Sprint Framily: Q&A + Codes - Sprint HTC EVO 4G LTE

Has anyone switched to the new Framily plans? It seems like a decent value, but I'd like to hear from someone that has seen the expected bill.
The wife and I have a plan a few years old - 1500 min + unlimited mobile calling + unlimited text and data. We do have a discount on the account (for several years now), but the discount is only applied to the primary line ($110 * 20% = 22 credit) and not the Add-a-line. After taxes, fees and insurance our bill is about $170 a month.
The Framily plans information indicates $70 per line (for two phones + unlimited data). I am wondering if their accounting scheme would remain the same, so that they only apply the discount to the primary line (thus a $10 credit) rather than to both.
I rather expect that those who switch to the new plan scheme will not be able to view the new accounting changes until after Feb 10th, but I thought I would float this thread until someone with info pops up.
Or if there is a secret Sprint insider that could fill us in, that would be good too.
Also, I'm curious about the new annual upgrade scheme, but I don't think that enough information is out there.
Thanks for the feedback peeps.
Update: I saw that some are posting their Framily codes on other threads. This seems like it can only help you, especially if you are a two-person bill, like myself. There is a place on Sprint's Framily website to check the discount rate of the Framily ID.
If you are willing to share your Framily ID, I encourage you to post it below, along with the number of people currently in your group.
Update 2: I got responses from @sprintCare regarding NVP discounts and the Framily plans, confirming what AFSOC_Commando said: NVP discounts only apply to the data plan on a Framily account.
I also confirmed that only 1 NVP discount per account, and they are treating the Framily ID as the account. Therefore if my wife and I are on one bill, I get the discount, she does not. Take this into consideration when it comes to upgrade time.

So You're at $140.00 before taxes and fees? Aren't you paying 129.00 before taxes and fees now?

Dredz said:
So You're at $140.00 before taxes and fees? Aren't you paying 129.00 before taxes and fees now?
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I neglected to specify the things that would not change if I altered my plan [TEP+Repair] nor did I include the $10 per line premium data fee. I don't think it can hurt to post this image, but maybe it will help someone else to choose an optimum plan. By treating secondary [tertiary] lines as add-ons Sprint justifies not applying the corporate discount.
Before taxes I'd say I'm about $150 including insurance.
On the Framily plans I estimate that I would end up paying maybe $2 more a month

Personally, based on what I see, I don't see an advantage changing your plan unless you're forced to. I have a very similar plan except I don't opt-in for the TEP/repair cost. And not to hijack your thread, but when was the last time you actually used the TEP/repair service? You'll save about $260+ ever year, that's like a new phone in savings. And if your phone happens to break (not obvious abuse e.g. cracked screen) Sprint would replace it for $50 without insurance. (I did this with my wife's phone when her S3 was acting up). Anywho, I think it's great that you bring this up as I'm in the same situation and my upgrade is coming up next month so I might want to change plans if their is an advantage (which I can't readily see). I'll keep an eye on this thread
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2

puhiniho said:
Personally, based on what I see, I don't see an advantage changing your plan unless you're forced to. I have a very similar plan except I don't opt-in for the TEP/repair cost. And not to hijack your thread, but when was the last time you actually used the TEP/repair service? You'll save about $260+ ever year, that's like a new phone in savings. And if your phone happens to break (not obvious abuse e.g. cracked screen) Sprint would replace it for $50 without insurance. (I did this with my wife's phone when her S3 was acting up). Anywho, I think it's great that you bring this up as I'm in the same situation and my upgrade is coming up next month so I might want to change plans if their is an advantage (which I can't readily see). I'll keep an eye on this thread
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
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Oh, hijack all you want. I've replaced my EVO LTE twice, the EVO 4G once, the Touch Pro was replaced with the TouchPro2 - which was cool at the time - and that was shortly after I enrolled in TEP. My wife has replaced her EVO LTE once, and maybe her EVO before that. So we've gotten a value out of it, but I know that they are soaking us, it's really ridiculous.
I don't think that there is much chance of us Framily saving us much money, but I think I would like to be locked in to the annual upgrade perk before they do away with it again.

