Tinted status bar - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I saw that I can have status bar tint on my phone with Xposed. Okay, I installed that and installed Tinted Status Bar app, but I can't get it to work. It always stays the same or sometimes it becomes all black.
Why is this? :/ Android 4.0.4 (stock)

momircar said:
I saw that I can have status bar tint on my phone with Xposed. Okay, I installed that and installed Tinted Status Bar app, but I can't get it to work. It always stays the same or sometimes it becomes all black.
Why is this? :/ Android 4.0.4 (stock)
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Not exactly "Off Topic", and it always helps to tell people what device you are using too.
Report your thread and ask a mod to move it.

LOL I don't know how to report on mobile My device is ZTE Blade III

Anyways, is there any alternative?


[Q] X720 Status Bar Transparency

hey guys I am a little confused with making the status bar in froyo 2.2 transparent. Would be great if someone could help me out.
I understand that the file "statusbar_background.9.png" is responsible for the statusbar transparency.
I have 2 questions:
1) Even when I put in a 100% transparent statusbar_background.9.png into my framework-res.apk file, the status bar still shows a shade of rectangle. I've read other posts and they all could successfully implement a 100% transparent status bar without the rectangular shape.
2) This problem did not happen in 2.1. Now, in froyo 2.2, while the status bar is transparent in the lockscreen, it becomes black when I unlock the screen.
or could I be doing something wrong? are there anything to edit in the xml files?
This has to be allowed in services.jar Don't know where in this phone, but it has to be there.
i just rooted my device. then i unstall stock221v13-bugfix-3.
at this time i wanna install themegs.
but i don't know how to install.
do anybody explain particularly??
oddo1907 said:
i just rooted my device. then i unstall stock221v13-bugfix-3.
at this time i wanna install themegs.
but i don't know how to install.
do anybody explain particularly??
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Don't Spam! and Do Not hijack threads!! plus this question should be in general!
2) This problem did not happen in 2.1. Now, in froyo 2.2, while the status bar is transparent in the lockscreen, it becomes black when I unlock the screen.
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Which launcher do you use?
For example launcher pro doesn't support a transparent status bar- I used a morph to make it transparent but it just changed to grey- locked its transparent.
I searched a little bit and the problem is launcher pro. It cuts the wallpaper so the back of the status bar is not the wallpaper but the color of the drawer- so it stays black.. or at least grey... I cannot really explain it to you- just google a little bit- it is a well known issue of launcher pro.

Help! Status bar staying solid blue

Xperia z3v with prerooted 5.0.1. Using lolistat from xposed. When Im on my homescreen my status bar is staying solid blue and my nav bar is suppose to be transparent not black. Its really iritating and I cannot figure out how to fix it. Any help would be great!
Brohanskeee said:
Xperia z3v with prerooted 5.0.1. Using lolistat from xposed. When Im on my homescreen my status bar is staying solid blue and my nav bar is suppose to be transparent not black. Its really iritating and I cannot figure out how to fix it. Any help would be great!
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Lolistat makes your status and nav bars match the colors of other apps. Gives it a more android 5.0 look.
Brohanskeee said:
Lolistat makes your status and nav bars match the colors of other apps. Gives it a more android 5.0 look.
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Try removing it and see if the bug goes away. Not all Xposed mods work perfectly, especially on our phones when it's considered an overall different device than the rest of the Xperias.
Tried it and it didnt work.
Brohanskeee said:
Tried it and it didnt work.
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Your best chance is to just reflash the prerooted ROM and start clean there. You will still keep most of your data (phone logs and apps), and if there are apps you froze, it will stay frozen. What you will have to do is reflash the Xposed installer and framework and all the other mods to get back to where you want to be before you installed this mod bug.
Brohanskeee said:
Xperia z3v with prerooted 5.0.1. Using lolistat from xposed. When Im on my homescreen my status bar is staying solid blue and my nav bar is suppose to be transparent not black. Its really iritating and I cannot figure out how to fix it. Any help would be great!
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Mine is also blue on the home screen (matches other apps fine). Very jarring appearance. Otherwise phone seems to be smooth and operational. Just enabled Advanced Calling 1.0 (assuming this is VoLTE/HD Voice).
I came from stock 4.4.4, no root.
EDIT 2: Further info - looks like you and I were both using Google Now Launcher. If you revert to default launcher, everything should look normal.
EDIT 1: I just changed my "Theme" from Xperia (changing colors) to white, and the notification bar is now grey/white. Seems like probably it's related to the changing color theme and the inability to have a color-changing notification bar. Too bad they didn't default it to black instead of bright baby blue. It's also coordinated with the color of your settings app, which is blue using Xperia theme.

[Q] remove battery percent sign (%) form statusbar

hi guys. i tried it with Gravitybox but 5 second after it remove, it appears again. what should i do? any app or systemui modifimodification ?
Settings>Battery>Scroll down too "Percentage on status bar" move slide to disable
i think you don't have eyes to read the title
U Want to remove %. Thats the way u do it.
but.. nice insult.
r u kidding? it remove battery percentage not percent symbol
Ok my bad kid.
What version of Android are you running and do you have/ do you want to have Xposed installed?
official 6.0.1. xposed v80 by wanam is installed
That's a good start then chap. I'm sure there's a module called flat bar icons, or something like that, that allows you to change all the icons on the notification bar, I used to have it but never delved to deep into it. I think that allows you to lose the percentage sign.
yes flat style bar indicator is a good app tnx.
No worries man, hope it solves your dilema
this app is great. but still there is one thing that annoying me. stock statusbar icons' color automatically change from white to black when statusbar become white, but flat style don't have this feature.
so i'm looking for solution. also i'm thinking about editing systemui to remove percent sign and adding other feature to statusbar. Do you know any post or threat to helps me about it?

