[Q] Themer cannot be installed on HTC One Mini? - Themer General Discussion

Have you tried getting it into your device?


HTC Sense

Is it possible to run ROM with HTC Sense on X10 mini pro?
I found one but this one dosent have wifi!
I need ROM witch working wifi!
Im tired of searching and searching and searching!
Post your question at x1o mini pro foroum!!!

[Q] mozart owners help please!

Hi people, does anybody know how can I flash custom rom to my HTC Mozart??
My bootloader is spl-4.xx
I bought my phone already with mango installed
install old rom
install old rom

[Q] X10 mini pro chainfire 3d compatiblity?

I was wondering if chainfire 3d is compatible with sony ericcson x10 mini pro running android version 2.1 stock?
I've searched around and haven't found a definite answer. Some people have been running it on custom roms but I'm not sure if it runs on stock.
Some help/advice/answers please?

[Q] Install fonts to my rooted xperia mini pro (sk17i)

i recently rooted my phone and i want to install fonts to it like the samsung phones does have within the rom itself. It would be appreciable if anyone could help me with this. My phone is running on the official ics rom from sony.
Thanks in advance

[Q] [APP] XCam for LG

Hello guys, did someone of u install http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2548974 this ? I mean drivers, not apk. How to instal on ours phones? Will it work ? or whatever..

