Lumia 920 post-Windows Phone 8.1 battery life sucks!!! - Nokia Lumia 920

Hi there.
Currently have a Lumia 920 with the developer version of 8.1. During most of this weekend the phone has been at home idle with the occasional checking of Twitter, Instagram, news, weather, uploading of music, Google searches and 1 or Youtube videos so not much. It was fully charged at 6am and by 9pm its down to less than 10% all the while connected to wifi with mobile data roaming turned off.
I have pretty much studied and made my research on what to turn off on the settings as regards WP8.1 but i feel i'm still missing something. My theories are:
1. Windows Phone 8.1. isn't fully optimised and might have introduced a bug on particular models that drains battery quicker
2. Settings of 8.1 compared to the Lumia Black/8.0 has slightly been altered so some settings made have juggled around or have been embedded elswhere
3. Can't seem to find settings of Xbox Music which i heard when turned off can help with the battery life.
4. The battery of the used 920 i bought on Ebay might have been overused and the charge cycle is way past its life; the seller claims he bought it a few months ago.
Battery life is worse compared to my Galaxy S3 LTE on an "older" Android 4.3.
Any help please?

block unwanted application to run in background (in settings - battery saver)
also reduce things in new action center...
for me helped hard reset and set complete settings manually (not using backup from 8.0)
also try few times battery discharge to almost empty and charge it full... dont charge it in between...

close all tabs in Internet Explorer, on my 920 it drains battery quickly on 8.1dp

I have disabled/stopped all apps & tasks that are running in the background. I have stopped and closed all tabs on IE11 and all other browsers. Anything else?
I use Here Maps to navigate my way thru London streets because of my patients. It looks like either Nokia's navigation app is a battery drain. Or the 8.1 is.


