please help if you got Gpe or 4.3, touchscreen settings. - Sony Xperia Z Ultra

Can anyone with gpe or 4.3 post a screen shot of your touchscreen settings file called
Located at
max1187x_touchscreen_0.idc in the /system/usr/idc directory
Thank you

one better? pulled from 4.3 system:
# Device Type
touch.deviceType = touchScreen
# Touch Filter
touch.filter.level = 2
touch.filter.path = /system/lib/touchfilter/
touch.filter.tftype4.Enabled = 1
touch.filter.tftype4.AssumedDelayFactorA = -11.71
touch.filter.tftype4.AssumedDelayFactorB = 12.53
touch.filter.tftype4.AssumedDelayFactorC = -0.81
touch.filter.tftype4.MaxSpeed = 0.036
touch.filter.tftype4.PositionFactorA = 0.2
touch.filter.tftype4.PStablePositionFactor = 0
touch.filter.tftype4.DirectivePriorityFactor = 0.95
touch.filter.tftype4.LatestSpeedWeight = 0.9
touch.filter.tftype4.GapResolver = 0.8
touch.filter.tftype4.OrgSize = 8
touch.filter.tftype4.AccSize = 8
touch.filter.tftype4.AddInitialAcc = 1
touch.filter.tftype4.DefaultInitialAcc = 0
touch.filter.tftype4.DragRangeSize = 3
touch.filter.tftype4.NoAccDistanceMin = 15.0
touch.filter.tftype4.NoAccDistanceMax = 580.0
touch.filter.tftype4.NoAccRate = 0.3

Thanks! It's the same as the one I'm on right now. My touchscreen goes crazy sometimes, especially during gaming. Trying to see if there was any difference.

Sashin said:
Thanks! It's the same as the one I'm on right now. My touchscreen goes crazy sometimes, especially during gaming. Trying to see if there was any difference.
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On advice from @hamdogg I've adjusted the touch.filter.level to 4. Made a big improvement.
Sent from my C6833 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

SpyderTracks said:
On advice from @hamdogg I've adjusted the touch.filter.level to 4. Made a big improvement.
Sent from my C6833 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Yeah, mine is set at 5. It's much better then before, but still goes nuts once in a while. Especially when gaming.


[Tweaks] - Adjustments build.prop [11/09/2011]

