[ROM][ICS][PORT][NEO L]Iced Bean 4.0 The Perfect One - Xperia Play Android Development

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SOURCES : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2129504
* I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards, thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed.
* Please do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM before flashing it!
* YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you.
Iced Bean is a ROM developed by nilimahona both for Locked & Unlocked bootloader
intended to be something different among the other ICS ROM & also closer to stock ones.
Try this ROM, you will not regret!
It's the most beautiful, well featured, bugless and most innovative ROM for the Xperia.
A little flavour of KITKAT !
Now for Full Xperia 2011 Series
Rebuild whole ROM from scratch
Latest inverted Play Store with Optional GMS core.
Battery Icon Chooser.
More faster Phone !
New lockscreen
Serajr 10.1 JB system UI (themed)
Xperia Z Walkman with My BLAST audio Technology
MI File Explorer 4 added.
More free RAM !!!
More battery life !!!
All bloatware ripped off. Increased free space in system
New advanced settings
More improved Gaming Engine
Re-themed Framework. all previous bugs fixed
Xposed Theme Engine added! Change your phone's look on the fly!
Graphics Engine updated.
The lightest full featured ROM
Tried to make it the best...
Iced Bean 4.0
Xperia Neo L : ICS3 (very recomended)
camera fix
For both locked & unlocked boot loader phones :
follow it carefully
Download Iced Bean 4.0 port.zip & put it in your SD card
***Flash stock ftf using flashtool, root it & install CWM***
1.Factory reset in CWM
2.wipe cache partition
3.wipe dalvik cache
4.Format/system (in mounts and storage)
7.Install Iced Bean 4.0 port.zip
8.Install camera fix.zip
9.Reboot now & it's done !
10. After rebooting, flash this zip to enable init.d support(locked BL/stock kernel without init.d)
11. Install Updates When released
*** Go to Settings>Display Settings>Xposed Theme Engine>Install/update & Reboot
*** If you install Viper4android FX install the the lib for it & Reboot
After flashing give the phone 1 hour to settle down & for scanning all media
Init.d support : Flash Zip in CWM
For BL locked/kernel Stock users - enable the init.d support
Settings 2 panel + OSB no landscape Credit : iman_yakuza
push to system/framework, set permision rw-r--r--
New Look, systemui, smallapps, dolby Credit : Bobs Mat Ley
Flash Part 1 then Part 2
Part 1
Part 2
>>> More Addons Coming >>>
nilimahona for the ROM, wedgess for kernel, Jarbu12 for kernel modification, ThilinaC, Mr. tapa, DzolCop, Osama Ghareeb, Androguide.fr, Androxyde, Sandy7, Rizal Lovins, Knight47,
Team AC!D,Till-Kruspe, Jader12354, LENAROX, jjdoctor, sirkay arcatac, zeppelinrox,tonyp,ViPER520 and zhuhang for Viper4android
LENAROX, rujelus22, Kufikugel
& those whom i can't remember right now (please PM me)
(Helped nilimahona a lot with his work. all the banners, buttons,posters etc. are made by him
& most of all he gives the inspiration always.
Don't forget to thanks him too if you like the ROM)
Changelogs on 2nd post​

Build 4.0(19-01-2014)
*This is probably the final main build of Iced Bean.
* Now for Full Xperia 2011 Series
* Cybershot 9 (not for play & neo l)
* AROMA Installer (not for play & neo l)
* Battery Icon Chooser by Osama Ghareeb
* Rebuild whole ROM from scratch
* More faster Phone!
* Serajr 10.1 JB systemUI
* Xperia Z Walkman with My BLAST audio Technology
* MI File Explorer 4
* All bloatware ripped off. Increased free space in system
* More free RAM!!!
* New advanced settings
* Magnification Glass, Advanced Power Menu, Kill app by Back button, On screen button Added
* GSM/HSDPA bug fixed
* Re-themed Framework. all previous bugs fixed
* Xposed Theme Engine added! change your phone's look on the fly!
* New lockscreen
* The lightest full featured ROM
* Latest inverted Play Store with Optional GMS core.
*** & many more i can't remember now
Build 3.4(24-3-2013)
* Fixed Icengine!!
* Fixed Kernel based incompitability issue hopefully
* Cybershot 7.1.2
* Smoothness Improved
* Battery Life improved
Build 3.3(17-3-2013)
* Fixed Bootloop!! (Sorry for that)
* Added some missing files
Build 3.2(17-3-2013)
* XPERIA Z Calculator app!
* More Powerfull Icengine
* TouchScreen is now more responsive
* Added some new build.prop tweaks
Build 3.1(1-3-2013)
* Transparent Weather App like Xperia T
* New Improved Icengine - Games are now more Smooth
* Some Cleanup
* More Free RAM
* UI Smoothness Tweak
* Dalvik Cache Is Now more improved
Build 3.0(2-2-2013)
* Totaly Rebased from stock
* Busybox 1.20.2 by LinusYang
* RAM optimization at it's Highest
* Introducing a brand new Dark-Blue GUI for ICS from the traditional look
* Changes in some animation
* Lagfree Dalvik Cache
* New Inverted JB Playstore
* Faster app opening
* Kernel Tweaks
* AOSP themed Phonebook & dialer
* CPU freq tweaks
* Patched Bravia Engine 2
* New colorful stock like icons
* Full GPU rendering with new adreno libs & tweaks
* Gaming Engine tweak
* New Boot Animation
* New Inverted YouTube
* New set exciting of wallpapers
* New Themes by me
* JB 4.2 SystemUI themed by me
* Crespo Circle Battery mod
* Speed improved
* TCP optimized
* All apps working
* Battery Life improved
* New Lock screen
* Cyber-shot 6.7.2
* Themed ES file browser added
* New Themed settings menu
* 30 step Volume Patch
* Added recovery option in Reboot Menu-Kernel Based
* New "icengine" to configure your phone as you want
* & many more tweaks
Build 2.00
* Xperia GX home Updraded to 4.2
* HOLO Launcher HD added alongside with Xperia GX
* more Free RAM
* Earthly V4 icons by FADrums
* All bloatwares removed
* As near possible to AOSP
* Optimized for Heavy multitasking
* Battery Life improved
* Adrenaline Boost added(need to install Terminal Emulator)
* Titanium Backup Added
* Framework modified with a Cool UI combined with performance
* New Wallpapers added from Xperia V & T
* MI File Explorer Added
* A Big Changes in UI Now it's Black & more Stylish
* AC!D Audio engine Implemented With Walkman
* Camera MOD by Rizal Lovins
* New GPU libs now Camera & UI is more Smooth & fasted
* Album & movie app from xperia V
* More Faster Than Ever
* Optimized for both Heavy Multitasking, Gaming & daily use
* Long Battery Life
* Lightest ROM with a Tons of features.
* New build.prop & init.d Tweaks
Build 1.00
*Initial Release

here video preview:
EDIT: change something on your OP as it doesnt apply to xperia play..kernel,baseband etc..are you sure this works on locked bootloader?

smokerman said:
here video preview:
EDIT: change something on your OP as it doesnt apply to xperia play..kernel,baseband etc..are you sure this works on locked bootloader?
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I have not tried it on lockbootloader, but I think it could, because the ROM ICS and may be run on stock kernel, ok i will edit agin
edit : i mean just for neo l can run on lock bootloader, cause neo l got stock ICS, and for play have to unlock bootloader first to run this ROM

bro @smokerman & @Lordomn can you make xperia play patch & xperia play cdma build ?? Thx

I will see what I can do

Lordomn said:
I will see what I can do
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ok Thx dev :good:

Why not Cyber shot for Xplay? and Whats gamer side? What game can I play?
Sent from my R800i using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

Frutak said:
Why not Cyber shot for Xplay? and Whats gamer side? What game can I play?
Sent from my R800i using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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cause we dont have camera libs other 2011 devices.:good:
OP i will do a play patch.:good:

smokerman said:
cause we dont have camera libs other 2011 devices.:good:
OP i will do a play patch.:good:
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Thx dev :good:

and what this ? http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1791746

Frutak said:
and what this ? http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1791746
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doesnt work..it gonna give you FC..hardware doesnt support it.but you can try to flash it at your own risk..i have that on my arc/s..8MP with full HDR support.

