[Q] Please help with a generic Android TV Box VNR785 - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello and welcome to my 1st post!
I have been doing a lot of scouring this site's forums and guides trying to find my answers, but to no avail, but apologies if this is in the wrong place or has already been asked/answered.
I have recently purchased a cheap android tv box which has someone's custom rom etc loaded on it, running Android gingerbread 2.3.7.
I would like to use it for streaming video from websites and using some uk tv service apps, for example 4OD - so nothing to strenuous.
I have been trying to root the device in order to get some apps to work, and to generally learn more about Android, however the firmware seems to be really locked down already to prevent this, there is no option to turn on usb debugging as there is no developer tab under applications for example!
All the 1-click, no PC type rooting apps i have tried have failed as well.
Can anyone offer any advice how I can do this, or reload a more open rom onto the box, or anything really!
There was no manufacturer or anything on the outer case, but I have attached 2 screenshots with all the info I can find out about what kind of device it is and what it is running.
I realise this has become a bit of a long ramble, but I really would appreciate any help going, either by reply or PM.
Thank you very very much.


[Q] How to use your device as a media center at home?

Hello all!
Before I ask my questions, I would like to say thank you to everyone on the forum. While I haven't posted anything before now, I have been a heavy user of XDA and have learned more than I had ever anticipated. To list all those I have followed or have provided me with some great information would take weeks so please accept my general thanks to everyone!
Now, I have searched high and low on this forum for a solution to my situation and have failed miserablly. If anyone can provide me a solution, link or point me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it!
I am currently using 2 devices and about to add a 3rd. My main phone is a Samsung Captivate which has been rooted. I'm running CM7 w/ the GLITCH Kernal and too many mods to list. My second device is the Samsung Infuse which is completely stock. My next device is the HTC Vivid which I have no clue what will be done to it.....
What I would like to do is use my phone as a media hub. I would like to be able to walk in to my house, plug my phone in to my TV via HDMI and then pick up a tablet or my computer and be able to control the media on my device over my secure wifi connection.
I know I could plug my laptop into my TV and control my the media on my laptop via my phone but that has it's limitations as well.
So the scenario:
I walk in and connect my device to my TV. Grab my laptop/tablet and start my music or a movie and be able to respond to text messages.
I know I'm asking a lot but any assistance would be great!

[Q] LG Optimus LTE root (Japanese version)

Hello guys,
I have been reading this forum for quite a while and found a lot of useful information here.
So, first of all thank you to all the guys who put some hard work in developing those programs to make our lives and our smartphones better!
So here goes nothing. Just got this LG Optimus LTE phone some days ago.
And it is packed full with apps I don't need and that Docomo prevents us to remove them. Thanks to this the batteries goes bye bye even faster than expected.
So I would love to get root access to get full control.
like: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1376233&page=6
I read some threads, followed some methods -like 4 or 5 different ones- but nothing worked so far... Anyone who had success in that matter?
Really want to get an Optimus LTE (L-01D) but need to know I can root it first.
type this URL in your browser: i can't post links yet. logsoku.com/thread/anago.2ch.net/smartphone/1324176244/
these guys seemed to have tried everything. Scroll to #45, doesn't look like the Japanese version can be rooted.
they tried a bunch of things as well but to no avail.
I'm just curious, but the reason why I want to root it is so that I can get the nook app on it so I can read. I was able to use VPN to download apps on my HTC Desire HD, but when i got the Arrows Tab LTE, i wasn't able to use VPN to get the Nook app. is it possible with the Optimus?
hyphy_bears said:
Really want to get an Optimus LTE (L-01D) but need to know I can root it first.
type this URL in your browser: i can't post links yet. logsoku.com/thread/anago.2ch.net/smartphone/1324176244/
these guys seemed to have tried everything. Scroll to #45, doesn't look like the Japanese version can be rooted.
they tried a bunch of things as well but to no avail.
I'm just curious, but the reason why I want to root it is so that I can get the nook app on it so I can read. I was able to use VPN to download apps on my HTC Desire HD, but when i got the Arrows Tab LTE, i wasn't able to use VPN to get the Nook app. is it possible with the Optimus?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I don't use this app, so that would be a tough question to answer.
Thing is, since docomo pretty much installed and configured the phone as they liked -with a crappy Home, slow as hell, that can be changed though- I am wondering if they would charge you extra for tethering.
They might have installed something to check on that. But this is just a random guess.
After a lot of research, I found this thread:
h t t p : / / houchi.net/products/l01-root
I tried and I successfully managed to root my phone following the instructions.
Heads up, it's all in Japanese BUT, if you just download the archive file and read the content of the files at the root of the folder with a text editor, you can just copy/paste the different instructions to make it work.
If it's too much trouble for some people, contact me and I will try to put the instructions somewhere else in english and with the Mac version of command line (really the same as for Linux).
Did not have time to have fun with it yet, but I removed some of the crap that the carrier bundled with the phone.
I will still have to look why it takes forever to start comparing to a Galaxy S for example (4 minutes is way too long...).
i tried and not successfully, only install Supper Use. You can explain for my by English, more more details
superuser wont work without root, try gingerbreak?

