[Q] Move App to SD - Completed all steps with no results - LG Optimus L9 P760, P765, P768, P769

I'm not by any meaning a technology, software, programming expert, please forgive my beginner language.
I have the LG P769 20h
I have rooted my phone
I have partitioned my SD card
I have installed Link2SD and App2SD
I receive an error message when I try to move apps to my SD card using Link2SD "App2SD is not supported by your device. Because your device has primary external storage which is emulated from the internal storage. You can link the app in order to move its files to your SD card"
I have successfully "linked" apps to my SD card but that hasn't created any additional storage space. I still can't download apps due to insufficient storage.
Please help!! I'm reaching the end of my sanity in trying to figure this out! I'm about to just go buy a new phone, but this one isn't even a year old yet!
Also, please respond in layman's terms, since i'm not a guru in this arena.

ZanyAL711 said:
I'm not by any meaning a technology, software, programming expert, please forgive my beginner language.
I have the LG P769 20h
I have rooted my phone
I have partitioned my SD card
I have installed Link2SD and App2SD
I receive an error message when I try to move apps to my SD card using Link2SD "App2SD is not supported by your device. Because your device has primary external storage which is emulated from the internal storage. You can link the app in order to move its files to your SD card"
I have successfully "linked" apps to my SD card but that hasn't created any additional storage space. I still can't download apps due to insufficient storage.
Please help!! I'm reaching the end of my sanity in trying to figure this out! I'm about to just go buy a new phone, but this one isn't even a year old yet!
Also, please respond in layman's terms, since i'm not a guru in this arena.
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Hi ZanyAL711
You've pretty much done the proper steps to try and get apps to work. The reason that it's not working is that the phone, android version (not supported after 4.0+), most of the downloaded user apps and device system apps, just really doesn't support this feature.
The L9 has only 4gb total memory, which most of that is used by the "/system" partition and leaves a very limited user usable internal memory on the "/data" partition of something only like 1.6gb to 1.8gb of user stirage. Which barely leaves any room for the user to store user apps and or data on the device.
To kind of break it down to you in simple terms...
As i mention above, in android there are 2 main partitions on the devices internal memory:
The "/system" partition - This is where the OS, system apps, etc... are stored. No user data is stored on this partition.
The "/data" partition - This is where all of the user data is stored on the device.
Inside the "/data"partition you have -
"/data/apps" Is where Downloaded user apps are stored and intalled to.
"/data/data" This is where the user "System settings", things that you have changed on the device (ringtones, wallpaper etc) are stored.
Also there are a several other minor partitions on the device but these really have no use to the topic at hand.
Both of these main partitions "/system" and "/data" are on the internal nand flash memory or eMMC (Embedded MultiMedia Card)
The whole data partition is used for user apps and system data only. Which leaves no where for music, movies, photos, documents etc. to be stored on the device.
This is where the external SD card comes into play and allows you to store music, movies, docs etc. off of the devices internal memory. The problem here is that, eben though the L9 has an external/removable SD card, it also has a small internal nand flash memory and it doesn't allow for much user data to be stored in the device and is causing the problem that you have, which is really the phone's lack of internal memory.
So there's not very many more options for you to try other than maybe the following.
You could try the method where you edit the build prop and run a script that allows you to add the feature to move apps to the SD card in "settings/apps/" menu
This can allow you to move some apps to the SD card. Again thought it's not a solution to the problem, but might help.
Another option and probably the best one... Would be to install kuma82's stock modified ROM/backup. It's not custom ROM... It's slightly modified stock ROM and has extra apps, features and it's themed. Looks great too, way better than the complete stock ROM look. It also has an internal/external memory swapt script. You can read about it in the 2nd post of the ROM thread.
It's a simple process, doesn't require the bootloader to be unlocked and kuma has directions for what you need and how to install it, in the 2nd post.
I personally have kuma's ROM running on my wife's L9 and no way would I go back to 100% stock ROM after running his.
Anyway hope this helps!