Dont work :/ but How Can I port this mod on our xperia play ?

Frutak said:
Dont work :/ but How Can I port this mod on our xperia play ?
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you can try..wthout the libs gonna be hard.

smokerman said:
you can try..wthout the libs gonna be hard.
xperia play users rom fixed and removed uncessary files:
no need to flash anything more,test it out please.
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Why are you making a new ROM again? why do not you just make the patch?

smokerman said:
you can try..wthout the libs gonna be hard.
xperia play users rom fixed and removed uncessary files:
no need to flash anything more,test it out please.
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Can you show me where I can start? I can learn how to port rom, coding and port mod but I dont know where I start:/
Sent from my MT25i using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

Alvin Satrio Wibowo said:
Why are you making a new ROM again? why do not you just make the patch?
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its only testing purposes,i will remove that from dev-host.:good:

smokerman said:
its only testing purposes,i will remove that from dev-host.:good:
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some say that the gamepad is not there, what you made ​​in there? if yes then I will put in the first post

Alvin Satrio Wibowo said:
some say that the gamepad is not there, what you made ​​in there? if yes then I will put in the first post
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on my link i think it works gamepad and touchpad..but xperia play users to test it please..put my link if you want or download and make a neol patch.

Touchpads Works in this rom?
Sent from my R800a using xda app-developers app


[ROM] ArcMini ICS-4 [Released] [5/8/2012]

Only for X10 Mini Pro
If you have X10 Mini
Click Here
Now, enjoy the playful UI of ArcMini with power of Android 4.0.4.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
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"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
ArcMini ICS-4 is Available Now
For changelog, scroll down...
To download, scroll down...
ArcMini ICS-3 is Available Now
Please read Instructions Carefully
To download, Scroll down...
ArcMini ICS-2 is Released
To download, scroll down...
Camera is Fixed
Huge thanks to nobodyAtall
Camera in ArcMini is working now. Video recording also works. To download Camera Fix, scroll down...
Screenshots are at 2nd post.
* Android 4.0.4
* All Google Apps Included
* Some UI elements form Sony Official ICS
* Sony default wallpapers and widgets
* Whole UI is enhanced by ArcMini Themes
* Sony ICS Walkman Player
* Sony official ICS sounds
[Ringtones, Alarms & Notifications]
* All New ArcMini ICS Bootanimation
* Xperia Events App
* Sony Ericsson Backup & Restore App
* Working WiFi, Bluetooth, Radio, Data Connection and Keyboard LED
* Working Camera and Video Recording.
[Thanks to nobdyAtall]
* Free RAM upto 86 MB
* Zipaligned
* Fast and Smooth
Just a start, more updates will come in the future.
To Know More About ArcMini ICS
Click Here
No major bugs. But still has some performace lags due to the hardware limitations. Still can be used as a daily driver.
For Lag & Bug Free Gingerbread Version
Click Here
Support ArcMini ICS
Please support ArcMini once again to make it the most beautiful and stable ICS ROM for our X10 Mini Pro.
Unlocked Bootloader
To unlock, Click Here
nAa ICS Kernel
Click Here
First make backup of your ROM
* Clear dalvik cache and wipe user data.
* Then, install ArcMini_ICS-(x).zip via CWM Recovery.
* Then, install Camera fix via CWM Recovery. [Only For V1]
* After first boot, please reboot again.
* Install Xperia_Events.zip via CWM recovery after first boot for Xperia Events App.
[Only for ArcMini ICS-3 & 4]
* Install Trebuchet_Launcher.zip via CWM recovery for Trebuchet_Launcher.
[Only for ArcMini ICS-3 & 4]
* Download and extract Xperia_S_Widgets.zip and install one-by-one to use Xperia S Widgets .
[Only for ArcMini ICS-3 & 4]
[Works only with Xperia Home]
First boot takes time. So, please wait....
ArcMini ICS-4 | Xperia S Widgets | Xperia Events | Trebuchet
ArcMini ICS-3 | Xperia S Widgets | Xperia Events | Trebuchet
ArcMini ICS-2
ArcMini ICS | Camera Fix
Performance & UI Tweaks
To Change Xperia Home Dock Color
Only for ArcMini ICS-3 & 4
Tap On Screen -> Tap on Top left Icon -> Select Xperia Home -> Appearence -> Dock Background Color -> Select the color according to the theme
For Keyboard LED
Only for V1 & V4
After first boot enable Auto brightness from Settings -> Display -> Brightness -> Check Automatic Brightness and then, reboot again and then, after 5 to 10 minutes Keyboard LED will starts working.
For Themes
You can choose different themes via Theme Chooser [Available in app drawer] .
Please reboot, when theme is changed.
Battery Tweaks
* Charge your phone full using wall charger not usb!
* Leave it fully discharge
* Go to CWM and wipe battery stats
* Repeat this procedure 2-3 times
* Use powersave or smartass cpu governor
* Reduce the screen brightness
* Disable data, wifi, bluetooth when you don't use it
ArcMini ICS-4 [5/8/2012]
* Some parts from MiniCM-3.0.4
* Fixed various stability & UI bugs
* New bootanimation
* Fixed battery drain
* Fixed keyboard LED [See Tweaks Above]
* Removed Video Editor [Has bugs]
* Stable & fast from previous versions
ArcMini ICS-3 [9/7/2012]
* Added Sony ICS Home
* Xperia S widgets are also working
* Removed Trebuchet Launcher
[Still available as Flashable Zip]
* Removed Xperia Events App to boost performance
[Still available as Flashable Zip]
* Removed some unnecessary libs & permissions
* Xperia Home Dock color can be chagned
* All fixes from previous versions
* Performance is increased
ArcMini ICS-2 [6/7/2012]
* Optimized for performance
* Added performance tweaks from ArcMini NxT6
* Some features from MiniCM-3.0.3
* Working Keyboard and its LED [Almost like Stock]
* Resized lockscreen UI
* Lockscreen weather
* Added new modules
* Included Camera Fix
* Mimmi parts added
* Back button ends call added
* Zipaligned
* More stable than the previous version
Thanks to racht, nobodyAtall, zdzihu, jerpelea, paul-xxx, and other contributors....
Thanks also goes to CyanogenMod and CyanogenMod Team....
If you liked my work, just click on Thanks button.
Themes Preview
For more screenshots, download attached zip
hey thanks for you work, another great rom is coming, you could anticipate the changelog to see what works and what does not...
Just a q. is this ROM built from source? if so what sources?
yes , waiting for it !!
yes i will it.
Is this Rom based from another, or just is a themed??
Thx.. Hope the changelog...!!
Sent from my U20i using xda app-developers app
My next rom definitely.... Thanks
You better optimize it for more ram and speed
that is my one suggestion for this rom.
Hope this Rom too have good battery life, like ArcMini....
Thank you....
Sent From Amazing ArcMini
I hope it will be as perfect as your 2.3.x arc mini .. if so, it will be definitely my next rom!
Camera still won't fully work, will it?
No Camera, no ICS for me...
Will this have the "slide-able" notifications on the LockScreen, just like the NXT phones?
Hi, this a good news, but in this rom the recorder camera work fine or not have camera recorder?
I'm happy with this news
And sorry for my bad english you understand me
Sent from my U20i using xda premium
thanks pranav i want for download
[ROM] ArcMini ICS [4/7/2012]
Hello Friends,
ArcMini ROM is now ready to give you the best user interface and stability once agian. This time with power of IceCreamSandwich. All features are listed below...
* Android 4.0.4
* All Google Apps Included
* Some UI elements form Sony Official ICS
* Sony default wallpapers and widgets
* Whole UI is enhanced by ArcMini Themes
* Sony ICS Walkman Player
* Sony official ICS sounds [Ringtones, Alarms & Notifications]
* All New ArcMini ICS Bootanimation
* Xperia Events App
* Sony Ericsson Backup & Restore App
* Working WiFi, Bluetooth, Radio, Data Connection and Keyboard LED
* Free RAM upto 86 MB
* Zipaligned
* Fast and Smooth
To download, See first post...
Pranav Pandey
Pranav110089 said:
Hello Friends,
ArcMini ROM is now ready to give you the best user interface and stability once agian. This time with power of IceCreamSandwich. All features are listed below...
* Android 4.0.4
* All Google Apps Included
* Some UI elements form Sony Official ICS
* Sony default wallpapers and widgets
* Whole UI is enhanced by ArcMini Themes
* Sony ICS Walkman Player
* Sony official ICS sounds [Ringtones, Alarms & Notifications]
* All New ArcMini ICS Bootanimation
* Xperia Events App
* Sony Ericsson Backup & Restore App
* Working WiFi, Bluetooth, Radio, Data Connection and Keyboard LED
* Free RAM upto 86 MB
* Zipaligned
* Fast and Smooth
To download, See first post...
Pranav Pandey
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OMG,like WoW
Sent from my U20i using xda premium
Pranav110089 said:
Hello Friends,
ArcMini ROM is now ready to give you the best user interface and stability once agian. This time with power of IceCreamSandwich. All features are listed below...
* Android 4.0.4
* All Google Apps Included
* Some UI elements form Sony Official ICS
* Sony default wallpapers and widgets
* Whole UI is enhanced by ArcMini Themes
* Sony ICS Walkman Player
* Sony official ICS sounds [Ringtones, Alarms & Notifications]
* All New ArcMini ICS Bootanimation
* Xperia Events App
* Sony Ericsson Backup & Restore App
* Working WiFi, Bluetooth, Radio, Data Connection and Keyboard LED
* Free RAM upto 86 MB
* Zipaligned
* Fast and Smooth
To download, See first post...
Pranav Pandey
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Downloading........it sounds great, hope that the camera will be fixed soon
Hello guys!
How do I display only the contacts with phone?
Sorry for my bad English!
Nice work my friend.
I was wondering because i want to use the home launcher with the 4 corners can you make an addon?

