[Q] [SOLVED] pmp7480d3g_quad after-encryption troubles - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Mark as solved.
As usual it was simplier, than it looked. Just restored all applications, that where removed before encryption from /system.
It was damn fun, lol.
So I'am being a proud owner of Prestigio PMP7480D3G_QUAD. A kind of brand-new. Some sort of china, but nice one.
To the topic. Running android 4.2.1 Jelly Bean. Omnomnom. Love candies.
Being a new user to android. This is a first of mine. So I kinda didn't expect it to malfunction so fast and deadly.
Rooted: framaroot. No trouble.
Busybox installed. No trouble.
Having fun with games. ^_^
Used for over a month. Encrypted device. Decided to remove encryption. Here fun begins.
Software reset ( Settings -> etc etc -> Really reset and wipe all data ). Boot up, has bugs ( described later ).
Hardware reset ( via recovery 3e ) - same thing persists.
Clearing credendials storage. And guess what? Same...
What is NOT working:
Right slide panel settings button (that thing, which shows up when you slide clock area down).
System notifications (left slide pane). Those are not handled totally. Slide pane is working, but always empty.
USB-plugging utility. That one reacts upon inserting a USB cable.
Lock screen. I can set a lock pass/pin/patter/any****, but I can't lock at all.
Home key.
Stock browser. (This one generates "Window is already in focus" error in logs).
Some apps. (At this point seems they lack some feature in OS, so they malfunction).
I'm a slowpoke, who has no backups. Sad, but true. Wasted a week to find, that a factory mode is entered through Power + VolDown. And adb was working there.
What I've tried:
1. Asking for a stock ROM in Prestigio's support. Told to go to a service center. Long story, but I can't do that. Buying a new device will cause me less damage and trouble. Here I wanna tell, how I hate those guys. Around 10 emails and not a sigle point of understanding and help. Deep hatred.
2. Asking for a dupe/backup on other forums. Some guy gave me a 1.0.9 version of ROM. I've got 1.0.13. I used
adb + dd + mount
Deleted all data inside mine, uploaded 1.0.9 inside, set permissions. dd it back. Device booted, built dalvik-cache and hang dead.
3. Wipe data partition. Even tried dd + mkfs.ext4 & dd it back. No result.
4. Crying and going to depression. No result, as expected, huh.
I have a diff of 1.0.9 and 1.0.13 files. Attached.
And I have a boot log (and understand less, than 20% there). Attached.
How. Just how can I fix those? Guys on another forum (russian) are still silent at the moment, so they can't provide a ROM dump.
Please. Someone. Help. At least just point where to dig, cause I do not understand totally, how to debug android java and find a missing link in OS, that broke everything apart.


[Q] and on the 7th day it died

So, everything was fine as I shut down last night after reading a few pages from a book. Tried to power up this evening and it just won't cooperate. It won't turn on unless I hold the power button down for nine seconds. It starts up "with tap n tap" screen, then the n logo shows, then the "with tap n tap" flashes and returns to black screen then shows the "with tap n tap" for a total of eight times then stays black. No rooting, totally stock, used very little, few apps, added some reader stuff, tried a barcode thing to no avail - nothing more. Please advise. Take pity on someone like your mother! Any ideas on how to fix this? Should I contact Viewsonic or Woot? (yes, it's fully charged - first thing I tried). I'm so disappointed : (
Thank you
I've seen this happen a few times with both stock and modded devices. I think it's caused by corruption in data files that are used by some of the system firmware but I'm not 100% certain of that. A data wipe could very well get you going again. Without being able to boot all the way you're options for doing that are somewhat limited. One would be to install and use ClockworkMod, a very minor and extremely common modification to the firmware. The other option that I have used successfully is a script I've written that will delete those system prefence files and clear the machines cache without modifying your firmware. Neither is terribly complicated to implement.
All that being said... it is really up to you as to how comfortable you would feel performing those options. I can say that you will find plenty of people here that will be willing to stay right with you until it's fixed and we have a very high success rate when it comes to recovering from this kind of issue. On the other hand, Woot has been very responsive to customers with problems so it's really your call.
This thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=865245 has instructions for installing ClockworkMod. It has a lot of other information in it also but the important part would be installing CWM. It also has download links to the files. Once it is installed it is a fairly simple matter of booting the machine up while holding down the volume up key and you'll be presented with a menu of options that will include wiping data. Selecting that will clear out any apps you've downloaded and associated data along with the system data. Once done you simply reboot the machine from another menu option and you should be off and running.
My script is run very much like installing ClockworkMod but will simply do the deletion without any user intervention. When done it reboots automatically and in two or three minutes you should be back to the initial setup screen for the tablet.
