[Q] Internet Browser - HTC One Max

So I updated the One Max to 4.4 and I after a factory reset, the Internet Browser, (not Chrome), does not sync my Gmail bookmarks anymore, is there a workaround or has someone else noticed this? My DNA, 4.4 also, lost the same function. Also, I know this sounds paranoid, but is there a way to see if a web browser from the play store is URL tracking, data mining, or if my web traffic is passing through servers capable of harvesting my passwords. I like the Mercury browser, but the privacy policy sounds like the garbage Dolphin does. Any advise? FYI, I must have a web browser that I can set a custom user agent or the user agent can be set as a Windows computer. I don't care for Chrome by the way. Thank you for any help.

I'm no expert on browsers... But I've found this Browser does most of what your looking for: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=nu.tommie.inbrowser
Current Device : HTC One MAX / Retired HTC Devices: DNA, Rezound, Thunderbolt, Incredible, Eris

Thank you for replying, I guess I am asking if it is possible that the web browser I prefer, Mercury, is passing my data on to the developers. Is there a way to tell if it is phoning home or is my connection passing through one of their servers so they can use a packet sniffer to pick out information such as passwords? I know this may sound paranoid, but between Chrome and Dolphin's phoning home, I was looking to see if anyone had any information. Update, after testing, i found that Maxthon will also work well for my requirement, so which do any of you think is better, Maxthon or Mercury?



lapdock and facebook question

Does anyone know how to stop the lapdock showing the mobile site of facebook rather than the normal one every time i enter wwwdotfacebbokdotcom it loads with m.facebook.com?
create a shortcut in the dock.
no, just tried that sill reverts back to the "m" site ?
are you using the lapdock's firebox browser? or are you using the phone's browser while in lapdock's?
Its when using the firefox lapdock browser or the lapdocks facebook shortcut
Have you tried Dolphin Browser HD? In the initial setup, you can choose what kind of device you'd like the browser to tell the website you're using. Like say for instance, android phone, desktop, ipone, or ipad.
I tried accessing the facebook site from my lapdock's browser and it sent me to the non-mobile site. I don't know what could be going on with yours.
sorry. :\
Potential Fix for this issue
The problem everybody is experiencing develops when the initial request is sent to the Facebook server and the "user agent" string is sent. By default, the user agent string is set to Android, but can be set to Chrome Desktop to allow a full website experience. Some website's written or optimized for a specific browser may still disregard this setting, but Facebook does not, and will display the full site ... I have the laptop dock and this works.
In the firefox browser, go to the add-ins page and search "user agent". Install one of them and select "firefox 4" from the new menu. Reload the page and it should show the full version instead of the mobile version of the page.
You need to use a user agent spoof add-in to tell the facebook server that you are a full web browser and not a mobile web browser.
I have tried the top 3 user agent programs and connot find the firefox 4 option.
You say you have to spoof the web page, when I first used it it worked fine, and other users all say theirs work fine too without messing with the settings.
I have also done a hard reset on the phone so its not that, it must be somthing in the lapdock, -
question can the lapdock be reset in any way, I know it has nothing inside as such but pehaps there is somthing in there?
Install the add-on called "User Agent RG 1.0" and then under Tools -> User Agent, select "Firefox 4". You have to make this selection every time you open the firefox browser in the webtop as the setting is not preserved.
I think this is phone browser problem .

