Hi guys, I am new around here and i am facing a huge problem....
I installed a rom and bricked my phone, then I used the ODIN and installed the stock firmware version (S5660MUGKG3_S5660MBMCKG3_BMC) and the phone started to work normally.
Then after a while I turned off my phone and when I turned it on again it appear the request for the network activation code... Since then I cannot connect to any available network (I dont know if it matters but i am travelling around europe and the phone worked fine in Netherlands and Belgium but crashed when I turned off in France - my country of origin is Portugal). Any suggestion? As you notice the phone its a Samsung Galaxy Gio and the IMEI is 351825052722464.
I read something about trying to take the code with a HEX program (XVI32) but I cannot find the code between all the numbers... I will post the zip file in the attachments (I retrivied it via terminal emulator in flight mode wihout any sim card in the phone)
I needed help please.. Thank you in advance
I'm new to both this forum and android, just switched from iphone and already running into the same dead end that I was trying to avoid. Hope to get some suggestions on solutions before trying sell it off again...
I bought a second hand SGSII which is from the UK (T-mobile), and with the help of my brother who has a SGSII and have been on android for a while, I debranded/rooted changed ROM, Kernel and Modem firmware. Before doing this I noted that it did not work with the network I am on but it did with another (both Swedish). After rooting etc I tried again, still does not work (I've tried several sims from my provider, none of them work, still only the other provider). I tried using the Sim Unlock app on Market but it is of no use: It DOES NOT ASK for a sim unlock code on start up. In fact, the unlock app worked and gave me such a code but I cannot use it. Also, I tried plugging in the code using a few of the call codes but it was of no use. And when I put *#SIMLOCK# into the phone dialer everything says 'off'.
Does anyone have any idea of what to do? I cannot go back to Samsung as I do not have a receipt. I hate to think that I have to end my use of Android before it ever started but I have searched my problem for days on end and neither me nor my brother can think of anything.
Any help most appreciated!
Cheers Matt
Android version: 2.3.4
Baseband: I9100NEKF2
Kernel: ninpo at titan #20
Network not working: Telia (Sweden)
Network working: Comviq (Sweden)
I am confused did you buy an unlocked phone . If not did you get it unlocked .
JJEgan - sorry if I was unclear. I do not actually know for sure, but as I have never seen the screen on startup where it asks for the unlock code I suspect that it must have been. It now - same as it has been for as long as I have had it - works only with one network which has nothing to do with T-mobile (on which is was originally).
I only know of one way of unlocking, i.e. the unlock app on Market. If there are others I would be very interested!
Phone may require you to enter the networks APN settings manually .
You may not have the correct CSC file for your network for automatic connection ,
Hi - been busy the last few days and unable to try getting the phone to work. I cannot enter the APN settings (which should only have to do with internet?) as I cannot connect to any network in the list - I get "unable to select network". I've tried multiple official firmwares with both only NEE (Nordic) CSC and multi-CSC (where I chose NEE) and none work. Any other ideas?
hi guys first time here, i have galaxy s2 i9100 says claro when booting, not sure which country, it has spanish and portugues in the languages ., when i do the test for network lock, all four values say off, when i put my simple mobile Sim card , i swap the screen after starting it says network locked, and a figure of padlock, and a button of dismiss, nothing else no place or option to put unlock code, i press dismiss, and back to use all functions of the phone , but no phone service or network, i realized when i put the simple mobile card it addS gsm on the network options and it gives me t mobile and at&t as options when click any of them it fails to register to any, i gave it to my expert friend , he told me it is hardware locked for too many attempt to unlock it, and he will do software unlock , after three days he told me no way it is permanently locked no way to do it at all?? the phone runs android 2.3.4 model gt-i9100, baseband version i9100uhkg4, kernel version [email protected] #2, BUILD NUMBER GINGERBREAD.UHKG7, MY FRIEND TOLD ME IT CAN ONLY WORK ON ORANGE CARRIER WHICH WE HAVE NONE IN US, I EVEN OBTAINED UNLOCK CODE FOR IT BUT NO PLACE OR OPTION TO PUT THAT CODE, PLEASE HELP THANK YOU
You flashed a branded ROM, Claro is a mexican mobile network.