[ROM+KERNEL][ICS] Serenity™ [3.0][22/12/12]

"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
[SIZE="4"]* Your warranty will be void.
* I'm not responsible for any damage to your device.
* Bugs will be fixed in 2nd post.
* Be a community person.
* Don't quote OP.
* Don't spam here.
* [COLOR="Red"]Read Instructions carefully.[/COLOR]
* [COLOR="Red"]Read FAQ's before posting any query.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
Installation Instructions:-
1. Place ROM zip in sd card.
2. Enter CMW.
3. Perform the followng operations :-
* Wipe Data/Factory reset >> yes
* Wipe cache partition >> yes
* Advanced >> Wipe dalvik cache >>yes
* Mounts and storage >> Format System >> yes
4. Now select ' Install zip from sd card ' >> choose zip from sd card>> select the rom zip.
5. Go through AROMA.
6. Boot to homescreen. ( Expect everything to be blank )
7. Reboot once again to homescreen.
8. Done....
9. Install upgrade package (IMPORTANT)
FAQ's :-
1. I get a blank screen after install?
> As stated above, reboot once again.
2. What is existing install option in AROMA?
> To put simply, It allows user to change preferences such as launcher, status bar, boot animation, UI sounds etc. without installing whole ROM again. Thus, ROM gives you flexibility.
3. ROM weighs 250 MB. Why the hell would anyone want to carry it for just customizing?
> Good question. Just delete whole system folder from zip. It will reduce size by >170 MB.
4. ROM sometimes lags or eats battery faster than GB?
> It's ICS. Revert to GB or get a dual core.
5. I don't get walkman widgets on nova ?
> Widgets only support stock launchers.
6. I encounter some problems after doing existing install?
> Try doing it again with factory reset in CMW.
7. Can I install it over v2.1?
> Since v3 has a quite big changelog, therefore I recommend to flash v3 after doing all wipes.
9. SystemUIPreferences stop working in when 3rd option is checked in Serene bar?
> Don't worry. Go to quick panel option in settings and uncheck all toggles. This should fix it.
10. I get walkman light option on a non LWW device?
> Sorry, but I can't make different Settings for each device. It's rather time consuming. And I think one can probably live with that.
11. After flashing upgrade with small apps, my previous status bar gets replaced?
>Use existing install option in aroma to get your status bar back. You have to compromise with small apps though.
12 ROM becomes laggy gradually and eats more CPU power and battery?
>This primarily happens due to kernel not ROM. Please use kernel based on latest .587 source not .431
13. I get status 0 error after install?
>ROM is successfully installed. Just reboot.
14. There are some other bugs too?
>Check bugs and fixes section.
Credits ( Hit thanks for them ) :-
* Till-Kruspe ( For his amazing walkman mod, LED control and ClearStereo™ apk used )
* serajr ( For his beautiful GX UI and modded status bar )
* sandy7 ( Always there to help me )
* Rizal Lovins ( for his cybershot camera )
* draco_ag ( for his small app framework )
If you think your name should be here then PM me... ​​
Changelog and Downloads Section
Changelogs :-
[B][U][SIZE="4"][COLOR="SeaGreen"]Update v1.1 (16/10/12)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR="Red"][B][SIZE="4"][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]:-
* WiFi fixed
* APN fixed
* USB fixed
* superuser fixed[/B]
[B][U][SIZE="4"][COLOR="SeaGreen"]Update v1.2(17/10/12) [/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR="Red"][B][SIZE="4"][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]:-
[B]* Includes Update v1.1
* Added quick panel settings
* Fixed Media Info
* Modded Settings app
* Upgraded DEV files to .587
* Camera Fixed ( for other devices than lww )
* UI fixed ( for other devices )
* Other minor bug fixes.....
* Overall greatly improved and stabilized..[/B]
[B][U][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"]Serenity v2.0 (04/11/12) :-[/SIZE][/COLOR][/U]
* Used Touch Aroma.
* Added Fresh and Existing Install option.
* Includes all previous updates.
* 5 Launchers.
* 4 Status Bars.
* 3 UI sounds.
* 6 Bootanimations.
* 4 Walkman Widgets
* 2 Call screens.
* Supercharged ROM ( Removed Bulletproof for efficient performance )
* Added Cybershot Camera for better Image and Videos quality.
* Updated GPU drivers.
* Added more ringtones and wallpapers.
* Fixed Ultra-Brightness.
* Xperia S messaging app and calender.
* Improved Performance.
* Fixed bugs.
* Modded framework.
* Removed and added tweaks.
* Updated play store to latest.
* Added Stock Apps support.
* Removed music info ( Doesn't work whatsoever )
* Added UNLIMITED tweaks.
* Added Xperia GX Black keyboard for better battery life.
* Added more apps support in AROMA.
* Modded Settings.
* Add-on included.( Recommended )
[B][U][SIZE="4"][COLOR="SeaGreen"]Update v2.1 (19/11/12)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR="Red"][B][SIZE="4"][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]:-
* Added Skip-Tracks via Long Press Volume buttons.
* Added Long Press Back Button Kill Functionality.
* Modded Settings.
* Improved UI.
* Lighter ROM.
* Modded Notification LED.
* Other Small Bug fixes.
[B][U][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"]Serenity v3.0 (18/12/12) :-[/SIZE][/COLOR][/U]
* All new code rewrite.
* Uncluttered unnecessary AROMA code.
* Better and efficient AROMA.
* Added Bravia Engine 2.
* Added Serene Status Bar with transparency control.
* Added Serenity xLoud™
* Added Serenity Bass Boost™
* Added AOKP based Serenity™ Control.
* All new and better Setttings
* Added one more callscreen option
* New icons ( AOSP + NXT + SENSE )
* Updated Cyber-shot™ Camera.
* Built in previous updates.
* Updated GPU drivers.
* Updated NOVA Launcher..
* Updated stock and Xperia S launcher with preferences.
* Removed apex and launcher pro.
* Updated GX Launcher.
* Updated Xperia V Walkman™.
* Added more bootanimations.
* Added DROID DNA™ ringtones and wallpapers
* Added DROID DNA™ UI sound option.
* HTC Sense™ 4.0 inspired
* Added MIUI UI sound option.
* Added boot-sound option.
* Better existing install option.
* Removed build.prop values that were set to twice/thrice.
* Added more app support in AROMA.
* Removed tweaks that were slowing ROM.
* New and better small app support.
* Added web-view small app
* Added LED Control.
* Added ClearStereo™
* Lighter ROM
* Updated GX black keyboard
* Recompiled framework
* Toggle b/w slide and AOSP lock in settings
* More User friendly
* Restored Music Info
* Much Improved Performance.
* Fixed many bugs
Downloads :-​
* Serenity v1.0 : (15/10/12)
* Serenity v2.0 : (04/11/12)
* Serenity v3.0 : (18/12/12) : [URL="http://d-h.st/PGZ"][COLOR="Red"]Download[/COLOR][/URL]
* Upgrade with small apps :- [URL="http://d-h.st/Bkw"][COLOR="Red"]Download[/COLOR][/URL]
* Upgrade w/o small apps : [URL="http://d-h.st/Kpb"][COLOR="Red"]Download[/COLOR][/URL]
Bug Fixes( Use only if you encounter problem ) :-
* Camera Inversion Fix : Download
* Skip tracks via vol : Download
Addons (OPTIONAL) :-
* PowerSaver App : Download
* Xperia S Album : Download
* AOSP Gallery : Download
Will come back with feedback soon on how it runs.
nice man...looks very cool
Sent from my WT19i using xda premium
good work bro
i would suggest you to keep updating this and not starting new project
beautiful Rom!!
and about performance..
can you share a benchmark with us?(quandrant)
which bugs of 587 is fixed?
Just did a fresh install. Selected stock UI with modified status bar. System UI force closes directly when rom loads.
Also dont have any sound at all.
Duckie92 said:
Just did a fresh install. Selected stock UI with modified status bar. System UI force closes directly when rom loads.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Please check that you didn't select two options under same heading. It happened with me too .. And pls reboot twice..
I9103 said:
which bugs of 587 is fixed?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
LED notification bug and others... ( atleast LWW's bug are done with ...)
rachit.rc96 said:
Please check that you didn't select two options under same heading. It happened with me too .. And pls reboot twice..
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Didnt select anything double in each header. Have rebooted three times now, and system.ui crashes on start up.Gonna do a fresh install again with other options and see what happens.
Duckie92 said:
Didnt select anything double in each header. Have rebooted three times now, and system.ui crashes on start up.Gonna do a fresh install again with other options and see what happens.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Okay.. i'm installing my rom again..
rachit.rc96 said:
Okay.. i'm installing my rom again..
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Reainstalled, selected other gui, still the same. system.ui crashes direclty at start up. This is on ST15i.
Duckie92 said:
Just did a fresh install. Selected stock UI with modified status bar. System UI force closes directly when rom loads.
Also dont have any sound at all.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
hello... i just installed it with your settings and it works..
Looks really nice :good: will try it tomorrow
I like that sentence you wrote.. no beats and other craps.. ...none could even stand in front of xloud
Looks Great bro.. Downloading right now!!
Really serene and cool:good:
ekakribo said:
I like that sentence you wrote.. no beats and other craps.. ...none could even stand in front of xloud
Click to expand...
Click to collapse

[ROM][.587][Both BL]Iced Bean 4.0 - The Perfect One [19-01-2014]