Bigger battery capacity

Hi all,
I love the Sony Tablet except its battery life. for something that is so huge compared to the others similar products out there, I am sure that they could have squeezed a bigger battery into the unit.
The power capacity is pretty weak. Let's hope that Sony offers a higher capacity battery size. I would gladly pay to upgrade it.
That's weird, my battery life is fantastic. If I play games on it all day it'll last 8-12 hours, but if I just use it intermittently and moderately it'll easily last me a couple of days. On standby it only uses a couple percent a day if that!
I'm the same as unclespoon. Even during heavy use, I get about 9 hours, which is way better than my old Galaxy Tab could ever muster. Standby usage is crazy low, its fantastic!
Not sure what you mean either about being larger than most other devices. The Tablet's 9.4" screen is smaller than almost any other full-size Tab out there (including the iPad) and since the back curves, theres not actually a lot of usable rear space (look at how thin its getting at the thin end, now imagine trying to fit a battery in there!)
I'm not sure you'll find a Tab out there currently with a better combo of size/battery life. The chunkier Toshiba Thrive will last longer, the thinner Galaxy Tab's will last even less, and my Tablet S always outlasts my iPad, so it might just be your device. Try checking Settings -> About -> Battery Use
I'm of the same opinion as the op. My tablet s has dreadful battery life and especially when it isn't doing anything. (50% usage is system standby) my old galaxy 7 was far far better (charged about once a week)
I believe this may just be because it is new (only have 1 full charge) as my galaxy s2 was initially unimpressive and then lasted 3 days of moderate use without charge. Hoping the same will happen to my s1.
Time will tell
My only guess was that you did a shoddy job of conditioning the battery. My old Galaxy Tab (the first 7" one) was hopeless, but when I replaced it, I conditioned the battery better and it was a bit better.
My Tablet S lasts for days and days and the standby usage is tiny. Check whats using your battery in the Battery Use screen and get back to us, we might be able to help..
I noticed advanced wifi lock was causing massive amounts of wakelocks (8 hours out of 10 according to the stats in settings/about).
betterbatterystats is not available via market but I am trying out the XDA APK now
wintermute000 said:
I noticed advanced wifi lock was causing massive amounts of wakelocks (8 hours out of 10 according to the stats in settings/about).
betterbatterystats is not available via market but I am trying out the XDA APK now
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I noticed that as well. If you have Advanced WiFi lock activated the tablet won't go into deep sleep mode, there of massive battery usage. I still have Advanced WiFi lock on my tablet, but only activate it when I need to download/update something that takes time. Otherwise I turn it off. It's not worth the battry drain.
Wow. Your battery life are fantastic. 9 hours? That's huge. I have not used my Sony Tablet till flat but given the rate of battery loss think maybe the most is about 5 hours which is similar to what many reviewers are saying.
Just can't imagine that those reviewers are so far out of the ball park compared to you guys. I am using juice defender Beta. Not to sure if its helping or not. But at least if I not using WiFi it shuts it off automatically.
My battery used to drain badly during standby. I found that the Friend Stream service was preventing the tab from sleeping. Killed the service a while ago and battery has been fantastic since. Pushed it to 3 days with light use. About 3 hrs of browsing and facebook. My battery level is at 68%, been off power for 20h40 mins, and used for about 4hrs today - facebooking, Internet browsing. Note that no specific conditioning was performed.
What are the settings that you have on your Tablet? Auto brightness, background sync turned off ?
how did you stop friendstream, and what the heck is it, did you just kill the process and it stayed dead? (sometimes as u know u kill process but it will come back).
Good question. What is the Android software revision now. My is Android 3.2.1 (revision 2)
I acutally just uninstalled the crap-app. nothing I use anyway. It is an app for facebook, twitter and other social networks. So just get rid of it. Uninstall and be happy
my bad. I confused the HTC name and Sony name.
Social Feed Reader was misbehaving. Once started it kept running... rather than dropping off to sleep (and into Cached Apps).
Something wasn't right so I force stopped it and it stayed dead.
An additional note - the Setup, Applications, Running Applications feature isn't 100%. Some background apps aren't displaying as running or Cached. Go figure.
So any special method to stop the social feed reader?
I'm getting those kinds of numbers on mostly auto brightness (and sometimes lower, at night), with background sync turned on, WiFi sleep policy set to default, and no battery monitoring or saving apps running. The only thing I did was single initial conditioning cycle and since then its been great.
Also note that software-decoded video files will take a lot more of your battery than the equivalent properly encoded file. I havent had any trouble with Social Feed Reader, but I never even set it up and judging by the many stories around here, I would uninstall it if you're worried about battery..
asayanna said:
My battery used to drain badly during standby. I found that the Friend Stream service was preventing the tab from sleeping. Killed the service a while ago and battery has been fantastic since. Pushed it to 3 days with light use. About 3 hrs of browsing and facebook. My battery level is at 68%, been off power for 20h40 mins, and used for about 4hrs today - facebooking, Internet browsing. Note that no specific conditioning was performed.
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good to know, thanks for sharing.
agc93 said:
I'm getting those kinds of numbers on mostly auto brightness (and sometimes lower, at night), with background sync turned on, WiFi sleep policy set to default, and no battery monitoring or saving apps running. The only thing I did was single initial conditioning cycle and since then its been great.
Also note that software-decoded video files will take a lot more of your battery than the equivalent properly encoded file. I havent had any trouble with Social Feed Reader, but I never even set it up and judging by the many stories around here, I would uninstall it if you're worried about battery..
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Hi, that's good to know. Thanks for sharing. Unfortunately think I screwed up the initial conditioning. so I guess I will have to live with the 5 hour battery of my Tablet.
Btw how do you do battery conditioning?
cow138 said:
So any special method to stop the social feed reader?
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In Setup, Applications, Running Services have a look at the awake time (listed on the right side) of the running processes. You'll note that system processes (the ones with the Android icon) have been awake since last boot.... but you might finds others that are as well. I noted Social Feed Reader showing high awake time and decided to nuke it. Simply click the offending app. You'll be given the option to stop the app... which is what I did. It's an app so doesn't restart once killed. Hope that helps...
Final thought: at the top right of the screen there's a 'Show cached processes' option.
The could be an offending app in there. Kill any installed app you suspect might be a problem and see if that helps.
my battery life is excellent.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium

Awful battery life?