[Q] Moving apps on Gingerbread Hero

I installed the magnificent Cronos 0.0.9 ROM (Android 2.3 Gingerbread) in my HTC Hero, following dkelley's instructions on the Developer forum for that device. It works brilliantly, speed is superb, and it looks like battery life is going to be better than the Cyanogen 6.1 it replaced.
Everything works for me : Camera, compass, GPS (sort of), auto brightness.
But there is one unusual problem. I cannot find any other forum threads that refer to this. When I use menu->Settings->Applications->Manage Applications, I can move apps to or from the SD card. Except it doesn't work most of the time. I get this message: "Failed to move application. There is not enough storage left"
I have 24MB free on the phone and 2.4GB free on the SD card. So it should not have a problem when I try to move anything (all but 2 of my apps are under 7MB). I have seen a case of being successful with an app of 730K moving to SD. But when I remove that, and try again with a 410K app, it fails. 90% of apps I have tried have failed.
I was very successful with this in my previous ROM, so I know it's not read errors on the SD.
I did forget to delete the old apps dot directory on the SD card before the upgrade. I don't know if that can cause a problem.
As I am too shiny and new, I can't post on the developer forum. A good rule, if it keeps the noise level slightly lower.
So I thought I would post here & see if anyone knows of general fixes for app 2 SD problems of this kind. Maybe it's just that the ROM is too Beta & it's to be expected. That's what happens out at the ragged edge
If u don't have an ext partition on your sdcard then I'm afraid it won't work on Cronos GB 0.0.9 Beta because the apps moved to External are moved on the fat partition and they Force Close all the time anyway on this rom. Now ... app2sd works verry weird on this rom. If u have an ext partition on your sdcard and if u want your apps to be on that partition (and they wont FC on you) all you need to do is let them on Internal (move to phone) and not External (move to sdcard). The apps are installed/moved to the ext partition instead and not on the phone's actual memory (again... as I said weird but it works). If u want to be able to move the apps to sdcard .. I recomend you back-up your files from sdcard to your pc, go to recovery and make an ext partition and wipe it(just in case) and boot your phone and try installing your apps.I'm installing my apps automaticaly to the ext partition by choosing the Install Location to Internal from CM Extra->Application settings. Sorry I wrote alot and if I haven't made myself clear but I'm still at work (3rd shift) and I am tired.
Example: I have a 2gb sdcard... On it I have the ext partition of 240MB, the rest is the fat partition.If I leave my apps on Internal(move to phone), my Phone's Memory is 140/173MB and my ext partition 47.5/240MB .. If I move them to External(move to sd card), My Phone's Memory is 140/173 and my ext partition is about 230/240 MB because the apps are moved to the fat partition (with your errors) and they Force Close when launched on this rom.
You're right, I can see that in the release notes. I am surprised, it's a long time since I have used a ROM that supported ext partitions. Most of them seem to use the Google apps2SD method now.
Cyanogen has even stated that it is no longer officially supported by them.
So I guess it's just individual developers who still prefer the ext approach that still use it.
It's not too hard to do...
Thanks for the tip
You're welcome! Remember that your sdcard content will be deleted when you will partition your sdcard so make a backup if you need them. I find ext is better than normal because you can use the apps from your sdcard while you phone is connected to the computer (your PC mounts the fat partition and leaves the ext partition to be used as normal on the phone and I find that a good thing)

Memory Full problem!Please take a look..