I called today about the Framily plan as I'm out of contract right now. I was under the impression that the framily plan acted just like the web-site seems to lay it out...55 for me, 50 for the next person, 45 for third....so on and so on. It sounded pretty good since, once you're enrolled, you get a group id that you can give to people and when they sign up, they join your group.
So, here's what I actually found out when I called *2 and talked to a rep...
First off, there's no contracts, so you can have people join and leave at any time. However, when someone joins, it can take up to 2 months for the billing to be adjusted to show your "multiple people group savings". So basically, if two people join in January (they should be at $50/mth) but you might not see the savings until March. When person 3 joins in March, you might not see the additional savings until May/June. If one person drops, everyone's bill will increase to account for that loss of a person on the plan.
It's an additional $20/line for unlimited data.
Only people NOT currently in Sprint can join. When I brought up that the website says there's options to allow others in Sprint to join, the rep said that there have to be certain circumstances, which after going round and round, basically mean that whoever joins your group needs to be out of contract. If they're not, they'll have to pay an additional fee (a pro-rated fee??) based on the cost of their device.
There's no phones or upgrades or discounts or anything else when you go to the framily plans. If you want a new phone, you have to pay full retail price for it or you can do a 24 monthly payment for said new phone. Also, when you want to purchase a new phone, there's a deposit that must be paid in addition to the 24 monthly payments, which include monthly tax on the full cost of the device. I asked for an example, supposing I wanted the new S5 when/if it ever comes out at a price of $500. So my monthly bill would be 55/mth service (1 person) + 20/unlim data + 25 (500 phone charge + 45 in taxes divided by 24 months) plus an UndeterminedDeposit for switching to a new phone and a 15 upgrade fee. If you leave the framily plan, you owe a fully payment for rest of retail cost of phone.
Personally, it's not worth it for me. I want a new phone, and I have the two year discount to use. If I were to switch to the framily plan, I'd lose that discount, and most of the people I know that would join are in areas where sprint is piss-poor, or they're jumping ship for Tmobile. The rep I was talking to said that I could probably use my two year discount for a new phone THEN switch over to the framily plan. Trouble with that is that if after two years I'm still on it, and want to change phones, it'll be a heavy cost.
BTW - I was on the 450min+unlimited everything else plan which doesn't exist any more. So the rep moved me to the Unlimited minutes + Unlimited4LifeData for $80/mth (change to my bill was .01¢ increase). Didn't extend, didn't change contract, etc...just gave me unlimited minutes for a penny more per month.

sindawe said:
I called today about the Framily plan as I'm out of contract right now. I was under the impression that the framily plan acted just like the web-site seems to lay it out...55 for me, 50 for the next person, 45 for third....so on and so on. It sounded pretty good since, once you're enrolled, you get a group id that you can give to people and when they sign up, they join your group.
So, here's what I actually found out when I called *2 and talked to a rep...
First off, there's no contracts, so you can have people join and leave at any time. However, when someone joins, it can take up to 2 months for the billing to be adjusted to show your "multiple people group savings". So basically, if two people join in January (they should be at $50/mth) but you might not see the savings until March. When person 3 joins in March, you might not see the additional savings until May/June. If one person drops, everyone's bill will increase to account for that loss of a person on the plan.
It's an additional $20/line for unlimited data.
Only people NOT currently in Sprint can join. When I brought up that the website says there's options to allow others in Sprint to join, the rep said that there have to be certain circumstances, which after going round and round, basically mean that whoever joins your group needs to be out of contract. If they're not, they'll have to pay an additional fee (a pro-rated fee??) based on the cost of their device.
There's no phones or upgrades or discounts or anything else when you go to the framily plans. If you want a new phone, you have to pay full retail price for it or you can do a 24 monthly payment for said new phone. Also, when you want to purchase a new phone, there's a deposit that must be paid in addition to the 24 monthly payments, which include monthly tax on the full cost of the device. I asked for an example, supposing I wanted the new S5 when/if it ever comes out at a price of $500. So my monthly bill would be 55/mth service (1 person) + 20/unlim data + 25 (500 phone charge + 45 in taxes divided by 24 months) plus an UndeterminedDeposit for switching to a new phone and a 15 upgrade fee. If you leave the framily plan, you owe a fully payment for rest of retail cost of phone.
Personally, it's not worth it for me. I want a new phone, and I have the two year discount to use. If I were to switch to the framily plan, I'd lose that discount, and most of the people I know that would join are in areas where sprint is piss-poor, or they're jumping ship for Tmobile. The rep I was talking to said that I could probably use my two year discount for a new phone THEN switch over to the framily plan. Trouble with that is that if after two years I'm still on it, and want to change phones, it'll be a heavy cost.
BTW - I was on the 450min+unlimited everything else plan which doesn't exist any more. So the rep moved me to the Unlimited minutes + Unlimited4LifeData for $80/mth (change to my bill was .01¢ increase). Didn't extend, didn't change contract, etc...just gave me unlimited minutes for a penny more per month.
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Careful with this part. If I read it right, if you do that (get a new phone using your upgrade, which would put you into a 2yr contract), and THEN switch, I think they will charge you an additional 15/mo since you are on contract, for a max of 12 months, additional 180$ (15$ *12mo)