All of this probably sounds a lot more difficult than it really is but I think if you take a look at that thread I listed above and do a little searching on terms like "ClockworkMod Data Wipe" you'll find there are lots of folks who have done this and plenty of help if you need it.
KJ and LynnyW,
Since he can't boot, he will either have to make a microSD with a CWM update.zip and recovery folder (with command file edited to point to SDCARD2 instead of SDCARD) and boot that into recovery with power/volume + .
Or, he will have to NVFlash the CWM by itself.
The two links above have most of the info.
If he can get CWM up by one method or the other, need to go to Advanced Menu and tell it to Partition (2048 and 0), Fix Permissions and Wipe Dalvik Cache -- and then return to Main Menu and Wipe Cache and Wipe/Reset Factory Data. Then reboot.
If the tablet comes up fine we're good to go. Otherwise may need to talk about a
stock rom flash.
Hope this helps.
I am running a stock system. Amazon market and a couple bird games are all that's really on it as I use it mostly to browse the web with. No flash no email, it's stock. So far I've limped through how to recover from the acore.process problem, then ended up learning how to use nvflash after what this user described happened twice so far. I am debating updating to a Dev rom if they are more stable as otherwise this is just a fragile toy that I can't take out of the house on trips.
wetzk said:
I am debating updating to a Dev rom if they are more stable as otherwise this is just a fragile toy that I can't take out of the house on trips.
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Update. So much better it's unreal. Go with something stable like Caulkin, Vegantab, or TnT lite. Not only will you get the real Market, you'll be much happier all around. It can be much more than a fragile little toy.
butchconner said:
KJ and LynnyW,
Since he can boot, he will either have to make a microSD with a CWM update.zip and recovery folder (with command file edited to point to SDCARD2 instead of SDCARD) and boot that into recovery with power/volume + .
Or, he will have to NVFlash the CWM by itself.
The two links above have most of the info.
If he can get CWM up by one method or the other, need to go to Advanced Menu and tell it to Partition (2048 and 0), Fix Permissions and Wipe Dalvik Cache -- and then return to Main Menu and Wipe Cache and Wipe/Reset Factory Data. Then reboot.
If the tablet comes up fine we're good to go. Otherwise may need to talk about a
stock rom flash.
Hope this helps.
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I think the decision needs to be made as to whether LynnyW actually wants to start mucking about before we go suggesting modifying the recovery and repartitioning the tablet. In this case I think all that's necessary is a data wipe and that can be done without starting down a path that LynnyW may not care to follow. I certainly wouldn't recommend anything as extreme as repartitioning when the question asked is whether or not a call should be made to the manufacturer and vendor.
Take him where you want to go -- but if he can't boot up he's going to have to
get inside somehow. That's why I said I thought he would have to install CWM.
If you know some way to wipe or reset without CWM, go for it.
P. S. -- And I assume anyone that posts here wants to fix it unless that is not
possible -- and then they want us to tell them to go to VS or Woot or
I meant no offense, Rev. She asked whether she should call woot or Viewsonic. I was just pointing that out. Not everyone is ready to jump into modding when they have the option of warranty return/replacement.
waiting for Viewsonic call
Thanks folks. I don't want to go mucking about until necessary. I guess I was hoping for an easy fix/reset. I prefer not to send the tab for repair unless replacement is necessary. Not yet willing to put my toe in water of this vast new world of acronyms I know nothing about. My brother's voice echos in my head "you know just enough to be dangerous" (re windows). I don't want to void the warranty. I called Viewsonic and had to leave my telephone number for a return call. I'm hoping they can e-mail a file which I can copy to a microSD, pop in, turn on, and resume - until I have the nerve to install something more stable. I will let you know what Viewsonic has to say. They no longer operate at the toll free number listed on the website. Directed to another number where they answer the phone "can I help you?". I wonder what service they are using for tech support.
I have just such a file that might get you going. Posted it this morning here:
Feel free to look that over and let me know if you have any questions. The main caveat is that it will delete any user apps that have been installed. That may include factory installed apps that are stored in the user app area. If that is a problem I can modify the script to preserve them but then we might not be clearing the problem file.
Viewsonic should hire you!
Well, I received a call from Viewsonic tech support. The moment I finished explaining what happens on the screen, the tech said "I never heard of this. Ship it back." Whoa, no attempt to troubleshoot? I asked was there not a bootable file I could be e-mailed? After rephrasing and getting nowhere, I was not happy to be told to send this to LA for an unknown amount of time at my expense. I was told I could call back later when the manager was back from lunch. This is a far cry from the claim on the Viewsonic website:
"Got a question? We have the answers right here: documentation, downloads, tech support, software updates, product warranty and registration. Get the assistance you need, when you need it – right now. Find out how we stand behind our product, all the way."
