I Need a g-tide e52 rom to use for my bricked phone ,, i bricked it and now it won't boot ,, i need a rom to flash with fastboot
more info how i bricked my phone here -- http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=47061424#post47061424
falf123 said:
I Need a g-tide e52 rom to use for my bricked phone ,, i bricked it and now it won't boot ,, i need a rom to flash with fastboot
more info how i bricked my phone here -- http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=47061424#post47061424
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dont flash anything til u get this sorted out. u need access somehow your bootloader!!
chrisb906 said:
dont flash anything til u get this sorted out. u need access somehow your bootloader!!
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i guess so, but how do i get access to it!? ,, i tried every possiple button combinations and non worked!
I told ya. Download vroot version 1.7. Let me know when u get that done and we will go from there.
Sent from my One X using xda app-developers app
I had an unlocked bootloader with cm9 installed..
then i wanted stock rom so i followed a guide and relocked bootloader and restored original baseband and kernel..
but then when i start my phone then sony ericssion logo appears and it only keeps appearing and after that nothing happens..
i also tried flashtool again but when i try to flash something it says that flashing aborted.. plz help guys as soon as possible :crying::crying::crying::crying:
Hi bro, why and how did you restore your bootloader? Seem lots of similar cases
Try to unlock again. And try to reflash Stock Rom with SEUS. You don't have to relock bootloader to flash Stock Rom, in what guide, which you follow, you read that?
Sent from my X10i using xda premium
Dzufa said:
Try to unlock again. And try to reflash Stock Rom with SEUS. You don't have to relock bootloader to flash Stock Rom, in what guide, which you follow, you read that?
Sent from my X10i using xda premium
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Hello Sir.. i dnt know which guide but i still wanted to restore bootloader.. i cannot unlock again because flashtool is not flashing any kernel to my phone.. Plz help.. i have successfully relocked bootloader and also installed stock kernel but after that i m nt having xrecovery to flash rom nor flashtool is working..:crying::crying::crying:
Bares said:
Hi bro, why and how did you restore your bootloader? Seem lots of similar cases
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Hi bro.. i just wanted donut hd rom again and it was not flashing in unlocked bootloader so i relocked bootloaderusing s1 tool and flashtool but after that flashtool is not flashing any xrecovery or any kenel..:crying::crying::crying::crying:l
Rishabhj.official said:
Hi bro.. i just wanted donut hd rom again and it was not flashing in unlocked bootloader so i relocked bootloaderusing s1 tool and flashtool but after that flashtool is not flashing any xrecovery or any kenel..:crying::crying::crying::crying:l
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Nope, donut HD can be flashed on locked/unlocked bootloader, u should know this.
The reason why i asked u how is : some users relock
their bootloader improperly, and it could brick the phone permanently.
Bares said:
Nope, donut HD can be flashed on locked/unlocked bootloader, u should know this.
The reason why i asked u how is : some users relock
their bootloader improperly, and it could brick the phone permanently.
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Ohh.. u have any solution..??????
And ya also when start phone se logo appers.. but then nothing happens..
Plz help
Rishabhj.official said:
Ohh.. u have any solution..??????
And ya also when start phone se logo appers.. but then nothing happens..
Plz help
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That is bricked phone, so i ask u again :
How you restore your bootloader? detail pls!
Flash stock rom using flash tool. If you can't get flash mode in normal way try this. Take off battery, connect USB to phone, pc, hold back button, insert battery. Good luck.
Bares said:
That is bricked phone, so i ask u again :
How you restore your bootloader? detail pls!
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Hey thanks but today i went to a shop (Nanak communication) and get my phone repaierd he too
450 rupees and also he restored my phone by usking some SETOOL2...
Please Help Guys [Solved]
Rishabhj.official said:
Hey thanks but today i went to a shop (Nanak communication) and get my phone repaierd he too
450 rupees and also he restored my phone by usking some SETOOL2...
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I'm really glad to heared that bro .
To unlock and restore our bootloader we need to
refert to Stock Rom and Kernel ( Official stock),
This is really safe and eassiest way, btw we absolutely no need to restore our bootloader unless for warranty purpose.
Congrate buddy
Hello all!
I need help! I dont know what to do.. I flashed custom rom on my galaxy s iii (Omega 44.1) and than i installed custom kernel (because i was idiot) now my phone dont wanna boot. I tried to recover it.. Now im geting message "firmware upgrade encountered an issue. please select recovery mode in kies and try again" i realy dont know what to do! I puted it on service but they didnt fix it.. They interrupted me warranty. And they want me to pay 300€ to fix it.. Can someone please tell me what to do? I tried whit "emergency firmware recovery" in kies but i dont have backups or recovery code.
Ty for ur time all.
Did you try to use Odin instead and flash Stock ROM? We need more info in order to help you.
djembey said:
Did you try to use Odin instead and flash Stock ROM? We need more info in order to help you.
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How can i Flash stock rom?
Tell me what u need to know? i will give u all information u need.
flash a stock ROM, factory reset
ford-gt said:
How can i Flash stock rom?
Tell me what u need to know? i will give u all information u need.
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You need to learn how to do it. Spoon feeding is bad for you!
djembey said:
You need to learn how to do it. Spoon feeding is bad for you!
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i tried to install rom from here but it found error..
now im downolading stock rom from ur link.. i will post what happen when i will end..
and rly thy for ur help! love u all! (a lot of people would ignor me..)
do i need to download for my country and my operater? is mabie that problem*?