How to remove status bar gradient

Hey guys,
is anyone out there who can tell me how to get rid of the black gradient in the status bar?
For example in the picture it should only be in red color like the app is at the top. No gradient.
skrippi said:
Hey guys,
is anyone out there who can tell me how to get rid of the black gradient in the status bar?
For example in the picture it should only be in red color like the app is at the top. No gradient.
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I've been looking for a way to do this for a while and I figured out a work around
What you will need
-xposed installer
-a module called tinted status bar
First install the module and reboot ... Now go into the module and go to settings UNCHECK respect kitkat api
... Then go to Google in the apps list and change all activities to number 0000000 in both nav and status bar.... The find the lock screen app and do the Same the result should be this
If I need to install the framework it's not gonna work. I am not gonna root my phone. THat's the tricky part of it.

[Xposed][MOD][5.0+] Force black nav bar

I just got an Android 11 phone and to my dismay some older apps that display generally in a dark theme have an unmatching ugly white nav bar. This module turns nav bars black.
source: https://github.com/arpruss/xrecolor
apk download: https://github.com/arpruss/xrecolor/blob/main/app/release/app-release.apk?raw=true
What phone, and can you make a semi transparent black for light and dark mode nav bar option
toolhas4degrees said:
What phone
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I have a OnePlus 9. But the xposed module will hopefully work on any Android 5.0 or higher phone.
toolhas4degrees said:
, and can you make a semi transparent black for light and dark mode nav bar option
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It could be done, but since the apps won't be adapted for it, it might well obscure some app buttons at the bottom of the screen, so I am not inclined to do it. But if you want to, you can take the source code and just change opacity = 0xff to whatever you like in Hook.java.
arpruss said:
I have a OnePlus 9. But the xposed module will hopefully work on any Android 5.0 or higher phone.
It could be done, but since the apps won't be adapted for it, it might well obscure some app buttons at the bottom of the screen, so I am not inclined to do it. But if you want to, you can take the source code and just change opacity = 0xff to whatever you like in Hook.java.
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In laposed what is supposed to get selected in scope system framework and systemui?
Or do I need to select every app that has a white navbar?
toolhas4degrees said:
In laposed what is supposed to get selected in scope system framework and systemui?
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Only the apps you want to modify.
arpruss said:
I just got an Android 11 phone and to my dismay some older apps that display generally in a dark theme have an unmatching ugly white nav bar. This module turns nav bars black.
source: https://github.com/arpruss/xrecolor
apk download: https://github.com/arpruss/xrecolor/blob/main/app/release/app-release.apk?raw=true
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Finally, one that works. Tried on my Samsung Note 9 on Android 10. Thank you for sharing this module.
Edit: Turned out, it interferes with a button on my installed calendar app. I can't click a button at the bottom. I had to un-select my calendar app in LSposed. For my other apps, this module works fine so I still use it.
I just added two nav bar options in addition to black:
- 50% translucent
- match status bar (white when status bar is whitish; else black)
arpruss said:
I just added two nav bar options in addition to black:
- 50% translucent
- match status bar (white when status bar is whitish; else black)
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Hi arpruss, I can't find the settings to get to these added navbar options.
Can you guide us how to get to those options?
Thank you.
XTrail02 said:
Hi arpruss, I can't find the settings to get to these added navbar options.
Can you guide us how to get to those options?
Thank you.
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Tap on "Navigation bar."
Thank you. I found it
Hi @arpruss , would you consider adding another option for the nav bar to match the status bar color? For example when status bar is blue then nav bar is blue also.
Works perfectly on Oreo, thanks a lot
Hey, sorry for multipost but I wanted to push it to the top..
I'm on Oreo with the last, fully working version of Xposed as magisk module.
I noticed that some apps fail to "acknowledge" the navbar with your module enabled and that results in bottom bar,if they have one, being behind it and not being able to see or use it.
Can you please look into this issue?
Thanks for the module, I've been looking for something like this. Been using Nacho Notch to simulate something similar.
Seems like it can create some oddities in some apps. For example I've enabled it for YouTube (Vanced) and when I try to post a comment it refuses to show the comment box above the keyboard. Very odd issue, but it's fixed when I disable the module.
Also I cannot force the statusbar to be black?
I'm on Android 10 with an Xperia 5 ii
Kocane said:
Thanks for the module, I've been looking for something like this. Been using Nacho Notch to simulate something similar.
Seems like it can create some oddities in some apps. For example I've enabled it for YouTube (Vanced) and when I try to post a comment it refuses to show the comment box above the keyboard. Very odd issue, but it's fixed when I disable the module.
Also I cannot force the statusbar to be black?
I'm on Android 10 with an Xperia 5 ii
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Yeah, I had the same problem.
Some apps even don't show the bottom menu if they have it.
It's really a pity cause I use both navbar customized with GravityBox and Xposed Edge for gestures and can't imagine my life without both of them lol ;P
So I have to bear the white navbar for now
What if I want some black navbar to white?
zyguo said:
What if I want some black navbar to white?
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Uninstall the app