The lack of speculation regarding what the problem might be makes me feel that Viewsonic farmed this out to a fly-by-night call center and the folks there were told to have callers just send in the hardware.
Sorry, I had to rant.
KJ, Viewsonic should hire you and your xda brethren. The files to clear the data worked. Yes, it did wipe out factory and user apps, but it got the tab working in five minutes. It also gave me a little courage. I will, after all, start reading about modifying this thing. I don't want to set it all up only to have it faint on me again.
If you have any recommendations for the least-likely-to-brick-it route, please advise. I have read a number of threads but there is so much information, and although there are numerous step-by-step instructions, I have no idea what the different roms do. I don't know where to start reading and I don't want to become an annoyance here. I will do my homework before I ask too many newbie questions.
We understand the need to rant from time to time. No problem ;-)
Glad it got you going. I do want to recommend that you do a factory reset from the system settings also just to make absolutely sure everything was cleaned properly. It's under "Security" in the System Settings.
As for modding... read, read read. Start with the "Stickied" items in the General and Developer sections. You'll find references to basic procedures and cautions but always make sure to follow the developers instructions attached to the specific ROM you choose. As for the "Least likely to brick it..." I may not be the best person to ask since I routinely run experimental ROMs. I do like the TnTLite path for its stability, reasonable speed and close association to the stock ROM. Read as much of the threads attached to each one and ask questions if you need to. That's why we're here.

[Q] CM7 issues: power button, contacts, lock screen

Sorry to lump this all together, but I couldn't find an appropriate thread to append these issues too without threadjacking.
Last night I changed from Liberated Froyo to the latest build of CM7 for my Aria. It booted fine and everything looked spiffy, but I quickly realized I had 3 problems. I have run fix_permissions, but these problems remain.
First the long press on the power button doesn't bring up the power down pop-up. I don't want to do a battery pull for fear that it also won't power on either.
Also, all my contacts are scrambled. The contact will show a pic, have the name of a different contact, then the details of a third contact. If I try to edit it, the contact name in the details are correct, but when I save it, it still shows up in the contact list as the wrong name.
The last one, I'm not as concerned about. Even after sleeping the screen for over an hour, the lockscreen doesn't come up.
Any help would be appreciated!
First of all, I'm assuming you did a clean install when moving from Liberated Aria to CM7. If not, you need to. I don't even think it would boot if you didn't, but perhaps if it does boot, that is the real issue there.
Even if you did, it's possible something was left behind from the old install. Try going back into CWM and doing the following (this will do a clean install again -- backup with Nandroid first).
1) Wipe data/factory reset
2) Advanced > Wipe dalvik cache
3) Partitions menu > format system
4) Install Cyanogenmod zip from sdcard
5) Install Google Apps zip from sdcard
6) Reboot
Formatting the system partition can sometimes solve weird problems because CWM 2.x doesn't properly format it when installing ROMs that use edify scripting (including CM6, CM7, and Liberated Aria 2.2.2). As a general rule of thumb, any time you are doing a clean install, you might as well format the system partition manually since it won't cause a problem but might fix one. Hopefully this works for you.
Not sure this counts as good luck, but I've also got the battery drain going on, but I found the wiki page that addresses that. But since the battery ran down, I discovered that the power button _does_ work to turn the phone on, and the long press and contacts problem have seem to resolved themselves. Waiting to get home to check on the lock screen.
Thanks for the tip though. I wasn't aware of that, so it's a good thing to keep in my back pocket if I get any more weird behavior.

Idiot Android newbie needs desperate help...

Hey guys....here's my situation.
I bought a Blu Touch Book 7.0 plus off of Amazon. Got it two nights ago. It's a true phablet. 512 RAM / 512 ROM - I was a little concerned but figured as long as I could root it, I was good to go.
Anyways - no I am not looking for a root. I was able to root it relatively easily after an initial failed attempt which required a factory reset - if anyone is interested, it required PDANET+ & UnlockRoot, SuperOneClick and other methods failed. I threw in a class 10 SD, and modded Android so all apps would be downloaded/installed to my SD card (I did this using the SDK & command prompt in USB debugging mode). I had researched apps previously and began to furiously download and tweak. I threw in a T-Mobile SIM, and everything was going well, I was very happy. It actually seems to be a well made device, though it's a little bulky and the phone function works much better with a bluetooth headset.