The time changes in build.prop walk testing, here are some improvements ...
They can also be applied to stock roms!
The optimization can vary from one device to another (I believe)! : Confused:
Be careful not to duplicate lines!
If you do not have the line, you can add it to end!
For the changes you need a file manager (with root access)
How: Go to System / build.prop build.prop and open with text editor and add (if not already) or change for better results!
Just made ​​the changes save and exit and restart the machine!
Note: I am not responsible for killing your phone! Use at your own risk! It is indicated by guarantee having a backup!
1. Increase to 100% quality JPG
Code: = 100
2. render UI for GPU
debug.sf.hw = 1
3. Decrease delay dial
ro.telephony.call_ring.delay = 0
4. Help answer scroll (higher the value, the answer scroll!)
windowsmgr.max_events_per_sec = 150
5. battery Save
wifi.supplicant_scan_interval = 150
pm.sleep_mode = 1 = 1
6. Disable debugging notification icon in the status bar
persist.adb.notify = 0
7. Increase the overall touch response
debug.performance.tuning = 1
video.accelerate.hw = 1
8. Signal (3G) tweaks
Code: = 2 = 10 = 1 = 1 = 10 = 1 = 1 = 4294967295 = 14449 = 5
9. Net speed settings
net.tcp.buffersize.default = 4096,87380,256960,4096,16384,256960
net.tcp.buffersize.wifi = 4096,87380,256960,4096,16384,256960
net.tcp.buffersize.umts = 4096,87380,256960,4096,16384,256960
net.tcp.buffersize.gprs = 4096,87380,256960,4096,16384,256960
net.tcp.buffersize.edge = 4096,87380,256960,4096,16384,256960
10. Disable the animation to boot faster startup
debug.sf.nobootanimation = 1
11. Phone will not wake up by pressing the volume
ro.config.hwfeature_wakeupkey = 0
12. enable JIT
13. disable JIT
14. enables lockscreen to unlock menu button (true = false = enable and disable)
ro.config.hw_menu_unlockscreen = false
15. disable black screen after a call
ro.lge.proximity.delay = 25
mot.proximity.delay = 25
16. Fix some application issues
17. Photos and videos with the recording quality
Code: = 8000000 = 8000000
There are some other tweaks, so far posted only tested by me! If anyone has any better or any setting is only post I will be making additions and changes! Enjoy!
Credits Jazux Knzo and the same!
Sorry for poor English!
Nice work that you got them all together! /sarcasm
To bad you did not link to the original topic and give proper credits for the man that searched for hours and hours to make a complete list
Sent from my Optimus 2X using xda premium
owain94 said:
Nice work that you got them all together! /sarcasm
To bad you did not link to the original topic and give proper credits for the man that searched for hours and hours to make a complete list
Sent from my Optimus 2X using xda premium
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Yes, nice work. I don't care about the original link as long as this particular one is the one that helps ME.
So thanks, this was helpful!
owain94 said:
Nice work that you got them all together! /sarcasm
To bad you did not link to the original topic and give proper credits for the man that searched for hours and hours to make a complete list
Sent from my Optimus 2X using xda premium
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Ok! As the credits!
They were not taken from only one site.
Owain shut up, because the ones like you people dont want to develop for minis and you will scare away another dev/programer
Sent from my U20i using XDA Premium App
Driveskull said:
Owain shut up, because the ones like you people dont want to develop for minis and you will scare away another dev/programer
Sent from my U20i using XDA Premium App
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Ehhm excuse me?
Chill out man you don't know me
And I don't scare him away
I just told the man to give proper credits
the tweaks he post are nice tweaks...
But it is nice to see some credits
Gustavo RD78 said:
Ok! As the credits!
They were not taken from only one site,
sorry, it was not my intention!
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No need to sorry was just saying you know
Sent from my Optimus 2X using xda premium
Nice to see Owen94 around in mini forum .. he was the most exiting developer for mini .. newbies should think before commenting on recognized developers like him...
Sent from my X10mini using XDA App
anything from this topic has effect on miniCM7 2.1.1 with new kernel?
llava said:
anything from this topic has effect on miniCM7 2.1.1 with new kernel?
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Yes, I did several tests and all those who tried were successful!
But you can guarantee to keep a backup ... : P
I want to change the audio bitrate in video recording.
possible to make code for this or no?
I tried except 4,6,10,11,12,13,14,15 and then my ES file explorer got this problem. It won't open and prompt force close

