[Q] Turbo 3.1 Kernel brightness issue! - Sony Ericsson Xperia Neo, Pro

max brightness is too dim in the turbo 3.1 kernel for neo l! Any solutions?


[Q] please reply SetCpu scaling problem

i flashes check rom revolutionhd v4 on my s2 with kernel darkknight v2.5.2 i installed setcpu but battery level profiles with limited scaling at 50% and then everything was working fine after soemtime when i opened my phone setcpu keeps on changing the scale to max 12000 from 500 no matter what i do any idea?
a little more information is needed.
what governor are you using to control scaling.

[Q] Brightness issue from Galaxy s2 white version

I'm currently using thos ROM & Kernel :
ROM : Exynos v7.1.2
Kernel : [email protected] #7
And I'm wondering why when I use switch to another kernel (speedmod, SiyahKernel etc), the brightness is completly wrong ?
The screen is really darker.
This behaviour also happens when I swith to the last version of the Exynos's rom.
So, I would like to know if the "white" people user also encountered this behaviour?
what you mean? maybe the kernel modify the brightness for battery saving..
if you don't like, you can download brightness widget or set it back manually on your preferred brightness
I'd try to increase the brightness but colours are not the same.
I have feeling that there is something like a filter.

[Q] How can I increase the maximun brightness in Hybrom v16?

I switched from "FXP114 CM9" rom to "Hybrom v16" because CM9 was to buggy, but I noticed that the maximum brightness in Hybrom is much lower than in CM9.
My question: Is it posibble to change the maximun brighness in Hybrom v16?
Thanks in advance. Yours sincerly, halilgoecer.

[Q] Change microphone volume level?

Hi, I recently installed a new JB rom on my xperia play, and now apps like whatsapp have extremely low recording volume. Is there any way to force the levels up?
Device: Xperia Play R800i
Kernel: Lupus JB v13 full
Rom: Racing speed xplay jb

[Q] CPU setting for xperia sola

What is the best CPU setting for high performance to xperia sola... btw am in carbon kitkat 4.4