Then, I deleted Phone.apk. Despite all apps being downloaded/installed to my SD card, space was still at a premium and I had downloaded a third party dialer. I figured worst case, I could do a factory reset and/or could simply re-download the file (I was actually about to download a good backup program tonight after work, I've been busy the past two days and my anxiety to set up other stuff got the better of me). There was no immediate issue, but shortly later I got the dreaded 'com.android.apk has stopped' (or what not) message popping up constantly. I reset the device, it booted up but it was not reading my sim, and was missing icons. That's when I did something stupid-er. I found a Phone.apk file on the net, downloaded to my device, and copied it to the relevant directory.
Since then, when I boot up, first it shows that Android is upgrading, then it shows the 'unfortunately, the process com.android.apk has stopped.' I click 'Okay,' and it keeps popping up. I wasn't able to delete the wrong Phone.apk as there was not enough time for a longpress between error messages. I was able to initiate a factory reset - I was rather relieved - I had learned a bit the past day or two via trial and error, and I would be able to re-do everything perfectly this time.
But the factory reset did not revert to the right 'Phone.apk' file. So the problem still exists....
If anyone can help me, I would be oh so grateful....thanks...
A factory reset clears all user data & apps. If you deleted the phone app from system, you will have to reflash a stock zip, which I'm assuming you don't have, or find the stock apk and put it back in the right place as a system app.
If you have Titanium Backup you can use that to do it, provided you can find the stock phone apk.
Well, a problem is, I doubt that I will be able to find any ROMs or Phone.apk's for my device. At least not for a little while. There are some ROMs out there I believe for the original Blu Touch Book - but the original has a diff processor and is running Froyo rather than ICS.
Now, if I somehow can find a workable Phone.apk or a workable ROM, how do I go about flashing/copying? I can hook up to a PC (though I'm not aware of any USB storage mode that I can turn on), but the phone itself is just about unusable unless I can manage to delete the wrong Phone.apk file, as long as the file is simply missing it will boot up without the relevant features. And - let me repeat that I did a factory reset to try and fix this - it didn't fix my problem but it erased my apps and my root access....I can probably restore root but it won't stop the warning notification from popping up non-stop.
I was able to boot into safe mode previously - but it didn't help. If there is an applicable recovery mode, I can't figure that out. To my knowledge, there is no USB Mass Storage option that I can turn on.
I purchased from Amazon, so luckily I can return the item, and worst case they review it's condition and charge a restocking fee. Of course, I was looking forward to receiving this device for more than a week and have been obsessed with it since it's arrived...and I am also temporarily back to using Sprint (in Phoenix) on a 3.5" Windows Phone (I am an ex Windows Mobile fan boy, Windows Phone disappoints) after experiencing 6 MB/s 3G speeds on T-Mobile for a day or so (on a 7 inch screen and on a prepaid plan far cheaper than what I pay Sprint). I was about to port my number. Basically I am depressed. An irony here - I'm pretty sure Amazon sold me a used device that was advertised as new. On initial boot, the Android set up program did not launch. Upon my first factory reset, the set up program launched, and the dialer skin was different than what it was out of the box. The 'refuse product if this seal is broken' sticker on the packaging was partially broken, too, although it appeared to be partially in tact. But now if I try to play that angle, I come off like a scam artist...
Anyways thank you very much for your reply...all attempts to help are appreciated quite a bit...
Taking things one step at a time, let me simplify my request:
How can I delete (or replace) a system file from my device (in this case, the incorrect Phone.apk) remotely via a USB connection? I have the sdk installed on my computer, I can connect the device to my computer, but I can't really use the device until the file is deleted. Is it possible to push via ADB? Something to that effect? Will the 'push <local> <remote>' command work even if I do not have root access? What syntax is used to specify the path? Is it possible to simply delete a file without replacing it?
Does the Phone.apk file have to be specific to my device or could it be specific simply to my mobile carrier/frequency bands and/or ICS? I realized the Phone.apk file I copied to the device earlier was for the Huawei m835, a CDMA phone running Froyo...
Or, am I simply SOL?
One of the things about Android devices, as a former Windows Mobile user also, is that factory resets work differently as you've found out the hard way. In WM you could delete any system file you wanted and a hard reset would restore it. On Android if a required /system file is deleted you are SOL unless you have a way of restoring a backed up version. Its highly recommended IMO to have a working recovery like CWM, TWRP and a backup before you go messing around with /system files. But with a generic android device its probably not possible to find a recovery to install. You cannot write to the /system directory without root access, adb will give you an error. You may be able to use a phone.apk from another device with the same version of android.
I did find a Phone.apk from a device with the same manufacturer, on the same frequencies, with the same screen res, running the same version of Android. I have the full System/App folder if needed.
