Delete / Rebuild Gallery Thumbnails. - Sprint HTC EVO 4G LTE

I had a hard time finding the fix for this on the Evo 4G LTE so I hope this helps others.
It may apply to other phones.
Warning! Although this fix solved my problem (where other fixes failed),
it apparently affected my lock screen (the HTC sense one, which I have disabled).
So do this at your own risk.
Update: The lock screen thing went away at next reboot, so probably no big deal.
It is apparently common, it's happened to other people for no reason
and sometimes goes away on its own, only to come back later.
It may not even be related to my thumbnail fix.
The lockscreen issue is: The ring won't to slide all the way up and the clock at the top showed overlapping numbers.
You can still access your phone by pulling down the notifications bar at the top,
tapping settings, and then clicking the home button.
I simply disabled the lock screen entirely -
Search the google play store for No Lock Screen, made by Futon Redemption.
The Thumbnail Fix:
If your gallery shows small picture previews (thumbnails) showing a gray warning triangle,
or duplicates of your images, you need to delete your thumbnail cache.
You can try deleting these manually from within the gallery, but it's slow
and you run the risk of deleting the actual pics and not just the thumbnails.
When you delete the thumbnails, the phone will automatically rebuild them,
and the next time you launch the gallery, the duplicates and missing image icons will be gone.
There are a few places where the phone might store these thumbnail caches.
I found several possible locations while googling. Some may be for other phones.
Try these first. They didn't fix the problem for me, but they didn't have any bad side effects either.
Use a file browser like Root Explorer to get to these files/folders and delete them.
Make sure "show hidden files and folders" option is enabled.
• /sdcard/dcim/.thumbnails (delete the whole folder)
• /sdcard2/dcim/.thumbnails (ditto)
• /sdcard2/dcim/thumbs.db (possible I accidentally copied this file from windows)
• /sdcard/Android/data/
• /dbdata/databases/
• any thumbnail folders in /sdcard/DCIM/Camera/ or /sdcard/DCIM/100ANDRO/
Other possible fixes (these didn't work for me either)
• Settings --> Applications --> All --> Gallery --> Clear Cache. For me, this button was grayed out.
I was able to do "clear data" instead but it didn't work.
• There are a few thumbnail cache cleaning apps. I got "Gallery Refresh" and it didn't work.
OK for real, the actual fix:
• What worked for me is to go to this directory:
and delete the file external.db. Don't touch internal.db.
To be safe you can just rename it so you can restore the file later.
Right after doing this and rebooting I got the lock screen issue so once again, use at your own risk.

Thanks, it helped me restoring the thumbnails in a CM13 based ROM (Ressurrection-Remix Marshmallow). The catch was the part about deleting external databases in /data/data/ (I did a backup first, just in case...).
It seems that deleting the .thumbnails folder in DCIM now breaks the thumbnails, ie they aren't rebuilt later, at least not for now...


Empty Boxes in Programs Tab

I've installed several apps and tweaks on my TP and I believe one of them gives a very undesired side effect - just not sure which one.
In the Programs Tab I have now a third page of place holders - except, they don't do anything. I can't load another app onto them. And if I try, they stay blank but another place holder appears next to it, making the page longer and longer.
I have not figured out how to get rid of them or use them or reverse the effect. But it does give me trouble getting to the second page of the usable soft buttons. It just quickly scrolls past it.
If anyone has any ideas, I would like to hear them.
Possible culprits: Advanced Configuration Tool or AE Button Mapper....
Found the Solution / Fix!
You can only have 18 icons in the programs tab, the new one/s that keep popping up are useless. You can get rid of them by going in to your registry and delelting the offending entries.
Navigate to - HKLM\Software\HTC\Manila\ProgramLauncher\
In here look for a key that does not belong, you should have 0-17, when I get a rogue program icon it is usually listed as 100. Delete the whole key and voila the icon is gone. You don't have to reboot all you have to do is navigate to another tab and back to programs and the icon will be gone.
(posted on ppcgeeks by majorassface )

[Q] Wallpapers in .nomedia folder?

