I need help hiding my sim card contacts. I have double contacts with my google account and sim card.
so has anyone noticed that any new numbers entered in the tb is not syncing to you google contact list? i have all settings correct in the syncing settings.. set to google to synch contacts but yet theres no upward syncing going on at all. this worries me because i change androids so often i dont want to loose all my contacts here on on...
has anyone figured out this and how to fix the sync? i hope this is not a sense thing...
any info would be appreciated .. thanks
When I get new contacts I usually export my contacts on to my SD card and when I flash a new ROM i, import from my SD card. Ive noticed my new contacts dont upload to gmail as well.
When you input a contact into the phone, you have to select it as a "Gmail" contact instead of a "Phone" contact. Very easy to miss this option when you are putting a contact in. Once you have the contact in, I don't know of a way to change them to Gmail contacts other than doing some weird import/export thing.
Actually the phone doesnt allow you to pick where to save to.... still so way to get it to sync..
They're the same contacts. I have them both on my SIM and on my Google Account. But the contacts on the google account have pictures, whereas the ones in my sim don't. And it's frustrating. Any way to fix it?
Open the contacts app
Display options
Select what to display. Eg no sim, add Google ones.
Hope this helps
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
Nope. That's for the Contacts app not the message app. >_<
Hello, i have a problem with my contacts!!!
After i flashed checkrom (i did a full wipe, and made sure all my date on my internal sdcard was wiped) everything went perfectly and i was very happy!
But after sending a message, i noticed something strange!! When i go to messages, it doesnt show the contact that is synced with my google account with picture and full name, but shows the contact that is stored on my sim without picture and without the full name (because sim has max ammount of characters in a name)
Does anyone know how to get my google contacts back?
I only show my google contacts in 'contacts' and that works fine
here are 2 screenshots:
ps: i also have no idea why it shows anny jans' google account and the rest sim
just to be clear: I am syncing with both facebook and google. And the problem is not in contacts, but in messages.
I had the EXACT same problem. I ended up deleting all contacts from my SIM card, since with Android, you can sync your contacts to your Google account. That way, the only place the Messaging app can pull contact info is from your Google account.
Just make sure you sync your contacts to your Google account FIRST, before deleting all contacts from your SIM card.
This is only an issue if you plan on going from an Android phone to a non-Android phone, but at worst, you have to manually re-enter all your contact info into your new phone. It will always exist in "the cloud" with your Google account.
i think i fixed it, i first deleted all my sim contacts, than i deleted my facebook account (so all those contacts are gone, they dont need to be on my sim) and then i moved all mmy google contacts back to sim contacts!!
now they are on my sim and i see the correct names, lets hope it stays
Since upgrading my S2 from 2.3.5 to ICS 4.0.3 XWLP7 firmware, i have been having an issue with contacts.
I have the same contact with same number but different names on both my SIM (Eg. Alex/M) and Google account(Alex). In the contact app, i selected to display only Google contacts. Now when i select the Google contact(Alex) and call, the call is made using the SIM contact and the dialer app displays Alex/M instead of Alex. This happens for incoming calls also.
How can i fix this and ensure that the calls are done using only the google contacts?
If i go to the dialer app, select menu->Contacts it displays my SIM + Google contacts, but even on selecting a google contact and making the call, the SIM contact is displayed...
I think that the only way is to modify the name your sim contacts to match the google contacts.. and I think that contacts are always referred to the SIM, as you can make calls,sms and use internet only with SIM
Sent from my hybrid SII with the power of ParanoidAndroid and Fluxi kernel
or you could just delete the sim contacts. if you don't use the sim in another phone where you can't access your google contacts, you really don't need them anymore.
You can either sync your contacts with Google or delete your SIM contacts (remember to back up!)
important contacts on sim
I don't want to delete the SIM contacts as i store only the important ones and if i use another phone i would still have these contacts.
Is this a bug in ics as i have not faced this issue in gb 2.3.5
it happened to me before, even on sms, sim contacts were being displayed, i noticed it because my contact pictures doesn't appear on sms, and when i click it, it shows that it is the sim contacts
i solved it this way
1. make sure that every contacts on sim were imported on your google contact
2. delete all sim contacts
3. now export your google contacts to your sim
4. finally when making a call or receiving sms, google contacts were being fetched
hope this will solve your problem
I customized the display contacts to not show any contacts from SIM, and all my contacts have also been copied to Google contacts. No no contacts should be visible from the sim, however when I search, they are visible. Indeed I got an SMS from somebody that's merged to like 4 accounts including google, google+, facebook etc and my phone still showed that it was received from the contacts on my SIM card!
Now I can't delete my sim contacts (obviously that would be the simpliest solution), however obviously I can't because if my Android phone dies in any possible way, I need to be able to access my numbers from a simple phone...
This is so annoying, because the sim contacts are uncustomized and have a wrong name, so I really want to use the google contact instead of my sim contacts...