"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
* I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards, thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed.
* Please do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM before flashing it!
* YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you.
Iced Bean is a ROM developed by me both for Locked & Unlocked bootloader
intended to be something different among the other ICS ROM & also closer to stock ones.
Try this ROM, you will not regret!
It's the most beautiful, well featured, bugless and most innovative ROM for the Xperia.
Based on stock 4.0.4 fw
Bloatware ripped.
xLoud & Bravia Engine
Xperia Z Walkman
Xperia ICS keyboard
JB SystemUI toggles
a totaly different GUI in stock ICS
Visual modifications
AOSP unlock screen
Improved adreno GPU driver
Smooth UI
Super Perfomance
Xposed Framework
BLAST Audio Technology
Long press volume to skip tracks
Notification Led Fix
Supports init.d
ALS-Ambient Light Sensor
Faster GPS & Browsing
Great Battery life
& many more...
Google Drive
Any Stock Based Kernel will work even the Stock one.
For best results, use xKERNEL or CTCaer or LUPUS​
For both locked & unlocked boot loader phones :
follow it carefully
Download Iced_Bean_4.0.zip & put it in your SD card
***Flash 4.1.B.0.587 or 4.1.B.1.13 ftf using flashtool, root it & install CWM***
1.Factory reset in CWM
2.wipe cache partition
3.wipe dalvik cache
4.Format/system (in mounts and storage)
7.Install Iced_Bean_4.0.zip
8.Reboot now & it's done !
9. After rebooting, flash this zip to enable init.d support(locked BL/stock kernel without init.d)
10. Install Updates When released​
*** Go to Settings>Display Settings>Xposed Theme Engine>Install/update & Reboot
*** If you install Viper4android FX install the the lib for it & Reboot​After flashing give the phone 1 hour to settle down & for scanning all media​
Init.d support : Flash Zip in CWM
For BL locked/kernel Stock users - enable the init.d support
Odex Full ROM : Flash Zip in CWM & Wipe Cache
More Fast & stable ROM, Around 250mb free RAM - No modification is possible after odexing
More Addons Coming!!!​
ThilinaC, Mr. tapa, DzolCop, Osama Ghareeb, Androguide.fr, Androxyde, Sandy7, Rizal Lovins, Knight47,
Team AC!D,Till-Kruspe, Jader12354, LENAROX, jjdoctor, sirkay arcatac, zeppelinrox,tonyp,ViPER520 and zhuhang for Viper4android
LENAROX, rujelus22, Kufikugel
& those whom i can't remember right now (please PM me)​
(Helped Me a lot with his work. all the banners, buttons,posters etc. are made by him
& most of all he gives the inspiration always.
Don't forget to thanks him too if you like the ROM)​
Changelogs, Screenshots, addons are on 2nd & 3rd post
Build 4.0(19-01-2014)
*This is probably the final main build of Iced Bean.
* Now for Full Xperia 2011 Series
* Cybershot 9
* AROMA Installer
* Battery Icon Chooser by Osama Ghareeb
* Rebuild whole ROM from scratch
* More faster Phone!
* Serajr 10.1 JB systemUI
* Xperia Z Walkman with My BLAST audio Technology
* MI File Explorer 4
* All bloatware ripped off. Increased free space in system
* More free RAM!!!
* New advanced settings
* Magnification Glass, Advanced Power Menu, Kill app by Back button, On screen button Added
* GSM/HSDPA bug fixed
* Re-themed Framework. all previous bugs fixed
* Xposed Theme Engine added! change your phone's look on the fly!
* New lockscreen
* The lightest full featured ROM
* Latest inverted Play Store with Optional GMS core.
*** & many more i can't remember now
Build 3.4(24-3-2013)
* Fixed Icengine!!
* Fixed Kernel based incompitability issue hopefully
* Cybershot 7.1.2
* Smoothness Improved
* Battery Life improved
Build 3.3(17-3-2013)
* Fixed Bootloop!! (Sorry for that)
* Added some missing files
Build 3.2(17-3-2013)
* XPERIA Z Calculator app!
* More Powerfull Icengine
* TouchScreen is now more responsive
* Added some new build.prop tweaks
Build 3.1(1-3-2013)
* Transparent Weather App like Xperia T
* New Improved Icengine - Games are now more Smooth
* Some Cleanup
* More Free RAM
* UI Smoothness Tweak
* Dalvik Cache Is Now more improved
Build 3.0(2-2-2013)
* Totaly Rebased from stock
* Busybox 1.20.2 by LinusYang
* RAM optimization at it's Highest
* Introducing a brand new Dark-Blue GUI for ICS from the traditional look
* Changes in some animation
* Lagfree Dalvik Cache
* New Inverted JB Playstore
* Faster app opening
* Kernel Tweaks
* AOSP themed Phonebook & dialer
* CPU freq tweaks
* Patched Bravia Engine 2
* New colorful stock like icons
* Full GPU rendering with new adreno libs & tweaks
* Gaming Engine tweak
* New Boot Animation
* New Inverted YouTube
* New set exciting of wallpapers
* New Themes by me
* JB 4.2 SystemUI themed by me
* Crespo Circle Battery mod
* Speed improved
* TCP optimized
* All apps working
* Battery Life improved
* New Lock screen
* Cyber-shot 6.7.2
* Themed ES file browser added
* New Themed settings menu
* 30 step Volume Patch
* Added recovery option in Reboot Menu-Kernel Based
* New "icengine" to configure your phone as you want
* & many more tweaks
Build 2.00
* Xperia GX home Updraded to 4.2
* HOLO Launcher HD added alongside with Xperia GX
* more Free RAM
* Earthly V4 icons by FADrums
* All bloatwares removed
* As near possible to AOSP
* Optimized for Heavy multitasking
* Battery Life improved
* Adrenaline Boost added(need to install Terminal Emulator)
* Titanium Backup Added
* Framework modified with a Cool UI combined with performance
* New Wallpapers added from Xperia V & T
* MI File Explorer Added
* A Big Changes in UI Now it's Black & more Stylish
* AC!D Audio engine Implemented With Walkman
* Camera MOD by Rizal Lovins
* New GPU libs now Camera & UI is more Smooth & fasted
* Album & movie app from xperia V
* More Faster Than Ever
* Optimized for both Heavy Multitasking, Gaming & daily use
* Long Battery Life
* Lightest ROM with a Tons of features.
* New build.prop & init.d Tweaks
Build 1.00
*Initial Release
Liked Iced Bean?
Show The Others what you are using?
Please use one of the Signatures as yours:
Want Some More Siggys? Ask Discours for more.
Join us in YouTube & Facebook​
Click Here
Build 1: Click Here To Download
Build 2.1: Click Here To Download
Build 3.0: Click Here To Download
I'm not asking for donation, just don't forget to press thanks if you liked my ROM & rate my thread with 5 stars. This motivates to work.
Fell Free to write a comment, but don't make a useless topic
Thanks for the rom. Good to see new AOSP looked stock rom. Will surely give it a try.
get something wrong with the touch.
Neo lockbootloader.
Downloading now....will test and report. Thanks:good:
Re: Iced Bean 3.0b[1st release for NEO]
Maybe you would consider develop your rom for neo l
Sent from my MT25i using xda premium
daxdax89 said:
No OC?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
OC is kernel based not in ROM!
dev, can u release iced bean v3.5 for xperia neo too ?
Iced_Bean_3.0_ARC.zip for Neo??
Ok lets try it... but is ok the file name for an Xperia NEo (hallon) Iced_Bean_3.0_ARC.zip???
Testing... is good
Now I have a Xperia ARC lol!!!
My phone chance to Xperia Arc is a Neo (hallon) you will do some specific for Neo??
ty great room!!!
going to test this out and make a video about it , thanks
unbelievably fast and fluid , game seem not to lag at all
For NEO V...?
Hi, please port this Rom to neo v...
Ysharief said:
Hi, please port this Rom to neo v...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It just required some patch like Camera , wifi module , otg module , most dev will probably do it if you ask them !!!!
Or simply open most ROMs' patch and see what file they've put there and make one too :good:
I haven't tried this rom cuz i have not time, but I feel so excited by the beauty of this rom
It based on 4.0.4 ics, so can i use cybershot mod by rizal love?
Phillip Wu said:
It just required some patch like Camera , wifi module , otg module , most dev will probably do it if you ask them !!!!
Or simply open most ROMs' patch and see what file they've put there and make one too :good:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I have tried that no luck...! Rom booted well but touch is not working..
waiting someone to do it for NEO V
Ysharief said:
I have tried that no luck...! Rom booted well but touch is not working..
waiting someone to do it for NEO V
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Here bro sharief it already exist for neo v.
Sent from my Xperia Neo V using Tapatalk 2
Zero_7005 said:
Now I have a Xperia ARC lol!!!
My phone chance to Xperia Arc is a Neo (hallon) you will do some specific for Neo??
ty great room!!!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
same here
after installing, my model is LT15i though i chose right one (Device stabilizer)
how can i get this theme? it's so beautiful!
where can i find OSB?
some bugs here:
im using this rom for a week now,its very fast,especialy the phone and setings are opening 2x faster than in other roms,
baterry is also good,im with suave kernel oc to 1,2 and nothing else touched
the only thing is i dont especialy love the jb panel so im using a diferent system ui
i really recomend this rom for a fastest ics rom
thank you

[ROM][.587][Both BL]Iced Bean 4.0 - The Perfect One [19-01-2014]

