Anybody can tell me how to change e symbol to h by any xposed module. Plz help
Its easy buddy
U can do it in extract systemui.apk
And go to
Res/drawabel 320 ldpi
Is E delete it and rename the H one to e
Ie ---h.png
I just rooted my primo gh+ device for change my notification style.So i replace SystemUI.apk and than restart my device automatically. But from this time my primo gh+ show that "Unfortunately,SystemUI has stopped.
So please help me by give me suitable SystemUI.apk for my primo gh+
Thank you for reading my post....
How could i make my own cusrom? Im confused on editing at notepad++ only, idk what ive to change or add...
Master tell me please, i use xperia m2 dual
Hi every one,
it's my first post but i am working with apk tools (apk manager , multitool etc) approx one year. (I'm using now AndroidMultitool 3.5.6 )
i have a problem with an apk, when i want to decompile Settings.apk of lenovo tablets, resources.arsc file not decompile and copy to Settings folder automatically, and cannot recompile it.
i was copy that manually from original Settings.apk the file resources.arsc an re compile successfuly, but it not working on tablet!
please answer & help me dear developers.
A3300hv files for decompile/compile : h t t p s : / / w w w .
help me
hi guys.
i am currently working on a rom but i Think that the systemui needs to be bigger
i tried to change the whole dpi of everything in build.prop, however i got to many fc's of other apk's because of that.
so now i want to know how to change the dpi ONLY of the decompiled systemui.
It would e very nice from u if u can help me there
i dont want to use xposed since i will do that for my rom
a thx in advance
I have a Xiro Xplorer V drone, and they updated the app and now it the max altitude is 400ft. I would like to change it but don't know enough about decompiling a apk to do it so any help would be great. If a developer can help me do this i will definitely donate to them. Thanks again for any help