sindawe said:
I called today about the Framily plan as I'm out of contract right now. I was under the impression that the framily plan acted just like the web-site seems to lay it out...55 for me, 50 for the next person, 45 for third....so on and so on. It sounded pretty good since, once you're enrolled, you get a group id that you can give to people and when they sign up, they join your group.
So, here's what I actually found out when I called *2 and talked to a rep...
First off, there's no contracts, so you can have people join and leave at any time. However, when someone joins, it can take up to 2 months for the billing to be adjusted to show your "multiple people group savings". So basically, if two people join in January (they should be at $50/mth) but you might not see the savings until March. When person 3 joins in March, you might not see the additional savings until May/June. If one person drops, everyone's bill will increase to account for that loss of a person on the plan.
It's an additional $20/line for unlimited data.
Only people NOT currently in Sprint can join. When I brought up that the website says there's options to allow others in Sprint to join, the rep said that there have to be certain circumstances, which after going round and round, basically mean that whoever joins your group needs to be out of contract. If they're not, they'll have to pay an additional fee (a pro-rated fee??) based on the cost of their device.
There's no phones or upgrades or discounts or anything else when you go to the framily plans. If you want a new phone, you have to pay full retail price for it or you can do a 24 monthly payment for said new phone. Also, when you want to purchase a new phone, there's a deposit that must be paid in addition to the 24 monthly payments, which include monthly tax on the full cost of the device. I asked for an example, supposing I wanted the new S5 when/if it ever comes out at a price of $500. So my monthly bill would be 55/mth service (1 person) + 20/unlim data + 25 (500 phone charge + 45 in taxes divided by 24 months) plus an UndeterminedDeposit for switching to a new phone and a 15 upgrade fee. If you leave the framily plan, you owe a fully payment for rest of retail cost of phone.
Personally, it's not worth it for me. I want a new phone, and I have the two year discount to use. If I were to switch to the framily plan, I'd lose that discount, and most of the people I know that would join are in areas where sprint is piss-poor, or they're jumping ship for Tmobile. The rep I was talking to said that I could probably use my two year discount for a new phone THEN switch over to the framily plan. Trouble with that is that if after two years I'm still on it, and want to change phones, it'll be a heavy cost.
BTW - I was on the 450min+unlimited everything else plan which doesn't exist any more. So the rep moved me to the Unlimited minutes + Unlimited4LifeData for $80/mth (change to my bill was .01¢ increase). Didn't extend, didn't change contract, etc...just gave me unlimited minutes for a penny more per month.
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Based on what you describe it seems like I'd better stay in the boat that I'm comfortable in. I didn't realize that they would no longer subsidize the cost of the phone. If the new HTC One 2014 is $650, and my wife and I both got one, then we would end up paying an additional $27/month each on top of the Framily plan. That sounds an awful lot like a $225/month arrangement, and that sucks.
Yeah so I'll keep my existing plan probably.
Thanks for the input.

I actually just went through this yesterday I upgraded to the note 3 through easy pay and was switched to the framily plan the advantage of the framily plan is dependent on how many people you have on a line it goes down 5 dollar increments every person you add starting at 55 dollars plus 10 for 3 gig of data or 20 for unlimited the lowest you can pay is 20 dollars per line plus data if you have 5 people which is a GREAT deal BUT if your like me with only 1-2 people then there is not point in changing and if you have a discount it's is now applied to the data plan rather than the whole plan so you get less taken off HOWEVER this is such a new plan there is MASS confusion among sprint everyone will tell you something different I actually upgraded with easy pay switched to framily in the store and then called customer service and switched back to my everything data 450 that I was grandfathered into since 2009 some will say you can switch it and some will say you can't depends who you talk to*
Sent from my SM-N900P using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

Yeah. I agree that there's a lot of confusion about it. It does seem like it is only really worth it if you either don't want to upgrade phones with a discount OR you have a lot of ppl to join right off.
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk

sindawe said:
Yeah. I agree that there's a lot of confusion about it. It does seem like it is only really worth it if you either don't want to upgrade phones with a discount OR you have a lot of ppl to join right off.
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk
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I converted my current contract to a FRAMILY and went from $151 a month after taxes to $130 since I have 2 lines and only kept mine on unlimited data. Wife uses under 500MB a month.
I then posted my Framily code and last 4 of my number on Fatwallet, Slickdeals and Framilycodes.com and had 10 people under my account within 12 hours and now have a bill of $70 per month plus taxes.
You can locate Framily codes on Ebay and craigslist as well for free.
I am expecting most people to stay for at least 2 years due to the fact that most people will finance their new equipment for 2 years and must pay it off immediately if they cancel service. Sort of an ETF if you will. I expect more service to go this route. All your MNVO's and T-Mobile use this model of paying for your own equipment non subsidized like the rest of the globe.
If you must swap phones regularly then you could swap every 6 months if you desire and recover some of your phone value on Swappa and buy your next device. The math does come out cheaper for many people.

I got this response from @sprintCare on twitter:
If you currently receive an NVP discount of any kind, if you convert to Framily that discount only applies to data.
Previously, on one NVP discount could be applied to a shared account. Since they are now discounting only the data of the user that gets the discount I have asked if each Framily user could apply an NVP discount. When they respond I will update this thread.

Another update from @sprintCare

SPRINT FRAMILY ID F00193227hd friends and family id code save $ - $45 (ANYWHERE)
go to the sprint website
sprint.com/framily and click on framily, enter my ALL LOWER CASE
F00193227hd or call sprint for more details 1-888-211-4727
Everyone has a seperate account and get their own bill, only thing we share and enjoy is the discount.
here is my Framily ID if anyone is looking to join. We have few more spots left so just call in and give them this id. You don't need any other info just the framily id. By Friday I will have 5 lines on this plan. ALL LOWER CASE
The pricing tiers are as follows
1 People in my group $55 Per month per phone
2 People in my group $50 Per month per phone
3 People in my group $45 Per month per phone
4 People in my group $40 Per month per phone
5 People in my group $35 Per month per phone
6 People in my group $30 Per month per phone
7-10 or more People in your group $25 Per month per phone
you can also reach me via Google hangouts windst.88

Sprint Customer for 4+ years
Framily ID# L00291411xv
My number : 925-354-4555
Name: Frank
Will be trying to save 4 spots for my co workers family. Currently just me and my wife on the Framily plan. Get your spot now.

