[Q] Background apps won't stay. Little help? - Samsung Galaxy Mega

Hi, I've got issues.
My GT i9205 will not run background apps for any length of time.
For example, if I am playing music (poweramp) and I go into any game, or fire up chrome/feedly/redditFlow, the music stops and the app icon for poweramp disappears. The access to the quick controls in my task bar is no longer there and if I switch back to the music app and press play again, it will not remember the last played point. Plus my game will get killed.
Another, possibly better example - if I fire up a more resource heavy game, tasker, swipepad, any kind of system monitor will die and their icons will disappear from the taskbar.
It also seems to be progressive, when it first started - maybe 3 months after getting the phone, I could still play games and some background apps would die, but some would stay. Now none stay and sometimes the games themselves die (while loading a level, it may kick me back out to whatever homescreen launcher I'm using).
There is also an issue whereby, when I reboot the phone, I will have to try 2/3 times as it tends to get stuck at the gently pulsating Samsung Logo and will not go further.
I'd had previous advice from someone who suspected a corrupted filesystem and recommended a factory reset, which I did. No joy, after same deal.
Last week I rooted the phone for the first time (nothing fancy just vcoreroot-v2.tar) and today I went to Sammobile and got the newest Stock ROM. Just used it with Odin and apart from Root disappearing, which was expected, I still have all the same problems.
I'm having a hard time finding a way to locate anybody else whose had the same issue and fast running out of ideas...
Any help would be much appreciated.


[Q] Game problem

i have some problem with my phone when use it play the game.
i am using Samsung Galaxy SII, I9100
my rom is original version, which is 2.3.3.
When i play the game, such as 【Inotia3: Children of Carnia】,【Third Blade】 and etc, when i play half way, the screen will stuck, i cant move the character, and do anything , untill i press the home button, back to the home page, open the task killer, kill the process.
I found out that, everytime i kill the task, it show the process used is over 50% on the game, and the word become red colour.
The time make it stuck is flexible, sometime it takes 5min, sometime 10min, or even more, but the maximum time is around 1 hour, and the shortest time is 10 sec.
Can anyone tell me what is the problem and how to solve it?
Have you tried playing with in-game sound disabled?
There's problems with various games related to SoundPool.
thank you~the problem really come from the soundpool, finally i can play my game with no worry, no need keep saved the game in order to prevent it crash at anytime =)

[Q] Unstable?

I recently bought a Samsung Galaxy Player 4, and I am until now very happy with it - except for one point: it seems to be kind of unstable. I usually shut it down overnight, so the ram should be cleared, however it has sometimes even crashed twice in a day. Here's the other thing: it is usually while doing fairly simple tasks, like browsing, astrid (I am talking about the todo list app), etc. Usually it freezes, so I leave it, and then it crashes - I see the startup animation again, and the whole thing reboots. I do use it fairly heavily - I switch apps a lot, use it all day on and off, have many incoming notifications, have many widgets (astrid, default calendar, custom power widget, battery, program monitor, shazam, facebook, and a couple of sticky notes), and I also have an icon somewhere for every one of my apps (I prefer not to use the app drawer. I also can't seem to be able to run more than 3 apps in the background (I got 4 once), even ones that are light on memory. Is this normal? Am I over-using my device? I love it while it is working, but it seems to me like as soon as one app stops working, everything stops working - I can't return to the home screen, it just eventually crashes. Is this normal, should I slow down, or is there something wrong with my device?

Constant crashing...?