Ruby script

I am in an introduction to programming class and have some questions on a script I am working on. Anyone familiar with the Ruby
(.rb) language. Thanks
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
Not really sure why this is in the Rezound QA...
I'm not familiar with Ruby (other than just looking at some code a few times)... but what's the issue you're having exactly?
lol I figured I would get that exact response, but it seemed like a good place to ask to be honest. I have this set of code here, Im not cut out for programming and was looking for help this is the pseudocode for the project I am working on.
codes = ['.-', '-...', '-.-.', '-..', '.', '..-.',
'--.', '....', '..', '.---', '-.-', '.-..',
'--', '-.', '---', '.--.', '--.-', '.-.',
'...', '-', '..-', '...-', '.--', '-..-',
'-.--', '--..','.----', '..---', '...--',
'....-', '.....', '-....', '--...', '---..',
'----.', '-----']
f1 ="index.txt", "w")
f2 ="index.txt", "r")
Initialize line_length = 0
while character = fin.getc
if index = chars.index(character.upcase)
Print code to fout
Print " " to fout
line_length = line_length + code.length + 2
elsif character == " "
Print " " to. fout
line_length += code.lenght + 4
if line_length >= MAXLINELENGTH
Print new line character to fout.print "\n"
Reset line_length to 0
Basically the goal is to print letters and numbers to a documnet labeled idex.txt but the user input characters would be translated in morse code in the txt document
zkrp5108 said:
lol I figured I would get that exact response, but it seemed like a good place to ask to be honest. I have this set of code here, Im not cut out for programming and was looking for help this is the pseudocode for the project I am working on.
codes = ['.-', '-...', '-.-.', '-..', '.', '..-.',
'--.', '....', '..', '.---', '-.-', '.-..',
'--', '-.', '---', '.--.', '--.-', '.-.',
'...', '-', '..-', '...-', '.--', '-..-',
'-.--', '--..','.----', '..---', '...--',
'....-', '.....', '-....', '--...', '---..',
'----.', '-----']
f1 ="index.txt", "w")
f2 ="index.txt", "r")
Initialize line_length = 0
while character = fin.getc
if index = chars.index(character.upcase)
Print code to fout
Print " " to fout
line_length = line_length + code.length + 2
elsif character == " "
Print " " to. fout
line_length += code.lenght + 4
if line_length >= MAXLINELENGTH
Print new line character to fout.print "\n"
Reset line_length to 0
Basically the goal is to print letters and numbers to a documnet labeled idex.txt but the user input characters would be translated in morse code in the txt document
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So your taking input and converting to Morse code then logging it to a text document? Never tried that language but it looks similar to visual basic.
If so, I don't see a loop set up to parse through the input string. You will need to iterate through each character, then I'm assuming there is a separate class (or function?) that will return the Morse code for each character.
Sorry I've only ever used c++ and java
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda app-developers app
Squirrel1620 said:
So your taking input and converting to Morse code then logging it to a text document? Never tried that language but it looks similar to visual basic.
If so, I don't see a loop set up to parse through the input string. You will need to iterate through each character, then I'm assuming there is a separate class (or function?) that will return the Morse code for each character.
Sorry I've only ever used c++ and java
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda app-developers app
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Yea Im really bad at this, I was super excited to learn it but its not going well. I cant think in a rules and order kinda thing, I'm just more free thinking I need to be able to change stuff to however I want. So I just don't understand what I am looking at lol.
zkrp5108 said:
Yea Im really bad at this, I was super excited to learn it but its not going well. I cant think in a rules and order kinda thing, I'm just more free thinking I need to be able to change stuff to however I want. So I just don't understand what I am looking at lol.
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Well I'm self taught I guess it's just a personality thing lol. Basically think of coding like this : write this program : make a pb+j sandwich, literally write down EVERY step you need to do in order to make it... Kinda weird analogy, but depending on how deep you go that could end up being tens of thousands of lines of code.
So in your case write down on paper EVERY step you need to do to get morse code from the input and write it to a text file. That will be your pseudocode now you need to translate that into code. Remember Google is your friend when you need to find the syntax needed to do what you want.
Wish I had more free time and experience in ruby to help
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda app-developers app
Easiest thing to do, will be to loop through the entire input string and parse each letter at a time. Had to do a morse-code conversion program in several older languages (Pascal, Fortran, Ada, C, C++) for my Programming Languages course last semester. Pseudocode was something like:
Get input from user (or parse an input file).
Store input into a string (or a string array if multiple lines).
Loop through string and check each letter individually and look up what the morse-code equivalent is.
Store the morse code equivalent in a new string inside the loop.
When you hit the end of the string (end of the loop), save the morse string to a file.
In the loop, checking each individual letter, a case statement (or if else-if else's) will be the easiest (more typing, but easier logic).
So, for example, here's a C++ version that I wrote for my class last semester:
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cctype>
using namespace std;
string search(char character);
int main()
string encryptionString = "";
string morseString = "";
cout << "Enter a sentence, containing only letters and blanks \nand ending with a period, to convert to morse code: " << endl;
getline(cin, encryptionString);
//remove ending period, if it exists
if(encryptionString[encryptionString.length() - 1] == '.')
encryptionString.erase(encryptionString.length() - 1);
for(int i = 0; i < encryptionString.length(); i++)
encryptionString[i] = toupper(encryptionString[i]);
int index = 0;
while(index < encryptionString.length())
if(encryptionString[index] != ' ' || encryptionString[index] != '\n')
cout << " ";
morseString = search(encryptionString[index]);
cout << morseString;
cout << endl;
morseString = "";
cout << "\n\nPress enter to exit...";
return 0;
string search(char character)
string returnString = "";
if(character >= 65 || character <= 90 )
case 'A':
returnString = ".-";
case 'B':
returnString = "-...";
case 'C':
returnString = "-.-.";
case 'D':
returnString = "-..";
case 'E':
returnString = ".";
case 'F':
returnString = "..-.";
case 'G':
returnString = "--.";
case 'H':
returnString = "....";
case 'I':
returnString = "..";
case 'J':
returnString = ".---";
case 'K':
returnString = "-.-";
case 'L':
returnString = ".-..";
case 'M':
returnString = "--";
case 'N':
returnString = "-.";
case 'O':
returnString = "---";
case 'P':
returnString = ".--.";
case 'Q':
returnString = "--.-";
case 'R':
returnString = ".-.";
case 'S':
returnString = "...";
case 'T':
returnString = "-";
case 'U':
returnString = "..-";
case 'V':
returnString = "...-";
case 'W':
returnString = ".--";
case 'X':
returnString = "-..-";
case 'Y':
returnString = "-.--";
case 'Z':
returnString = "--..";
return returnString;
For you, you would instead print to a file instead of print to screen. You'll need to look up the exact syntax for Ruby, but should be easy.

