[Q] Stock E-Mail APK - Note 2/3 - Galaxy Note II Themes and Apps

Hello community,
I'm using SlimKat currently and I'm disappointed from the e-mail app.
I didn't found a way to create folder with it and I'm not possible to sync all e-mails.
The Original E-Mail apk from Samsung (4.1.2 / 4.3) gave me the possibility.
So my question is where can I get one of these Apps? If possible to get the Note 3 E-mail apk I would like to test it, so if someone could give me a link it would be great.


Hailo90 said:
Hello community,
I'm using SlimKat currently and I'm disappointed from the e-mail app.
I didn't found a way to create folder with it and I'm not possible to sync all e-mails.
The Original E-Mail apk from Samsung (4.1.2 / 4.3) gave me the possibility.
So my question is where can I get one of these Apps? If possible to get the Note 3 E-mail apk I would like to test it, so if someone could give me a link it would be great.
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Not sure it will work on a non twizz rom
Personally I recommend aqua mail that's what I use
I've attached exchange apk as well
Sent from my GT-N7105 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

sawdoctor said:
Not sure it will work on a non twizz rom
Personally I recommend aqua mail that's what I use
I've attached exchange apk as well
Sent from my GT-N7105 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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I'm interested, only the links are not working..

ZyberXDA said:
I'm interested, only the links are not working..
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I had a clean out of my Dropbox lol. I'll reupload them when I finish work. You could always download a romantic and then extract them if you need to
Sent from my GT-N7105 using Tapatalk

https://www.dropbox.com/s/8r3n4ehpl3p4k75/SecEmail_J.apk there you go
From NB4 Note 2 rom
Sent from my Note 2 GT-N7100 using Tapatalk


Push email on stock app?

I want to use the samsung email client since well... i like the widget on the desktop. I don't see an option to PUSH in settings. The quickest I see is to check every 5 minutes. Did I not set up the email correctly or what is it?
I had a push option earlier when I first entered my gmail account info but had to delete it because the push was being random. Having readded the account there isnt a push option any longer.
maybe this can help you..its for the s3 but should be the same..
:silly: omg...
thx @ ctomgee...yes shame on me :angel:
nowon will use filters to show only threads not older than xyz
Holy crap, talk about thread necromancy. OP is from May 2011.
Does anyone have any news on this subject?
Push email was available on the native S2 email client.
I vote for native apps first.
I tried the advice inside the android forum link, it works (gmail with exchange) but is sucks too much data in stand by.
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iovaniorgovan said:
Does anyone have any news on this subject?
Push email was available on the native S2 email client.
I vote for native apps first.
I tried the advice inside the android forum link, it works (gmail with exchange) but is sucks too much data in stand by.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
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This thread is in the galaxy s2 forum. Looks like you're a galaxy s3 user?
Yes, but since the op complained of a similar problem on the s2, i thought there is a connection.
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iovaniorgovan said:
Yes, but since the op complained of a similar problem on the s2, i thought there is a connection.
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Perhaps. But OP is also from nearly 2 years ago.
Like a flashback.
Sent from the little guy

Change Contacts, eMail and SMS to stock Nexus?

Dear Galaxy-Fans,
i have the new Galaxy Note 2 with the Omega-ROM but i can't live with the Contacts, eMail and SMS/MMS Prog from Samsung
How can i install the stock Software of Contacts, eMail and Messages from Nexus?
... looking foreward to the SuperNexus-ROM from Faryaab for our N7100
king.larry said:
Dear Galaxy-Fans,
i have the new Galaxy Note 2 with the Omega-ROM but i can't live with the Contacts, eMail and SMS/MMS Prog from Samsung
How can i install the stock Software of Contacts, eMail and Messages from Nexus?
... looking foreward to the SuperNexus-ROM from Faryaab for our N7100
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I have the same question. Although there is an SMS app from Jellybean on the Play store, MMS functionality is broken at the moment.
serialtoon said:
I have the same question. Although there is an SMS app from Jellybean on the Play store, MMS functionality is broken at the moment.
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Using JB, the same progs are installed. This is stock !!
jgkhalil said:
Using JB, the same progs are installed. This is stock !!
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Huh? We are talking about the AOSP (Stock) MMS/SMS app
I also wanted the MMS from my "old" Gnexus, I extracted /system/Mms.apk for my nexus. pushed it to system on the Note2 and I can confirm that SMS are working flawlessly but sending an MMS makes the app FC
if a dev could make that work that's be awesome
Where are all the good devs, who can help us? ... please!
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda app-developers app
+1 to this, would be great if we could have the stock Email as Samsung Email just doesn't connect to my company's Lotus Notes servers
The mms relies on a framework file
Ive been looking at what it requires if I find that I'm going to try to port it over using Xposed for framework modification
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zacharysblubaugh said:
The mms relies on a framework file
Ive been looking at what it requires if I find that I'm going to try to port it over using Xposed for framework modification
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda app-developers app
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try this guide