"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
* I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards, thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed.
* Please do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM before flashing it!
* YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you.
Iced Bean is a ROM developed by me both for Locked & Unlocked bootloader
intended to be something different among the other ICS ROM & also closer to stock ones.
Try this ROM, you will not regret!
It's the most beautiful, well featured, bugless and most innovative ROM for the Xperia.
Based on stock 4.0.4 fw
Bloatware ripped.
xLoud & Bravia Engine
Xperia Z Walkman
Xperia ICS keyboard
JB SystemUI toggles
a totaly different GUI in stock ICS
Visual modifications
AOSP unlock screen
Improved adreno GPU driver
Smooth UI
Super Perfomance
Xposed Framework
BLAST Audio Technology
Long press volume to skip tracks
Notification Led Fix
Supports init.d
ALS-Ambient Light Sensor
Faster GPS & Browsing
Great Battery life
& many more...
Google Drive
Any Stock Based Kernel will work even the Stock one.
For best results, use xKERNEL or CTCaer or LUPUS​
For both locked & unlocked boot loader phones :
follow it carefully
Download Iced_Bean_4.0.zip & put it in your SD card
***Flash 4.1.B.0.587 or 4.1.B.1.13 ftf using flashtool, root it & install CWM***
1.Factory reset in CWM
2.wipe cache partition
3.wipe dalvik cache
4.Format/system (in mounts and storage)
7.Install Iced_Bean_4.0.zip
8.Reboot now & it's done !
9. After rebooting, flash this zip to enable init.d support(locked BL/stock kernel without init.d)
10. Install Updates When released​
*** Go to Settings>Display Settings>Xposed Theme Engine>Install/update & Reboot
*** If you install Viper4android FX install the the lib for it & Reboot​After flashing give the phone 1 hour to settle down & for scanning all media​
Init.d support : Flash Zip in CWM
For BL locked/kernel Stock users - enable the init.d support
Odex Full ROM : Flash Zip in CWM & Wipe Cache
More Fast & stable ROM, Around 250mb free RAM - No modification is possible after odexing
More Addons Coming!!!​
ThilinaC, Mr. tapa, DzolCop, Osama Ghareeb, Androguide.fr, Androxyde, Sandy7, Rizal Lovins, Knight47,
Team AC!D,Till-Kruspe, Jader12354, LENAROX, jjdoctor, sirkay arcatac, zeppelinrox,tonyp,ViPER520 and zhuhang for Viper4android
LENAROX, rujelus22, Kufikugel
& those whom i can't remember right now (please PM me)​
(Helped Me a lot with his work. all the banners, buttons,posters etc. are made by him
& most of all he gives the inspiration always.
Don't forget to thanks him too if you like the ROM)​
Changelogs, Screenshots, addons are on 2nd & 3rd post
Build 4.0(19-01-2014)
*This is probably the final main build of Iced Bean.
* Now for Full Xperia 2011 Series
* Cybershot 9
* AROMA Installer
* Battery Icon Chooser by Osama Ghareeb
* Rebuild whole ROM from scratch
* More faster Phone!
* Serajr 10.1 JB systemUI
* Xperia Z Walkman with My BLAST audio Technology
* MI File Explorer 4
* All bloatware ripped off. Increased free space in system
* More free RAM!!!
* New advanced settings
* Magnification Glass, Advanced Power Menu, Kill app by Back button, On screen button Added
* GSM/HSDPA bug fixed
* Re-themed Framework. all previous bugs fixed
* Xposed Theme Engine added! change your phone's look on the fly!
* New lockscreen
* The lightest full featured ROM
* Latest inverted Play Store with Optional GMS core.
*** & many more i can't remember now
Build 3.4(24-3-2013)
* Fixed Icengine!!
* Fixed Kernel based incompitability issue hopefully
* Cybershot 7.1.2
* Smoothness Improved
* Battery Life improved
Build 3.3(17-3-2013)
* Fixed Bootloop!! (Sorry for that)
* Added some missing files
Build 3.2(17-3-2013)
* XPERIA Z Calculator app!
* More Powerfull Icengine
* TouchScreen is now more responsive
* Added some new build.prop tweaks
Build 3.1(1-3-2013)
* Transparent Weather App like Xperia T
* New Improved Icengine - Games are now more Smooth
* Some Cleanup
* More Free RAM
* UI Smoothness Tweak
* Dalvik Cache Is Now more improved
Build 3.0(2-2-2013)
* Totaly Rebased from stock
* Busybox 1.20.2 by LinusYang
* RAM optimization at it's Highest
* Introducing a brand new Dark-Blue GUI for ICS from the traditional look
* Changes in some animation
* Lagfree Dalvik Cache
* New Inverted JB Playstore
* Faster app opening
* Kernel Tweaks
* AOSP themed Phonebook & dialer
* CPU freq tweaks
* Patched Bravia Engine 2
* New colorful stock like icons
* Full GPU rendering with new adreno libs & tweaks
* Gaming Engine tweak
* New Boot Animation
* New Inverted YouTube
* New set exciting of wallpapers
* New Themes by me
* JB 4.2 SystemUI themed by me
* Crespo Circle Battery mod
* Speed improved
* TCP optimized
* All apps working
* Battery Life improved
* New Lock screen
* Cyber-shot 6.7.2
* Themed ES file browser added
* New Themed settings menu
* 30 step Volume Patch
* Added recovery option in Reboot Menu-Kernel Based
* New "icengine" to configure your phone as you want
* & many more tweaks
Build 2.00
* Xperia GX home Updraded to 4.2
* HOLO Launcher HD added alongside with Xperia GX
* more Free RAM
* Earthly V4 icons by FADrums
* All bloatwares removed
* As near possible to AOSP
* Optimized for Heavy multitasking
* Battery Life improved
* Adrenaline Boost added(need to install Terminal Emulator)
* Titanium Backup Added
* Framework modified with a Cool UI combined with performance
* New Wallpapers added from Xperia V & T
* MI File Explorer Added
* A Big Changes in UI Now it's Black & more Stylish
* AC!D Audio engine Implemented With Walkman
* Camera MOD by Rizal Lovins
* New GPU libs now Camera & UI is more Smooth & fasted
* Album & movie app from xperia V
* More Faster Than Ever
* Optimized for both Heavy Multitasking, Gaming & daily use
* Long Battery Life
* Lightest ROM with a Tons of features.
* New build.prop & init.d Tweaks
Build 1.00
*Initial Release
