[Q] Help URGENT, deleted system - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi i need some help please! I was using a ROM (MUI) later i try to install another, but i did a wrong option ( i don't remember actually what is) but now it erase me all the system. when i turn my phone on its only ( samsung galaxy s2 on the screen and nothing happen), also can use lock, volume down and home to downloading mode. i don't know what to do :'(. please some one help me i got a samsung galaxy s2 i9100 im kinda desperate.
i want to know how i can get to stock. please some help URGENT! :crying:

Why on Earth would you do something ridiculously foolish like that ? If you're going to mod your phone, make sure you understand what you're doing before you do it & pay attention.
The help you need is in this thread, and by that I mean do what I told that guy to do (and what Hopper also told him to do). Do not post to the other thread, simply read the help I've provided, and go fix your phone.
I referred you to it because I can't be arsed typing the exact same thing 3 times within 5 minutes (twice is plenty for my level of patience, trust me).

rchan289 said:
Hi i need some help please! I was using a ROM (MUI) later i try to install another, but i did a wrong option ( i don't remember actually what is) but now it erase me all the system. when i turn my phone on its only ( samsung galaxy s2 on the screen and nothing happen), also can use lock, volume down and home to downloading mode. i don't know what to do :'(. please some one help me i got a samsung galaxy s2 i9100 im kinda desperate.
i want to know how i can get to stock. please some help URGENT! :crying:
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Hi. I am new to this forum but i think i kinda understand what your problem is. I mean a solution since you get to go into the downloading mode. try to use odin to flash the sammy stock rom? Somewhere in xda you can find the tutorial. Good luck.
P/S: Try it/do it at your own risk. not responsible for any damages. :laugh:


[Q] Help| Galaxy s2 wont turn on in any way.

Hi everybody,
i have a problem with my galaxy s2, my little brother tried to install rom and the divice crashed,(he dont know witch rom)
since then it wont torn on, wont charge, cant go to download mode, i have been tried jig but still the same.
the divice DEAD.
i dont have worrnty,
i did read all posts but didnt found any answear.
hope u guys will help me i am lost.
If he doesn't know which ROM to install why did you let him? Only a JTAG repair would help since you don't have warranty too.
Sent from my potato running a potato.
1.beat up brother
2.pray you dont need new mb
its his phone...
so ty i will order jtag from ebay and i will cheak it out
ty very much
al3xz31 said:
Hi everybody,
i have a problem with my galaxy s2, my little brother tried to install rom and the divice crashed,(he dont know witch rom)
since then it wont torn on, wont charge, cant go to download mode, i have been tried jig but still the same.
the divice DEAD.
i dont have worrnty,
i did read all posts but didnt found any answear.
hope u guys will help me i am lost.
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Why on earth have you created this topic when we already have plenty of this 100% exact same subject????
All you're doing is adding to the flood on needless topics that plague this forum. You have no need to simply clone topics for fresh replies that are same answers that have already been given before.
al3xz31 said:
its his phone...
so ty i will order jtag from ebay and i will cheak it out
ty very much
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You cant just order Jtag from ebay. Jtag is made with RiffBox, which a very expensive piece of hardware. You also need some other skills and generally, Jtag is used only by professionals who know what they're doing.
What you need to find is a Jtag repair shop in your area. Jtag repair is much cheaper than getting a new motherboard.
Sent from my GT-I9100
ROM flashing is not something to joke around. Flashing a ROM without knowing what ROM is it could lead to the bricking of device. I bet your brother don't even know whether that ROM is compatible with the S2 model.
Could it be that he flashed a non-G version of ROM to a i9100G, or vice versa that leads to this condition?
Thread closed
Hopefully you can fix it without replacing the motherboard. No need for another thread on the subject.