Why don't you go ahead and flash an unbranded ROM?
either way, you're gonna have to deal with the sim lock.
if you have a code, just insert a diffrent carrier on you device and the code screen will pop up when android starts.
here's a few threads that could help you with that matter:
PS: Read before you do anything!
I have a problem with my i9100G
I bought the phone and it was network blocked
When i insert simcard i have a zone in the phone, but i can't call or texting, because instead operator name I have text like Emergency calls only, and then my phone boots up, it does not ask for any unlock code
Phone has 4.1.2 Stock firmware with root
What i did:
1. I tried Galaxy S2 SIM Unlock and unlock code was not found
2. I tried GalaxSim Unlock and it show me that my sim status is unlocked and i have not option to unlock it
3. I tried SamsungUnlocker v1.4, copied nvdata.bin file from my phone to my pc, but failed because of my videocard unsupport(lol...), when I choose second option and pathced my nvdata.bin, moved to my phone back, deleted nvdata.bin.md5(or something like this) and restarted, but no luck, all the same
4. I flashed other modem, but no luck again
If need some screenshots, i will upload later
So I have no more ideas, how to unlock this crappy phone
I hope you help me guys
P.S. Sorry for my bad english, I hope you understood what i meant
Hi, guys! Before a short time I have bought a Galaxy S3 smartphone (it was brought from USA I think) and it was already rooted. I decided to install Cyanogenmod 10.2.0 (by CWM) on it. After installation my SIM became to be undetectable. So I thought the problem was in modem. I've read about it and I learnt that the stock modem couldn't work with my Cyanogenmod. I tried to find the correct one, but I couldn't. I have found just one modem for my android version (4.3.1) and country (Turkey), it is - I9300XXUGNA8. It can see my SIM but couldn't connect to my cell-operator and I have just emergency calls. Also in information about my phone I can see my IMEI, but I couldn't see my phone number.
Please, help me to find correct modem compatible with android 4.3.1 for Turkey.
P.S. When phone have just started it asked the PIN of SIM maybe 30 times in a row. All times I enter it correctly but it says "SIM is unlocking" only for 1 sec. and asking a PIN again. After 100500 try it gives the same message for 5 sec. and soon throws me to main screen. But with no connection to cell-operator. Just emergency calls.
Help me, please.
Hello people,
I recently bought a galaxy alpha 850F however I realized that half of the service mode options are not enabled
While entering the service mode by pressing *#0011# then back then Q0 I see:
No option to enable AMR-WB
No option for LTE settings ( error message : menu doesn't exist)
No option for VoLTE settings
Any idea how to fix that?
Why options are not available for alpha while on S5 or Note 4 ?
Hello ;
I bought a Samsung Alpha from Dubai; I live in Mauritius I get a problem with the phone.
I bring the phone to a company Samsung in Mauritius they check the phone they asked me the problem IMEI has gone I c'ant use the phone to make a call even I c'ant have wifi connection even internet.
When I composed a number they asked it's not registered in network same as wifi.
The phone everything good that's only problem I got What you suggest the guy in who work in Samsung
asked me we must bring it in Dubai but I c'ant go to Dubai now to fix a problem because the phone code is Dubai code. Please if you can help me to fix this problem because I like to use Samsung phone.Everybody at my place use Samsung but I get this problem only with my Alpha.
I will very appreciate if you can help me for this problem.
Waiting for your Answer.
Kind Regards;
Solution found!
Figured out the solution to this!
Root phone
install Phone Info*SAMSUNG* by a Vietnamese developer
go to secret codes
choose 2263
then choose your bands, also other options available in secret codes, use at your own risk!!!
Ask if you need more info.