Liked Iced Bean?
Show The Others what you are using?
Please use one of the Signatures as yours:
Want Some More Siggys? Ask Discours for more.
Join us in YouTube & Facebook​
Click Here
Build 1: Click Here To Download
Build 2.1: Click Here To Download
Build 3.0: Click Here To Download
I'm not asking for donation, just don't forget to press thanks if you liked my ROM & rate my thread with 5 stars. This motivates to work.
Fell Free to write a comment, but don't make a useless topic
Re: Iced Bean 3.0b
@OP no OSB on icebean? Can't see it in screenshots.
Sent from my MT11i using xda app
Wolf Eye said:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
click on button below screen shot...!!!
bitoyz13 said:
@OP no OSB on icebean? Can't see it in screenshots.
Sent from my MT11i using xda app
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
not yet.
Please make OSB as soon as possible...
The rom Has no bugs except there is no flash in camera.....GReat RAM Management ....very smooth ...the UI is also nice...Overall Great Rom to use............After long time There is a Proper ICS ROM.....
Re: Iced Bean 3.0b
rajth525 said:
Please make OSB as soon as possible...the rom looks good and i hope performance and battery life are also good....i will try this rom with alliance 1.5 kernel and Write a review...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Flash the OSB of shardul for ICS stock rom.
BTW, great ROM , very nice, I need more time to make a review, but for now great.
send from my mind, without phone.
Brilliant Rom! Looks great! Runs great! Great ram management and smoothness.. Overall brilliant Rom
Just one problem : the camera does not have a flash option! Plus the torch app doesn't work. Basically, the flashlight is not working right now.. Everything else is awesome at the moment! Will test it for me time and report other bug there are any
pranav.22 said:
Brilliant Rom! Looks great! Runs great! Great ram management and smoothness.. Overall brilliant Rom
Just one problem : the camera does not have a flash option! Plus the torch app doesn't work. Basically, the flashlight is not working right now.. Everything else is awesome at the moment! Will test it for me time and report other bug there are any
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
as this is a beta release for all xperia 2011 except ray. i'm just collecting bugs & solving it. full & final version will release soon
P:S: did you used device stabilizer?
nilimahona said:
as this is a beta release for all xperia 2011 except ray. i'm just collecting bugs & solving it. full & final version will release soon
P:S: did you used device stabilizer?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
i hope there will be walkman without acid mod in final.
onscreen buttons also stock themes if possible.
Re: Iced Bean 3.0b
This is great rom. Thanks. Please add in new update lockscreen with shortcuts? (like cm9.1) Your lockscreen looks very good. If you add shortcuts it will be amazing.
Sent from my MT11i using xda app-developers app
Thanks for your great rom...
run smoothly...
awason background... icon... status bar.. all i like most :fingers-crossed: :angel:
only led flash not work...
+ : can you make Signatures for neo V... i like to put in my Signature
awasome rom.... new ringtone.. great themes... more ram :good:
Wolf Eye said:
Thanks for your great rom...
run smoothly...
awason background... icon... status bar.. all i like most :fingers-crossed: :angel:
only led flash not work...
+ : can you make Signatures for neo V... i like to put in my Signature
awasome rom.... new ringtone.. great themes... more ram :good:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Basically i'm a ray user & i developed this ROM for ray. this is a beta release for ARC/NEO & all other 2011. soon the full working version will release with a new set of sigs. themes & features.
Re: Iced Bean 3.0b
nilimahona said:
Basically i'm a ray user & i developed this ROM for ray. this is a beta release for ARC/NEO & all other 2011. soon the full working version will release with a new set of sigs. themes & features.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Currently I deeply use this Rom...
If I found any another bug then I will post...
Sent from my LT15i using xda app-developers app
nilimahona said:
as this is a beta release for all xperia 2011 except ray. i'm just collecting bugs & solving it. full & final version will release soon
P:S: did you used device stabilizer?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
yes, I used the device stabilizer .. also the phone is getting detected as arc s when connected to the comp .. maybe tats the issue .. it thinks its a arc s instead of a Neo v .. another thing, the battery drains real fast .. I charged to 100 % and left it at night . in the morning the battery was at 85% (wifi and data switched off )
pranav.22 said:
yes, I used the device stabilizer .. also the phone is getting detected as arc s when connected to the comp .. maybe tats the issue .. it thinks its a arc s instead of a Neo v .. another thing, the battery drains real fast .. I charged to 100 % and left it at night . in the morning the battery was at 85% (wifi and data switched off )
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Can you please replace the build.prop file with a stock neo one & make a factor reset & report what happened.
nilimahona said:
Can you please replace the build.prop file with a stock neo one & make a factor reset & report what happened.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
hey I replaced the build. prop file with stock Neo v file using root explorer .. fixed permissions to rw-r--r--
and then I factory re set the phone .. but the flashlight is still not working and now the torch toggle give FC ... I dunno If I did it wrong .. lemme know how else I can help
Well. workig on this. fixed within a week when the latest build release.

