Insert unlock code without having an unsupported sim card - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

So i just got my unlock code from my carrier after having my s2 for 2 years... thing is i have no other sim card to insert so as to unlock it, my close friends all have my same carrier. is there any way to insert the code without having to insert a not supported sim card ? thanks !



XDA won't recognise SIM card present

Having followed all the instructions to unlock my XDA, and (I believe) doing it correctly, it still won't accept my SIM card and comes up with the error message:-
A SIM card is required, contact your service provider. Insert SIM and enter PIN.
I am on a vodafone contract, any ideas what the problem might be
The SIM card you are using draws more than the standardised current. Unfortunately not all SIM card vendors conform to the standard.
Change SIM cards or try with external power.

Help! Sim card not recognized

Hi I have an HD2 now in my hands and unlock code but when I put the sim card in the phone not the sim card identifies me as if I had not put anything.
Inzombie said:
Hi I have an HD2 now in my hands and unlock code but when I put the sim card in the phone not the sim card identifies me as if I had not put anything.
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Try to change a sim card for fresher on a date of issue.
Or try other sim card.
To reveal a problem only this card or with all so.

[Question]after change sim card...

hello, im wondering about this:
for example im using only one sim card and I have put pin code, is it possible to make a code that after u change sim card on my phone you need to enter current sim card code and then in addition also phone code before turning on the phone?

[Q] sim card

it there any benefit to unlock the sim card .

sim card pin code nedeed !

hi every one
i searsh for tool or any idea to baypass or remov sim card pin code ?