And I may have restored root access using UnlockRoot (I have read iffy things about the program but again it's all that worked for me initially). (EDIT - I do now have root access, I was able to verify the Superuser app on the device)
However when I load the SDK and type in 'adb root,' after the 'daemon started successfully,' I quickly get an 'error: closed.' And then when I try to push the Phone.apk file to the relevant folder, I get 'failed to copy / permission denied' (EDIT as I was warned of)
Is there anything I can load onto my SD card to help? I can run probably install an APK off of my storage card. Although I am very limited in what I can do - between error messages I can only get in one quick touch of the screen (and it usually takes a few tries per touch)...I can't do anything that requires a long-click...and I had also deleted the stock keyboard and the stock browser...limits me further...
Now, if I can delete my current Phone.apk and upload the stock keyboard, I am certain I can figure this out. There has to be some way to do this....
EDIT// I packed it up to return to Amazon. If there was a solution out there, oh well...
Like I said you may have been able to use Titanium to install it as a system app and that may have taken care of things once you set it as the default app and/or removed the faulty one.
^^ Right, but the challenge was installing Titanium Backup, and then using it while the error notification popped up on the screen every split second. Unless I am missing something, only way to download it would have required me to buy a Bluetooth keyboard and struggle to pair it so I could type (I had a USB keyboard that didn't work), maybe reassociate my device with my Google account (struggling to type letter by letter between each 'OK' click), have the apk sent to my device over unsecured wifi, put the .apk on SD (or just delete the wrong apk and reboot), and then hope that I could use Titanium backup to do the trick without the ability to press anything on the screen for longer than a half second or so...
Actually, I guess that could have worked, provided the Bluetooth keyboard worked. Of course, there's the chance that the Phone.apk I found for the similar device, might not have worked. Anyways, late now. I have a new one on the way, and I was shipped a slightly used one to begin with anyways, might be for the better. I kinda feel bad that the phone is now 'defective' as a result of my impatience/etc but then again I didn't do anything that the instruction manual warned against, not to mention the instruction manual says a factory reset restores factory data, which I think infers that it restores essential system components. And as much as I was an idiot, I don't do anything which should have caused a nearly non-recoverable error. That's on Google's end. Google doesn't even really discourage rooting and if you allow Android on a device with 512MB rom...
Learning experience. One of the first things I do when I get my new one, I download a backup program and find out if there is a recovery mode. In any event, I won't make the same mistakes twice. Thanks to those who replied or considered replying. Anybody has tips for the future, that aren't obvious or easily found, feel free...
If u r rooted this is very easy.
Open sdk and type su if u get "#" then u r rooted.
If so let us know
---------- Post added at 10:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:34 AM ----------
as a rethought I see u deleted system app so u were rooted
---------- Post added at 10:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:05 AM ----------
Firstly adb pull the file "/proc/mounts" open it using notepad and see how system is mounted.
then remount system as rw using
"mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /
<path to your system> /
Now u can delete stuff or add new stuff without perm error
---------- Post added at 10:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:21 AM ----------
Or just download this . Maybe it'll work http://www.totalcmd.net/plugring/android_adb.html
caponer said:
Or just download this . Maybe it'll work http://www.totalcmd.net/plugring/android_adb.html
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Eh, I already sent the phone back to Amazon. This, however, looks like a useful something to have access to in the future. Thank you for the link...
No way. Come on,why did u send it to amazon when u had me right here we could have fixed this so easily.
thref23 said:
Hey guys....here's my situation.
I bought a Blu Touch Book 7.0 plus off of Amazon. Got it two nights ago. It's a true phablet. 512 RAM / 512 ROM - I was a little concerned but figured as long as I could root it, I was good to go.
Anyways - no I am not looking for a root. I was able to root it relatively easily after an initial failed attempt which required a factory reset - if anyone is interested, it required PDANET+ & UnlockRoot, SuperOneClick and other methods failed. I threw in a class 10 SD, and modded Android so all apps would be downloaded/installed to my SD card (I did this using the SDK & command prompt in USB debugging mode). I had researched apps previously and began to furiously download and tweak. I threw in a T-Mobile SIM, and everything was going well, I was very happy. It actually seems to be a well made device, though it's a little bulky and the phone function works much better with a bluetooth headset.
Then, I deleted Phone.apk. Despite all apps being downloaded/installed to my SD card, space was still at a premium and I had downloaded a third party dialer. I figured worst case, I could do a factory reset and/or could simply re-download the file (I was actually about to download a good backup program tonight after work, I've been busy the past two days and my anxiety to set up other stuff got the better of me). There was no immediate issue, but shortly later I got the dreaded 'com.android.apk has stopped' (or what not) message popping up constantly. I reset the device, it booted up but it was not reading my sim, and was missing icons. That's when I did something stupid-er. I found a Phone.apk file on the net, downloaded to my device, and copied it to the relevant directory.