[Q] Browser with AJAX support. Desktop GMAIL interface

I need access to full gmail (not simple html) through web interface. Gmail app and html simple don't work for me, because they ruin the organization and order of messages when compared to desktop interface.
I have tried Skyfire and it does load full Gmail interface, but it is painfully slow, consumes enormous amount of memory and loads cpu to 100%. Pretty much unusable.
I'm not sure if ajax (or gmail in particular) on android wouldn't run any better or if it is just a matter of finding the right software and setting.
I don't have a direct solution, but have you tried the other versions of gmail, stock email, and Sense email apps?
I'm using the ICS 4.0 version of gmail, and I like it a lot.
Search google for the apk.
They may have the layout and options you want.
Thank you for suggestion. I have tried to find something that works, but other than Skyfire (not useable) and Remote Desktop (quite uncomfortable), I couldn't find anything so far.
Here is my problem. I receive ton of emails everyday, I use several workstations to access emails, I sort, label and read them, reply from different workstations. Works great having the same screen on all the machines, no matter where I am. I can start my work on one and finish on the other without loosing track of what I was doing.
I would love to work on my emails using Flyer the same way, but as of right now it is very uncomfortable for me, simply because my mail boxes don't look the same on android.
For example I have one of the mail boxes set up to show important and unread first, next emails marked with specific labels (might have several labels), then everything else (important read, unimportant unread etc). This simple thing saves me a lot of time and I know what to do next regardless of what workstation I access my email from.
When I use GMAIL app on my flyer, my mail box looks like a mess in comparison to desktop version. I get lost there so bad that I miss what needs to be done next. At this point I decided not to use GMAIL app to access work email at all.
I have tried to get to my emails through Web Browsers with desktop user agent string, but it loads in plain HTML, hence I loose the order again.
Only Skyfire browser loads the full version of gmail, but as I have said earlier is consumes more than 200mb of ram and loads CPU to 100% and makes it pretty much unusable. Not sure if it is a problem just on my Flyer or if it is how ajax is done in Skyfire.
I'm hoping to find solution (browser with good ajax?) that would allow me to access full web interface. I was just wondering if anybody knows if such thing or add-on exists. I hope maybe when CHROME browser comes out they have the good ajax support.

How to get Apples imessage to work on Android

Im trying to find a workaround on this,
Iphone/Mac can also add AIM, Google Talk, Jabber etc, and ive been fidling with Beejive apps, was able to hook up on aim, but it only allows one online client at a time, even though Macs settings here in AIM allows "multiple" logged on.
Any other with input or experience with this?
Did you manage to find a solution ?

Xiaomi's monitoring ours browsers

Spanish newspaper.
The phones of the Chinese brand Xiaomi would be recording the behavior of users on their own mobile phones and web history, even with private browsing activated, data that would later be sent to remote servers in China.
A Forbes investigation exposes the amount of data that Xiaomi smartphones allegedly collect from its users. The monitoring of web activity would be done through the own browser installed on the brand's devices, as well as in My Browser Pro and Mint Browser, available on Google Play.
Specifically, browsers would record web pages that the user visits or searches through services such as Google or DuckDuckGo, and would occur even if the user has activated incognito mode. Monitoring would also take place in the use of smarpthone, with the folders it opens, the status bar or the settings page.
oh nooooo
you know google, microsoft, facebook, etc do the same? they earn money from ads and info anout people, so yes, they'd do anything to know you even when you don't want them to.
besides, people upload all data, giving away their privacy - fb, insta, twitter, youtube, etc...
there is nothing for free - you want space on servers to upload your ass and get likes, comments - you loose your privacy. thats how most dumb society gave away good internet and freedom.
the same for paying via card - it's convenient, but they know your routine and favourite places
It's known, yes but it's not a good practice. All of us change services for data, i have debloat the default browser and go on
I think you're pretty crazy in general if you use the default browser
Again this bulshits,like the chinese are very curious about what porn sites and series we watch
they are - whatever you search they produce and sell on ali, that's why they became so economically powerful.

password authentication

I bought a new 310XBA chromebook, recently, from Walmart and am having difficulty logging into my website to transfer files via FTP. It neither works through the chrome browser, nor through sFTP client. The sFTP client proceeds nicely with the host name and the username, but when it gets to the password, it fails. On the chrome browser, I don't get the luxury of knowing how it fails.
Up until now, I've had no problem logging in via WinSCP, or through Mozilla browser, on my Windows XP laptop. Nor have I had any difficulty logging in via FTP Client Pro (from Less is More Development from the iPhone App Store) on my iPhone. And these three methods remain in working order allowing me to login and transfer files.
But due to this new wrinkle, I've recently learned that my iPhone's Safari browser can't log in as well (something I didn't know before now since I have never tried to use my iPhone's SilverLight browser until now...).
I've called customer support at GoDaddy and we both agree that there is nothing wrong at their end and has more to do with chromebook and iPhone's browser than anything else.
The mystery is...how, or what, is wrong? And what to do about it...
I've tried putting "ftp." out in front of my domain name, but I usually don't need to. Either way doesn't change anything.