Hey there guys...
To start with i have my S3 two days now and i absolutely love this phone...:')
But,after installing lots of games my internal memory has gone full and i can't download any data in-game because i have low storage space...
My external sd on the other hand is around 10gb free but when i try to move the data to the same folder on the external the data isn't identified by the game and it asks me to download again?
It has become really frustrating,it seems i can't do anything about it...
Any suggestions to try?
As the system now uses unified storage all apps will remain on internal memory; moving the data alone to an external SD card will have no use without altering the application to look for that location for its data. i.e. in the GS2 you had a move to SD option since the phone was partitioned. With the S3 however this option is not there which means that when an application is downloaded all of its information needs to be stored on the internal storage. When the "Move to SD" option was selected within the S2 or prior phones, it informs the application that its new location is within x folder rather than the folder it was originally downloaded too. Since this option is no longer there then the application has no way of being told where its new location is.
Maybe move to SD could be an add-on with a mod/hack but I am not sure if this is possible. Maybe check with a developer?
Have you got a prior Android phone? Maybe install the application on to it; use the "Move to SD" option and see if that will allow it? It's just a suggestion; if you don't have a different Android phone I can try it for you.
Edit: Just tried it; the phone itself doesn't even check for applications stored within an external SD. Sorry man - the only way around it would be a mod/custom/hack (if possible).
T__ said:
As the system now uses unified storage all apps will remain on internal memory; moving the data alone to an external SD card will have no use without altering the application to look for that location for its data. i.e. in the GS2 you had a move to SD option since the phone was partitioned. With the S3 however this option is not there which means that when an application is downloaded all of its information needs to be stored on the internal storage. When the "Move to SD" option was selected within the S2 or prior phones, it informs the application that its new location is within x folder rather than the folder it was originally downloaded too. Since this option is no longer there then the application has no way of being told where its new location is.
Maybe move to SD could be an add-on with a mod/hack but I am not sure if this is possible. Maybe check with a developer?
Have you got a prior Android phone? Maybe install the application on to it; use the "Move to SD" option and see if that will allow it? It's just a suggestion; if you don't have a different Android phone I can try it for you.
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Thank's for the answer...
In my galaxy s 1 i had no problem having the games data on the sd card,i havent moved and application to the sd but i had the data on sd and everything worked great...now...i don't get it....:/
nfsmw_gr said:
Thank's for the answer...
In my galaxy s 1 i had no problem having the games data on the sd card,i havent moved and application to the sd but i had the data on sd and everything worked great...now...i don't get it....:/
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I did check for you; the S3 physically doesn't look for application data in the external SD (I edited original post after testing few things).. There probably are ways around it as mentioned but you would need to speak with developers for further insight.
If worst comes to worst application developers may have to implement a look in x location first, if no data found, look "here" in to their applications.
As the phone is unified storage you can store applications in the full ~12GB storage space (All the ones I have, have roughly 11.3GB after OS and all is on it) so have you used the phones storage itself for only applications; and the SD for media etc?
I am interested to know how you have managed to fill at least 11GB of space with applications; how many do you have? How is the performance of the phone with this many applications on it? Any lag navigating (I know there shouldn't be with quad core processor - but it's interesting to know if hundreds of applications cause lag between screen scrolling).
You can use an app called directory bind to link the game data on the SD to a mounting point on the internal SD. Search for it and you'll find it, not sure if I got it here or the play store.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
Yup, there's directory topic on forum, as well as working 'gl to sd' app in play store. It is not just for gameloft games.
Sent from my SGH-I747M
Thank you all guys!!
Well i filled it with lots of games that's why i don't have much space available!
No the phone is flying,it doesn't lag at all!
I use Dragon Ics rom and Siyah Kernel...no oc....
I'll try directory bind and post back soon!
To put applications on the sdcard, you could use symlinking (confirmed this works myself).
Install the application, then go to /data/app and move the apk file to your sdcard (/mnt/extSdCard) or inside a folder on your sdcard.
Then type ln -s /mnt/extSdCard/your-apk.apk /data/app/your-apk.apk

[Q] [CM 10.1] Link2SD and internal SD

Hi there, noob speaking... (at least in terms of Android)
Let's start with the fact that I bought rooted phone with Cyanogenmod alredy installed which is my 1st Android device. That way I omitted few steps of learning how to root, how to flash it, etc. not to mention that I'm not a Linux guy, so even the way system handles folders and files is new for me. As the problem is more phone-related than system-related I'm posting it here, on XDA.
I'm trying to learn how to partition an "internal SD card" to make it work with Link2SD. I've found lots of tutorials how to do this with an external memory card, but there is not much info about doing the same with internal storage. I've found a tutorial for a diffrent phone, but I'm worried that droid devices seem to be very diffrent and simply retyping everything without understanding what I'm actually doing may cause more harm than good.
My biggest objection is the fact that I'm alredy using my internal SD and beside various media files (photos, music, etc.) there are lots of system, or app related stuff there. There are folders like .android_secure which as I guess store app-related files (or even parts of apps that I moved to SD with build-in feature). If this was Windows, I'd simply back up everything, format it, partition into "general storage" and "app memory" and put backed up files back directly onto new partition only worrying to keep correct letters assigned to new partitions. I'm preety sure that doing same in Android (by copying everything to PC and back to phone) would not work because all those permisions, or am I wrong?
Anyway - Any advice how to do this?
Additional question is related to accessing whole phone memory via PC connected by USB. I know that Android phones are made with security in mind and "system" partition is hidden when connecting USB, but there should be some other way than browsing everything from some phone apps with root permissions. I'd really like to browse my phone both for educational reasons and to check what really takes up space on my "system storage". I'm suspecting that some app went crazy eating lots of space, because once every time I uninstalled something my storage after few minutes was again at 20mb level and it continiued for some time.
BTW: Is there any reason why having about 200mb empty space for apps is not enough to install or update some small applications, while other install even when just 100mb is left?
-How to partition internal SD to make it work with link2sd while there are some system/app files on internal SD alredy?
-How to browse "system memory" from PC via USB?
-Why some apps don't install when there is still 200mb+ free space?