What kernel did you try flashing that caused the problems?
slaphead20 said:
What kernel did you try flashing that caused the problems?
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i dont remeber full name.. it was something on "a" and i fount link to download in omega files apk
ford-gt said:
i tried to install rom from here but it found error..
now im downolading stock rom from ur link.. i will post what happen when i will end..
and rly thy for ur help! love u all! (a lot of people would ignor me..)
do i need to download for my country and my operater? is mabie that problem*?
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Are you from Slovenia? Use this ROM (CSC "MOT")
djembey said:
Are you from Slovenia? Use this ROM (CSC "MOT")
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yea im from slovenija..
im downloading it 54min to go..
ford-gt said:
yea im from slovenija..
im downloading it 54min to go..
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Cool it should work
djembey said:
Cool it should work
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i installed it but.. its not all like it should be.. now its playing me the boot screen like normal but it dont end.. boot scr is replaying all the time but thats all..
Boot recovery and do a factory reset
slaphead20 said:
Boot recovery and do a factory reset
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same.. it stops at boot screen
Samsung Service..... Send it in
djembey said:
Samsung Service..... Send it in
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no need!!!!!! its working!!!! my phone is working!!!!! i restarted it 1 more time and now it work!!
i love u alll!!!! rly ty for ur help!! :******** <3 <3
and one more time ty for ur time!
Greetings from Slovenia
now lets instal cutom rom 1more time xD
ford-gt said:
no need!!!!!! its working!!!! my phone is working!!!!! i restarted it 1 more time and now it work!!
i love u alll!!!! rly ty for ur help!! :******** <3 <3
and one more time ty for ur time!
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Just for future reference, it can take several minutes to boot after a flash so always be patient/walk away/make tea
I bought doodle 3 .
and for this phone there is no custom recovery..no rom no kernel nothing!!
we can only root this phone using framaroot application...please help me ..I want a custom recovery(cwm recovery if possible)..
thx a lot in advance
Shaurya007 said:
I bought doodle 3 .
and for this phone there is no custom recovery..no rom no kernel nothing!!
we can only root this phone using framaroot application...please help me ..I want a custom recovery(cwm recovery if possible)..
thx a lot in advance
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Get it here:
hope it helps my friend :highfive:
joluke said:
Get it here:
hope it helps my friend :highfive:
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I dont know from where he brought cwm recovery..
using mtkdroidtools one can make but how he did I dont know..
also if I bricked my.phone then there is no option to recover!..
is there any tool for micromax such as there is odin for samsung!!
Shaurya007 said:
I dont know from where he brought cwm recovery..
using mtkdroidtools one can make but how he did I dont know..
also if I bricked my.phone then there is no option to recover!..
is there any tool for micromax such as there is odin for samsung!!
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Soft Brick or hardbrick?
Well no idea, i just came here for a kitchen for android and saw your post and gave you some help :/
if you find any way or any post for doodle3 about cwm recovery then plz pm me..and by the way thanks for your time bro
Accidentally format boot loader in Micromax canvas doodle 3 a102
Guys Today i accidentally select the "format whole flash" option in sp flash tool
so automatically it leads to my Micromax Canvas doodle 3 a102 with 512Mb RAM phone without the bootloader
Now my phone does not power on even it is not showing the Micromax logo and battery charging icon
I cannot able to access the recovery mode in my phone
Please please is there any option to recover my cell phone please put the solution to my mail id also mail-id: [email protected]
software version num: V8_0_6
android : jellybean
thats what happens when you do stuff like this without any clue what youre doing. You have a brick, my friend. Good luck restoring it. Micromax sure as hell wont help you, not without a charge
Sent from my SM-N910G using Tapatalk
Hi guys i have problem... tried i dont know what... flashinkernel or something... but now im stuck on ODIN screen with could not do normal boot... is here somebody that can give me stock recovery or something? if u need.. this is my build KTU84P.G360FXXU1ANL3 ... i have this phone for 2 days and its F....
BlackousSE said:
Hi guys i have problem... tried i dont know what... flashinkernel or something... but now im stuck on ODIN screen with could not do normal boot... is here somebody that can give me stock recovery or something? if u need.. this is my build KTU84P.G360FXXU1ANL3 ... i have this phone for 2 days and its F....
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reflash with stock rom
cant find any on internet...actually.. i found one but the download is like 70kb/s ... i thinkits fake ...
Found rom?
BlackousSE said:
cant find any on internet...actually.. i found one but the download is like 70kb/s ... i thinkits fake ...
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Did you found any? Have the same phone, still with stock rom.
syntax74 said:
Did you found any? Have the same phone, still with stock rom.
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yes some guy here on forums posted his image files .. i used them with odin i think... but then i have been gettin that ****ty knox popup message to restart device... by officially updating my device i removed it.. now downloaded kingroot and its rooted
This is it
i deleted the system apps without making a backup of the rom... i dint unlock the bootloader yet... the phone got bricked as a result... im unable to use the phone... it is getting struck.. please help me out guys....
Install stock ROM using LG tool maybe?
Sent from my Bell Mobility SM-G920W8 using Tapatalk
killer2208 said:
i deleted the system apps without making a backup of the rom... i dint unlock the bootloader yet... the phone got bricked as a result... im unable to use the phone... it is getting struck.. please help me out guys....
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oh oh oh i was in the same situation for 2 months...when ever i tried to unbrick it gets worse until tonight.. i unbricked my p765 ;_;
i will love to help you just pm me or post reply i will help