[Q] Help developing a looping video live wallpaper

I'm a very new Java developer, having started learning it last month specifically for this project. I have fifteen years of development experience, but it has almost all been web related (html, JS, JQuery, ColdFusion, etc), so this is a major paradigm change that I'm having trouble wrapping my head around.
Anyway, I'm attempting to create a movie-based live wallpaper to sell on the app store. I have a 15 second mpg (or 450 png frames) derived from some rendered artwork I did, the bottom 35% of which has motion (the rest remains relatively static). I'd like code flexible enough to handle future animations as well, though, as I just rediscovered Vue and may do other videos where the entire frame has motion.
My initial attempts are detailed on my Stack Overflow question at: (link removed due to forum rules; findable with the title: How do you create a video live wallpaper).
That post, in short, boils down to having tried these different approaches:
Load frames into a bitmap array and display on canvas in loop; excellent FPS but hundreds of MB of memory use.
Load frames into byteArray as jpgs and decode during display; clocking in at only 10 FPS at 60% cpu usage on powerful hardware, but with good memory usage.
Load tiled sprite with all 450 frames in AndEngine as a texture and display; went oom while trying to allocate 200 MB of memory.
AndEngine again. Load tiled jpg with 10 frames into sprite, load next tiled jpg into a second sprite, every 400ms hide one sprite and display the second, then load the upcoming jpg into the hidden sprite; rinse, repeat. Attempting to decode in a makeshift buffer, essentially.
I feel like maybe method 4 has promise and am including the code I'm using below. However, every time the sprites are swapped out the screen freezes for as long as a second or two. I tried adding timers between every line of code to determine what's taking so much time, but they almost always come back with barely a millisecond or two taken, leaving me confused about where the freeze is occurring. But I don't understand AndEngine well yet (or even Java) so I may be doing something completely boneheaded.
I'd welcome any thoughts, whether a refinement on an existing method or a completely new idea. I've had a horrible time trying to find tutorials on doing this, and questions I find here and on SO generally don't offer much encouragement. I just want to get this thing finished so I can concentrate on the heart of this project: the art. Thanks!
As an aside, how much work would this be (ie: how much would it cost) for an experienced developer to create a template for me? I wouldn't mind paying a small amount for something I can keep using with future animations.
public void onCreateResources(
OnCreateResourcesCallback pOnCreateResourcesCallback)
throws Exception {
scene = new Scene();
// Water
waterTexture = new BitmapTextureAtlas(this.getTextureManager(), 1200, 950, TextureOptions.BILINEAR);
waterRegion = BitmapTextureAtlasTextureRegionFactory.createTiledFromAsset(waterTexture, this.getAssets(), "testten1.jpg", 0, 0, 2, 5);
waterTexture2 = new BitmapTextureAtlas(this.getTextureManager(), 1200, 950, TextureOptions.BILINEAR);
waterRegion2 = BitmapTextureAtlasTextureRegionFactory.createTiledFromAsset(waterTexture2, this.getAssets(), "testten2.jpg", 0, 0, 2, 5);
water = new AnimatedSprite(0, 0, waterRegion, this.getVertexBufferObjectManager());
water2 = new AnimatedSprite(0, 0, waterRegion2, this.getVertexBufferObjectManager());
mHandler.postDelayed(mUpdateDisplay, 400);
private final Handler mHandler = new Handler();
private final Runnable mUpdateDisplay = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
public void changeWater() {
mHandler.postDelayed(mUpdateDisplay, 400);
if (curWaterTexture == 1) {
Log.w("General", "Changed texture to 2 with resource: " + curWaterResource);
curWaterTexture = 2;
curWaterResource = curWaterResource + 1;
if (curWaterResource > 4) curWaterResource = 1;
String resourceName = "testten" + curWaterResource + ".jpg";
waterRegion = BitmapTextureAtlasTextureRegionFactory.createTiledFromAsset(waterTexture, this.getAssets(), resourceName, 0, 0, 2, 5);
water = new AnimatedSprite(0, 0, waterRegion, this.getVertexBufferObjectManager());
} else {
Log.w("General", "Changed texture to 1 with resource: " + curWaterResource);
curWaterTexture = 1;
curWaterResource = curWaterResource + 1;
if (curWaterResource > 4) curWaterResource = 1;
String resourceName = "testten" + curWaterResource + ".jpg";
waterRegion2 = BitmapTextureAtlasTextureRegionFactory.createTiledFromAsset(waterTexture2, this.getAssets(), resourceName, 0, 0, 2, 5);
water2 = new AnimatedSprite(0, 0, waterRegion2, this.getVertexBufferObjectManager());