[Q] Wolvol netbook

Hello Everyone,
First off, thank you all for your part in this oh-so informative community you have built. It has answered many questions I have had in the past. I have created a account in hopes that I can get some help with a recent netbook that I got as a bitrthday gift.. It's a Wolvol 10 in netbook, running Android 4.0.4. I like the system well enough but it doesn't support video playback (i.e. netflix, hulu +, hbo go..). I am not super tech savy, and just recently got my first android phone which introduced me to the world of roots & roms. So, im here looking for direction/advice on how to take full advantage of my machine. In the settings it lists "About my Tablet", so im not sure if I can find a root that will work searching elsewhere, or if I need a custom ROM. I will give any info on the netbook that I can if it helps me in my goal.
Thank you again.
Anyone? Please? Bueller?
I just did some searching for this and unfortunately found absolutely nothing on it. So it doesn't support any video playback? Sorry but I don't see netflix ever working on it without an development community or unless it get's an update for it.
It will play YouTube and most video off sites directly, but with Hulu: it will download the app off playstore. When opened it gives the message "Device not supported [142]. We're sorry, but video playback on this device is not currently supported". On netflix: I can download the app off the playstore but when I open it does nothing. HBO Go: Supprisingly the app works perfectly. I hadn't tried downloading it yet under the assumption that it would be same as netflix. So that's a plus. Still would be nice to make use of my other video services though. Guess I will keep my fingers crossed for either a system update, or app updates. Thanks for looking into it
I also go this as a gift. Any rom or any development for this netbook?
password help
Hopefully somebody on here can help... My daughter got what i believe is a white WolVol 10.1" netbook that she got from a friend before we moved out of town. Well heres the dilemma, She forgot her password and now we can not get into the netbook. I tried pressing ALT f10 or f8 and nothing pops up except the android symbol. Ive tried to push the reset button on the bottom of the netbook and still nothing ive exhausted all of my options here please help me out so i can help my daughter out...

[Q] Yet another ranty Sky Go thread

Hi all. I hope you're having a lovely Easter. I wonder if any of you geniuses can help.
I want to watch Sky Go at a friend's house this weekend (Sky Sports F1). I have three very different devices, none of which will work and I wondered if anyone had any ideas:
1. Nexus 5.
While this runs Sky Go just fine, whenever I use my slimport-to-hdmi adapter to connect to a TV, it stops working. Does anyone know a way round this? It's not rooted so cannot use the Virtual HDMI switch workaround. Is there a workaround without rooting?
2. Android HDMI dongle - (Official device name is "pov tv-hdmi-200bt")
I bought this in Maplins a while ago and is great. I installed "Sky Go Tablet" on it, but when I go to use it, it *****es at me about the device being rooted, so it won't work. I've not rooted it! So I've no idea what it's on about. I've tried two different Hide my Root type apps, and neither work - probably because it's not really rooted, and Sky Go just thinks it is?
3. My Lenovo T410 laptop, running Windows 8.1
Sky Go doesn't appear to work on Windows 8.1 on Lenovo laptops yet, and no-one on any forum appears to know why this is. I've used Chrome, IE and Firefox, and numerous versions of Silverlight, and still get the error 't:6036/ c:4110' when I attempt to stream. No proxies or firewalls in place etc etc.
Does anyone have any advice?
I realise this isn't an Android device, but it's still about Sky Go.
If anyone has any bright ideas as to how to fix any of the three problems above, I'd love to hear from you.
Apologies if any of these have been resolved in other threads - I've done numerous searches and couldn't find anything.
Thanks everyone, and happy Easter Friday.
Hiya, did you ever find a work-around with getting the SKY GO to working using HDMI?

[Question] How to pack a rom and flash for smart display

Hi guys. Not sure if I'm in the right sub but I'm desperate for help.
I've had a Lenovo smart display 8 and it was working okay before. I did not use it for some time until I moved back to my country lately.
I tried to set it up and it seemed to update to the latest firmware. Voice works but I noticed that the screen isn't responsive. Thinking that something was wrong, I tried to reboot the device but it didn't get any better, so I tried resetting by holding +/- buttons. It went through the setup process again but now at the final step, it won't go any further. It looks like a bug that has disabled the touch screen imo. I've searched and found a lot of people having the same issue with not just lenovo but also nest hub. Do anyone have an idea how we can flash an older firmware to fix this?? (I'm not in the US btw, so I can't send it to service center. And the device isn't distributed in my country so I doubt whether local support could help. I don't want it to become a paperweight) It gets even more frustrating that the device is connected to wifi network and can receive audio cast, even youtube cast but the screen will only show Almost done! Finish setup.
I've tried to collect resources across the internet. There is open-source from lenovo website. File in tar.gz and I don't know how to compile it into an img file for flashing. There is another thread when someone posted a system dump in another thread, but it's not active. I wonder which one to use and further steps to make it work. Can anyone with expertise help me, please??
This is from Lenovo site
https://smartsupport.lenovo.com/vn/...-home/lenovo-smart-display/downloads/ds504927The other topic post
Smart Display System Dump or APK
Hey, guys - I've been scouring everywhere whether anyone has been able to perform a system dump of a Smart Display device. Since the Home Hub is using Cast as its method of being display I'm almost positive it won't be able to be engineered on...
Thank you for reading and thank you more if you could drop me some support<3<3