Hi all,
Got my 920 a few days ago, and while it's a beautiful phone, I'm finding the battery life to be awful.
I've only installed a few apps on it, otherwise it's vanilla. With WiFi and GPS off and only moderate Internet usage (mostly Facebook and IM+) i get a max of 10 hours out of it.
My Galaxy Note easily does twice that with the same usage.
Is there anything I need to check/look for, are there apps that show what's chewing through my battery so much?
I love the phone but that sort of battery life means it can never replace my Note as my main phone.
I should add, it's running the Portico update. No crashes or random reboots that I've seen.
I have only had mine for a few days, but I have found with all WP8 devices (and I have tried most) a hard reset made a difference to battery life. Annoying, but true it seems, well, true for me. I have no idea if it is a placebo but might be worth trying if you can be bothered.
For your info, I am getting good battery life on my 920.
You need to discharge and recharge the battery a few times before the battery life gets better. In about a week you should find the battery life improves.
It was the same for WP7 too..... The software will calibrate the battery over time.
The Jones said:
I have only had mine for a few days, but I have found with all WP8 devices (and I have tried most) a hard reset made a difference to battery life. Annoying, but true it seems, well, true for me. I have no idea if it is a placebo but might be worth trying if you can be bothered.
For your info, I am getting good battery life on my 920.
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I actually did a hard reset when I first got the phone home, out of habit really. I don't mind doing it again, but maybe I'll give the battery a few more days and see what happens.
Also check your background apps.
it'll get better
when I first got my lumia 920 the battery life was shorter than my old NL 900.. but after a week or so and after I did a deep cycle now the battery will easily last for 48 hours... in battery settings it usually shows 4-5 days :good:
battery life is hit or miss, some days you'll get wonderful battery life and others its horrible, I know that its hard to measure battery life because you just cant replicate the exact same usage everyday. I find it hard to believe that the galaxy s3 (basically the same hardware) has better battery life, battery is only 100 maH more.
I honestly believe its a operating system/ application issue, I believe that there are some applications that are cycling and wasting precious juice from the battery. better coded apps/ better OS control will really be a big deal in the next os upgrade.
emenny81 said:
battery life is hit or miss, some days you'll get wonderful battery life and others its horrible, I know that its hard to measure battery life because you just cant replicate the exact same usage everyday. I find it hard to believe that the galaxy s3 (basically the same hardware) has better battery life, battery is only 100 maH more.
I honestly believe its a operating system/ application issue, I believe that there are some applications that are cycling and wasting precious juice from the battery. better coded apps/ better OS control will really be a big deal in the next os upgrade.
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I've found turning off background tasks which are not required makes a big difference on the battery. Each time I install a new app, I look at the background tasks and see that it doesn't get added. Only tasks I have running are weather and a news reader app.
Also, I will not allow location on apps that don't need to. Searching for location when an app opens also drains a battery somewhat.
That being said, with my use, I easily get 2+ days (48+ hrs) of battery life.
May be it have to be synced
In my opinion, one reason why this phone need the run in for the battery life is in the first few days it need to be synced with many clouds, facebook, facebook photo, nokia drive....etc. As this will make poor the battery life in the first run in. But after one week everything done, the battery life becomes better. Just guess.
I've also noticed that with bluetooth turned off I get substantial more life out of the battery(but I tend to forget to turn it on when getting in my car, then I dont get calls on my cars bluetooth). I agree with disabling push and do a manual poll on your email servers, I dont have facebook or any of that stuff on the phone. Im mainly on twitter and on my email.