Display of the LG G2 much better with Color Control

Hi, I want to share you my Color Control Settings, it increases for me the Quality of the LG-Display very much:
R/G/B = 256
Saturation = 75
Value = 111
Contrast = 135
Hue = 4
I hope I could help anybody

Processing MotionEvent from stylus on Android

Hello everybody
Unfortunately, I have too few post to make a thread in the " Android Software Development" forum. I would be very happy if this post can be moved to it.
I'm using an Android 5.1 tablet with a stylus (also supporting pressure). The below code shows how I process a motion event from the stylus. I have read about it in the Android documentation but it is still not that clear to me what exactly happens.
Especially historySize and pointerCount are unclear to me. Why is there a pointerCount, i.e. several position and pressure values? That a history has a certain size (i.e. historySize) is clear to me but why do we have this history?
So let's say I have one event from my stylus. In my understanding this event should just produce one position and pressure value but with the below code it can (and will) generate several values. Why?
Also the timestamps are not that clear to me. All values in the pointerCount-Loop have the same timestamp (timestampEvent) but every value in the history has a timestampOffset. How can I get the difference in milliseconds between the timestampOffset and timestampEvent?
Or should the stylus events processed in another way than I do?
Thank you very much for the answers and have a nice weekend.
public static void processMotionEvent(MotionEvent ev) {
long timestampEvent = ev.getEventTime();
String action = MotionEvent.actionToString(ev.getAction());
float offsetX = ev.getRawX()-ev.getX();
float offsetY = ev.getRawY()-ev.getY();
final int historySize = ev.getHistorySize();
final int pointerCount = ev.getPointerCount();
for (int h = 0; h < historySize; h++) {
long timestampOffset = ev.getHistoricalEventTime(h);
for (int p = 0; p < pointerCount; p++) {
float positionX = ev.getHistoricalX(p, h) + offsetX;
float positionY = ev.getHistoricalY(p, h) + offsetY;
float pressure = ev.getHistoricalPressure(p, h);
for (int p = 0; p < pointerCount; p++) {
float positionX = ev.getX(p) + offsetX;
float positionY = ev.getY(p) + offsetY;
float pressure = ev.getPressure();