[Q] Galaxy S2 won't reboot after root My galaxy s2 (GT-I9100m) won't reboot

ok so i tryed to root my galaxy s2 GT-I9100 useing this youtube video. >youtube. com/watch?v=WYE_gpqCUgc
i dont know what i did wrong but now i stuck at the one screen where it says the samsung galaxy s2 gt-i9100 and a yellow icon with ! in it. . i tryed to uses other kernels with odin and still same start screen pls help and yes i know dumb noob. i tryed tryed and tryed now im just sad that i messed up my cell. lol and way someone can help me? in the mean time i trying to read up on the same problem that others are having.
what ROM are you on?
Sent from the little guy
gastonw said:
what ROM are you on?
Sent from the little guy
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hi thanks for the reply but i think i figured it out. i was looking in other posts and stuff about the same problem and or ones about how to root and i think i just used a out of date kernel thing. because i found the same kerrnel i used that messed up my cell but the other one i found was a newer version i tihnk. so i downloaded that and did the thing with odin and yah it rebooted perfectly and from what i see my cell is rooted.
Good news then
Sent from the little guy
yellow tiangle
I bet the yellow triangle gets on your nerves next ha! i found using a jig was the best way and safest to get rid of the triangle,but there is software to get rid i think it is by chainfire.
Galaxy S2 i9100 wont reboot after rooting
Hi There,
I have exactly the same problem. I did try to root and followed the instructions given in galaxys2root dot com.
Followed the link "ww.galaxys2root.com/galaxy-s2-root/how-to-root-galaxy-s2-i9100-icsandroid-4-0/" . ( One 'W' is intentionally missing in the referred link as a spoof. I am a new user with less than 10 posts so I am not allowed to paste a working link. Sorry) I went through the video first and followed all instructions threadbare.
Odin returned a green success message too. but the phone would not wake up beyond the Samsung Boot logo for S2. I was on ICS version 4.0.X prior to the ilflated root and my phone version is GT-I9100G.
You must excuse me, I did not note down my previous baseband version and similar other details in the about phone. I bought the phone from a Hongkong based ebay vendor and I live in Australia.
I am hoping i have not lost completely my phone and data. I have written too that web site too. Could you please help as soon as possible. I am without a phone.
thanks heaps in advance,
guppeey said:
Hi There,
I have exactly the same problem. I did try to root and followed the instructions given in galaxys2root dot com.
Followed the link "ww.galaxys2root.com/galaxy-s2-root/how-to-root-galaxy-s2-i9100-icsandroid-4-0/" . ( One 'W' is intentionally missing in the referred link as a spoof. I am a new user with less than 10 posts so I am not allowed to paste a working link. Sorry) I went through the video first and followed all instructions threadbare.
Odin returned a green success message too. but the phone would not wake up beyond the Samsung Boot logo for S2. I was on ICS version 4.0.X prior to the ilflated root.
You must excuse me, I did not note down my previous baseband version and similar other details in the about phone. I bought the phone from a Hongkong based ebay vendor and I live in Australia.
I am hoping i have not lost completely my phone and data. I have written too that web site too. Could you please help as soon as possible. I am without a phone.
thanks heaps in advance,
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Can you get to download mode?
flash siyah v5.

[Q] Galaxy s2 NEED MAJOR HELP.

Hey guys im that standard new guy, that needs help.
I have a Galaxy s2 SGH-I777 or the GT-i9100 Not 100% sure. I currently have a bricked (or what i believe to be a bricked phone) not sure. It pops up with the start up screen (SAMSUNG GALAXY S II GT-I9100 with the yellow yield sign with exclamation mark in the middle). So im not sure what phone i have but i just want it to work again. I understand i can not provide alot of info due to not being about to look up its info. I believe i loaded the wrong CWM on it and cannot find the right one. Any help is appreciated thanks again.
you should post it here : http://forum.xda-developers.com/forumdisplay.php?f=1148
and i think you have a bootloop if u did a nandroid u can restore it back
tell us which kernel u have flashed??...nd yes u have flashed a wrong kernel most probably.
AW: [Q] Galaxy s2 NEED MAJOR HELP.
as your bootscreen says i9100, you seem to have that version. to be sure, you can check the sticker under your battery.
what you have is called a bootloop. it is solvable. search for bootloop or flash a rom with odin. use the search function, there are quite a lot of guides around.

