want xperia neo v tun.ko - Sony Ericsson Xperia Neo, Pro

I want tun.ko for xperia neo v
i search everywhere but i cant find someone please help me....

Qutub Uddin said:
I want tun.ko for xperia neo v
i search everywhere but i cant find someone please help me....
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Problem solved by me :laugh:
Tun.ko for Xperia Neo/ xperia Neo v to make your Vpn work. :fingers-crossed:


Skype in Neo V

Hello, I just installed the CM7.2 in a Neo V device.
The problem is that I can't find the Skype app on the Market.
Where could I donwload it?
Thanks and best regards.

I need a Xperia S lockscreen for my Neo V ICS 4.1.A.0.562???? Anybody pls post me???

I need a Xperia S lockscreen for my Neo V ICS 4.1.A.0.562???? Anybody pls post me???
this is not the Q & A SECTION!! and search before you post anything!
here ..this is for .431..but might work on .562. Just try..and make a backup before u do!
yuvarajkarthick3 said:
I need a Xperia S lockscreen for my Neo V ICS 4.1.A.0.562???? Anybody pls post me???
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and i NEED people to search before posting..!

Neo L roms, kernels ?

hey guys,
is there any index, list of Neo L compatible roms, kernels ?
i cant find any thing
can any one plz explain if i can use Neo V roms on my Neo L or not?
SignalX said:
hey guys,
is there any index, list of Neo L compatible roms, kernels ?
i cant find any thing
can any one plz explain if i can use Neo V roms on my Neo L or not?
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check Neo v android development section
jellysandwich is available for Neo l... don't know abt kernel.. better stick with stock one...
roms for neo l
CM9-Neo L
go to this link
SignalX said:
hey guys,
is there any index, list of Neo L compatible roms, kernels ?
i cant find any thing
can any one plz explain if i can use Neo V roms on my Neo L or not?
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use following link Neo L ROMs Collection

[Q] [REUESTING][NEO L][MT25i]CyanogenMod CM10/10.1 foe Xperia Neo L

this is the thread i found cm9 for my neo L. check it out if you need it.
So i am asking for a CyanogenMod 10/10.1 ROM for my neo L as expected. I found many cm 10/10.1 for neo V and SE neo, but not for my neo L. as i know from many other post that cm 10/ 10.1 for neo V and neo are not capable to Neo L, i wanna ask if anyone made a unofficial cm 10/10.1 for Neo L. cm 9 is awesome and great, but i know jellyBean is really cool and i hope that if someone had did some work on it.
and 1 more thing, a bit off-topic:
Ubuntu for mobile is just released. Is it portable as in PC??
s20051139 said:
this is the thread i found cm9 for my neo L. check it out if you need it.
So i am asking for a CyanogenMod 10/10.1 ROM for my neo L as expected. I found many cm 10/10.1 for neo V and SE neo, but not for my neo L. as i know from many other post that cm 10/ 10.1 for neo V and neo are not capable to Neo L, i wanna ask if anyone made a unofficial cm 10/10.1 for Neo L. cm 9 is awesome and great, but i know jellyBean is really cool and i hope that if someone had did some work on it.
and 1 more thing, a bit off-topic:
Ubuntu for mobile is just released. Is it portable as in PC??
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its not a global device thats why no cm10 officially we can wait for the mods to come out.
s20051139 said:
this is the thread i found cm9 for my neo L. check it out if you need it.
So i am asking for a CyanogenMod 10/10.1 ROM for my neo L as expected. I found many cm 10/10.1 for neo V and SE neo, but not for my neo L. as i know from many other post that cm 10/ 10.1 for neo V and neo are not capable to Neo L, i wanna ask if anyone made a unofficial cm 10/10.1 for Neo L. cm 9 is awesome and great, but i know jellyBean is really cool and i hope that if someone had did some work on it.
and 1 more thing, a bit off-topic:
Ubuntu for mobile is just released. Is it portable as in PC??
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Xperia neo L is only available in asia, thats why FXP wont support neo l.. Thats the main reason why CM10 is not available for neo l
Sent from my Xperia neo V using Tapatalk 2
It can be built from source. I could do it for Neo L users if wanted
emwno said:
It can be built from source. I could do it for Neo L users if wanted
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plz make it
myb someone can do..
Sent from my MT25i
emwno said:
It can be built from source. I could do it for Neo L users if wanted
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Dude we need it... We need custom ROMs... Please build it....
Where could i find download link for cm10 or cm10+ for my neo l mt25i.
I found this thread for jelly bean for mt25i but couldn't find any link or instruction.
Where could i find download link for cm10 or cm10+ for my neo l mt25i ?????
Please help....
cherry676 said:
Dude we need it... We need custom ROMs... Please build it....
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can you plz do it i am sure all xperia neo l users need it and doesnt the xperia play cm10 work on neo l maybe you can build from the xperia play
arun.kushwaha said:
I found this thread for jelly bean for mt25i but couldn't find any link or instruction.
Where could i find download link for cm10 or cm10+ for my neo l mt25i ?????
Please help....
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The links are on 2nd & 3rd posts...'
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2
To keep an update on current Progress
Drop in here
Sent from my Xperia Neo V using xda premium
arun.kushwaha said:
I found this thread for jelly bean for mt25i but couldn't find any link or instruction.
Where could i find download link for cm10 or cm10+ for my neo l mt25i ?????
Please help....
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Download link is in the second post... Read carefully before posting something... There is no cm10 or cm10+ as such for neo L mt25i...
Kindly check this thread, CM10 for Xperia neo L CLICK ME!
Can someone test this?
I accidentallyfound this link at github.
But i dont sure wether its the real thing or not.
so, can someone test this.i found this thing at github. and dont forget to test and reply it as soon as possible.

Neo v body & parts

Anyone know where to get neo v body & parts??especially in malaysia..anyone malaysian xda member know it?
Sent from my MT11i
Thanks for link but ebay heading says its for xperia neo .. i have neo v .. would it fit on neo v ?
It should..same body..not 100% sure though...
mmckoyuki said:
Anyone know where to get neo v body & parts??especially in malaysia..anyone malaysian xda member know it?
Sent from my MT11i
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NEO and NEO V has the same Body as of my knowledge ....
sharan2036 said:
Thanks for link but ebay heading says its for xperia neo .. i have neo v .. would it fit on neo v ?
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They do, I swapped a red neo body on my Neo V
Sent from my Xperia Neo V
Montoyatok said:
They do, I swapped a red neo body on my Neo V
Sent from my Xperia Neo V
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are u sure ..
can i put a neo body on my neo v ???
max8824 said:
are u sure ..
can i put a neo body on my neo v ???
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Absolutely you can. I am 1000000000000000% sure..
I have done i myself.
max8824 said:
are u sure ..
can i put a neo body on my neo v ???
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Neo and neo v is just the same..only camera is different..
Sent from my MT11i
Why don't you just google it.
Sent from my MT11i

