[Q] Unlocked bootloader, flashed Philz, rooted, s-off... Now how do I update? - AT&T HTC One (M8)

Got my HTC One M8 from AT&T yesterday. Been reading these forums and all the tutorials and compilation threads have been very useful. What I've done:
Unlocked the bootloader via htc-dev
Flashed the latest Philz
Used Philz to install SuperSU for root
Achieved s-off
Used Titanium backup to freeze the "HTC DM" app and thereby disable OTA updates
Phew! After wiping the sweat from my forehead (kind of new to much of this), I find out that there have been OTA updates that add considerable functionality to the HTC One such as the Extreme Power Saving mode and a radio upgrade.
So... I'm kind of terrified, since I'd like the new features but I know that with an unlocked bootloader and S-OFF I could majorly screw myself. I've also gone to the effort of installing all my apps and configuring my settings - which took several hours to do - and I feel a bit sick at the idea that I might have to lose it all.
Is there a clear guide or tutorial out there for getting these new firmware/OTA features without losing all my work or bricking the phone? Thanks!

[Q] Unlocked bootloader, flashed Philz, rooted, s-off... Now how do I update?
Answer: You don't.
My opinion, official OTAs have no place on modded phones. You went through all the effort to enable your phone to flash custom ROMs. So the last thing you want is to install an OTA. If you want OTA, you need to go back to stock recovery. Its a big step backwards, and completely unnecessary.
The features you mentioned can all be applied without OTA. You can just flash a stock rooted version of the 1.58 ROM; or flash a custom ROM based on 1.58. Better yet, flash a custom ROM based on the (non-AT&T) "international" base as IMO they are much better than the bloated, gimped up junk AT&T gives you. In fact, Extreme Power Savings mode was available on the international ROMs a good while before the AT&T OTA started rolling out.
For a new radio, since you are S-off, just go to the radio thread, and download and flash the new radio.
This is the type of thing you did all this for (unlock the bootloader, root, S-off), is it not?
Everything mentioned above can be found on my Index thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2751432
Also, using Titanium Backup, I don't see how it could have taken "several hours" to setup the phone again. Get the paid key (which enables batch functions) if you haven't already - highly recommended if you will be flashing ROMs with any frequency. Using batch backup and restore, it should take about 5 minutes to restore you apps and app data. Then a little while longer to manually configure settings, home screens, etc. I am up and running after flashing a new ROM in 20-30 minutes. Maybe a bit longer if you have a lot of very specific settings. But we're still talking maybe an hour, tops.

Thank you for the detailed help, rep given! I'll check out the threads for the custom ROMs and follow your advice.


Used HTC Thunderbolt, Getting things set up

Okay, so I ordered a USED Thunderbolt on ebay last week and it should be here tomorrow. I'm not entirely new to rooting and such as I have a droid 2 global now, but that's motorola which seems to be fairly different from HTC. Anyway I've been reading threads and have come up with a few questions.
For instance if my phone is rooted when I get it, how can I get back to stock. I won't know how it was rooted, and some guides say it matters, while others don't. Plus many guides say not to just flash an RUU over a rooted phone, but if it replaces the bootloader, radio, and system, why not. Isn't that basically like an SBF on a motorola phone? Can I then also do a data wipe from the hboot bootloader thing on my phone and end up with a perfect stock device without any risk? From what I understand some roots block this entirely on the phone though so maybe I can't. I'm not really sure how to know what is safe to do on a phone that I didn't previously own and would love a guide to how to check these things and what to do so I don't brick the phone.
Also I can't seem to find a functional link to any of the latest radios, does anyone have a working link, and do people recommend the leaked radio from the most recent leaked build, or an official radio? and if so what radio is official? the one ending in 906 seems to be the most recent that I think is official but I'm not sure, though I am almost certain the 916 one isn't official, it appears to have been released in january on rootzwiki, while the most recent leaked build was less than a week ago from what I understand, but I don't know if it has a new radio or not.
Aside from that I think I've got it all down. figure out how to get phone to most recent stock OTA update. get 4g lte sim card, activate, root using this method.
then if I don't have the most recent radio I can flash it in the hboot thing, and can use cwm to flash any rom I want and a recommended kernel (I'm thinking thundershed 1.5 for starters though wouldn't mind some recommendations. I love Cyanogenmod)
Does this sound about right?
Also I'm not sure how hboot on htc phones works aside from booting on power+vol down button, but does the hboot allow for clearing data and cache as well as flashing things? On my droid 2 global there is a bootloader than can only be used to flash sbf files to get back to stock ota, and then there is a motorola stock recovery on the phone that is used for flashing updated ota updates that are signed or wiping data/cache. Are these the same on htc or are there a 2 different ones on that phone as well? I do understand that no PC is required for the htc as the tool to flash an ruu is built into the phone even if it is an older one than what the phone is currently on right?