Hey! My sprint framily code is L00099258oy Use this code to reduce your monthly bill!! There are 8 spots opened

I tried yesterday and only had the Framily ID. This was via chat and they wanted the primarys phone number to attempt and give me a quote. Please contact me if you would like an extra draw on your framily and I will try again.

My framily ID is n00678551Wc. I have 2 lines now, and my in-laws are supposed to go next week. Also, I am posting in other forums, hopefully we can save some money and be down to 25/month within a few days!

4 lines, need at least 3 more for $25 month
4 lines, need at least 3 more for $25 month
Framily plan id E00767761Gk (those are zeros and lower case k) Last 4 numbers of phone number is 7088. Have four lines on it, just signed up today. 6 lines left, let me know if you sign up so I can update it here. Thanks!

Sprint plan ID
I currently have 6 spots open on my Framily Plan
plan ID# I00765014kQ
the first letter is a capital "I" last 2 are lower case k and capital Q. The rest are numbers.


[Q] Sprint Family Plans - What To Do?

Currently my family has four lines total on a family plan with Sprint. It is an older plan. It is called the "Power Pack Family 700". It has 700 shared minutes included with free nights after 6 P.M. It has an added package called "Unlimited 2-Way Text Messages" where ALL my lines get unlimited text messaging for a fee of $20.00 per month extra (only charged on one line). Picture mail however, is not free. It cost 20 cents per picture (sending and receiving).
There is also a 23% Chrysler discount applied at the end.
In total, my family pays around $112.00 per month for this whole package.
Since I got the EVO 3D on my own account, I have convinced the family to upgrade their phones since they are all eligible for upgrades.
They are not worried about the cost of upgrading the phones, and I have handled the $70 per line "stay with Sprint" credit they can get.
But what they are concerned about is getting a new contract.
What should they do???
I know 2 of the phones will for sure be EVO 3D's. Does that mean both phones will have the $10 per month "data charge (4G)"? What are the family plans? Is there a certain plan you guys recommend? Any contract they can get for around the same price ($112) in the end?
Any help on this issue would be greatly appreciated.
issafram said:
Currently my family has four lines total on a family plan with Sprint. It is an older plan. It is called the "Power Pack Family 700". It has 700 shared minutes included with free nights after 6 P.M. It has an added package called "Unlimited 2-Way Text Messages" where ALL my lines get unlimited text messaging for a fee of $20.00 per month extra (only charged on one line). Picture mail however, is not free. It cost 20 cents per picture (sending and receiving).
There is also a 23% Chrysler discount applied at the end.
In total, my family pays around $112.00 per month for this whole package.
Since I got the EVO 3D on my own account, I have convinced the family to upgrade their phones since they are all eligible for upgrades.
They are not worried about the cost of upgrading the phones, and I have handled the $70 per line "stay with Sprint" credit they can get.
But what they are concerned about is getting a new contract.
What should they do???
I know 2 of the phones will for sure be EVO 3D's. Does that mean both phones will have the $10 per month "data charge (4G)"? What are the family plans? Is there a certain plan you guys recommend? Any contract they can get for around the same price ($112) in the end?
Any help on this issue would be greatly appreciated.
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Yeah, it's going to be $10 for each phone plus you have to have the $19.95 data plan on each EVO. I've got 5 phones on my account, 4 of them EVO's, have the everything data share plan with an 18% company discount and it runs about 240 a month.
Ultimately, they will have to move up plans if going to the EVO3D, lowest plan right now (Shared standard rate plan), is the $129.99 Everything Data 1500 plan, which is 1500 minutes, unlimited SMS, and unlimited data for $129.99 - Includes N&W at 7PM, but also has the mobile to mobile for any carrier, I wouldn't think the minutes would at all be an issue due to prior usage.
Lines 3-5 on this are an additional $19.99, and the $10 addon would be required for any smartphone they add on. The discount will still apply. Ultimately, it would run at about 161.67 (After discount, before tax and surcharge - I would estimate ~$175 after taxes and surcharges).
$129.99 for lines 1 and 2. + $10 per line with a smart phone...
Lines 3 - 5 will be $19.99 + $10 per line with smart phone...
Lines 3 - 5 are not eligible for a discount... Which means the discount DOES NOT apply.
So the 23% will only apply to the primary and second line...
$129.99 - 23% =
$100.09 - For lines 1 and 2.
+$20 for 2 x smart phones...
$19.99 x 3 = $59.97
+30 for 3 x smart phones...
$210.06 + taxes and surcharges...
I sell this stuff all day. I know discounts do not apply to lines 3 - 5.
what you want is the EPRP Family Plan
you can get the referral information here (upper right corner)
$109.99 for 2 lines (1600 min shared)
+$30 more for 2 more lines ($15 per)
+$40 for 4 smartphone ($10 per)
(7p nights and weekends, unlimited texts, unlimited data, unlimited mobile to mobile)
pretty much the best deal on a family plan that exists right now
dlinfiniti said:
what you want is the EPRP Family Plan
you can get the referral information here (upper right corner)
$109.99 for 2 lines (1600 min shared)
+$30 more for 2 more lines ($15 per)
+$40 for 4 smartphone ($10 per)
(7p nights and weekends, unlimited texts, unlimited data, unlimited mobile to mobile)
pretty much the best deal on a family plan that exists right now
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damn I just saw this AFTER coming back from the sprint store. Is this before any discount? 23% Chrysler discount
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
issafram said:
damn I just saw this AFTER coming back from the sprint store. Is this before any discount? 23% Chrysler discount
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
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You can't add a discount eprp plans. They'll eventually remove your discount.
You can't get discounts with that plan. You don't get a renewing credit. You can only buy from corporate sprint stores. You talk to different people over the phone, less willing to please, and happy to let you go. We went that way.. and regret it.
aimbdd said:
You can't get discounts with that plan. You don't get a renewing credit. You can only buy from corporate sprint stores. You talk to different people over the phone, less willing to please, and happy to let you go. We went that way.. and regret it.
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I have EPRP, I can buy at Best Buy they still treat me great on the phone. I didn't try for the renewing credit cuz I always renew at the one year mark to get my new phone.
Thats what sprint said anyway. I know radio shack couldn't do the upgrade for me. Our account couldn't be pulled up.
aimbdd said:
Thats what sprint said anyway. I know radio shack couldn't do the upgrade for me. Our account couldn't be pulled up.
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Bought my Evo 4G at Best Buy and my bro got his Evo 4G last year at Radio Shack with no problems on our EPRP plan.
In fact Best Buy last year had an easier time than Sprint corporate store did with my Pre the year before. The corporate store ended up moving me to a regular plan.