from time to time I see the Location services running when I unlock the phone, I've disabled the location service on bing search but that still comes up from time to time. Like I mentioned before I think the OS has tons of pros and like any other OS in its "early stages"(I say this because windows mobile has been out for some time pre iOS and Android, but it will get better over time as the company realizes main stream OS are getting replaced as the go to home PC.
My experience with Nokia Phones is they need 1 or 2 weeks to get the full battery life....
The first 4-5 days they really have a horrible battery live.. But as I said it's getting better after 1-2 weeks...
BTW I'm really impressed with the battery life of my HTC 8S, I'm getting 2-3 days out of it with heavy usage...
My Lumia 920 achieves a little bit more than 1 day..
I've had the phone since it was released(when it really bad battery problems), I was going to go with the 8x but I really love the camera on the lumia 920.....
Ok for the past two days I've been using my phone with bluetooth off and i've been getting really good battery life, a friend of mine has a surface rt and he was having an issue with the battery depleting even when he left the device on sleep for hrs, he noticed that after disabling bluetooth the issue with the battery went away, this clearly points out an issue with the os and the handling of Bluetooth.
Surface RT and Lumia 920 have a totally different OS i don't think you can compare them that easy...
And it well known the Bluetooth deceases the battery life of every smartphone... It's the same with NFC (Tap&Send) and super sensitive touch or Wifi...
Just turn off the things you don't need...
My Samsung Note 10.1 tablet has no noticeable difference with Bluetooth on or off (that is, not actually using it, just having it enabled). It's using BT 4.0 which has very good power efficiency.
Any idea what revision of BT our Lumias have?
It also makes a difference if you switch your bluetooth on to be visible or not...
Ii is the same with Wifi you can activate to be notified when open networks are around... If you do so.. your wifi will use more power because it is constantly searching for new hotspots...
Well, it's been a few days & recharges, and it seems the battery is getting better.
Thanks for all the suggestions from everyone. I was severely disappointed with the initial battery life, and while it's getting better, I hope it keeps improving. Switching background data services such as push mail and chat makes sense when it comes to preserving battery of course, but so far from all the smartphones I've owned, this is the worst performing of all in terms of battery. I don't want to have to manually check mail or log in/out of chat, since that defeats the purpose of having a smartphone imho.
It's the only thing I have against the Lumia so far... even though WP8 is not as customisable as my Android phone, I certainly appreciate the design and how it works. I'll just keep crossing fingers for more battery conditioning
I think there is something like a help app from nokia on the phone...
You can disable the live tiles you don't use and the automatic xbox live sync service...
I wouldn't totally disable email sync... I just reduce the syncing interval...
If you have a lot of email accounts (maybe more) it even makes sense forwarding them all to a new email account and syncing all your emails
with this 1 account...
There are a lot of dirty little tricks to improve your battery life... Maybe every
single one don't make much difference... But all of them do...
With a lot of frustration, I have been experiencing high battery drain also, with the phone staying warm even while idle.
Following various comments, fixes, could be' on various forums, I hard reset my new, less than one week old, phone.
I was kind of annoyed, surprised it took a very long time to recover, with a picture of gears churning on the screen.
Finally it booted up with a message, reset or restore. Wasn't expecting the choice. I chose restore to see what's up.
There was an amazing amount of stuff to restore.
After restore completed, my phone was still having battery drain issues. I decided to check out what this back up and restore thing was.
Pardon me I never read the manual. No need to go into discussion of the process.
I then chose to disable back up and restore, soft reset, and boom. Battery usage is now at -2%/hr. instead of -12-20% idle.
Have any of you tried this?
First posted at: wpcentral