[ROM][.587][Both BL]Iced Bean 4.0 - The Perfect One [19-01-2014]

"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
* I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards, thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed.
* Please do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM before flashing it!
* YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you.
Iced Bean is a ROM developed by me both for Locked & Unlocked bootloader
intended to be something different among the other ICS ROM & also closer to stock ones.
Try this ROM, you will not regret!
It's the most beautiful, well featured, bugless and most innovative ROM for the Xperia.
Based on stock 4.0.4 fw
Bloatware ripped.
xLoud & Bravia Engine
Xperia Z Walkman
Xperia ICS keyboard
JB SystemUI toggles
a totaly different GUI in stock ICS
Visual modifications
AOSP unlock screen
Improved adreno GPU driver
Smooth UI
Super Perfomance
Xposed Framework
BLAST Audio Technology
Long press volume to skip tracks
Notification Led Fix
Supports init.d
ALS-Ambient Light Sensor
Faster GPS & Browsing
Great Battery life
& many more...
Google Drive
Any Stock Based Kernel will work even the Stock one.
For best results, use xKERNEL or CTCaer or LUPUS​
For both locked & unlocked boot loader phones :
follow it carefully
Download Iced_Bean_4.0.zip & put it in your SD card
***Flash 4.1.B.0.587 or 4.1.B.1.13 ftf using flashtool, root it & install CWM***
1.Factory reset in CWM
2.wipe cache partition
3.wipe dalvik cache
4.Format/system (in mounts and storage)
7.Install Iced_Bean_4.0.zip
8.Reboot now & it's done !
9. After rebooting, flash this zip to enable init.d support(locked BL/stock kernel without init.d)
10. Install Updates When released​
*** Go to Settings>Display Settings>Xposed Theme Engine>Install/update & Reboot
*** If you install Viper4android FX install the the lib for it & Reboot​After flashing give the phone 1 hour to settle down & for scanning all media​
Init.d support : Flash Zip in CWM
For BL locked/kernel Stock users - enable the init.d support
Odex Full ROM : Flash Zip in CWM & Wipe Cache
More Fast & stable ROM, Around 250mb free RAM - No modification is possible after odexing
More Addons Coming!!!​
ThilinaC, Mr. tapa, DzolCop, Osama Ghareeb, Androguide.fr, Androxyde, Sandy7, Rizal Lovins, Knight47,
Team AC!D,Till-Kruspe, Jader12354, LENAROX, jjdoctor, sirkay arcatac, zeppelinrox,tonyp,ViPER520 and zhuhang for Viper4android
LENAROX, rujelus22, Kufikugel
& those whom i can't remember right now (please PM me)​
(Helped Me a lot with his work. all the banners, buttons,posters etc. are made by him
& most of all he gives the inspiration always.
Don't forget to thanks him too if you like the ROM)​
Changelogs, Screenshots, addons are on 2nd & 3rd post
Build 4.0(19-01-2014)
*This is probably the final main build of Iced Bean.
* Now for Full Xperia 2011 Series
* Cybershot 9
* AROMA Installer
* Battery Icon Chooser by Osama Ghareeb
* Rebuild whole ROM from scratch
* More faster Phone!
* Serajr 10.1 JB systemUI
* Xperia Z Walkman with My BLAST audio Technology
* MI File Explorer 4
* All bloatware ripped off. Increased free space in system
* More free RAM!!!
* New advanced settings
* Magnification Glass, Advanced Power Menu, Kill app by Back button, On screen button Added
* GSM/HSDPA bug fixed
* Re-themed Framework. all previous bugs fixed
* Xposed Theme Engine added! change your phone's look on the fly!
* New lockscreen
* The lightest full featured ROM
* Latest inverted Play Store with Optional GMS core.
*** & many more i can't remember now
Build 3.4(24-3-2013)
* Fixed Icengine!!
* Fixed Kernel based incompitability issue hopefully
* Cybershot 7.1.2
* Smoothness Improved
* Battery Life improved
Build 3.3(17-3-2013)
* Fixed Bootloop!! (Sorry for that)
* Added some missing files
Build 3.2(17-3-2013)
* XPERIA Z Calculator app!
* More Powerfull Icengine
* TouchScreen is now more responsive
* Added some new build.prop tweaks
Build 3.1(1-3-2013)
* Transparent Weather App like Xperia T
* New Improved Icengine - Games are now more Smooth
* Some Cleanup
* More Free RAM
* UI Smoothness Tweak
* Dalvik Cache Is Now more improved
Build 3.0(2-2-2013)
* Totaly Rebased from stock
* Busybox 1.20.2 by LinusYang
* RAM optimization at it's Highest
* Introducing a brand new Dark-Blue GUI for ICS from the traditional look
* Changes in some animation
* Lagfree Dalvik Cache
* New Inverted JB Playstore
* Faster app opening
* Kernel Tweaks
* AOSP themed Phonebook & dialer
* CPU freq tweaks
* Patched Bravia Engine 2
* New colorful stock like icons
* Full GPU rendering with new adreno libs & tweaks
* Gaming Engine tweak
* New Boot Animation
* New Inverted YouTube
* New set exciting of wallpapers
* New Themes by me
* JB 4.2 SystemUI themed by me
* Crespo Circle Battery mod
* Speed improved
* TCP optimized
* All apps working
* Battery Life improved
* New Lock screen
* Cyber-shot 6.7.2
* Themed ES file browser added
* New Themed settings menu
* 30 step Volume Patch
* Added recovery option in Reboot Menu-Kernel Based
* New "icengine" to configure your phone as you want
* & many more tweaks
Build 2.00
* Xperia GX home Updraded to 4.2
* HOLO Launcher HD added alongside with Xperia GX
* more Free RAM
* Earthly V4 icons by FADrums
* All bloatwares removed
* As near possible to AOSP
* Optimized for Heavy multitasking
* Battery Life improved
* Adrenaline Boost added(need to install Terminal Emulator)
* Titanium Backup Added
* Framework modified with a Cool UI combined with performance
* New Wallpapers added from Xperia V & T
* MI File Explorer Added
* A Big Changes in UI Now it's Black & more Stylish
* AC!D Audio engine Implemented With Walkman
* Camera MOD by Rizal Lovins
* New GPU libs now Camera & UI is more Smooth & fasted
* Album & movie app from xperia V
* More Faster Than Ever
* Optimized for both Heavy Multitasking, Gaming & daily use
* Long Battery Life
* Lightest ROM with a Tons of features.
* New build.prop & init.d Tweaks
Build 1.00
*Initial Release
Liked Iced Bean?
Show The Others what you are using?
Please use one of the Signatures as yours:
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Join us in YouTube & Facebook​
Click Here
Build 1: Click Here To Download
Build 2.1: Click Here To Download
Build 3.0: Click Here To Download
I'm not asking for donation, just don't forget to press thanks if you liked my ROM & rate my thread with 5 stars. This motivates to work.