Helping Switching Plans, after being overcharged

So my Tmobile bill has been $150 ever since I bought it back in Aug 2011. When I signed the contract they told me it would be $70 per month, + $15 starting in Oct, and + $25 incl my wireless broadband. That totals $110, and somehow, they have managed to tack on an additional $40 EVERY MONTH since I bought the damn thing! Not one month since I bought the phone has my bill even been close to $110. So last month, again, I called at payment time, and they said there was a $10 charge on my account because they added a feature to my phone monthly, that I did not ask for. They removed it and said they would credit toward my account on my next bill.
So heres the thing, this month I hear about this prepaid $50 per month plan! Thats all I have to pay and I get unlimited-- everything is the same! To get that plan though I have to pay $200 to get out of my current contract, and STILL pay my $50 for the first month!
So after I have been practically robbed ever since I joined Tmobile, now they want me to pay $250 for a plan that they should have offered me in the very beginning!
Is there any loop holes here that I can get out of this contract and switch plans without paying $200??? Your answers are very much appreciated, my bill is due 2 days from now.
Call and threaten to cancel
Sent from my HTC Amaze 4G using XDA App
Call BBB
Sent by accident from my Amaze using Tapatalk
I don't understand. What do you mean "threaten to cancel"? I actually have told them I was going to cancel for previous issues. I spoke to a manager and she was very rude to me, and told me "fine cancel that will cost you $200". Also what is BBB?
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using XDA App
BBB= the Better Business Bureau
Keep in mind that if you signed up for the $50 plan initially, you would have paid a lot more for the phone. The pre-paids and value plans don't provide a phone subsidy.
You should be able to switch to a number of different plans of the "classic " type without paying a fee, but not the value or pre-paid type.
But there does seem to be something odd going on. I can honestly say that I've never had any problem or even rudeness from a T-Mo rep. Although I understand things changed somewhat during the ATT debacle.
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using Tapatalk
Find out the lemon law for cell phones in your state. In Illinois, if we do 3 or more exchanges on our cell phones, we can break the contract for free and legally.
The Illinois House has passed a "cellphone lemon law" which would enable consumers to break their contract without financial penalty, if their handset develops a fault on three or more occasions.
I had replaced my Amaze about 5 times within 3 weeks because of blue lines in my LCD. You can just tell them you have blue lines in it over and over until you get a third or fourth replacement, then threaten to break your contract and you won't have to pay an ETF (Cancellation Fee)
This is my 2nd replacement. I had to get a new MyTouch 4G, and then they replaced that with the Amaze. That only counts as 2?
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using XDA App
Okay, let's start with the not being close to $110... Have you been dinged for roaming on AT&T's network perhaps? And did you factor in state sales tax? And those unwanted features, yeah. That's them screwing you.
But the moving down to the lower 50/month price plan? That's a rate for people that have bought their phone outright instead of getting the $300 or so subsidy on the device in exchange for 2 years service. Honestly, while I hate contracts, I think they have every right to charge you 200 bucks to recoup the cost of the subsidy. You can cancel your extra features to drop down to 70 a month. But that's the minimum eligible rate you agreed to for the subsidy that you received when purchasing your device.
Accophox said:
Okay, let's start with the not being close to $110... Have you been dinged for roaming on AT&T's network perhaps? And did you factor in state sales tax? And those unwanted features, yeah. That's them screwing you.
But the moving down to the lower 50/month price plan? That's a rate for people that have bought their phone outright instead of getting the $300 or so subsidy on the device in exchange for 2 years service. Honestly, while I hate contracts, I think they have every right to charge you 200 bucks to recoup the cost of the subsidy. You can cancel your extra features to drop down to 70 a month. But that's the minimum eligible rate you agreed to for the subsidy that you received when purchasing your device.
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Ok, heres how it went down at the sale. I went into Tmobile as a new customer. At that time they told me only the prepaid plan of $50 was available to customers who had been on the plan for already a full 2 year contract. $70 I thought no biggie, and then tack on a $25 charge per month for my Internet, and then $15 after that for the phone. Cool I can deal with that. My first bill $150, oh well we had to pay to start your plan. My 2nd bill, Oh we had to charge you for this fee (I dont remember anymore). Literally every month I have called to complain and it was always a new excuse. A couple months was legitimate because I ordered an $8 battery, and it was another $5 for something else that same month. But that was only one out of 6 months. And every month seems to be something new. Last month was the first month they said "well we added this $10 feature. It sends you news updates, and blablabla.." Wtf, I never ordered that. They removed it. I never was asked and they still charged me $150 last month.
Yeah they were very very rude to me. I called because I had a very important text message that would not switch from the old MyTouch to the new MyTouch. And this text message was incriminating evidence on someone who had robbed me. I called maybe 2x previously I think and they were not able to help me. I went into the Tmobile store on 2 separate occasions and they were not able to help me. I wanted to talk to a manager to get better assistence because this just wasnt making sense. I heard I could transfer my text messages, all the other text messages, but this text message which turned out to be an MMS, would not transfer!
She told me they had tried to help me, and there was nothing she could do, and she didnt even let me reply before she said have a nice day. (How the conversation went exactly I dont remember) but it was rude. I called the Tmobile Corp office and she said the same thing and said there was no one she could transfer me to, and basically hung up on me.
Literally all I needed to do was send the text messages to my Gmail account. All the messages sent. I sent in my old phone. It was that easy. She wouldnt give me the time of day and that was really a point to me that discouraged me from liking them. Besides the $40 over charge per month, besides I had trouble with their phones from the very first month I had one, besides I would be on the phone with customer service we would get disconnected and they didnt call me back, having to wait on hold again, once over an hour on hold.
So I really hated tmobile for while, but with the $50 prepaid plan I will just take it. I was going to switch though as soon as I could if my $150 was not going to stop. $40 doesnt seem like alot but when you are counting on that money every month, that seriously is just about half my groceries for the month if not all of it for some. I never crossed with any AT&T coverage. That was never an issue.
If you want, PM me your # and I will call you from work and go over everything on your plan and either explain or fix it.
BTW the $60 prepaid is the equivalent plan to yours,not the $50
What I am not getting is where you say you have a $70 plan and $25 for web, is that a hotspot? web for your phone?
Just PM me, Im not rude