[Q] Vonino Onyx QS 7 root

Hi guys, so I've got this tablet for free with my new contract and I want to root it to play a bit with it . Do you guys have any idea how to do it ? I haven't managed to find any tutorials on the web .
Vonino Onyx QS root request
+1 on this issue.
I too have a Vonino Onyx QS tablet running on Android 4.4.2. The device is decent enough, but storage management is awful! Despite being advertised as an 8 GB tablet in terms of storage, the Onyx QS runs aground at about 900 MB of installed apps (including related data and cache) and starts yelling that there is "Insufficient storage available". This renders the tablet virtually unusable after installing just a few essential apps. Emails stop working, apps will no longer update and data-intensive apps such as Google Earth will simply refuse to run. The 32 GB external SD card I've added makes no difference. It's almost like the OS has no clue what to do with it.
I suck at Android. However, after a lot of digging for pieces of information I've come to undersand that these devices use separate partitions for the apps and other files. Some folks have also hinted towards the fact that the puny 0.9 GB app partition can be resized on a rooted device by means of a partition management app. Or apps could at least be moved to the SD card right before their installation (making use of an app such as Link2SD and, again, a rooted device).
This bring us full circle back to the OP's request: could someone please create and explain a rooting method for this tablet?
Just so you know, these are fresh screenshots of this fresh factory reset configuration. Thought it would fix the problem, but it didn't.
SilentGTX said:
Hi guys, so I've got this tablet for free with my new contract and I want to root it to play a bit with it . Do you guys have any idea how to do it ? I haven't managed to find any tutorials on the web .
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Muravey said:
+1 on this issue.
I too have a Vonino Onyx QS tablet running on Android 4.4.2. The device is decent enough, but storage management is awful! Despite being advertised as an 8 GB tablet in terms of storage, the Onyx QS runs aground at about 900 MB of installed apps (including related data and cache) and starts yelling that there is "Insufficient storage available". This renders the tablet virtually unusable after installing just a few essential apps. Emails stop working, apps will no longer update and data-intensive apps such as Google Earth will simply refuse to run. The 32 GB external SD card I've added makes no difference. It's almost like the OS has no clue what to do with it.
I suck at Android. However, after a lot of digging for pieces of information I've come to undersand that these devices use separate partitions for the apps and other files. Some folks have also hinted towards the fact that the puny 0.9 GB app partition can be resized on a rooted device by means of a partition management app. Or apps could at least be moved to the SD card right before their installation (making use of an app such as Link2SD and, again, a rooted device).
This bring us full circle back to the OP's request: could someone please create and explain a rooting method for this tablet?
Just so you know, these are fresh screenshots of this fresh factory reset configuration. Thought it would fix the problem, but it didn't.
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try with Kingo ROOT. You do it at you'r own risk.
Successful rooting of Vonino Onyx QS tablet
Paget96 said:
try with Kingo ROOT. You do it at you'r own risk.
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Hi, Paget96! Thank you so much for the solution!
I'm writing this to let you, the OP and everybody else know that Kingo Root did it! I have succesfully rooted the tablet and the process itself was quick and merely a matter of installing the software on my PC, connecting the tablet via USB and clicking my way through.
Afterwards I installed Link2SD Plus to manage the transfer of apps from internal storage to the external SD card (32 GB in my case). The app is dirt cheap and truly what you need, because the free version does not allow you to move app data, only the app itself and its libraries. As I've come to know, data and cache build-up is what ends up killing storage space.
Before installing Link2SD however, one must prepare the SD card by means of a partitioning program. Highly recommend you do this via card reader on an actual PC. Use MiniTool Partition Wizard, it seems to be very popular these days. Delete whatever's already on the card and make two PRIMARY partitions: the first one will be FAT32 and will store the media you consume (like music, photos, videos etc.), while the second partition has to be ext4 (ext2 did not work for me on this tablet) and will hold the apps and their data. You can go ahead and name them "Media" and "Apps" respectively to avoid confusion. Remember: both must be primary partitions, the first one is FAT32 for media, the second is ext4 for apps. I made my app partition 10 GB big. Overkill, you say? Hey, I'm done with insufficient storage space errors, ok? :silly:
While you're at it, you might want to add a third partition for swap space to add more RAM to your device. There are tutorials for it on the web.
Once you're done formatting the card, reinstall it in the tablet, open up Link2SD and choose ext4 at the script mounting prompt. From there on, moving apps from internal to SD card space should be intuitive.
Prior to all this fiddling I suggest you perform a factory reset on your device so you can start clean. Can't tell you anythihg about custom ROMs or stuff like that because I didn't have a need for them. This thing works fine apart from that silly storage limitation.
Phew! I can finally enjoy using my tablet... :fingers-crossed:
Muravey said:
Hi, Paget96! Thank you so much for the solution!
I'm writing this to let you, the OP and everybody else know that Kingo Root did it! I have succesfully rooted the tablet and the process itself was quick and merely a matter of installing the software on my PC, connecting the tablet via USB and clicking my way through.
Afterwards I installed Link2SD Plus to manage the transfer of apps from internal storage to the external SD card (32 GB in my case). The app is dirt cheap and truly what you need, because the free version does not allow you to move app data, only the app itself and its libraries. As I've come to know, data and cache build-up is what ends up killing storage space.
Before installing Link2SD however, one must prepare the SD card by means of a partitioning program. Highly recommend you do this via card reader on an actual PC. Use MiniTool Partition Wizard, it seems to be very popular these days. Delete whatever's already on the card and make two PRIMARY partitions: the first one will be FAT32 and will store the media you consume (like music, photos, videos etc.), while the second partition has to be ext4 (ext2 did not work for me on this tablet) and will hold the apps and their data. You can go ahead and name them "Media" and "Apps" respectively to avoid confusion. Remember: both must be primary partitions, the first one is FAT32 for media, the second is ext4 for apps. I made my app partition 10 GB big. Overkill, you say? Hey, I'm done with insufficient storage space errors, ok? :silly:
While you're at it, you might want to add a third partition for swap space to add more RAM to your device. There are tutorials for it on the web.
Once you're done formatting the card, reinstall it in the tablet, open up Link2SD and choose ext4 at the script mounting prompt. From there on, moving apps from internal to SD card space should be intuitive.
Prior to all this fiddling I suggest you perform a factory reset on your device so you can start clean. Can't tell you anythihg about custom ROMs or stuff like that because I didn't have a need for them. This thing works fine apart from that silly storage limitation.
Phew! I can finally enjoy using my tablet... :fingers-crossed:
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10gb is too big, you will broke your sd.
Better use 512mb.
Paget96 said:
10gb is too big, you will broke your sd.
Better use 512mb.
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Could you expand on that one, please? Why am I at risk of ruining the SD card?
Muravey said:
Could you expand on that one, please? Why am I at risk of ruining the SD card?
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Brcause sd work without stop, that is not good.
SD prob
Hi, i have the same tablet ... and i managed to root it ... but i cant manage to increse the storage . l've done the exact stepts ... installed micropartition deleted my sd card (2gb micro sd samasung) i did the first partition fat32 primary with a size of 800 gb and when i try to make the second one ext4 the program says that windows cant see the second partion on a removable device but i continuued anyways ,,, and created the second one with ext2 and then with ext4 as primary ... my windows and my tablet cant see the second partion ... need a little help ... thx
I heave installed the drivers, and nothing happens. Its not connecting to my pc. I changed the pc too. I heave the error: Unfortunately, Mobile data has stopped. I tryed to repair this with recovery -- Wipe data, factory reset. Not working.