Fell Free to write a comment, but don't make a useless topic
rom preview:
MK16i | Lupus Stock | Wifi not working
Wifi not working for Lupus Kernel
Tried with Riyal and Vengeance1.38 too with no luck.
Xperia Pro (MK16i)/ BL Unlocked/flashed from stock .567
IronBlossom said:
Wifi not working for Lupus Kernel
Tried with Riyal and Vengeance1.38 too with no luck.
Xperia Pro (MK16i)/ BL Unlocked/flashed from stock .567
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Try to delete the following system folder system/lib/modules and reboot.
The rom seems nice
I will give it a try and by my side and i will report
I try to flash the Rom with lupus v16 no luck at all, it seems that the system will not get extracted somehow..aroma installer bugg.
I made my own installer and it is working flawlessly I can say the Rom is perfect gives whatever it is promising
No buggs at all (WiFi is working too),only thing that is not working well is the walkman, if you multitask walkman gets low oom priority and gets killed..I am just using other player.
Great result its like an aosp ics with stock kernel was waiting for something like this many many thanks !
Ps:Sorry for double post
Can someone test with other kernel & report if the result is same!!! all other device is working fine! what can be wrong with pro!
This is great! Thanks a lot! Everything works perfect.
TheMehrdad said:
This is great! Thanks a lot! Everything works perfect.
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THANKS for this great ROM!
how to enter in cwm
normally inside zip there is boot.img which we have to flash usin fastboot then after restart we enter in cwm
deepanshunamdeo said:
how to enter in cwm
normally inside zip there is boot.img which we have to flash usin fastboot then after restart we enter in cwm
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See this
Full a lot of how-to :good:
Edit : This rom are ICS based. Flash back to original FW 4.0.4, root it and flash the CWM from that link.
Hope it can help u bro :good:
To all Iced Bean fan's,
I hereby confirm the The Iced Bean ROM project for xperia 2011 HDPI series is officially dead. I've to sell my device cause it's display is faded & battery has weaken. still I'll continue support as much as i can & may be release new versions with minor updates. it's an honor working with you guyz. please pray for me & take care. your inspiration is the only ingredient which makes this project so far.thanks for your great support.
nilimahona said:
To all Iced Bean fan's,
I hereby confirm the The Iced Bean ROM project for xperia 2011 HDPI series is officially dead. I've to sell my device cause it's display is faded & battery has weaken. still I'll continue support as much as i can & may be release new versions with minor updates. it's an honor working with you guyz. please pray for me & take care. your inspiration is the only ingredient which makes this project so far.thanks for your great support.
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Thanks dev, I really like your rom.
Take care bro~
Hi my dear friend,
as the other's Iced bean's fans, I am sad to know that Iced Bean will not grow up any more. For 2 years, my Ray is perfectly stable and functional thanks to Iced Bean. It will be so smooth for a long time even:victory: Thank you for this great job :good:
All the users know that you are a talented developer, respectful of their notices. But I would thank you for the moments together for exchanging ideas, for testing all your realizations, including those who were not diffused and who make my selfish happiness. Thank you for moments spent) to change the world, especially Bangladesh and France moreover:cyclops:, to laugh at numerous bugs of the other Roms - Ib was always completed!!:laugh:-, to support me during the disease and to read my endless messages
If Iced Bean is a great rom, Nilimahona "est un grand bonhomme"
discours said:
Hi my dear friend,
as the other's Iced bean's fans, I am sad to know that Iced Bean will not grow up any more. For 2 years, my Ray is perfectly stable and functional thanks to Iced Bean. It will be so smooth for a long time even:victory: Thank you for this great job :good:
All the users know that you are a talented developer, respectful of their notices. But I would thank you for the moments together for exchanging ideas, for testing all your realizations, including those who were not diffused and who make my selfish happiness. Thank you for moments spent) to change the world, especially Bangladesh and France moreover:cyclops:, to laugh at numerous bugs of the other Roms - Ib was always completed!!:laugh:-, to support me during the disease and to read my endless messages
If Iced Bean is a great rom, Nilimahona "est un grand bonhomme"
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Me also enjoyed our time together & it'll be less if only i thank u for ur support. you were always the face of Iced Bean. & obviously Our journey has not stopped here. hopefully somewhere someday somewhere in xda someone will found Nilimahona & discours with a new project! Till then good luck to all users.
Thanks for the rom
Thank you dev for your effort
flashed your rom yesterday...... so far everything is smooth and stable
but i m unable to access sound enchancement on walkman, when i select sound enchancement walkman just hangs and nothing happens
i have xperia: pro with lupus kernel
thank you ! :laugh:
guys...can somebody help me..i am used to root phone and flashing..but this is quite weired for me. my xperia pro looks find and already root and unlock bootloader.
my problem is cwm wont stick.i have to push it through script everytime i want to flash another rom.
and i cannot flash custom kernel using flashtool. it wont boot. have to flash stock kernel then boot.
how can i solve it?
Thank you very much, I really miss this ROM, and a month ago I tested it and I love it. Really good work, all my grattitude to you mate. Using with Lupus kernel @1.6 ghz without any issue. Battery and performance are good (of course with some tweaking).
My only doubt is why the upper status bar suddenly change to another one with the clock at right and download speed? (x.x K/s). It's odd but when it happens, I cannot find how to revert it, only rebooting...
Best regards.
What is the AnTuTu of this ROM ?
And does the FM Radio work ?