ETF for sprint

Have A Question Regarding etf. I recently had a line cancel out on my account. The etf is 350 but then I'm also getting charged an additional $65 in taxes for a total of $415. What the heck is that. When did taxes start applying in to the etf. I had an etf line a year ago and there was none of this. I even looked at the contract and online at sprint.com and it states upto $350 etf. No where does it say plus taxes. Can anyone clarify this? Any sprint employees
Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk
yaniel06 said:
Have A Question Regarding etf. I recently had a line cancel out on my account. The etf is 350 but then I'm also getting charged an additional $65 in taxes for a total of $415. What the heck is that. When did taxes start applying in to the etf. I had an etf line a year ago and there was none of this. I even looked at the contract and online at sprint.com and it states upto $350 etf. No where does it say plus taxes. Can anyone clarify this? Any sprint employees
Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk
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Yeah, based on a cursory search of their Terms and Conditions, I couldn't find anything relating to taxes on an ETF. You might want to call their billing department to see what's going on with that. Record your phone call (tell them that you're doing this, as some states require everyone to be aware of recordings), make them tell you exactly where in their Terms and Conditions this line is located. If they don't answer your questions to your satisfaction, talk to a supervisor and see what they can do for you.
I just saw this line in Sprint's Return and Exchange Policy:
Please note that this policy may not reflect the additional return policies of our authorized third-party dealers or retailers. If you are returning a device leased through Apple Finance Services (AFS), call AFS at 1-800-216-4384.
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The taxes could be from a third-party dealer or retailer, but it doesn't sound like it. Just a heads up.
Just read it but this looks like it is due to a return within the 14 days they give you.
Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk
I find it funny that on the Framily plan Sprint advertises no contract no ETF's yet my plan still indicates I am locked into a contract and that I will have ETF's if I cancel.
MikeyLee said:
I find it funny that on the Framily plan Sprint advertises no contract no ETF's yet my plan still indicates I am locked into a contract and that I will have ETF's if I cancel.
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You don't have a contract, unless you we're already under a contract before you switched your plan. Then you would still have until your original contract date ends. Also if your enrolled in easy pay for a new phone where u would pay monthly for it, if you we're to decided to terminate your service you would be responsible for the remainder of the phones retail price!
Sent from my SM-N900P using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
MikeyLee said:
I find it funny that on the Framily plan Sprint advertises no contract no ETF's yet my plan still indicates I am locked into a contract and that I will have ETF's if I cancel.
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I believe this is due to the transition between Subsidized to Un-Subsidized phone plans... I'll try to explain this in a way that makes sense, since I had to ask a lot of questions in order to fully understand it myself. In order to understand why there's even an ETF, we have to understand how subsidized phones worked and why Sprint (and soon all other carriers) will move away from them.
Subsidized Phones and Early Termination Fees (ETFs)
When you buy a subsidized phone (let's say a Note III) for $200, that doesn't mean that Sprint got the phone for $200 and is now passing the savings off to you. It means that they have factored in the cost of the phone in their plan pricing. If the phone cost them $500 (at wholesale), that's $300 that they have to recoup from you over the course of two years. If you get your phone and decide to leave after 6 months, they're not going to recoup $240 (assuming they split it evenly over the 24 months, which I doubt). That's the philosophy behind the ETF. If you leave early, they aren't going to recoup from their subsidized phones, and they lost out on a decent amount of cash.