If, hypothetically speaking of course, I had some pictures in a folder containing a .nomedia folder to hide them from Album, is there a way to use them as wallpaper? I have tried setting the wallpaper using Astro as the selector instead of album and I can browse to the image and select it but then it freezes and never gets to the screen where you crop the paper. Also, even when using "normal" images, I have noticed that when I go to change the wallpaper it will hang after I "Select wallpaper from" Pictures, necessitating me pressing the back key and having to restart the process. It always starts the second time but is quite slow.
Any ideas?
I think you can use those pics as wallpaper by browsing to them with a filemanager....
Then just push on the photo and select the menu button in the lower left corner.
Select set to background...
That should work...

[Q] App shortcut keeps removing itself from folders...

Hey! I have Grand Theft Auto III installed to my SD card as it seems to not crash as often and alleviates space on my internal storage. I store the shortcut for it in a folder on both my home page and app drawer called Games. Every time I restart the phone, the shortcut removes itself from the folder on my home page and puts itself outside of the same folder on my app drawer. Does anyone know why this happens, and if there's something I can do to rectify it? It's only a minor annoyance, but would be nice if I didn't have to keep putting it back in the folders every time I reboot the phone. I have since moved it back to internal storage, and it's resolved the problem, however, I would prefer it to be on my external SD!
Any help would be hugely appreciated!
I had the exact same problem, but it was Go Launcher EX who was guilty of that. This still happens to me, so i just take the folders that are created in the app drawer and drag them to home screen. Now it doesn't happen.
I say again, don't add folder by Menu button>Add>Folder instead go to appdrawer (in your case it will show folders and not apps) drag one of the folder to homscreen and voila!
Maybe this isn't the solution to your problem but as i interpreted it this should be the solution. It worked for me atleast

CM9 XU MIUI V5 Issues
When accessing the WLAN for the first time a keyboard does not appear to enter WLAN password. A notification has appeared which is prompting to select keyboard type. The default setting seems to be Remote Keybaord (MyPhoneExplorer). This doesn't seem like a good default.
I can't access new ringtones. It says unable to connect even though I then go on to add and sync a google account. (so there's nothing wrong with the internet)
Under "Clock" the word "StopWatch" doesn't fit inside the screen. It says Stopwa and then runs out of space.
"News and Weather" crashes upon launch.
Gallery crashes when selecting what I assume is a contrast adjuster in the lower left. (Looks like three circles intertwined)
Gallery seems to have issues with images that contain transparency. A garbled version of another image is shown in the transparent parts. (When viewing a single image and swiping left / right to view next)
I'm not crazy about the "Bee-do bee-do" loader screen. Maybe others like it but I'd prefer something more sedate.

Miui 7 Cleaner exception doesn't seem to work

The cleaner/security app keeps deleting my Google Map offline maps.
There is a cleaner exception list but somehow there is no way to put an app on that list.
I did find out that you can navigate to the "Recent app" list and assuming Google
Map app is on the list - swipe down to lock it. I did and it partially work.
With this locked - Security/Cleaner when run manually will bypass cleaning of
Google Map's offline files - *BUT* if the cleaner is autostarted to clean in the
background - it still blow away Google Map's files.. Looks like a bug to me.
Any ideas. I disable autocleaning for now.
Solution found..
Here is an update. I think I found the way to add exception.
It is not obvious and frankly this is poor UI design on the part of the cleaner developers..
First, for the app you want to add exception, the app's files in question must be present. If they
are already cleaned, there is no handle in the UI to add the exception.
In my case, I use Google MAP app generate offline maps which keep being cleaned.
I go into Google MAP to generate a offline map. Next go to Security app and run
Cleaner. You will see the files it want to clean. In the case of Google offline maps, they
are listed in the Deep Clean menu under App data. They should be there and it have
the option to "keep" them. Hold down the keep button or I think you might have to
swipe the "Keep" menu (left or right) - you will be presented with a menu to add
an exception to that particular type of file. That's it. The trick is to get to the
exception menu and it is not obvious - I think you need to swipe it or something
(holding down doesn't do anything..)
As I said, this is really poor UI design. Oh well..
BTW, it worked. I left my phone overnight and the offline maps are still there.
Usually they get blown alway after an hour or so…
why not just disable the cleaner?
It always kill the background apps I need.
@wizb98y: Thanks!
One way is to go in security and then in permission and in autostart select the apl u want to keep in background
i found this video and i think it work
video name is .. .( How To Prevent Background App Force Closing For MIUI 7.2 And Above ) you can search it in youtube
how to avoid a particular app files from getting cleared.