Since then, when I boot up, first it shows that Android is upgrading, then it shows the 'unfortunately, the process com.android.apk has stopped.' I click 'Okay,' and it keeps popping up. I wasn't able to delete the wrong Phone.apk as there was not enough time for a longpress between error messages. I was able to initiate a factory reset - I was rather relieved - I had learned a bit the past day or two via trial and error, and I would be able to re-do everything perfectly this time.
But the factory reset did not revert to the right 'Phone.apk' file. So the problem still exists....
If anyone can help me, I would be oh so grateful....thanks...
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Could you share how you did a factory reset please?
wizardofkoz said:
Could you share how you did a factory reset please?
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Settings/Backup & reset/Factory data reset
Rooting Help
"I was able to root it relatively easily after an initial failed attempt which required a factory reset - if anyone is interested, it required PDANET+ & UnlockRoot, SuperOneClick and other methods failed."
Can you tell me how did u root it exactly because i am trying all new ways and nothing is working they just cant pick up this phablet.
androidhelp1234 said:
"I was able to root it relatively easily after an initial failed attempt which required a factory reset - if anyone is interested, it required PDANET+ & UnlockRoot, SuperOneClick and other methods failed."
Can you tell me how did u root it exactly because i am trying all new ways and nothing is working they just cant pick up this phablet.
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I installed PDAnet+ on my phone & PC (as a means of installing a driver for the TB Plus). Then, I ran a program called 'UnlockRoot,' followed instructions, and I had root. UnlockRoot v3.1 is what is installed on my computer.
I moved on awhile ago to the Galaxy Tab 3 7.0 (Galaxy Tab 4 7.0 would be my best recommendation for a budget phablet). The Touch Book plus only held up so well (though I still have it and it still works albeit with no speaker and a screen that needs to be color-filtered due to a mysterious type of screen damage).
thref23 said:
I installed PDAnet+ on my phone & PC (as a means of installing a driver for the TB Plus). Then, I ran a program called 'UnlockRoot,' followed instructions, and I had root. UnlockRoot v3.1 is what is installed on my computer.
I moved on awhile ago to the Galaxy Tab 3 7.0 (Galaxy Tab 4 7.0 would be my best recommendation for a budget phablet). The Touch Book plus only held up so well (though I still have it and it still works albeit with no speaker and a screen that needs to be color-filtered due to a mysterious type of screen damage).
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After so many weeks of hunting around and asking help on forums *which no one was able to help* i stumbled across this which i hope other will find and find useful to them to!
This not only aloud FULL root access within 3 mins, but also gave full super user, was able to retreive lost files, rebuild the software, and reboot the phone. (not to meantion remove ALL the bloatware freeing up half the phones storage)
LeeMarden said:
After so many weeks of hunting around and asking help on forums *which no one was able to help* i stumbled across this which i hope other will find and find useful to them to!
This not only aloud FULL root access within 3 mins, but also gave full super user, was able to retreive lost files, rebuild the software, and reboot the phone. (not to meantion remove ALL the bloatware freeing up half the phones storage)
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You do realise that this thread is 3+ Years old , right ?

[Q] Trouble with Samsung Galaxy Proclaim after Root (restarts, no saved settings)

So I used the ACS/Shabbypenguin root method (do a Google search, I can't post links...) and followed the directions exactly. Well almost exactly, I knew of some issues so this is what I did...
First I downloaded Superuser & Superuser Elite (I previously paid for it on a different phone).
Then I downloaded the drivers and Odin and both kernals.
I installed the drivers and put my phone into development mode.
Next, I turned off my phone then turned it back on in download mode and flashed the pre-rooted kernal as per the instructions there.
Finally, I went through the process again to flash in the stock kernal.
Now the other users had issues with USB connection and the phone not being recognised, the answer to that was on page 11 of the above linked thread (editing the vold.fstab file). I did this (using ES Root Explorer) as per the instructions and restarted.
Things seemed fine for half a day. Now my phone randomly restarts, but not always randomly. I can perform specific actions to cause it to freeze and reboot (example, simply opening the vold.fstab file does this EVERY TIME, but I was able to copy/paste it to the SD card and then open and edit it and even copy/paste it back, all using ES root explorer, and no crash/reboot unless I open it specifically and yes, that's with having the system mounted as R/W).
Another thing I noticed since rooting, and it still has maintained the rooted status, is that any time my phone restarts or I restart it, I open the system tray and this stupid "tip" toast message comes up that, prior to rooting, only came up once. Now, it comes up only once after a restart but resets every time.
I tried to sign up for the ACS forums but for some reason, I've not gotten a single registration e-mail from them and messaged half their admin with no response (the fact that the site has no cancel account and no re-send activation option troubles me enough as it is and in my opinion, should be internationally illegal).