Battery Life After 8.1 Update

I am starting this thread to see how you fell about new OS and do you have significant battery life change after 8.1 update.
Mine experience is not so good, at least to say, noticable battery drain...on slight use I manage to hold about 15h on NL 920, with battery saver and disabling backgroud apps as it was on WP 8.
Tell us your experience!
My battery life is also gone for the worse. With very moderate usage it barely keeps 16-17hrs, anything else is killing the battery dead.
my battery also worse but i make hard reset and do new settings manually (not restored from backup) and battery is much better
Battery life sucks on 8.1
I used to only charge every 2 (two) days and even managed to get 3 full days now and again depending upon work, but now it needs charging every night before bed . I charged it last night and went to bed and woke up today and 75% charge remaining, so it used 25% power doing nothing but hiding in my pocket. It used to only use 1% or 2 % charge overnight but not now.
Other thing i noticed is background tasks config page is missing and now the calander once open stays as a runnning task in task switcher.
I know after a firmware update the battery needs a few charge cycles to sort itself out but i am about to start the 4th cycle now and its still seems to be sh1t
---------- Post added at 12:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:16 AM ----------
Just found background tasks again. yeehaaa
open battery saver app
swipe to usage tab and tap on the desired app to see its background settings
Yeehaa time ti kill some apps again and save some juice
in my lumia 920 battery life is terrible after the 8.1
ie and whatsapp are sucking my battery juice as hell
guys, you must make hard reset and you must set all settings from fresh, not use old backup settings and dont forget block unnecessary apps in background... after this battery work much longer. this worked for me...
dxdy said:
guys, you must make hard reset and you must set all settings from fresh, not use old backup settings and dont forget block unnecessary apps in background... after this battery work much longer. this worked for me...
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But.... but.... I just flashed the ROM two weeks ago, I don't want to have to reload everything AGAIN!!!. That said, with most of the settings synced, I'm willing to give it a go. Will report back tomorrow.
After a few tweaks in the background settings and an empty to full recharge everything is now back to normal. Yeehaa 2 days between charges and 1%-2% drain overnight. SWEET so no need to hard reset unless you have major problems. just sort the background apps and see how it goes
Im having a nightmare after 8.1 battery drain is the least of my worries..
my phone becomes unresponsive and only a hard reset brings it back to life .
I also get the screen crash and it looks like a old tv not tuned in
but it is an early release so hopefully ms will look and fix he problems because the update is worth it
Hey, I have the same problem. But not only the battery draining, the phone heats up. And I mean REALLY heats up. I gets hotter than my Laptop. Yesterday, while videocalling on skype over WIFI, the camera went dark, and 10 seconds later the picture was green. I don't mean just a completely green picture, It still showed me, but I was green. I then ended skype, opened the camera app and it was just awfully bright. With the flash off, the lights in my room out I could still see everything through the camera, but it was corny as hell. I then had to reboot the phone and everything worked again, but still. It's quite concerning, specially considering the heat.
did you make hard reset and set phone setting without using old backup settings?
phone work much better if you setup all from fresh beginning... seems old WP8.0 settings sometimes mess up things...
CBDSonline said:
After a few tweaks in the background settings and an empty to full recharge everything is now back to normal. Yeehaa 2 days between charges and 1%-2% drain overnight. SWEET so no need to hard reset unless you have major problems. just sort the background apps and see how it goes
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Hi there,
can you tell me please were is the option to set up background apps?
In Lumia Black and older versions the "background tasks" was in applications menu.
In 8.1 preview I can't find it.
Find in App list Battery Saver :victory:
dxdy said:
did you make hard reset and set phone setting without using old backup settings?
phone work much better if you setup all from fresh beginning... seems old WP8.0 settings sometimes mess up things...
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Well, I did reset it a few times. The first time I got it it had 8 on it, upgraded to 8.1. Then reflashed it, upgraded and used the backup. You really think it could help? If so, I may try it later today.
The skype thing frightened me the most to be honest.
I never used the 920 before the 8.1 update as I bought it on the 8.1 release day so can't compare the battery life before & after.
So far ive found the biggest hog on battery was the intermittent glance screen though proximity glance is ok but the biggest culprit was having 3 email accounts set to push receive emails. After changing to sync 2 email accounts manually & the other every hour I noticed a big improvement in battery life & its now similar to my previous Galaxy Nexus.
Worse battery life
My battery life was terrible, but after the last update it is much better and with 3-5 minutes of calls a day and HSDPA internet enabled it can last for 24 hours.
My battery life has increased significantly. With 8.0, the battery life was frankly pathetic. I couldn't even get a day out of the phone, and that's with only having 3 mail accounts and Facebook active (NFC & BT off), and only moderate use. It was bad enough that I couldn't use it as my daily phone.
After 8.1, it's a dramatic change, it easily lasts me a whole day - used it moderately today, and now 15 hours since taking it off the charger, there is still 45% battery left. I love 8.1
learn more about update
to know more about the update and for the link follow
I agree, 8.1 has extended battery life... Not that I had any issue with it lasting the day before!
Sent from my Lumia 920 using Tapatalk
For me battery life has become alot worse after 8.1. And there's nothing I can turn off in battery saver

[Q] Just bought this, is the battery supposed to drain so fast?