Using MicroSD card Storage

I have a Moto G6 with Android 9. My phone only has 32GB of internal storage which is basically full which is affecting the operation of the phone. I have installed a 128GB microSD of which only 14 GB is used, and have moved over the apps allowed to the card (will only let me move select apps). What else can I move the microSD to open storage on the internal memory and allow the phone to function better. Internal storage is so full many apps will not work and tell me I must update them to use but I do not have enough internal memory to update them. Help me take advantage of the ample available storage on my microSD! Thank you.
Use the SD card for critical data not apps.
All apps should be on internal memory only except for their backup files.
You may have outgrown your phone. Reduce the number of apps or files on the internal memory.
There's a limit to what you can do on a stock device.
How are you at unlocking the bootloader and flashing replacement firmware?
When you download and install apps on an Android device, they are installed in a specific slice of the internal file system. The size of that slice is is set by the device vendor in the Android image they place on the device. The size of tht slice is the amount of space you have to install apps, period. It is not user modifiable. If you run out of space your choices are normally "remove some less used apps to make room for new ones" or "Buy a new device with greater app storage and migrate everything to it."
What you probably have to do iis flash replacement firmware. This requires you to be able to unlock the boot loader, and that there be replacement firmware that does what you want. Make a complete backup of your phone before doing this sort of fiddling, so that you can reset the phone to factory defaults andr estore your backup to have a working phone if something goes wrong. (XDA Developers has lots of "please help" threads form folks who bricked their devices trying to do this sort of fiddling. Have a fallback plan.)
There should be threads here on the Moto G6 and what your options might be.