Anyway, that's the issue, I need to resolve these random restarts, which may or may not be caused by this vold.fstab file.
Also, I connect now (before when I did the fix, it worked), the computer doesn't recognise the phone so I can't even re-flash using Odin, but the phone works (until randomly restarting which is a pain...), so I am at a loss as to what the actual cause was and since nothing I change sticks when it restarts, I have no idea what the deal is.
Some more information...
Nothing I change sticks. I have programs that I uninstalled, but they still show up in the system tray after a reboot (if I click it, it says that the program is not installed, but it still shows up).
I tried swapping back the original build.prop - didn't stick.
I tried factory data reset - didn't do anything.
I tried a restore in BusyboxPro (stericon or something is the dev) - restored but there were some "errors".
Tried temporarily unrooting (Superuser Elite) - nothing.
I read about a power button issue - my power button is fine.
There is something wrong specifically with the OS in some way that certain actions cause it to freeze and restart. I have a game, "Deathworm" that I can play with no issues or freezes. I can do a few things but:
if I get on the mobile browser, sometimes it will freeze and reboot.
if I run AppManagerPro III, sometimes it crashes when calculating the cache size (always when it gets to 70/125 or whatever the total is, but always at 70 if it DOES crash).
Now I went into task manager and went through and cleared all the app data individually app per app. Before when I tried to do this (before restoring in Busybox, before restoring the original build.prop, etc), it would crash when I went into the downloaded tab of the thing to clear the cache. This time it didn't crash on me.
Other root stuff I have installed which was working before the random rebooting issue:
Script manager (free) and V6 supercharger (also unsupercharging wouldn't stick, which I tried before restoring the build.prop manually)
App Manager Pro III
SD Maid Pro
ES File Explorer (free version I think)
BusyBox Pro
SU Update Fixer
Screenshot It
After everything I just did, it seems to (for the moment) be working again, I am just waiting to see if it crashes again. So far I have opened and closed App Manager Pro III a few times and it calculated cache sizes with no crash. Right now, SD Maid Pro hasn't crashed yet open, hide certain tabs (clearing the data so I had to reset those options), close, reopen, scanned with system clean and app clean and actually did the app clean, so far no crashes (my phone would normally have crashed by now), cleared databases and no crash.
Also while I was in there, two programs I uninstalled via the system tray (menu button, edit, uninstall) that kept coming back were a buld.prop editor and some wonkey game (Fall down) or something, anyway those were in the downloaded section of task manager and I uninstalled them through there. Maybe that did it?
And no... still freeze, reboot and not saving any changes.
So far I've also tried uninstalling practically everything I installed and those changes aren't persisting (the uninstalled apps remain uninstalled, but reappear in the system tray or on the home screen if I had an icon there for it).
No changes I make to anything persist except things I save or copy to the SD card.
Tried factory reset again, still didn't stick.
So apparently SOME others have this issue without rooting, I can't tell, there's not a ton of reviews that I can find beyond "F*** STRAIGHT TALK CUSTOMER SERVICE THIS PHONE IS CRAP".
I hate to keep bumping this, but every time I have an issue, I am highly detailed in things and I NEVER EVER have EVER gotten a response EVER on this site, EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRR.
I really really really don't want to waste another ~$200 for nothing.
I would appreciate even a response of "yeah I have this problem too".
I don't want this to die like all the other threads I started...
Does anyone even have a clue as to where I can begin attempting to troubleshoot this on my own then?
What tools should I look into or what logs in what folders?
I know this post is very outdated but there may still be someone tinkering with these older phones still as I am.
Over the past few days I have been trying to get this Straight Talk Samsung Galaxy Proclaim rooted and working just for something to do.
I'm not one to ask for help to often so I end up doing a lot of reading and a lot of trial / error.
In my reading I have seen quite a few posts / comments around the net stating not to use the Shabbypenguin root method
as it is very buggy and unstable.... I can not tell you from experience so please do not quote me. I ended up using the TeamProlusion
root method and all has went very well other than a few minor problems I need to work out.
In all honesty I'm not real sure what I may post or may not.... ( Yes I need to REread the rules for sure ) but I
will leave this link for anyone that may be in need... Mods / Admins please feel free to edit this post if this is not permitted and
please accept my apologies.
Please google androidarea51

[Q] Razr Doesn't Recognize Internal Storage Running Liquid Smooth

Obviously, I'm new to this site, as I imagine most are when they have their first big issue.
Right off the bat, I want to admit that this is solely my fault, and I have been trying to fix it for the past day... To make matters worse, the phone was a gift from my wife for our anniversary, so, I feel pretty bad about it...