[Q] Make a backup of brand new m8

I just bought a new at&t HTC One (M8) and I'd like to have a fresh stock backup in case of return/warranty problems. I'd like to make this myself so I can ensure that I'll be able to put the exact software that came with my phone back if need be. Also I'd just like to know how to do this in general. What I've found via search has been for rooted phones or different brands. Is it possible to use ADB or any other tool to do this? I guess I'm confused because I see posts for flashing back to stock. How do devs get these stock roms? If someone could point me to a good guide/tutorial it would be much appreciated.
Not without a rooted device or an unsecure [email protected] backup...there is an ruu posted for the 1.58.502.1, thats as close to being a backup without altering the phone in anyway
As long as you are a current account holder, AT&T does not give a crap what software is on your phone, bootloader unlocked, even a custom ROM installed in regards to warranty service based on many reports on XDA.
If you are still wondering about returning to stock, as mentioned in the above, your version (AT&T) if fortunate enough to have a 1.58 RUU. The ROM Update Utility is a useful means of installing a full stock image (ROM, radio, recovery, etc.) via connection to a PC.
But it can still be determined the bootloader is unlocked, no matter what you do to the phone to return it to stock. Your IMEI is tracked by HTCDev.com when you unlock the bootloader. But again, as long as you go through AT&T for warranty service (highly recommended for this reason) they don't care if the phone is modded.
I believe the stock ROMs you mention are system dumps done after bootloader unlock.

[Q] Basic questions on Order of Operations; Initial Backup, Root, Recovery.

Hello. Thanks in advance for your time and advice.
I've got a brand new HTC One M8, AT&T, firmware says 4.4.2 with no available updates.
I want to create an initial backup. I'm a computer technician, and just dabbling in Android, and it's important for me to make a "clone" of my phone before I proceed to wreck things. (This is a replacement phone, the last one had a hardware issue... I swear... I managed to install ViperOne onto it, for a week before the screen faded to white and died.)
I assume I'll need root access to make a proper backup. I also assume I should use Nandroid. I've not used the app before, but I'm sure I can figure it out. As far as root goes, I previously used Hasoon2000's HTC One 2014 (M8) All-In-One Toolkit, which worked well, as far as I could tell. (It's a visual basic program with scripts to download drivers, register at htcdev, get token id, submit it, unlock bootloader, flash recovery, and lots of nice ADB commands. Is this a good option to use? I hear many people use S-Off, but I don't really see a need... ?
So, I assume I'll need a new token ID from HTC, as the previous one I got corresponds to the old, malfunctioning phone.
After it's unlocked, I'd use the toolkit to grant perm root. That would be a great place to be for now. I plan to wait until the 4.4.4 update is pushed, then worry about installing a new rom.
Am I on the right track?
For the AT&T version (and most the major US carrier versions) we are lucky enough to have RUUs. So really, no need to backup the stock configuration. If you like, grab the RUUs and save them to your computer so you have them ready if and when it is needed.
Nandroid isn't a specific app, its just a generic term for a backup made with recovery. The custom recovery is your choice: TWRP, Clockworkmod, Philz.
Just a personal opinion, I would actually strongly recommend against using the toolkit for a couple reasons: most importantly using the toolkit robs you of an important learning opportunity. Doing the steps "manually" is a key way to learning your way around fastboot/adb. Doing the steps manually isn't that hard, and shortcutting the process with the toolkit really doesn't gain you much. Another key issue, is the toolkit introduces an additional point of failure. In fact, I've seen folks have trouble doing some of the steps with the toolkit; where doing the steps "manually" worked without a hitch. And the toolkit hasn't been updated for a long time, and will install an obsolete version of TWRP recovery, which in itself can cause issues.
If you used the toolkit before, you can certainly use it again. This is likely the path of "least" resistance, the the "easy" way to do things. But I wouldn't necessarily call it the "best" way to do it. If you don't already know your way around adb, I would do the steps manually. Since you have a background in computers, you will probably even find the manual process more enjoyable.
Yes, you would need to unlock the bootloader again via HTCDev.com, as the unlock bin code in based on the phone's unique IMEI.
The process would be as simple as unlocking the bootloader using HTCDev.com (very easy, the website is self-explanatory). Use fastboot to install custom recovery. Then to gain root, just flash SU or SuperSU in recovery. If you need a step-by-step guide, there is an excellent one here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2799796
But also be aware that once the 4.4.4 OTA rolls out, you will need to return to stock recovery, and also restore any system files modifed by root, in order to install the OTA.
Thanks, redpoint73
Exactly the answer I was looking for. The guide looks great. Looks like there's a lot of useful information about reverting to stock, too. I guess I'll have a go at it now, as opposed to waiting for the update. Like you say, it's good to know things. Thanks much.
Now I'm only asking cause I don't know everything. Couldn't those who have S-off just RUU the update once available instead of reverting to complete stock state(no root,no custom recovery, locked Bootlaoder)?
jball said:
Now I'm only asking cause I don't know everything. Couldn't those who have S-off just RUU the update once available instead of reverting to complete stock state(no root,no custom recovery, locked Bootlaoder)?
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Absolutely. In fact S-off is not even required to run an RUU intended for your version (AT&T). If s-on, the added step of relocking the bootloader is all that is needed to run the RUU.
HTC seems to have gotten better about releasing the RUUs promptly. In fact, the previous (ill fated) 4.4.3 update saw the RUU and OTA roll out on the same day. Although this hasn't always been the case. On past devices, the RUUs were not released for weeks (sometimes longer) after the OTA started to roll out. And many folks don't want to wait that long.
Also, relocking the bootloader is not required to OTA, only to RUU.