Hangouts/gtalk app

Hi. Can anyone suggest a good alternative for hangouts/gtalk? I still use it a lot as most of my friends are on android and I've seen a couple of apps from the store that says they support gtalk but i prefer to hear some user experience of anyone used those. Thanks
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
thephantom said:
Hi. Can anyone suggest a good alternative for hangouts/gtalk? I still use it a lot as most of my friends are on android and I've seen a couple of apps from the store that says they support gtalk but i prefer to hear some user experience of anyone used those. Thanks
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
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i'm using im + pro for my Google and icq contacts.
you can always go with non-paid version, which has no chat history backup and few things removed.
I also use im+ best alternative app IMHO.
Sent from my Sony Xperia™ Z
Im using ICQ official app and i have connected Gtalk into it
boril said:
i'm using im + pro for my Google and icq contacts.
you can always go with non-paid version, which has no chat history backup and few things removed.
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Thanks. That's the first app that came to mind. Gonna try the free app for a few days to see for myself and go pro if I like it.
Thanks to all who responded as well
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
I have google voice account and been using app called sparephone with success. It basically using google voice over WiFi or cellular data.
Sent from my RM-820_nam_att_100 using Board Express

Anybody tried the new KitKat apk's?

Well the launcher is pretty laggy for. E, but everything else I've tried seems to work fine. US Wifi only model, not rooted, if that helps anyone
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ckelly33 said:
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The mail apk works fine. It looks nice and is very fast.
dronarg said:
The mail apk works fine. It looks nice and is very fast.
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Just to clarify, mail or gmail?
Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk 4
ckelly33 said:
Just to clarify, mail or gmail?
Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk 4
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mail is a samsung app
ChrisNee1988 said:
mail is a samsung app
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Actually there is both an "email" and "gmail" download available from the system dump of a nexus 5 (not a Samsung device). I was clarifying that he was referring to email and not gmail
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
ckelly33 said:
Actually there is both an "email" and "gmail" download available from the system dump of a nexus 5 (not a Samsung device). I was clarifying that he was referring to email and not gmail
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
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Yes and the one I was talking about is the google mail application. Not Gmail and not the Samsung one
I've seen a few reports of people in the Note 3 section having problems with video chat in Hangouts with the new apk besides having mms issues. I haven't had the chance to test the video chat on it to confirm.
Crazypinoy said:
I've seen a few reports of people in the Note 3 section having problems with video chat in Hangouts with the new apk besides having mms issues. I haven't had the chance to test the video chat on it to confirm.
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MMS does not work for sure. I don't know if it is even an option to begin with on this tablet (being WiFi only) but it dies not work on my S4. I haven't tried video chat on either
ckelly33 said:
MMS does not work for sure. I don't know if it is even an option to begin with on this tablet (being WiFi only) but it dies not work on my S4. I haven't tried video chat on either
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I'm sorry for the confusion with what i said in my post...I wasn't stating that there is an MMS option when in installed on the 10.1. I was just merely stating that there are a few issues with the app in general right now.
Crazypinoy9 said:
I'm sorry for the confusion with what i said in my post...I wasn't stating that there is an MMS option when in installed on the 10.1. I was just merely stating that there are a few issues with the app in general right now.
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No I understood you were taking about MMS with the Note 3.
However, i personally installed to see if the MMS option existed on the note 10.1 and if it did, would it work over WiFi. It isn't even an option.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
Use Mighty text and send texts, it will reroute them so it comes from your phone.
Sent from my SM-P600 using xda app-developers app
aburns7487 said:
Use Mighty text and send texts, it will reroute them so it comes from your phone.
Sent from my SM-P600 using xda app-developers app
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Thanks. That's actually pretty slick. :sly:
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aburns7487 said:
Use Mighty text and send texts, it will reroute them so it comes from your phone.
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This is my current setup as well for sending texts from my pc, but I use mysms. It's always just been a little more reliable for me. Does anybody know if the new hangouts, which does sms on android now, supports/will support this functionality? I installed the new apk on my phone and received my sms through it. But I didn't see any text messages in gmail. I don't have an android tablet (yet) to test the hangouts app there.
For now I have disabled SMS in hangouts again, as it was extremely laggy (especially in a conversation with over 10000 messages. the stock sms app handles that better). I felt mysms was less reliable too.
ckelly33 said:
No I understood you were taking about MMS with the Note 3.
However, i personally installed to see if the MMS option existed on the note 10.1 and if it did, would it work over WiFi. It isn't even an option.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
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I was hoping for the same thing. I was hoping that sms and mms would sync with hangouts so that I didn't have to create backups and such.

[Request] Android email and exchange apk

Hi all,
Could someone post a link for the most current stock android email and exchange apk also the apk for the email widget would be extremely helpful.
Sent from my HTC One using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Email exchange
mygti02 said:
Hi all,
Could someone post a link for the most current stock android email and exchange apk also the apk for the email widget would be extremely helpful.
Sent from my HTC One using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Hi, you can use the default email for the exchange account. You're looking for something not very clear specified. Here you can get a link of gaps and extract the default email.
Kit kat rom gaps:
http://d-h.st/KiP from thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2542902