The situation:
I rooted my phone yesterday with RazrBlade. I had to do a factory reset to get it to stick, but that was fine. I then installed Boot Menu Manager. I set up the necessary partitions, system_3 system.img (300mb), cache.img (300mb), and data.img (2Gb). I realize I probably should have given system more room... but I didn't think that was app related. I then flashed Liquid-JB-v2.8-OFFICIAL-spyder and gapps-jb-20130301-signed from goo.im. It didn't tell me the system partition was out of memory, so I assumed (like a fool) that everything was OK...
After a few reboots to the wrong system, namely the stock system, I decided to go into BMM and change the default to system_3, and then I did the dumbest thing possible: I thought to myself, "Wow, it would be a pain to see this bootloader each time my phone reboots. I'll turn the delay to 0!" So... I did...
The Problem:
My phone now boots straight past the recovery to system_3, which seems to have no space allocated for applications at all, including system ones. I attached a picture of the storage details. It goes through the setup process each time I reboot, and wipes any changes I make. I can't download apps, and I can't install them via APK because the phone thinks there is no space left. I don't have BMM installed in this system so I can't turn the delay up, to my knowledge. There is no file explorer on this system, so I can't go into the app files directly. I have tried connecting with "Android Commander" but it doesn't want to detect my device. I installed the ADT bundle for windows to get the usb driver, but still nothing... I also tried a factory reset again, but that does the same thing as rebooting for me now.
The Challange:
To my knowledge, I'm out of options, but I know most of you guys do this to see what you are capable of. I'm sure you've dealt with bigger issues. Can anyone help? Would Verizon techs be smart enough/have the right software to actually reset the phone?
RustyRazr said:
Obviously, I'm new to this site, as I imagine most are when they have their first big issue.
Right off the bat, I want to admit that this is solely my fault, and I have been trying to fix it for the past day... To make matters worse, the phone was a gift from my wife for our anniversary, so, I feel pretty bad about it...
The situation:
I rooted my phone yesterday with RazrBlade. I had to do a factory reset to get it to stick, but that was fine. I then installed Boot Menu Manager. I set up the necessary partitions, system_3 system.img (300mb), cache.img (300mb), and data.img (2Gb). I realize I probably should have given system more room... but I didn't think that was app related. I then flashed Liquid-JB-v2.8-OFFICIAL-spyder and gapps-jb-20130301-signed from goo.im. It didn't tell me the system partition was out of memory, so I assumed (like a fool) that everything was OK...
After a few reboots to the wrong system, namely the stock system, I decided to go into BMM and change the default to system_3, and then I did the dumbest thing possible: I thought to myself, "Wow, it would be a pain to see this bootloader each time my phone reboots. I'll turn the delay to 0!" So... I did...
The Problem:
My phone now boots straight past the recovery to system_3, which seems to have no space allocated for applications at all, including system ones. I attached a picture of the storage details. It goes through the setup process each time I reboot, and wipes any changes I make. I can't download apps, and I can't install them via APK because the phone thinks there is no space left. I don't have BMM installed in this system so I can't turn the delay up, to my knowledge. There is no file explorer on this system, so I can't go into the app files directly. I have tried connecting with "Android Commander" but it doesn't want to detect my device. I installed the ADT bundle for windows to get the usb driver, but still nothing... I also tried a factory reset again, but that does the same thing as rebooting for me now.
The Challange:
To my knowledge, I'm out of options, but I know most of you guys do this to see what you are capable of. I'm sure you've dealt with bigger issues. Can anyone help? Would Verizon techs be smart enough/have the right software to actually reset the phone?
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I like to see you getting out of that one anyway,have you tried switching default storage? I mean try that I think that way the phone "thinks" your external sd is your internal memory and vice versa that might give you a chance to install BMM or a root explorer and debloat system..you got nothing to loose give it a try man,go to settings/advance and switch default storage,good luck.
Sent from my XT910 using xda premium
AztekSoul said:
go to settings/advance and switch default storage,good luck.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Unfortunately, I tried that. The problem was that it requires a reboot, which wiped any settings
HOWEVER, the fix was along that line, it just required me to go into android shell and tell it manually.
I followed these steps to make the phone install to the SD card (internal phone app partition really) by default (because I'm a newb, I can't post links, so just google "how-to-install-android-apps-to-the-sd-card-by-default-move-almost-any-app-to-the-sd-card").
After doing so, I still had a problem downloading BMM from the market, but I think that was due to the market being outdated and troublesome, so I had to find an apk version instead.
I installed it, and restored the boot delay to 30 secs.
I then immediately booted to system_1 to feel safe.
I may try loading the Liquid Smooth rom again once I've fixed the partitions, but I will NEVER turn BMM's boot delay to 0 s EVER again...