That's also why the ETF decreases as you get closer to that magic 2-year mark. They've already recouped most of their "investment" into you as a customer, so they can't charge you as much for an ETF.
Now, the Subsidized phone scheme has always been a means to entice new customers and to keep existing customers. If you can offer a $700 smart phone for $250, it's great marketing! But, I bet they are making less money when they have to subsidize a smart phone than when they offer a "dumb" flip-phone for free. When smartphones (I'm thinking back to the days of the Treo) were relegated back to the nerds and businessmen, they could afford to make less money on the subsidized plan and still make a ton on the subsidized flip phones.
Verizon must have loved my in-laws, because they had the same "dumb" flip-phones for about 5 years, but were paying the same price as the High School senior who had a subsidized iPhone. In my opinion, the in-laws were paying the subsidy price of the iPhone.
After the iPhone and the mass-market flooding of smart phones, more and more people started getting smart phones. When looking at phones, the consumer can easily argue an extra $50 to get a top-end smartphone over a medium-level phone. Which should work out fine, but it also means that Sprint (or Verizon or ATT or whoever) is not going to make as much money (due to the subsidized portion of the phone cost being higher). I've even heard that they started losing money on some of the top-end phones since the subsidized costs were higher than the recouping they were doing. (note: the previous sentence is hearsay and no credible source has been given to me).
At first, Sprint (and others) tried to recoup those losses by incurring a "smartphone" fee. I remember the first time I saw a $10 "Premium Data" fee, I knew it was bull**** (pardon the language), but I was also stuck in a contract. Despite much arguing with various supervisors, I still ended up paying it, but not before threatening to leave numerous times (even with the ETF). If it weren't for my 18% "employee" discount, I would've switched.
Un-Subsidized Phones and the Future of Phone Buying (IMO)
I think the Framily Plan is interesting. They are basically taking the subsidy cost out of the phone plan and having the customer pay for what they actually get. In my opinion, this is much better.
Yes, I get a gut reaction when I have to pay full-price for my latest-and-greatest phone (since I'm so used to my subsidized price). But for those customers who are OK with keeping their technology a bit longer or buying second-hand phones, they can make some pretty significant savings. It also means that you don't have to buy your phone from Sprint or Verizon. The customer has more options when it comes to buying their phone.
So, all-in-all, I think it's a good move and I can see all carriers moving towards this model in the future.
Transition between Subsidized and Un-Subsidized Plans
This is where I believe you, MikeyLee, are stuck. Sprint can't recoup their losses from your subsidized phone because you're now paying $25/month on the Framily plan. This is why they initially had the whole "existing members can't join the Framily" crap. They loosened that to some members being "merge eligible," meaning they were allowed to switch to the Framily Plan. I believe the only check for "merge eligibility" was whether or not Sprint had recouped enough of their subsidy.
For those of us who were merge eligible but who still had time before their old two-year contract was up, Sprint also has an ETF to cover the remainder of the original two-year agreement (and recoup their losses from you leaving and not ponying up for your subsidized phone).
In Closing
I personally like the Un-Subsidized plan. For me, I went from paying $150/month down to $75/month (2 lines, one with unlimited, not counting phone monthly payments). Even when I factor in the cost of two new top-tier smart phone every 2 years, I still save $700 over the two years.
It also makes more sense for people like my in-laws, who don't need (or want) the latest-and-greatest and would rather keep their phones for decades if they could.
But yes, the transition between the two is inherently going to be messy. Hold out to see the real value of un-subsidized plans!

