
or maybe it's in the kernal code so how can i modified that.
please help i'm desperate.
eran.langa said:
hello all.
i have two huawei devices: G330D and Y300-0000.
in both of them i have annoying problem.
when i get sms message, the message come from the cellular network with the prefix country code (example: +972-54-1111111).
but in my phone contacts it stored without prefix country code (example: 054-1111111).
and when i get incoming sms message although the number is in my contacts, it's not recognized the number.
my question is. which apk in the android os supposed to do the number convert or recognized.
or maybe it's in the kernal code so how can i modified that.
please help i'm desperate.
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