[Q] 3.23.401.1 Restore to stock

Been reading a lot about returning to stock and I'm still not 100% sure exactly how to manage it.
I have an international One Max on FW 3.23.401.1. Paid to S-Off with sunshine, installed TWRP and the first thing I did was do a nandroid backup of the stock firmware.
I've tried loads of ROMs but all of them have thier problems (weird clicking when notifications come in, camera crashes, no video HW acceleration etc.) So i've ended up back where I started and I'm quite happy with how HTC have skinned the phone.
As far as I can tell to get back to stock I need to flash stock recovery, re-lock the bootloader then install RUU.
There doesnt seem to be an RUU for my version?
Having a look around the other option seems to be:
Restore stock nandroid
Flash stock bootloader
Do the SU re-lock bootloader commands?
But if i do this i end up with stock everything apart from the fact its rooted (and still S-Off). In this state would OTA updates etc. still work when lollipop appears? I thought modifying the stock fw with su binaries was enough to break OTA?
Is anybody able to help me nabigate back to out-of-the-box state or am I just going to have to update manually in the future (flashing new radio etc.)
Feel like im rambling now lol

[Q] rezound OTA over usb help wanted

I have a Rezound that is not active. It just gets used around the house on wifi for checking email, facebook, and to control the wifi thermostat. I would like to get the latest OTA but cannot do it from the phone as it does not have an active sim. I don't really want to root the phone. I did the PH98IMG zip method to get 4.03.605.2 but it seams a little slow and it is my understanding that there is a new version of 4.05 or perhaps newer OTA... Does anyone have a link to a zip of the OTA that I can download?
Thanks for the help!
happyharvick said:
I have a Rezound that is not active. It just gets used around the house on wifi for checking email, facebook, and to control the wifi thermostat. I would like to get the latest OTA but cannot do it from the phone as it does not have an active sim. I don't really want to root the phone. I did the PH98IMG zip method to get 4.03.605.2 but it seams a little slow and it is my understanding that there is a new version of 4.05 or perhaps newer OTA... Does anyone have a link to a zip of the OTA that I can download?
Thanks for the help!
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Well, your in a bad spot actually... 4.3.605.2 does not have an upgrade path at all, there is no OTA from it, or to it for that matter... it was an unofficial leaked firmware that is not supported in the standard software streams. Even if it was active on Verizon, it would never see an upgrade... ever.
You have 3 choices here:
1) S-OFF the device and get back to an official software build and manually OTA up (See the instructions for Full Downgrade/Upgrade here)
2) Assuming you are already Hboot unlocked, flash a custom ROM or a stock-ish ROM, there is a pre-rooted 4.5.605.14 ROM in the dev section
3) Stick with what you got, to be honest the ROM you have is pretty stable.
acejavelin said:
Well, your in a bad spot actually... 4.3.605.2 does not have an upgrade path at all, there is no OTA from it, or to it for that matter... it was an unofficial leaked firmware that is not supported in the standard software streams. Even if it was active on Verizon, it would never see an upgrade... ever.
You have 3 choices here:
1) S-OFF the device and get back to an official software build and manually OTA up (See the instructions for Full Downgrade/Upgrade here)
2) Assuming you are already Hboot unlocked, flash a custom ROM or a stock-ish ROM, there is a pre-rooted 4.5.605.14 ROM in the dev section
3) Stick with what you got, to be honest the ROM you have is pretty stable.
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Thanks for taking the time to reply but I am not sure what you are referring to by "s-off" or hboot unlocked"
Can you point me in the right direction to learn a little more?
Hboot unlock is a process which is done via htcdev.com, it unlocks the phone to allow custom ROMs and recovery... Go to their site for more details or check out any of several YouTube videos.
S-Off is a means of turning off all security checks in the device, such as flashing an older RUU to downgrade. It is accomplished after Hboot unlock with a tool like RumRunner, check out rumrunner.us for more info.
If you are completely unfamiliar with unlocking, rooting, romming, or that kind of stuff, Google can be your friend here to learn the ins and outs, plus the sticky threads in the Rezound sections here.