Wrong rom on my gt-i9300

Hi! it is my firts post here, im desperate for help!!
I got a s3 i9300, i want to flash my device to get a unbranded version, the problem was that i install a sch-535 rom, the phone barely works, i cant use data, i barely have signal, but when i reallyze my error i try to flash an i9300 rom but i cant, it stops in the middle and dont let me do it, so i know im stupid, but i really need to fix this, anyone can help me please? thank you guys!
poyotpm said:
Hi! it is my firts post here, im desperate for help!!
I got a s3 i9300, i want to flash my device to get a unbranded version, the problem was that i install a sch-535 rom, the phone barely works, i cant use data, i barely have signal, but when i reallyze my error i try to flash an i9300 rom but i cant, it stops in the middle and dont let me do it, so i know im stupid, but i really need to fix this, anyone can help me please? thank you guys!
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hi dude,
I will not do a tutorial or how to, or explain, but there is excellent and complete informations and threads from others members in XDA or youtube or other forums
for stock fw search it from sammobile (stock rom - to your country / language) - needs register
Samsung Galaxy S III/GT-I9300 - Wiki - look this ... many and good links - how to install , root, recover , etc ...
or here in xda - I do recommend a custom rom rooted ... try It ... you will want more and more power ... LOL ...
[10/04] INDEX of ROMs [Android Development Forum] - read in changelogs if the rom support multi csc ... nice fun
* link updated and correct
best regards
if you can go into download mode, just flash a stock rom via odin. good luck
please let me know if i'm wrong and CLICK thanks if i help
sent from my GT-I9300 running CM10.1 RC4.4 by Temasek
post an Odin screenshot if it doesn't go through
Hi guys!, first of all thank you for your support, here are the updates, i try flashing it via odin and a error was show and it was imposible to flash it that way, because i was desperate and impatient for having it back, i talk to a "expert" friend of mine, he told me that the problem was that the bootloader was locked by verizon, thats why i cant flash it, so he rooted the phone, and download e-z unlocker app or something like that, he install the app and then proceed to unlock the bootloader, everything went well, the turn off the phone for putting it on download mode but the phone wont turn on, it doesnt even charge it was dead, hard bricked :crying: ,so i reallyze that all my impatience went wrong and now i have a 900 dlls brick (im from mexico thats whhy is so expensive, a couple months ago) and well the only brigth side is that im going to try guarantee and say that the phone just experience a sudden death case and hopefully the belive me i´ll keep you guys updated! thanks for the support!
first of all, I asked for an Odin screenshot.
second of all, how can the bootloader be locked by Verizon if it's not a Verizon phone? i9300 is an international unlocked phone. If you messed with the bootloader, then I don't think there's anything you can do

[Q] HELP my GT-I9305

guys I've tried rooting my new Samsung Galaxy S3 I9305
yes, I'm kinda newbie about stuffs.
I mistakenly root a wrong file, which is intended for S3 I900
now may phone stuck on
android flash saying "downloading target do not remove thingy"
please help me how to fix it, I've read that I need to re flash this one, but can't find a file w/c I can use. can some one kindly help me w/ the file and the link to restore this.
please help' ASAP, I'm afraid if my phone battery depleted I won't be able to open it again please help
callmeg said:
guys I've tried rooting my new Samsung Galaxy S3 I9305
yes, I'm kinda newbie about stuffs.
I mistakenly root a wrong file, which is intended for S3 I900
now may phone stuck on
android flash saying "downloading target do not remove thingy"
please help me how to fix it, I've read that I need to re flash this one, but can't find a file w/c I can use. can some one kindly help me w/ the file and the link to restore this.
please help' ASAP, I'm afraid if my phone battery depleted I won't be able to open it again please help
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