[Q] request .587 build number for xperia mini? - Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini, Mini Pro, Xperia Pro, A

what do i need to have a .587 build number?
do i need to flash kernel or need to flash firmware? kindly give a link of it.. thanks
xperia mini
rom: nextgenv8
kernel: kappa v1.6
unlocked bootloader

Flash .ftf firmware through Flashtool
Download link:- http://www.4shared.com/rar/9Tm9JjKL/ST15i_Xperia_Mini__41B0587.html


[Q] how do i root xperia ray(build: 4.1.B.0.431)??

I was hoping to root my xperia ray only to find that my build version(4.1.B.0.431) cant yet be rooted. I tried a lot of ways to root it, bt i just couldnt... Can someone help me out here?? pls...
1.flash .562 Kernel
2.Rebot and Root your device
3.flash .431 Kernel and Enjoy
sule.sashank said:
I was hoping to root my xperia ray only to find that my build version(4.1.B.0.431) cant yet be rooted. I tried a lot of ways to root it, bt i just couldnt... Can someone help me out here?? pls...
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1. Wrong post? There is a Question thread.
2. Search ray forum
3. How to
This is NOT APPRORIATE! ask in the Question Thread!
1. I install Stock Official ROM 4.0.3>Flashtool
> Root > install CWM > Un BL.
2. install Stock Official ROM 4.0.4 > CWM
this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=1679658
Stock Official ROM 4.0.4 :
* Pure Stock
* Removed Regional branding Bloatwaresto make it Global
* Rooted
* Busybox Installed
ROM: Download
Kernel: Stock HERE FW 431 ( OR Sirkays Custom Kernels Works too if you want more)
Baseband: ST18i_8x55A-AAABQOAZM-203028G-72_baseband.ftf (thanks Sirkay)
(Baseband 70 will also do the job)
3. CWM > [THEME][ICS][0.431][0.562] Xperia NXT Transformation pack [v2.00][03.06.2012]
this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=1601742
4. CWM > FRAMEWORK blue for stock ICS 4.1.B.0.431 Theme Xperia NXT Transformation pack v2.00 look ICS blue colour.
This: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...php?p=26955798
Next time read my FAQ instead of posting again and again...

[Q] What are the best Rom & Kernel for Xperia mini ?

What are the best Rom & Kernel for Xperia mini ?
I Have unlocked bootloader and rooted ICS.
I suggest this rom http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1707876
i have locked bootloader so i tried the lite version: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1739569&page=12 they are both good ics roms :good:

help how can i install gingerbread on my live with walkman ICS makes my phone slow

help how can i downgrade my phone ?
follow the instruction to downgrade your phone http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1709880
my phone is live with walkman version 4.1.B.0.431 it is ok if i will download the gb for ray because it has the same version, my walkman phone version is not on the choices for walkman but is has the same version on ray w/c is 4.1.B.0.431
Since rooting directly in 4.0.4 is not possible, one needs to downgrade to a rootable GB ROM to root. (Skip this step if you are already in GB).
To Downgrade, you need to flash an old GB ROM ftf to your device.
Download ftfs from here (taken from ):
Xperia Live with Walkman (WT19i)
!4.0.2.A.0.42 - http://www.mediafire.com/?5ahb85ir7ni0i06
!4.0.2.A.0.58 - http://www.mediafire.com/?4deeznrbldz886u
!4.0.2.A.0.62 - http://www.mediafire.com/?ervpg54922b9c0p
Xperia Ray (ST18i)
!4.0.2.A.0.42 - http://www.mediafire.com/?0oi9t2m0z5p8a9y
!4.1.A.0.562 - Link yet to come.
!4.1.B.0.431 - http://www.mediafire.com/?2j7i7rruqxnui3q
my phone is live with walkman version 4.1.B.0.431 it is ok if i will download the gb for ray because it has the same version
You have to download previous version of rom for LWW if you have LWW! For example .58 or .62
where can in download gingerbread stockroms for live with walkman?

KRSH Kernel v3 for ics plz?

Can some one give me krsh kernel v3 for xperia mini pro sk17i.because the all the links are already dead.i need it to install my real ics r4 backup.
here's friend,
Here you are: http://www.mediafire.com/?h8q1q5svbx9leni. This zip contains wifi modules also, you need to flash them if you want wifi to connect

Firmware D6503_17.0.A.0.228 FTF really nedeeded

Heloo I need Firmware D6503_17.0.A.0.228 FTF Could someone upload this ftf for me ?
I will search for it for you
Thanks did you have this build ?
Whether this build number actually exists for D6503? I am not sure.
Between why you need it?
This was android jelly bean oficially released by sony for xperia z2. This FTF have the developers ( the developers-devices z2 running jelly bean) I need this build more images for this build http://www.karadere.com/blog/sony-x...di-firmware-hardware-and-software-detail.html

