Bluetooth headet for viber, tango and music? - Galaxy Note 3 Accessories

I use viber and Tango much and need bluetooth headsets. Is there any that will work? And want to be able to listen to music in gym in a rage of minimum 5 meters.
I used some I bought in local store but they only worked on default phon calls.
EBay is my favorite place to buy from.
Thank you
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Voice chat while playing a gameloft game online?

So I know first off you gotta ne on WiFi to talk on phone and use data. Me and my brother wanted to play Rainbow 6 and talk to each other. So i said let's call, then put or speaker phone or use Bluetooth headphones and launch the game and play online. When we try to launch the game while the call is in session it won't load up. Tried all my gameloft games, no luck. Anyone know how if possible to talk and play online? Maybe Skype, haven't tried it yet
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
Try ventroid, your gonna need to use a pc to host a server but its basically like ventrillo on the pc!
Sent from my Dual Core HTC 3vo 3D
navymoss35 said:
So I know first off you gotta ne on WiFi to talk on phone and use data. Me and my brother wanted to play Rainbow 6 and talk to each other. So i said let's call, then put or speaker phone or use Bluetooth headphones and launch the game and play online. When we try to launch the game while the call is in session it won't load up. Tried all my gameloft games, no luck. Anyone know how if possible to talk and play online? Maybe Skype, haven't tried it yet
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
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I'm not sure if this would work but try using fring to make a phone call and use that instead. See if that works and let me know what happens.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
I tried fring but the audio sucks, can barely hear each other but works
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
Skype works
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
navymoss35 said:
I tried fring but the audio sucks, can barely hear each other but works
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That's good to know. Have you tried using the other video chat apps like tango or Skype?
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk

SGS3 and car handsfree

Hi all,
I'm using Parrot CK3100 as handsfree. Pairing and phonecalls working well. I'm using GoogleMaps as navigation and want to play MP3 files as well. When I had Windows Mobile Phone, I can use my phone as player using this handsfree. For SGS3 not.
Any suggestions or advices?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

Notifications/alerts not being played thru headphones

As stated above, whenever I use my headphones listening to music, watching video, Pandora streaming, etc my notifications play thru the speaker NOT headphones. Am I missing something?
Sent from my SM-N900P using xda app-developers app
No that is the way it is supposed to work. Personally I prefer it that way.

Possible to control Spotify and play to Bluetooth speaker?

I often listen to spotify with my note 4 hooked up to a bluetooth speaker, and I am considering buying the gear S. I understand from other threads on here that the gear S can control spotify; but I would like to know when my gear S is hooked up to my phone via bluetooth; is it still possible to hook up to a bluetooth speaker?
Thank you .
Sent from my SM-N910F using XDA Free mobile app
deekod said:
I often listen to spotify with my note 4 hooked up to a bluetooth speaker, and I am considering buying the gear S. I understand from other threads on here that the gear S can control spotify; but I would like to know when my gear S is hooked up to my phone via bluetooth; is it still possible to hook up to a bluetooth speaker?
Thank you .
Sent from my SM-N910F using XDA Free mobile app
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Yes, works flawlessly. I use bluetooth headphones to listen to Spotify and I control it from my watch.
Many thanks.
Sent from my SM-N910F using XDA Free mobile app

Is it possible to stream SPOTIFY with the gear s? Driving Navigation as well?

New to owning the ATT version of gear s. Disappointed in lack of apps, no driving navigation, and cant listen to Spotify at gym. Is there a way around this?
milk music?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk
Yes one could use Milk Music, but unfortunately it sucks compared to Spotify.
cjackson.lasd said:
Yes one could use Milk Music, but unfortunately it sucks compared to Spotify.
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Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk
cjackson.lasd said:
New to owning the ATT version of gear s. Disappointed in lack of apps, no driving navigation, and cant listen to Spotify at gym. Is there a way around this?
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For driving navigation you can use the gear navigator standalone app