Hi everyone, I bought the HTC One M9 from AT&T yesterday and it's great, however the battery seems to drain extremely fast. I am coming to this phone from an iPhone 5 which would typically last about 1.5 days of regular usage. The M9 lost exactly 30% of its battery in the 8 hours that I was asleep, with the battery usage in the settings indicating that it was due to "cell standby" and "phone idle," so 30% per 8 hours of standby leads to the conclusion that the phone will only last a little more than 1 day on standby with no usage whatsoever. Therefore I am assuming that with usage it will not last a full day, and I'm actually scared to even use it when I'm not at home next to a charging port because I don't want to run it down to 0 and then not have a phone for emergencies.
Is this about the standard battery life for these types of phones now?
Also, should I try using a task manager to close out all the apps I'm not using? The battery usage page doesn't show that any apps are using the battery when the phone is in standby so I'm not sure it's necessary to close them.
Any help would be appreciated.
rpimps said:
Hi everyone, I bought the HTC One M9 from AT&T yesterday and it's great, however the battery seems to drain extremely fast. I am coming to this phone from an iPhone 5 which would typically last about 1.5 days of regular usage. The M9 lost exactly 30% of its battery in the 8 hours that I was asleep, with the battery usage in the settings indicating that it was due to "cell standby" and "phone idle," so 30% per 8 hours of standby leads to the conclusion that the phone will only last a little more than 1 day on standby with no usage whatsoever. Therefore I am assuming that with usage it will not last a full day, and I'm actually scared to even use it when I'm not at home next to a charging port because I don't want to run it down to 0 and then not have a phone for emergencies.
Is this about the standard battery life for these types of phones now?
Also, should I try using a task manager to close out all the apps I'm not using? The battery usage page doesn't show that any apps are using the battery when the phone is in standby so I'm not sure it's necessary to close them.
Any help would be appreciated.
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settings/location/google location history - turn off - this is the tracking that learns your routes
settings/location/htc location services - turn off - this is a dumb feature
These do not affect gps with apps
Also first 48 hours of an android it is doing misc background stuff. Battery is pretty amazing on this thing
an0ther said:
settings/location/google location history - turn off - this is the tracking that learns your routes
settings/location/htc location services - turn off - this is a dumb feature
These do not affect gps with apps
Also first 48 hours of an android it is doing misc background stuff. Battery is pretty amazing on this thing
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Thanks. The google location history is off, but how do I turn off the htc location service? There's no toggle for it, it just says "home" and then it already has my home address filled in somehow, and if I click it it opens a map for me to see the location but I can't see any way to just delete it.
My battery is teh suck as well. Open to suggestions, I already cut off GPS tracking and turned location sources mode onto Device Only.
I get 5 to 6 hours sot which is good imo
My battery life is trash well right now. Not sure what to do to improve it
Turn off enhanced services in mobile network settings. Should help
I worked for at&t, and we found a common problem with the phone. During the initial setup of your device, the first time you open your stock messaging app, you will be asked if you would like to sync sms/mms messages. If you hit yes, it will register your phone with at&t messages.. I did this on mine by accident.
The phone constantly syncs, and there is no way to stop it. My phone would get hot throughout the day, and my battery would be dead after 8 hours. They didnt program a way to set WHEN to sync, and it cant be turned off from the phone.
FIX: log onto your AT&T online account or myat&t app, and remove the AT&T mesaages app from your line, or call into care/go to a store.
My phone now lasts a day and a half.
Hope this helps

Battery Life?