Hi Everyone,
Basically, I got my Samsung Galaxy Player 4.0 in January, and when it comes to the features, I have been loving it. This is my first Android device.
However, I have been having problems lately. First, some basic information: it's an 8gb device, and I have a 32gb class 10 microSD card in it. I have a huge number of apps on it (over 200), however, I keep careful tabs on what is running in the background, reporting an app if it runs in the background even when not needed and that will reopen if killed, and if I don't really need it, deleting it after a week. I've only had to do that with a couple of apps so far. As I use this a lot as a PDA (I don't have a phone, this basically covers those bases), I have a couple of things that always run in the background, which I want there (textplus, Linphone, MailDroid, SwipePad). After getting rid of the services that I don't need, I'm still looking at over 100MB free RAM. I'm still on the stock ROM, and I'm using GO launcher Ex. I reboot daily.
My problem is that it crashes often - sometimes daily. Usually, it will go something like this: An application freezes, the whole system becomes unresponsive, and I either have to reboot it by holding down the power button for 8 (?) seconds, or something snags and it reboots by itself. Usually the first sign is that the haptic feedback for the home button comes about a second later after I press it - except then it is almost always too late. The power button will usually turn the screen on or off, but the lockscreen won't appear, I'll see the screen as it was before, frozen. Sometimes, it eventually reboots, while sometimes it doesn't, making me hold down the power button to reboot it, and sometimes, just as it will start "becoming unfrozen" (it goes to the home screen and it starts loading), it will reboot.
It seems to be that after an approximate time of active use, it will crash. Before that, apps can freeze, FC, and within a few seconds, I'll be back on the home screen or in another app, doing something else. After that, on the other hand, it seems to me that whenever an app freezes or has a problem, it basically takes down the whole system with it.
Something tells me that this isn't just normal (otherwise Android wouldn't have over 50% of smart phone market share ), because I haven't heard of problems like this before, and other people with Android I know don't seem to be having the same problems (if any, at all). I have been reading around, and saw some thread about another phone describing similar problems, and it turns out it was a motherboard problem, so the phone was returned for warranty, except I don't remember where that was, I'm just hoping it's something like that...
OK, now that you've read my long post (sorry, I thought it would be best to give more details than get asked about them), I really hope this isn't something normal, because outside of this problem, I'm really enjoying all the possibilities, capabilities and flexibilities of Android (I'm looking at you, iPod). It's really quite aggravating, today I lost my public transit itinerary on Google Maps (I feature I love), and thankfully, I remembered enough to make it through, but it is quite frustrating. Please tell me this is not Android being Android?
Go Launcher is not Officially supported on these devices and swallows the small amount of ram very quickly, I tried it for a day and got rid of it because of how badly it impacted performance.
edit: looks like since I tried it they added support for our players, still won't run it, its to much of a system hog.
I don't know, but I tried switching to the default launcher, and it already crashed earlier than usual. Any other ideas? I'll try some other launchers over the next few days.
Sounds like you are running out of system resources. You say you have a couple hundred apps installed and I bet some of those are becoming active and hogging precious ram and cpu resources in the background until the system crashes. I have a 2 year old Samsung Captivate and I only have minimal amount of apps because it will often big down and become unresponsive and crash. So before you head out to a repair shop, remove some of your many apps and see if that helps.
So, if I understand, even if an app runs in the background for a short period of time, it still consumes resources, even after it's stopped running?
trainman261 said:
So, if I understand, even if an app runs in the background for a short period of time, it still consumes resources, even after it's stopped running?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
If you have a titanium backup freeze apps that run in backround and see what happens ..when you open programs they will stay in memory so use some memory kill widget to clean memory from time to time.I have a stock rom witch is not very good with memory menagment so sometimes when memory is full it just stop and only help is restarting ..so i use app "quick system info" which give you memory ajd cpy usage displayed in status bar and when memory is close 2 full i just click on that and it kill all other aps except what a use in that moment.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA
So, basically, the ROM is to blame? As to Titanium backup, I think that needs root, and I'm not quite ready to root yet (I've done enough hacking on my iPod). I do plan on upgrading to android 4.0 eventually (once all the issues get fixed, this is my main device, after all), and I think I'm going to have to root it at that point, but I'll be able to test it on a different ROM then, as well as try freezing apps. For now, I've tried LauncherPro, which seems a lot more lightweight, and it seems to be making it through the day until I reboot, and seems to be very stable... it also loads my widgets lightnight fast, which is great.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the way I understand it is:
obviously there are memory leaks, every OS has that
Android will not kill services, but only programs
If there are places where memory can be freed, Android will do that when necessary
If no memory can be freed, and there is barely any memory left, than a minor FC or a frozen app is all it will need to push Android off the cliff
Is this the way it works? And, then, when I upgrade to 4.0 (CM9), most of those problems should be gone (because of better memory management)?