[Q] To Switch or Not Switch Plans When Buying LG G3

Greetings All!
Okay, after some hesitation I'm planning to upgrade from my much-loved GS3 to the LG G3.
Currently I'm on the Everything Data 450 plan ($69.99) plus the smartphone fee ($10). I never use all my minutes, not even close, since all mobile to mobile and mobile to VOIP calls are included and free. I only talk to one person that I know of who still uses a traditional landline. My corporate discount saves me about $10 a month as it applies to the $69.99 portion of my bill.
Unlimited, My Way, is $50 for unlimited talk and text plus $30 for unlimited data. Just a penny more, but I have verified that my corporate discount would only apply to the $30 portion of the bill so I would be paying several dollars more a month.
Ergo, I'm planning on keeping my old plan. I see no advantage to switching. Am I missing out on something here?
Many thanks in advance.
Cheers, Henri
I had a similar experience a few days ago. Wanted to get my gf the G3 on the easy pay. I was told to use easy pay I would have to switch to the new plans. The salesman says "it costs the same". But me being a mathematician, lol, quickly figured it was going to cost me $275 before taxes, for 4 line and a tablet. Where my bill on traditional account is about $240 with taxes and fees.
I have 5 lines on the ED1500 plan and I get a 23% corp discount. I worked out I'd pay an extra $60 or so a month switching to the Framily plan even if I could get an extra 2 people to get me to the 7 member threshold for maximum discount. Framily is a crock compared to the old plans if you have more than 2 lines.
thunder1979 said:
I have 5 lines on the ED1500 plan and I get a 23% corp discount. I worked out I'd pay an extra $60 or so a month switching to the Framily plan even if I could get an extra 2 people to get me to the 7 member threshold for maximum discount. Framily is a crock compared to the old plans if you have more than 2 lines.
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Yep. I'm on the same plan. What company do u work for that gives you 23%? Best I can get us 10 for credit union members. ?
Sent from my Black Lg G3
Made the unfortunate mistake of signing up on framily and ez pay. Hasty decision as I wanted the phone and got talked into the plan under the guise that it was cheaper. Got home. Did the math and it was about 40-50 more per month compared to old plan. Spent 4 hours in best buy returning the phones and reversing the plan only to leave with no devices as my available upgrade was no longer available. Now back on an s3. Upgrade is now activated again, just need to go back and rebuy the phone. Looking forward to getting the g3 back. This s3 just doesn't cut it anymore.
They talked me into the framily plan its me and two others my bill is about the same. I wanted a new phone (g3) but it would cost like 100 a month. They said they could add people to my plan or what ever to lower my bill i waited one week now pay 69 a month for my line with unlimited and insurance. Its awesome just ask them to add people to your plan
fgcchevy said:
Yep. I'm on the same plan. What company do u work for that gives you 23%? Best I can get us 10 for credit union members. ��
Sent from my Black Lg G3
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If you'll forgive my anonymity, a large, well known bank. Previously, I had the same discount through Nortel Networks but the company went bankrupt and no longer exists.
---------- Post added at 01:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:26 PM ----------
GraphGPT said:
Made the unfortunate mistake of signing up on framily and ez pay. Hasty decision as I wanted the phone and got talked into the plan under the guise that it was cheaper. Got home. Did the math and it was about 40-50 more per month compared to old plan. Spent 4 hours in best buy returning the phones and reversing the plan only to leave with no devices as my available upgrade was no longer available. Now back on an s3. Upgrade is now activated again, just need to go back and rebuy the phone. Looking forward to getting the g3 back. This s3 just doesn't cut it anymore.
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Yeah, I just don't see the benefit. I have 5 lines. My brother pays me monthly and my sister direct deposits 1/2 the amount of her bill bi-weekly directly to my bank account so I really only pay for my S.O., my daughter and myself which ends up being $197 and change. Upgrading every year would be nice, but I finally have a phone where I don't think I'll need to do that. Also, Framily does away with free navigation. I knoe Google Maps is free, but I have not always had good experiences with it.
Happy to have the g3 back and all parts of original plan back in action!
Sent from my LGLS990 using XDA Free mobile app
In my case... Let me let you know. I have the Framily Plan. In the group that the Store Sales Representative create for me are now 10 persons with my 5 lines. (He add to it other 5 unknown ppl) I only pay $25 bucks per line + taxes... I have 2 LG G3, 2 HTC M8 and 1 Nexus 5. My UPS Corporate 25% discount on the account only works when I buy accessories because all the lines just have 1GB of data. I don't see the fact of have unlimited when everyone here all day is connected to Wi-Fi in work or home so..
What I want to say is I HAVE NO EASY PAY installments... This is the trick.
I had an old plan, (all without contract since June) this week I renew all the contracts with new devices and then the Rep changed me to the new Framily plan.
I was supposed to be charged for $15 bucks until I can renovate or something like that on all the lines but the rep says for some reasons (maybe because changes were made at the same time) the system would not charge me. Now I have my phones without payment and are mines. You should try this.
Sent from my LGLS990 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
fgcchevy said:
Yep. I'm on the same plan. What company do u work for that gives you 23%? Best I can get us 10 for credit union members. ?
Sent from my Black Lg G3
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I use UPS and get 23 or 25% can't remember.
Don't forget the biggest difference between the old plans and framily is that you no longer get subsidized devices.

Did any of you get a large envelope in the mail from the new CEO?

I got one recently that offered me free unlimited minutes because I was a valued customer. I'm guessing it's because I've been with sprint for almost twenty years. They said it wouldn't change my contract. I signed up for it since my old plan is 300 minutes. I rarely talk so I went for it. I hope that decision doesn't cause me problems in the future.
I got a text with the offer. I was able to add unlimited minutes to all the lines on my account. Now I have zero reasons to ever leave my everything data plan. ?
I had it added by a phone rep when i was having some trouble switching phones. So, now I have unlimited everything!!!!!!!!
Yea, I got the unlimited talk minutes offer. But It was FedEx to me. He also offered the latest new phone for a $5.00 a month lease for two yrs no money down. Then return the device and get the next one for a $5.00 a month lease and so on never pay up front money again. Then he also offered 12 months of free service to add a new line to my account.