I want to know how everyone else uses their phone because people that call and text all day with minimal display settings might get decent battery life out of the battery in the Note 8, but I am finding that the way I use the phone..... Multiple email accounts, some android games here and there, various IT Tools to make sure people at work aren't connecting un-authorized devices to the network, etc. Basically I am using my phone all day.
And I am not able to keep the phone plugged into a charger all day. Then I will get responses like use the wireless charger. Well wireless charging is wonderful if you don't need a charged phone with you at all times. Wireless charging is slow and the phone still needs to be on the wireless charging pad. Not on me or in my hand all day. All wireless charging does is keep people from damaging the USB port by yanking the charging cable.
So in my case this battery thing is becoming a serious problem.
How do you use your phone and is the battery fine for what you do?
I am on web sites, playing games, listening to Pandora, messaging, and a few phone calls, some email, and downloading apps. Usually get over 24 hours a charge and over 5 hrs of screen on time.
I dont play any games, mainly forums and websites and news apps, BBC, RT, Press etc I dont watch youtube on it either much. I get 7 hours screen on time, wifi, bluetooth, AOD off.Also some bloat disabled. USA TMO version. black wallpapers also.
Snowleopard1900 said:
I want to know how everyone else uses their phone because people that call and text all day with minimal display settings might get decent battery life out of the battery in the Note 8, but I am finding that the way I use the phone..... Multiple email accounts, some android games here and there, various IT Tools to make sure people at work aren't connecting un-authorized devices to the network, etc. Basically I am using my phone all day.
And I am not able to keep the phone plugged into a charger all day. Then I will get responses like use the wireless charger. Well wireless charging is wonderful if you don't need a charged phone with you at all times. Wireless charging is slow and the phone still needs to be on the wireless charging pad. Not on me or in my hand all day. All wireless charging does is keep people from damaging the USB port by yanking the charging cable.
So in my case this battery thing is becoming a serious problem.
How do you use your phone and is the battery fine for what you do?
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I'm constantly using my phone throughout the day for both work and personal. Have my exchange email setup to push notifications (I get a lot of emails) and gmail synced. All my social media accounts (FB, IG, Snap, Twitter) are synced as well. I can usually get through the whole day before charging the phone to 100% before bed around 11pm then taking off the charger. Depending on if you use the features you may want to turn off features that require a sensor. Since I'm not sure what exactly your setting are, here's how mines setup:
- At work, wifi-off and bluetooth on. At home bluetooth off, wifi-on
- location is high accuracy all the time
- AOD is on from 7am-11pm
- I have "block accidental touches" on which turns off AOD when in pocket, etc.
- I have edge panels on but edge lighting off
- turn off "nearby device scanning"
- In advanced features, I have the following settings off since I don't use (and could help batter since they require a sensor to activate): smart stay, direct call, smart alert, easy mute,
There's probably others I'm missing but I recommend going through each and every setting in the menu including sub-menus and looking over everything. You'd be surprised how many different settings there are and features that you may never use that could be using up some juice. Hope this helps!
djlee0314 said:
I'm constantly using my phone throughout the day for both work and personal. Have my exchange email setup to push notifications (I get a lot of emails) and gmail synced. All my social media accounts (FB, IG, Snap, Twitter) are synced as well. I can usually get through the whole day before charging the phone to 100% before bed around 11pm then taking off the charger. Depending on if you use the features you may want to turn off features that require a sensor. Since I'm not sure what exactly your setting are, here's how mines setup:
- At work, wifi-off and bluetooth on. At home bluetooth off, wifi-on
- location is high accuracy all the time
- AOD is on from 7am-11pm
- I have "block accidental touches" on which turns off AOD when in pocket, etc.
- I have edge panels on but edge lighting off
- turn off "nearby device scanning"
- In advanced features, I have the following settings off since I don't use (and could help batter since they require a sensor to activate): smart stay, direct call, smart alert, easy mute,
There's probably others I'm missing but I recommend going through each and every setting in the menu including sub-menus and looking over everything. You'd be surprised how many different settings there are and features that you may never use that could be using up some juice. Hope this helps!
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Interesting observation, aod ON in conjunction with accidental touch ON with my leather folio wallet case that I use ( edge clock ) works a treat as it shuts down the aod when I close the case.
I noticed this as I was telling my wife she should turn her AOD off as she has a wallet case also, she duly told me to bugger off.
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I've had no luck in improving my battery life until I enabled Data Saver (Settings > Connections > Data Usage). I went in and enabled a few apps I wanted to run in the background but overall didn't need much enabled. I went from 16hr on battery, 3.5hr SOT to about 28hr, 5hr SOT
Battery life has been pretty good but you have to control how some apps work when you're not near a charger.
The biggest battery drains are obviously the screen but often overlooked is data sync.
If you're using your phone to take pictures syncing with Dropbox, One Drive, Google Photos really can drain the battery quickly.
If I'm out and about without a charger I shut off automatic sync and might use the Mid power saving settings and haven't had problems 10+ hours.
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Thanks for the suggestions Some of them, I will try, but others, I am not willing to give up. Things like full resolution display; Yes I can lower the screen resolution to save power, but shutting features off like leave me with, well, something that is not a Note 8. I would have stuck with my Note 3 if the display wasn't important. I use bluetooth all the time, wifi, not so much and never use NFC so I can shut 2 of the 3 antenna's off. AOD is on, and accidental touches is on.
Go into the battery settings and see which apps are using the most battery. Most apps sync and depending on how often and how much data can affect battery life. Putting some apps to sleep can really help.
T-Mobile sometimes suffers from weak cell signals, when that happens it can really be a battery hog.
It's a learning process on finding the right balance for your usage and battery life.
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I started using Naptime and 2 days of battery on a single charge on the 1st day since then it has been pretty steady. As of now at midnight my battery is at 54 percent and I have been using the phone all day.
My battery life
I have always had 2-3 hours of SoT until I did 2 things. I deleted the FB app and started using the mobile site and I installed accubattery. This was my usage today....Keep in Mind, I have accubattery tell me my phone is fully charged when it hits 80% to save battery cycles. I did plug the phone into my laptop to transfer the pictures over to it hence the blip at the end but it was just long enough to copy the photos, upload them to tinypic and post, etc.
Definitely missing the battery life from my mate 9. Gonna take awhile to get used to that. Only had the phone for a few days, so hoping it settles in more.
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