Apps' and Games' Crashes & Other Issues

*** I have no choice than to beg for help. So please please please help me. ***
So I'm going to tell you girls/guys the whole story. It's going to be a long one, so bear with me. I just didn't wanted to leave any info.
I've been using MIUI for a long while, in the beginning it was all great. But as I started installing more & more apps, I started having issues/lags while playing games. Then there is MIUI's ram management issue, i.e. If I had to run a heavy game/app, I had to clear out RAM(you know the special feature in MIUI). Other than I had network issues. For ex : Whenever I played PR Legacy Wars(internet intensive game), I suffered from a lot of LAG. And Tekken(officially by Bandai Namco on Play Store) also, Force closed once or twice.
So to fix all this, I decided to go with a Custom ROM, basically because of the RAM Management issue.
First I started using CM 14.1. In the beginning the results were good. Like the internet problem was fixed to 100%, PR ran nearly perfect. Other than that there was no RAM issues. But as I started installing more apps, I started having crashes. First it happened with HQ Trivia, then with C.A.T.S. & PR Legacy Wars.
What happened to each app individually :-
HQ Trivia - Every time I play a live game, the app would crash multiple times given that I tap on ''wait'' and phone keeps on processing the app, when I get the message "App stopped working".
C.A.T.S. - This is neither a graphic nor internet intensive game, but still when I was typing something in group chat, the whole system crashed, the phone rebooted from the Boot Animation not from MI logo.
PR Legacy Wars - This game is a bit graphic intensive & internet intensive for sure. Same like when I was typing something in group chat, the same thing happened as mentioned above. Keep in mind that crash should've happened when there was more load on phone like during a battle.
And some very heavy crashes. Like when I try to switch accounts between guest & usual, the system crashed so hard, that I couldn't use it, Not even the hard buttons, like power button won't even turn the screen on. The vibration motor started spinning and wouldn't stop. I literally have to open the phone and disconnect the battery cable.
So having no choice, I installed NOS N, but I haven't tried the account feature in it, in fear of what happened earlier to CM 14.1, As I was able to recover through that heavy crash 3-4 times, but I guess it was the 5th time, I wasn't able to get into the system and lost all data. Why I feared? Cause I'm having similar issues as in CM 14.1, not all of them but similar.
SO after installing NOS N, these are the issues I'm having :-
HQ Trivia - Same app crashing while playing live games.
Sonic Forces - Whenever I watch an AD, if it's longer than like 5 or 10 seconds, app would crash & restart. If it's small or interactive or even non-interactive, if I keep tapping on the screen, app doesn't crashes, otherwise it does.
Twitter - Kept crashing(first installed through TiBa). Issue fixed after I installed it through Play Store.
YouTube - Force closed once or twice. Sometimes when I'm watching a video, when I press back then tap on Home/Trending etc it shows white blank.
Games - If music is playing in background, whenever I exit the app, at the end, the sound kinda gets laggy/screechy.
It's not been that long since I've been using NOS N. And I didn't do any hard testing especially that account feature. So the whole OS hasn't crashed yet. But still these issues hurt in long term, especially the HQ problem. Also all these apps were first installed through TiBa backup, then I installed them through Play Store, so that there's no compatibility issue.
As this OS has a feature to kill apps by holding back button. If sometimes I have lag in PR Legacy Wars, it get fixed by killing & opening it again.
What do I need from you guys?
To tell me if this a hardware or software related problem. I can create some report or log, so you could help me better. Just tell me how to do it? Meanwhile I'll try installing other OSs.
PS: I may not reply immediately, but I will reply.

RAM management after Sept Update

I use the tablet mostly for playing. And I am used to move between them without issues. Unless I open a bunch of other apps or browser with multiple tabs and what not. The games remain running without issues or at least they used to. Normally I don't update anything, except for the games because they are live service and I can't play them if I don't. After learning that this update would improved multitasking I updated.
Ever since I can't keep the games open if I leave them for like 20 minutes or maybe less, haven't time it.
Using it as I did, closed them. So I decide to clear all and only play one. After a notification, went to that game for daily tap immediately went back to the prev game and it had close, which cost me a match. After finishing what I was doing on that game. I went to the settings to see if something was amiss. And all the apps I remember disabling that I couldn't uninstall like Youtube are still disabled. I don't have any social media app like FB or anything that would be constantly running. And went back to the game. Lo and behold had to restart again. I checked Dev options and Apps "Background process limit" still standard. Memory is at 4~4.5 with so much free I don't get I it's been so aggressive. Have 66 apps on "deep sleeping" have things like digital well being and other monitoring stuff also off. And the only thing I changed was enabling the "Labs" to allow Multi window for all apps. And just now, went to homescreen while I picked something from the kitchen, I know I didn't take more than 5 min because the screen didn't even timed out. And when I tap on a game, had to relaunch.
God this is ridiculously annoying. And non of the games updated since. I only updated a couple of apps from store.
And worst, I updated believing it would be better at multitasking. Like it would be smarter when using split screen, but it isn't. Maybe it does improve for Samsung apps. But I've seen nothing good from anything I use. And changes to the UI could've been implemented better. Like having dual pane only when you are holding the tablet lanscape. I remember having very old android device that had dual pane but revert to single if you hold them portrait.
I'm considering doing a full reset. But I'm hoping not too. Between the apps and games, which most are 5GB+ up to nearly 10GB it would take me a very long time to set everything again, Easily a full day for some games. (Very bad old, first gen copper line DSL)
Is anyone have any type of similar issues. Cause it would suck if I reset it and that's just how it works now. And it wants me to use the "keep open" feature. Which I don't like, I do like to use the clear all.
One of the main reason I got this particular tablet was for the multitasking. This is the first device I didn't try rooting out of the bat because of a warranty and what not and decided to give it a go as is. Now I'm not sure If I'm just spoiled by years for rooted and heavily modified devices. Or this is just a Samsung thing.
@Omizuke: Not sure if this is related to RAM management, but I'm also on September update. When I update apps via Play Store/Galaxy Store, the device will completely freeze for as long as 30 seconds. It just locks up, I can't do anything. Can't pull down the status bar, nav buttons don't work. Then suddenly it returns to normal. I get the same thing when connecting to WiFi or pairing via Bluetooth. ROM is clean flashed with Odin, i also did a factory reset.
This didn't happen at all on the July update.
I'm not seeing any issues with app killing, as you've described it. All opened apps continue running and I can return to them on demand. I play a lot of games, COD Mobile in particular, and I switch apps a lot between rounds.
I feel you on the not wanting to set up everything again. I save cached copies (APKs/obbs) of my games/apps on my SD card, so I can set everything up without Internet. Just use an app like Total Commander/X-plore to copy the apps.

